Barack Obama's Brother,living in Kenyan Slum shantytown Shack on 50 cents a day!

Well, if that's the case then I don't want to hear any more of Obama's self righteous bloviating about America's greatest moral failure being


"Abiding by that scripure in Matthew,what you do for the least of my brothers you do for me...relating to poverty etc".

Either practice what you preach or STFU!! What a jackass!
ah, i didnt know he had used that scripture, that changes everything

and proves he is naive
I saw a report this mourning on CNN, that stated Barack Obama's Half Brother is living
on 50. cents a day, in a Kenyan Slum Shanty town in a Tin Shack.! And this man wants to be President of the United States?! Please Mr. Obama look after your Brother in Kenya first before you run for the office of the President of the United States!.

How deperate these kinds of posts are.

A Black man is going to be POTUS.

Cope, skinhead.
Well, if that's the case then I don't want to hear any more of Obama's self righteous bloviating about America's greatest moral failure being


"Abiding by that scripure in Matthew,what you do for the least of my brothers you do for me...relating to poverty etc".

Either practice what you preach or STFU!! What a jackass!

do you expect obama to financially support everyone because he is encouraging others to support the needy?
do you expect obama to financially support everyone because he is encouraging others to support the needy?

You got it wrong... he is not "encouraging"... he is trying to ensure the government has the absolute control to FORCE redistribution to give entitlements to the so-called "needy"
You got it wrong... he is not "encouraging"... he is trying to ensure the government has the absolute control to FORCE redistribution to give entitlements to the so-called "needy"

the govt already does that. it isnt something new that obama wants to implement
the govt already does that. it isnt something new that obama wants to implement

he just wants MORE of it....
whereas conservatives and people who generally work and earn their way want less, or the elimination of it
do you expect obama to financially support everyone because he is encouraging others to support the needy?

Not EVERYONE but his starving brother would be nice.

I'm sick of his self righteous hypocrital fakery. Mr holy one is offended by the mere sight of homeless people (apparently so are his minions). BUT the rest of us hard working ungrateful bastards better pony up. Yeah right asshole...what a tool!
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Denver's homeless get free haircuts to look good for Obama and his Democrats | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times[/url]


Last month The Ticket wrote that officials in Denver, worried about the impression that 50,000 visitors to the Democratic National Convention would get next week, were planning to hide the estimated 4,000 homeless people who hang around the city's downtown area.

They arranged for free movie passes and bingo games to get them off the street, as well as temporary housing and free tickets to the zoo and Museum of Nature and Science.


as Sen. Barack Obama prepares to announce his vice presidential running mate pick, that Denver is even spiffing up the coiffures of its homeless. They're giving free haircuts to the homeless this week in preparation for the visiting crowds who'll arrive this weekend.

No, really.

It's so cute how you equate "officials in Denver" with the Obama campaign. Nowhere in that entire BLOG did I read it anything that indicated the Obama people were paying for these homeless people to be cleaned up or shipped out.

Perhaps it was the City of Denver who realized that nationawide images of their city would be broadcast and rather than have people sleeping and pissing on the streets they did something. it's too bad that they won't keep up the help once the convention leaves but that is how big cities work.

As for Obama taking care of his brother in Kenya, I wonder, do you feel the same way about Cindy McCain taking care of her half-sister? The one born to her father from his first marriage, the marriage he left after cheating on his then wife and six year old daughter with Cindy's mother! Cindy claims she's an only child but the truth has come out and she certainly doesn't have the excuse that she didn't know her father therefore didn't know she had this sister.

Some of you say the Republican ideal is to do for yourself, work for what you want, achieve your dreams through hardwork and persaverance, yet in the same breath you call Obama and his wife elitiest even though they started life poor and worked their way through college on loans and part-time jobs and they achieved the wealth they now enjoy through their OWN hard work, not by marrying a beer heiress.
Not EVERYONE but his starving brother would be nice.

I'm sick of his self righteous hypocrital fakery. Mr holy one is offended by the mere sight of homeless people (apparently so are his minions). BUT the rest of us hard working ungrateful bastards better pony up. Yeah right asshole...what a tool!

starving? did the article say he was starving? i must have missed that.

he is living the same as half of the population in that country. and you can get by on only 50 cents. did you know there is a huge market there where you can get clothes for dirt cheap? i bought some stuff myself. in fact, before moving back to the states from kenya i tried trading my older clothes for carvings, sculptures, etc, and realized it wasnt worth it. the best deal i got was a carving of a rhino worth about 250 schillings for a pair of jeans (less than $3).

and remember, obama really doesnt know this man. didnt meet him until a few years ago.
Not EVERYONE but his starving brother would be nice.

I'm sick of his self righteous hypocrital fakery. Mr holy one is offended by the mere sight of homeless people (apparently so are his minions). BUT the rest of us hard working ungrateful bastards better pony up. Yeah right asshole...what a tool!

If you're so worried about the damned brother, why don't YOU send him the money you insist Obama send him?

Oh, wait. You're not actually worried about the brother; you're more concerned with telling someone ELSE what to do.
If you're so worried about the damned brother, why don't YOU send him the money you insist Obama send him?

Oh, wait. You're not actually worried about the brother; you're more concerned with telling someone ELSE what to do.

Just like Obama...pass the buck to someone else. I thought you bleading hearts cared about poverty stricken peeps. Just lip service obviously.
Just like Obama...pass the buck to someone else. I thought you bleading hearts cared about poverty stricken peeps. Just lip service obviously.

LMFAO! You're an idiot. The LAST thing I, personally, can be likened to is a "bleeding heart" anything. Obama's brother can get off his ass and change his life if he's so disgusted with it. Tho, you seem to be more upset about it than him..

Why don't YOU put your rmoney where your fucking mouth is again?
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It's so cute how you equate "officials in Denver" with the Obama campaign. Nowhere in that entire BLOG did I read it anything that indicated the Obama people were paying for these homeless people to be cleaned up or shipped out.

Perhaps it was the City of Denver who realized that nationawide images of their city would be broadcast and rather than have people sleeping and pissing on the streets they did something. it's too bad that they won't keep up the help once the convention leaves but that is how big cities work.

As for Obama taking care of his brother in Kenya, I wonder, do you feel the same way about Cindy McCain taking care of her half-sister? The one born to her father from his first marriage, the marriage he left after cheating on his then wife and six year old daughter with Cindy's mother! Cindy claims she's an only child but the truth has come out and she certainly doesn't have the excuse that she didn't know her father therefore didn't know she had this sister.

Some of you say the Republican ideal is to do for yourself, work for what you want, achieve your dreams through hardwork and persaverance, yet in the same breath you call Obama and his wife elitiest even though they started life poor and worked their way through college on loans and part-time jobs and they achieved the wealth they now enjoy through their OWN hard work, not by marrying a beer heiress.

Colorado is run by a Democrat.

Cindy McCain adopted a starving child from a third world country and gave her a better life. She also takes care of a elderly aunt. That's two she's up on Obama for. Then there is this:

Cindy founded and ran the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988 to 1995. AVMT provided emergency medical and surgical care to impoverished children throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of those missions to Mother Teresa's orphanage, Cindy was convinced to take two babies in need of medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their adopted daughter, 16-year-old Bridget McCain.

In recent years, three organizations in particular have been the subject of her international focus: HALO, Operation Smile, and CARE.

As a member of the Board of Trustees for the HALO Trust, a non-profit organization dedicated to landmine removal and weapons destruction in war-torn countries, Cindy has traveled to numerous countries to see firsthand the impact HALO has had by removing landmines. She recently returned from her second visit to Cambodia. She has also traveled to Sri Lanka, Mozambique, and Angola.

Cindy also serves on the Board of Directors for Operation Smile, a non-profit organization whose mission is to repair cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities for children around the world. Since 1982, Operation Smile has provided free reconstructive surgery to more than 100,000 children and young adults in 25 countries. Cindy has assisted on volunteer missions to Morocco, India, and Vietnam. She is scheduled to return to Vietnam on another mission during the summer of 2008.

Plus, she doesn't go around shooting her mouth off about how I'm expected to volunteer my services because Barak SAYS so Like Michelle does. Talk about egomaniacs.

Did I say I was a Republican.....assume much?
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starving? did the article say he was starving? i must have missed that.

he is living the same as half of the population in that country. and you can get by on only 50 cents. did you know there is a huge market there where you can get clothes for dirt cheap? i bought some stuff myself. in fact, before moving back to the states from kenya i tried trading my older clothes for carvings, sculptures, etc, and realized it wasnt worth it. the best deal i got was a carving of a rhino worth about 250 schillings for a pair of jeans (less than $3).

and remember, obama really doesnt know this man. didnt meet him until a few years ago.

Uh yeah they live so "fine" in those falling down shacks and off .50 cents a month. :lol:
Is it really any of your business what Obama does with his own money, or what his relationship is with his brother?

For all you know, they've never even met. Or they met and his brother molested him. Or stole from him. Or told him he never wanted to see him.

Judgmental twit.
And I don't even like Obama, though I have to admit, it's sort of funny that somebody who thinks he should be telling other people how to spend their money is having an issue with this...

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