Barbaric Islam Practices Against Women Gaining Foothold on Our Soil

Castration would make the victim infertile. That's where eunuchs come from.
What they do to women has the same effect as castration in that it eliminates sexual desire. Helps to keep those women in line. Obviously, women are a bit more complicated when it comes to making them sterile. Their only purpose in life is to serve the men, have their babies and submit to sex whenever the man wants it. If they fail at any of those, it's time for a beating. If they do other things to get out of line, like failing to cover their shameful bodies, talk with men who are not relatives or go as far as to have an affair, that is cause for severe beatings or getting stoned to death.

While horrible things happen in many countries, like honor killings, slaughtering Christians and tossing gays off roof tops, we at least treat them as crimes here rather than customs. In some Muslim countries, people watch as women get stoned to death and they accept it as the norm. When they come here, it must seem strange that it's against the law to do that. They need to be educated a lot more before they are allowed to come. We have enough scumbags without importing more.

The current system does not determine if people are a risk to their own people or others. That really should change.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.


wrong again-----muslims brought FGM to Pakistan and Indonesia too----placed
in which the practice had been----before islam got there----unknown
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based
domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

"In the Almaleki case, I learned very quickly that we would receive no assistance from the family," Boughey reportedly said. "In fact, we received out-and-out defiance and resistance. Although we know they are involved, it can be very hard to prove in a court of law."

Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

"Honor violence has been largely misclassified by law enforcement, by no fault of their own," he explained. "They simply didn’t know the signs and symptoms of honor-related violence. They do not have the training on how to effectively identify and investigate these cases."

Political correctness and fear of accusations of discrimination also prevent these women from being protected, according to Detective Boughey.

"Some agencies won’t intervene even after these young women have come forward," he said. "I am not quite sure when we as a country decided that it was more important to be politically correct than doing the right thing."

What's fascinating is if you go to the source article, it tells a different story:

Honor killing in America: DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats

....“Honor Violence Measurement Methods,” a study released earlier this year by research corporation Westat, and commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, identified four types of honor violence: forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing and female genital mutilation. The report, which estimated that 23-27 honor killings per year occur in the U.S., noted that 91 percent of victims in North America are murdered for being “too Westernized,” and in incidents involving daughters 18 years or younger, a father is almost always involved.

Honor killing in America: DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats

So far from political correctness preventing the issue from being discussed, its the DOJ itself that is commissioning research and studies into the issue.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based domestic violence and honor killing. Political correctness prevents the mainstream media from focusing on this. So, it rarely gets talked about yet many women and girls continue to suffer.

Those are not "Islamic". They're not even connected to religion. Those are cultural artifacts, which exist in some places, died out in other places, and never existed at all in still other places, all of which may or may not be co-incident with Islam. And where they do exist they have nothing to do with the religions that exist in the same areas.

Case in point:
Stephanie Baric is the executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman’s rights activist and survivor of female genital mutilation. She says unless authorities identify and address honor killings, they will only increase as immigrants from Middle Eastern and South Asian countries come to America. Boughey says it’s important to recognize these crimes for what they are.

You know "South Asia" means "India", right? Probably more "honor killings" than any other country. Tell us, what do Hinduism and Sikhism have to do with Islam?

The same thing they have to do with "honor killing" --- which is nothing. These primitive practices are older than ANY of those religions.

And we've done this over and over and over and over and over. Yet here come the mythologists with the same old song and dance, expecting different results.

Perhaps while we're at it we should also note the KKK was not founded by a political party, Hitler was not a "leftist", the moon landing was not staged in New Mexico, Paul McCartney didn't die, Andy Kaufmann did, and so did Elvis; Captain Kirk never said "beam me up Scotty", and the moon is not made of green cheese.

Point is that when these things happen, we need to throw the idiotic political correctness out the window and start issuing some warnings that we do not allow this nor see it as acceptable.

Islam does treat women as they as lesser people than men. Whether you want to say it's the religious aspect or just the custom of most, it's happening every day. It tends to get ignored by the media because they know that the truth might not bode well for them.

Exposing the truth has nothing to do with the myth of 'political correctness,' it's not being 'politically correct' to identify and condemn the ignorance and hate that foments bigotry toward Muslims and Islam – 'Islam' doesn't 'treat' women one way or the other, women are victims of ignorance and stupidity, the same ignorance and stupidity the thread premise attempts to advance.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.


wrong again-----muslims brought FGM to Pakistan and Indonesia too----placed
in which the practice had been----before islam got there----unknown

No, they did not. It predates Islam; it predates Christianism; it predates Judaism; it even predates you and me. :eek:

And it certainly predates your history of linking anything, which AFAIK has never happened anywhere, ever.
This talk may help elucidate what genital cutting is all about, what its derivations are and what its purposes are. From a symposium on "Genital Autonomy" in Köln -- most of the talks loaded to YouTube are in German but this one's in English:

Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.


wrong again-----muslims brought FGM to Pakistan and Indonesia too----placed
in which the practice had been----before islam got there----unknown

No, they did not. It predates Islam; it predates Christianism; it predates Judaism; it even predates you and me. :eek:

And it certainly predates your history of linking anything, which AFAIK has never happened anywhere, ever.

male circumcision predates Judaism and Christianity and islam too------today it
is part and parcel of both jewish and Islamic religious practice. Avoidance of
eating PIG-----is jewish custom------so obviously----from YOUR POV it has nothing
to do with Islamic religious practice When did you become this STUPID?
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.
Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

India and Pakistan would seem to be the same colour there, Amerigo Vespucci, so this fails as Argumentum ad I-don't-know-how-to-read-a-mapium. And if this were a map of HBV (I couldn't find one) those two would be the same colour again, in the opposite direction, as they have more HBV than any other countries in the world -- yet they're dominated by different religions. So what DO they have in common? Geographically historical culture.

>> The cultural features which lead to honor killings are complex. Honor killings involve violence and fear as a tool of maintaining control. Honor killings are argued to have their origin among nomadic peoples and herdsmen: such populations carry all their valuables with them and risk having them stolen, and do not have proper recourse to law. As a result, inspiring fear, using aggression, and cultivating a reputation for violent revenge in order to protect property is preferred to other behaviors. In societies where there is a weak rule of law, people must build fierce reputations.[22]

In many cultures where honor is of central value, men are sources, or active generators /agents of that honor, while the only effect that women can have on honor is to destroy it.[22] Once the honor is destroyed by the woman, there is a need for immediate revenge to restore it, in order for the family to avoid losing face in the community. As Amnesty International statement notes:

The regime of honour is unforgiving: women on whom suspicion has fallen are not given an opportunity to defend themselves, and family members have no socially acceptable alternative but to remove the stain on their honour by attacking the woman.[23]

The relation between social views on female sexuality and honor killings is complex. The way through which women in honor based societies bring dishonor to men is often through their sexual behavior. Indeed, violence related to female sexual expression has been documented since Ancient Rome, when the pater familias had the right to kill an unmarried sexually active daughter or an adulterous wife. In medieval Europe, early Jewish law mandated stoning for an adulterous wife and her partner.[22] Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, an anthropology professor at Rhode Island College, writes that an act, or even alleged act, of any female sexual misconduct, upsets the moral order of the culture, and bloodshed is the only way to remove any shame brought by the actions and restore social equilibrium.[24] However, the relation between honor and female sexuality is a complicated one, and some authors argue that it is not women's sexuality per se that is the 'problem', but rather women's self-determination in regard to it, as well as fertility. Sharif Kanaana, professor of anthropology at Birzeit University, says that honor killing is:

A complicated issue that cuts deep into the history of Arab society. .. What the men of the family, clan, or tribe seek control of in a patrilineal society is reproductive power. Women for the tribe were considered a factory for making men. The honour killing is not a means to control sexual power or behavior. What's behind it is the issue of fertility, or reproductive power.[25] -- Wiki​

Meanwhile, if this (FGM on the map) is supposed to be an "Islam" thing.... how can it be heavier in Africa than in ... Saudi Arabia? Including Christian countries in Africa? What's with Turkey, being at the same level as, say, Norway? And Syria? Is Syria not part of the "Middle East"? How do you explain Algeria? Morocco?

I can shoot holes in this all day.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It has no function in Islam. It has no function in any religion. As I've told you about 375 times --- it is not a religious rite. It's a social one.
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Female circumcision is illegal in the US .

But male circumcision is not. Because that's legal because of Judeua Christian "shiara" law .

You have no idea what the difference is, do you, Timmy? You might want to do some research and then you'd know that it's not circumcision with girls, it's outright mutilation that will mess them up for the rest of their lives. What they do to women would be equal to castration for men.

Yeah female circumcision is much worse . Does that somehow make male circumcision ok??
And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.

wrong again Coyote-----it is done in primitive African societies-----was never adopted as something "Christian" but is advocated by some MUSLIM SCHOLARS for muslim girls------the overwhelming majority of FGM 's even in Africa today are done for ALLAH. Try to cope with reality
And strange as it may seem now, FGM was done here and in Europe, by regular doctors, for stuff like "excessive masturbation" and "nymphomania". It's the same root cause here, Middle East, Asia, wherever --- patriarchy scared shitless of the power women have to create life, coming up with ever more bizarre and brutal ways to keep women "in their place".

Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.

For the record----both COYOTE and POGO insist that the proportion of girls "circumcised" amongst Christian, Jewish and Hindu girls who grew up anywhere
in africe is the SAME as that for muslim girls who grew up in any part of Africa. Ignore all stats----medical journal are controlled by the ZIONISTS
Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.

For the record----both COYOTE and POGO insist that the proportion of girls "circumcised" amongst Christian, Jewish and Hindu girls who grew up anywhere
in africe is the SAME as that for muslim girls who grew up in any part of Africa. Ignore all stats----medical journal are controlled by the ZIONISTS

You are putting your words in people's mouths.
There is an increase in honor violence: forced marriage, female genital mutilation, honor-based
domestic violence and honor killing.

Logically applying the conservatives' 'Kim Davis' argument,

those practices are protected by the 1st Amendment.

go back to bed-----you are delerious

Those are religious practices. According to conservatives, the 1st Amendment protects the free exercise of religion,

whether or not it violates someone else's civil rights. Kim Davis's case is the perfect example.

Therefore, logically, these same conservatives should be defending the above exercises of religion.

Or, conservatives should admit they were wrong about such as the Davis case.
Pogo lied again----the use of clitorectomy for excessive masturbation was
VERY VERY rare in the practice of Medicine in Europe It almost universal
amongst the BILLION muslims on the planet

No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.

wrong again Coyote-----it is done in primitive African societies-----was never adopted as something "Christian" but is advocated by some MUSLIM SCHOLARS for muslim girls------the overwhelming majority of FGM 's even in Africa today are done for ALLAH. Try to cope with reality

FGM has no relationship to "Allah". Or any other deity. Anywhere.

You continue to be stuck in the mud of seeing a correlation and assuming a causation where none exists. It's as if you came from another planet, looked around and saw this weird thing called a baseball field. You see it all over North America, and you see it in Central America, and you conclude "baseball must be a Christian thing". Then when somebody shows you all that baseball in Japan you go :lalala:
No, it isn't. It's geographical, not religious. And that's because it's cultural, not religious.

Ohh look it is almost NEVER in India But it is in Pakistan And the entire middle east except Israel.

do not confuse POGO----he will insist forever that it has nothing to do with islam even though 99% of the cases are done-----FOR ISLAM

It's prevalent in Africa and the Middle East- including Christian-dominated Africa. It's more cultural than religion.

wrong again Coyote-----it is done in primitive African societies-----was never adopted as something "Christian" but is advocated by some MUSLIM SCHOLARS for muslim girls------the overwhelming majority of FGM 's even in Africa today are done for ALLAH. Try to cope with reality

FGM has no relationship to "Allah". Or any other deity. Anywhere.

You continue to be stuck in the mud of seeing a correlation and assuming a causation where none exists. It's as if you came from another planet, looked around and saw this weird thing called a baseball field. You see it all over North America, and you see it in Central America, and you conclude "baseball must be a Christian thing". Then when somebody shows you all that baseball in Japan you go :lalala:

wrong again------I worked with and socialized with muslims in my youth and adulthood ----read the koran and was even invited to visit mosques by friends
who noted my "interest" sometimes ---a bit over optimistically. I worked with
and socialized with hindus too------and got invited to festival celebrations too. ---
somehow hindus did not see me as a potential convert

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