Barbra Streisand Reveals 6 Reasons Why Trump Must Be Impeached


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

At last! We finally have the ultimate expert on impeachment speaking out. The Judiciary Committee need do nor more but to follow Bab’s comments.

Here come the impeachment charges:

1. Trump bribed and extorted the Ukraine with taxpayer money to investigate a political rival for personal gain.

2. Trump believes he is above the law. He thinks presidents can do anything.

3. Trump threatened a witness, a career diplomat, during the impeachment inquiry.

4. Trump clearly lied and obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation.

5. Trump dismisses intelligence briefings about Russia’s role in undermining our democracy, and repeats Kremlin disinformation on Ukraine.

6. Trump is personally profiting from the presidency, violating the emoluments clause. He charges our government to stay at his resorts.

Now, doesn’t that make you feel confident about the pending impeachment? How could these charges miss in the Senate?


More @ Barbra Streisand Reveals 6 Reasons Why Trump Must Be Impeached
What an ignorant slut, washed up old hag.
Get over it you POS you republican ,,Your AH sought help from 2 foreign nations to help him in our elections May he get hit with the same lightening I hope you all get hit with You're all scumbags traitors and cowards

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