Barr Gobsmacks the Media

I saw where a clinton aka obummer lawyer was about to be charged .
will the democrats cry for his blood like they did manaford and then want charges aginst his boss.

or will all their head slip back inside their well greased fat rear ends and their lips zippered
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

I kinda miss Stormy. What ever happened to her?

She fired Avanetti who is under arrest. She also owes President Trump close to $300 million. That's a lot of stripper poles.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
The Walls Are Closing In!

Our attorney general will release the Mueller report to Congress and the public within the next week before Congress takes its two-week spring break starting Friday.

The internal Justice Department review and redaction of the report continues to be a collaboration between the attorney general and the special counsel, and that process has gone smoothly.

Barr will engage with congressional leaders on the redactions to determine whether there may and should be additional disclosure.

Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz’s inquiry into aspects of the Trump-Russia investigation (including FISA abuse) will be released by June, and perhaps as early as May.

The attorney general also stated that he is looking into the conduct of the Justice Department and the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, including what triggered the probe’s initiation.

So, lots still to come!

Separately, prosecutors in New York have been investigating whether FARA rules were violated by two other prominent Washington figures: Tony Podesta, a Democratic lobbyist who once owned one of Washington’s leading firms, and Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman, who helps lead the Washington office of Mercury LLC

Gregory Craig, ex-Obama White House counsel, expects to be charged in relation to Ukrainian work with Manafort, his lawyers say
..What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

That's easy, you only need to look at the headlines of the main DNC propaganda site...

Barr obliterates honest broker persona with 'spying' comment - CNNPolitics

Barr says spying on Trump campaign 'did occur,' but provides no evidence - CNNPolitics

James Clapper: 'Stunning and scary' that Barr would raise spying allegation - CNNPolitics

There was plenty of evidence to suggest individual 1 really was the orange Manchurian candidate... heroic Mueller and the rest of the deep state swamp were just doing their job... just like Rachel Maddow and the rest of the #resistance were only reporting 'news'... suggesting they wanted to sabotage the orange agenda is unpatriotic and insane... Barr must be covering up real cimes hidden somewhere in the 400 pages... or diverting attention from the tax returns... vote for a democratic clown if you want the 'truth' to come out..


I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

Yeah he's really kicking ass down there.

The deep state cannot be trusted

Of course they can be trusted, their mission is to keep the 'system' intact, ensure the rule of the 1%, keep the MIC happy, cover up the crimes of their operatives, keep the peasants entertained with bread and & circuses, brainwash them with fake news so they'll stay informed.... and they have been doing a pretty good job for decades (centuries)... ok, they screwed up with the most qualified psycho princess in history but they really believed it was her turn... and the damage control has been impressive...

It is impressive PMSNBC edged out Home and Garden TV after it was confirm Rachel "Blinky" Maddow is an insane transexual moron.

MSNBC (1,642,000)
HOME AND GARDEN TV (1,223,000)

As folks have already mentioned, the really interesting thing is where do fake news companies go when even TDS folks realize they are fake?
I said it on another thread and I mean it... If A.G. Barr is successful at cleaning up the deep state including some never Trump Republicans, I feel the man deserves to have his likeness on Money…
Freewheelin’ Franklin, now that’s a name I haven’t heard of in a very long time.
It brings back a lot of memories. Some of those memories centering around memory lapses.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
Some guy that was sexually harassed by Barr 30 years ago. Maybe Michelle Obama or Freddy Mercury.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

I think Barr's investigation will reveal a lot about the Dem's giant shit show.

Can't wait to see what his report reveals.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
During questioning from Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, Barr acknowledged that there was precedent for releasing the entire unredacted Mueller report to Congress.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

I kinda miss Stormy. What ever happened to her?

She fired Avanetti who is under arrest. She also owes President Trump close to $300 million. That's a lot of stripper poles.

But she was supposed to end Trump? Fucking Russia.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
During questioning from Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, Barr acknowledged that there was precedent for releasing the entire unredacted Mueller report to Congress.

Barr shows he is raring to go fight the high treason criminals

The main news with this is it looks like Barr knows mueller is guilty of high treason

Mueller sent this to the southern district of New York that protects democrats

And looks like Barr grabbed this and bringing the indictment from the DC district


Attorneys for Greg Craig told reporters that they expect their client, the White House counsel during the Obama administration, to be indicted soon.

In a statement to several news outlets, attorneys William W. Taylor III and William Murphy said the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington will proffer charges related to Mr. Craig’s work with Ukrainian politicians and disgraced Trump-campaign figure Paul Manafort at the behest of the Justice Department’s national security division.


Not from
Mueller but from the new DOJ !!

Mueller must now know he is in big trouble
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
Barr is right to review why Trump-Russia investigation began

We should long ago have known what the rationale was for Obama spying on the Trump Campaign. If an incumbent Republican administration had green-lighted a Justice Department and FBI investigation of the Democrat Party’s presidential campaign, we would already be fully informed about what triggered the investigation.

Democrats would have been unified in demanding it, the media would have echoed those demands in an endless loop and – if there had been an abuse of power – all the pertinent heads would by now have rolled.

But here we are dealing here with the Obama administration directing an investigation of the campaign of Donald Trump. The media and Democrats ignored claims of political spying, even as the evidence that it took place mounted to the point that it is no long contestable.

An investigation of a political campaign should not be opened unless there is significant evidence of wrongdoing. Using informants to spy on a campaign or its operatives is extremely intrusive and has a high potential for abuse. There should be hard evidence of ongoing, corrupt activities or plotting.

If spying is to be conducted under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, then FISA must be followed. To conduct FISA surveillance of an American citizen suspected of being an agent of a foreign power, there must be probable cause that the American citizen is knowingly – not unwittingly – engaged in clandestine activities on behalf of the foreign power; and those clandestine activities must be a probable violation of federal criminal law.

By the FBI’s own procedures, approved by the Justice Department, facts are not supposed to be submitted to the FISA Court unless they have been verified. There must be corroboration of the alleged facts on which the court is being asked to base a probable cause finding.

If the campaign of the incumbent administration’s party has had a role in generating or supplying information to the FBI, that fact must be disclosed to the court with complete transparency.

There needs to be a thorough inquiry. We need answers. The attorney general is right to press for them.
Barr next target will be finding more Hillary emails and then go after Obama's fake SSN, and then we will know if McDonald really uses beef in their burgers

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