Barr Gobsmacks the Media

Barr next target will be finding more Hillary emails and then go after Obama's fake SSN, and then we will know if McDonald really uses beef in their burgers
I don't give a damn about Obama's SSN.
I give many damns about a President illegally spying on American Citizens, Law Makers and Political Campaigns.
when is a investigation an investigation and not spying

Flynn admitted to being guilty after caught lying to the FBI about meeting Russian Ambassador as a member of Trump campaign team national security adviser and eventually trump had to dump him

Ob announced sanction in response to their interference with the 2016 election, Flynn reached out to Kislyak at the behest of Trump’s transition team. He urged Kislyak that Russia should refrain from retaliating against the US.

Putin took Flynn’s advice — the next day, he released a statement saying he wouldn’t retaliate.

Carter Page even though he was not guilty of meeting with russians while a campaign aide was on the FBI watch list as he was approached 3 or 4 years ago by Russians trying to recruit him

Papadopoulos admitted and plead guilty to making false statement to the FBI about meeting with Russians while a trump campaign aide and trying to set up a meeting with Putin

Trump tower meeting with Russians by his son and other campaign aides on the promise of getting damaging info on Hillary. Then Trump lied about knowing about it but eventually change his story and admitted that he knew about the meeting

It was more like he hired everyone that was on the FBI radar to work for him
...Flynn admitted to being guilty after caught lying to the FBI about meeting Russian Ambassador as a member of Trump campaign team national security adviser...
He was ambush interrogated, without being warned that he was being interrogated, he was not informed of his rights and after the interview pitting his recall against a transcript of the call, both Agents reported on their 302's, the only evidence we have of the meeting, that Flynn was truthful and candid.

Later, months later, Dirty Bob Mueller charged in for false statements made during this interview. He bled him of all of his assets, forced the sale of his home and then when he threatened to go after his son, Flynn pled. They can make anyone plea.

Grassley demanded the transcript of the call,
The 302's,
And both Agents before him to testify so that he could get to the bottom of what exactly Dirty Bob was charging as a "false statement".

I'm sure the AG and IG are looking into this, I'm going to withhold judgement until their reports are released.
...Carter Page even though he was not guilty of meeting with russians while a campaign aide was on the FBI watch list as he was approached 3 or 4 years ago by Russians trying to recruit him..
Which Carter Page reported to the FBI and then helped the FBI, resulting in their arrests. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

This sensational allegation came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy. The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified. To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

Lying to the FISA court in order to illegally spy on an American Person is a massive assortment of crimes. I await the AG and IG's report.
...Flynn admitted to being guilty after caught lying to the FBI about meeting Russian Ambassador as a member of Trump campaign team national security adviser...
(He was ambush interrogated, without being warned that he was being interrogated, he was not informed of his rights and after the interview pitting his recall against a transcript of the call, both Agents reported on their 302's, the only evidence we have of the meeting, that Flynn was truthful and candid.)

You are just quoting conspiracies you found on questionable websites. The FBI did not interview him on the telephone. They came to him and identified themselves.

Here are the facts, He plead guilty to lying to the FBI about a meeting that he actually had.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, acting on a court order, made public FBI agents’ notes summarizing their interview with former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn that led to the criminal charge for which he’s to be sentenced Tuesday.
Flynn was told the identities of the interviewing agents as well as the “nature of the interview,” according to the first page of the heavily redacted notes filed late Monday.

In a court of law the notes of the interviewing agents were provided

(Quote - Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.)

He was an adviser on the trump campaign. Are you denying that because the State Department says he was? Trump announced Page as a foreign policy adviser in his campaign on March 21, 2016. Carter page was approached by Russian by russian agents in 2013 that had been under FBI surveillance. So when they meet the FBI was listening.

July 2016 Page travels to Russia to give a speech at a school. He gives a speech that CONDEMNS Russian sanctions by the US. FBI learns that he also meets with two Russian officials. Page and Sechin meet and reportedly talked about lifting Russian sanction levied by the US. He also meet with another russian and talked about getting derogatory information on Candidate 2 (Hillary). All this was reported in the Dossier which was a true meeting with Sechin and DIveykin

Later after coming back he publicly denies meeting with these Russians
Even the Trump campaign is denying that he is associated with them

Sept 2016 Page sends a letter to Comey denying any contact with Russian officials

Oct 2016 the FISA document which list Page

In an interview with PBS NewsHour’s Judy Woodruff, Page says that he had no meetings with Russian officials in 2016

Nov. 2, 2017 – The New York Times reports that Page testifies before the House Intelligence Committee, revealing that he met with Russian officials during his July and December 2016 trips to Moscow, among other things.

Thus he lied and got caught and finally had to admit to the meetings which was documented in the Steel Dossier.

( Quote - The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified)

Read the FISA document about source 1 who is Steele. They talk about him as a source. They even say that he was compensated by the FBI and was still believe to be a trustworthy source that they had used in the past. They talk about candidate 1 and the reason was that the source 1 had been hired to get dirt on candidate 1. They are probably talking about the Repubs who hired steel first to get dirt on Trump. Source 1 in his dossier told the FBI about Carters meetings.

your using old talking points that have been proven wrong.
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Pursue Those Indictments!

“this is the biggest scandal in American history. It dwarfs Watergate. Indeed, it challenges the fundamental integrity of our democratic—i.e., accountable—institutions. It challenges, too, the sacrosanct ideal of the separation of powers. Finally, it challenges the presumption of basic fairness and open competition without which our republic could endure in name only.

Some people think that it would be best if we put this whole episode behind us, that we sharply limit any investigations into wrongdoing and that, especially, we refrain from punishing the highly placed actors who leaked, lied, and conspired against the president.

What just happened in the United States represented an existential threat to the integrity of our institutions. It happened because highly placed individuals had cultivated a sense of entitlement and presumption of higher virtue—what James Comey called a ‘higher loyalty’—which they believed exempted them from the constraints and procedures that the rest of us must observe. They broke the law because they believed that they answered to a ‘higher’ law. Out of such convictions are revolutions born and countries destroyed.”

Once, the FBI fought organized crime. Then the FBI became organized crime.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
Barr laid it on the line with the simple question the Russia Hoaxers can’t answer

Attorney General William Barr scares the wits out of the Democrats who bet their party’s political future on removing President Trump from office. Now that The Mueller Report revealed no collusion with the Russians, they are living in fear that the coup plotters will be held accountable for their misdeeds in courts of law. Barr has indicated that prosecutorial investigations are underway, and his willingness to speak plainly and directly, such as his use (and defense of his use) of the word “spying,” demonstrates that that he and his associates can make their cases in convincing language.

All the slanders of Barr are aimed at obscuring the basic questions that must be answered about the genesis and conduct of the intelligence investigation that treated a nominee, and elected president as a spy – without any basis in fact.

William Barr is a man who is not intimidated or distracted and during the hearing, he addressed the question that cannot be answered without revealing the intent of the coup project’s agents, telling Senator Cornyn, that

“I can't fathom” why the Obama administration did not tell the Trump campaign about the FBI investigation into Russian interference in 2016

The 3 heroes that destroys the crooked democrat party

Trump ---Barr---Graham!!!

Hip Hip Hooray !!!
If you'd have told me that Graham would have stepped up the way he has since McCain died, I'd have called you crazy.
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?
That's all they ever do. I'd like to see them hurt so bad they cannot continue.
I'd settle for them just sitting there holding their nutsacks gingerly.
Barr is investigating Democrats.
Democrats call for Barr to resign.
According to Fat Jerry Nadler, that’s obstruction of justice!
I'm sitting here looking at the slack jaws of the usual media suspects, who were playing " we gottim now!" for two years.

But spin is their stock in trade...I can only imagine the frantic pace of attempts at narrative building in the lamestream newsrooms.

What, in y'all's opinion, are they going to trot out to try to spin what Barr said to the favor of themselves and the Dems?

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