Barr is traveling to other countries trying to disprove Russia hacked the 2016 election!

BS - if
What I'm saying is that we have a process in place that we should follow. Once the process is broken then anything goes. So, I'd rather have a flawed process that allows for the facts to be brought out into the open.

You don't know whether the claims are true or not. Neither you or I are privy to specific detail yet. We'll learn more when there are open hearings.

We do agree on one thing. The country needs to be split.

But the Democrats didn't follow that process until recently. They held secret meetings and then went to the MSM making claim that Trump was dead meat. On the other hand, Republicans who attended said the Democrats are FOS.

Remember, the impeachment process is for high crimes and misdemeanors, not for political retribution. The Democrats are using it for the latter, as they promised they would since Trump took office.

BS - if you don't want to have an honest discussion then just say so but don't try and pass partisan talking points off to me. I'm not that gullible and I'm not going to go back and forth with you on spin. Facts are facts as was reinforced by a judge's decision.

Regarding what the republicans claim - I guess we'll learn soon enough when the hearings are held open to the public.

You keep making these claims based on whatever spin either party is making. Let's hear what the witnesses have to say for ourselves rather than taking a politician's word on the issue.

That's if Schiff Face allows us to hear those witnesses. Even in the open, he still gets to make the rules. He can deny any or all witnesses that testified in the closed door meetings. He will likely subvert the Constitution as it calls for Congress--not one or two special members of Congress, to conduct an impeachment hearing.

True - but we'll see first hand if he's manipulating the proceedings.

It's a win:win in my mind. This is what the American people are entitled to.

I want to know what the evidence is without it being framed for me.

It's far from a a win-win. I've been following politics for a very long time. It consumes most of my day to be honest. The Muller investigation is what Page/ Stroke-off referred to as their insurance policy. Well.....the insurance policy fell through, in spite of Mueller hiring mostly all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on this staff. There was no there-there after two years and 45 million dollars.

Trump is breathing down their necks. Barr and Durham are two of the best in the business. Durham recently announced his investigation is now a criminal investigation, which usually doesn't happen for many, many months. Durham has something, and the people in the cabal know it. That's why there are proceeding with this idiotic impeachment with such weak and flaccid evidence.
I think there’s people in the cabal that are secretly defecting and it could be what Q is. It might not be a specific person at all but instead a group of people in the cabal. This all couldn’t happen with just one man, there needs to be a lot more people involved that we just don’t know about because these people didn’t spend the last couple hundred years building this cabal just for one random billionaire to come along and wreck it. There’s help on the inside and when the time is right we’ll find out.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:
Yes yes, super duper, I'm sure the Russian hack of the DNC and podesta emails and all the talk about Hillary's emails had no effect on the election LOL LOL LOL. Media coverage of the election was 60% about emails for crying out loud. Every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed Russians did the hacking. You live on another planet of ignorance and phony scandals that have never got anywhere in the real world because there is nothing to them but endlessly repeated garbage propaganda. You are the swamp, brainwashed functional moron. Everything about her emails has been investigated multiple times and she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.... She lost because of total b*******. 25 years of it....
Did you ever actually read those Podesta emails? I can’t imagine any sane rational person reading them and still thinking that Podesta and Clinton are good people. There were very disturbing things in those emails that should make a person’s skin crawl.
What powerless staffers are bullshiting about has no meaning. You listen to hours and hours of con men and scumbag High School grad GOP pundits spinning these things totally out of all reality. This has all been investigated and nothing was found but right-wing idiocy repeated endlessly for dupes like you. Let's have a link to some of these horrible emails, super duper.
You’re a big boy you’re perfectly capable of doing a basic search for Podesta emails and sifting through them. What is it with you people demanding links? You have the same internet as I do. Or go back to sleep, whichever works for you.
It's all crap, staffers bullshiting about absolutely nothing, super duper. And then whatever your idiotic propaganda machine talked about for a full year.... Your surrender is noted.
BS - if
What I'm saying is that we have a process in place that we should follow. Once the process is broken then anything goes. So, I'd rather have a flawed process that allows for the facts to be brought out into the open.

You don't know whether the claims are true or not. Neither you or I are privy to specific detail yet. We'll learn more when there are open hearings.

We do agree on one thing. The country needs to be split.

But the Democrats didn't follow that process until recently. They held secret meetings and then went to the MSM making claim that Trump was dead meat. On the other hand, Republicans who attended said the Democrats are FOS.

Remember, the impeachment process is for high crimes and misdemeanors, not for political retribution. The Democrats are using it for the latter, as they promised they would since Trump took office.

BS - if you don't want to have an honest discussion then just say so but don't try and pass partisan talking points off to me. I'm not that gullible and I'm not going to go back and forth with you on spin. Facts are facts as was reinforced by a judge's decision.

Regarding what the republicans claim - I guess we'll learn soon enough when the hearings are held open to the public.

You keep making these claims based on whatever spin either party is making. Let's hear what the witnesses have to say for ourselves rather than taking a politician's word on the issue.

That's if Schiff Face allows us to hear those witnesses. Even in the open, he still gets to make the rules. He can deny any or all witnesses that testified in the closed door meetings. He will likely subvert the Constitution as it calls for Congress--not one or two special members of Congress, to conduct an impeachment hearing.

True - but we'll see first hand if he's manipulating the proceedings.

It's a win:win in my mind. This is what the American people are entitled to.

I want to know what the evidence is without it being framed for me.

It's far from a a win-win. I've been following politics for a very long time. It consumes most of my day to be honest. The Muller investigation is what Page/ Stroke-off referred to as their insurance policy. Well.....the insurance policy fell through, in spite of Mueller hiring mostly all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on this staff. There was no there-there after two years and 45 million dollars.

Trump is breathing down their necks. Barr and Durham are two of the best in the business. Durham recently announced his investigation is now a criminal investigation, which usually doesn't happen for many, many months. Durham has something, and the people in the cabal know it. That's why there are proceeding with this idiotic impeachment with such weak and flaccid evidence.

We are at an impasse. I'm not sure it's all that healthy to immerse oneself in following politics all day. I unfortunately have a number of years left before I can retire so I don't have the luxury of tuning it out.

I do appreciate the discussion. I've enjoyed it and look forward to comparing notes after the hearings are conducted in public.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:
Yes yes, super duper, I'm sure the Russian hack of the DNC and podesta emails and all the talk about Hillary's emails had no effect on the election LOL LOL LOL. Media coverage of the election was 60% about emails for crying out loud. Every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed Russians did the hacking. You live on another planet of ignorance and phony scandals that have never got anywhere in the real world because there is nothing to them but endlessly repeated garbage propaganda. You are the swamp, brainwashed functional moron. Everything about her emails has been investigated multiple times and she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.... She lost because of total b*******. 25 years of it....
Did you ever actually read those Podesta emails? I can’t imagine any sane rational person reading them and still thinking that Podesta and Clinton are good people. There were very disturbing things in those emails that should make a person’s skin crawl.
What powerless staffers are bullshiting about has no meaning. You listen to hours and hours of con men and scumbag High School grad GOP pundits spinning these things totally out of all reality. This has all been investigated and nothing was found but right-wing idiocy repeated endlessly for dupes like you. Let's have a link to some of these horrible emails, super duper.
You’re a big boy you’re perfectly capable of doing a basic search for Podesta emails and sifting through them. What is it with you people demanding links? You have the same internet as I do. Or go back to sleep, whichever works for you.
It's all crap, staffers bullshiting about absolutely nothing, super duper. And then whatever your idiotic propaganda machine talked about for a full year.... Your surrender is noted.
Ok :)
BS - if
But the Democrats didn't follow that process until recently. They held secret meetings and then went to the MSM making claim that Trump was dead meat. On the other hand, Republicans who attended said the Democrats are FOS.

Remember, the impeachment process is for high crimes and misdemeanors, not for political retribution. The Democrats are using it for the latter, as they promised they would since Trump took office.

BS - if you don't want to have an honest discussion then just say so but don't try and pass partisan talking points off to me. I'm not that gullible and I'm not going to go back and forth with you on spin. Facts are facts as was reinforced by a judge's decision.

Regarding what the republicans claim - I guess we'll learn soon enough when the hearings are held open to the public.

You keep making these claims based on whatever spin either party is making. Let's hear what the witnesses have to say for ourselves rather than taking a politician's word on the issue.

That's if Schiff Face allows us to hear those witnesses. Even in the open, he still gets to make the rules. He can deny any or all witnesses that testified in the closed door meetings. He will likely subvert the Constitution as it calls for Congress--not one or two special members of Congress, to conduct an impeachment hearing.

True - but we'll see first hand if he's manipulating the proceedings.

It's a win:win in my mind. This is what the American people are entitled to.

I want to know what the evidence is without it being framed for me.

It's far from a a win-win. I've been following politics for a very long time. It consumes most of my day to be honest. The Muller investigation is what Page/ Stroke-off referred to as their insurance policy. Well.....the insurance policy fell through, in spite of Mueller hiring mostly all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on this staff. There was no there-there after two years and 45 million dollars.

Trump is breathing down their necks. Barr and Durham are two of the best in the business. Durham recently announced his investigation is now a criminal investigation, which usually doesn't happen for many, many months. Durham has something, and the people in the cabal know it. That's why there are proceeding with this idiotic impeachment with such weak and flaccid evidence.

We are at an impasse. I'm not sure it's all that healthy to immerse oneself in following politics all day. I unfortunately have a number of years left before I can retire so I don't have the luxury of tuning it out.

I do appreciate the discussion. I've enjoyed it and look forward to comparing notes after the hearings are conducted in public.
If you immerse yourself in the Republican propaganda machine all day, you will be on an imaginary planet and voting for Pure misinformation and phony scandals.... It's about 1% of the worlds news gatherers and journalists and is totally off the wall.... All Trump had to do to take over the GOP was spew the garbage....
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Pfft...Some Obama admin folks are going to jail. This is like a slow motion train wreck.
Yes yes, maybe the seventh investigation will find something different LOL... This is just the GOP alternate universe being used because there is nothing in reality against the Democrats, just garbage propaganda zzzzzzzzzzzzz
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:

There is no Russiai "hoax". There was a massive Russian disinformationo campaign run on several scores, through Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media platforms, including this one.

Mueller was very clear in his evidence, and the Russian hacking has been confirmed by British Intelligence and Dutch Intelligence, as well as the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. The American accomplice to the Russians has already plead guilty to charges that he aided and abetted the Russians in setting up fake identities. But you have to ask yourself why Trump is so determined to prove Russia didn't hack the DNC?

The most logical reason is that Barrack Obama imposed a number of sanctions on Russia for election interference and hacking the DNC. That's in addition to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU and NATO for the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of the Ukraine, and the Magnitsky Act sanctions imposed for corruption in Russia. The Republican Congress and the Senate almost unanimously passed a law that Donald Trump couldn't lift sanctions against Russia without the Consent of Congress. Since the Democrats joined in whole heartedly, the law was veto proof which, much to the chagrin of both Trump and Putin.

Bill Browder, the American businessman whose lawyer, Sergei Maginitsky was murdered for exposing corruption in Russia, testified for an entire week before Congress. His bombshell testimony would normally have been the headline of the week, except that was the week that Donald Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci and fired Sean Spice and Lance Priebus. Nobody noticed they guy testifying how the Russian government stole $230 million dollars from his company, and murdered his lawyer when he complained. Browder finished his testimony on Friday, and the Mooch was fired on Monday.

Don Jr.'s meeting in Trump Tower about "Russian orphans" is really the Magnitsky Act. Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian orphans in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act sanctions. General Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador about lifting sanctions after the Inauguration. Russian oligarchs cannot travel freely or access their stolen millions because of these sanctions.

Trump is also encouraging Zelensky to "make a deal" with Russia. If the Ukrainians and Russia make peace and Trump can prove the Ukrainians hacked the DNC or interfere in the election, then Trump can make the case to Congress to let him lift the sanctions against Russia.

The sanctions are the quid pro quo for Russia helping Trump with the election.

There was a massive Russian disinformationo campaign run on several scores, through Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media platforms, including this one.

Thousands in Russian spending tricked literally dozens of Dems to vote for Trump. Just awful!!
And millions of Independents.... Must be something to all those email charges against Hillary, right? Nope.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:
Yes yes, super duper, I'm sure the Russian hack of the DNC and podesta emails and all the talk about Hillary's emails had no effect on the election LOL LOL LOL. Media coverage of the election was 60% about emails for crying out loud. Every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed Russians did the hacking. You live on another planet of ignorance and phony scandals that have never got anywhere in the real world because there is nothing to them but endlessly repeated garbage propaganda. You are the swamp, brainwashed functional moron. Everything about her emails has been investigated multiple times and she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.... She lost because of total b*******. 25 years of it....
Did you ever actually read those Podesta emails? I can’t imagine any sane rational person reading them and still thinking that Podesta and Clinton are good people. There were very disturbing things in those emails that should make a person’s skin crawl.

So be specific...what email in particular did you find so disturbing? Which email "made your skin crawl"?
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

A story from the red commie Daily Kos....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
And also true, super duper. Attorney general Barr is a total sycophant and has ruined his reputation.all these conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA and the deep state are based on absolute nothing, 25 years of phony scandals, not a single one of which has made a courtroom or a respected media. Just the Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity propaganda machines. And all the rest of it. Confuse and deceive the Nazi way.... Thank you Rodger ailes and Rupert Murdoch....
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

A story from the red commie Daily Kos....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
And also true, super duper. Attorney general Barr is a total sycophant and has ruined his reputation.all these conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA and the deep state are based on absolute nothing, 25 years of phony scandals, not a single one of which has made a courtroom or a respected media. Just the Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity propaganda machines. And all the rest of it. Confuse and deceive the Nazi way.... Thank you Rodger ailes and Rupert Murdoch....
Well FrancoSTEIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE A SUPER RED DOPER DIAPER BABY, we enjoy your asinine post tremendously!
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

A story from the red commie Daily Kos....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
And also true, super duper. Attorney general Barr is a total sycophant and has ruined his reputation.all these conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA and the deep state are based on absolute nothing, 25 years of phony scandals, not a single one of which has made a courtroom or a respected media. Just the Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity propaganda machines. And all the rest of it. Confuse and deceive the Nazi way.... Thank you Rodger ailes and Rupert Murdoch....
Well FrancoSTEIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE A SUPER RED DOPER DIAPER BABY, we enjoy your asinine post tremendously!
Perfect hater dupe and chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich....... Go Bills!
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

A story from the red commie Daily Kos....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
And also true, super duper. Attorney general Barr is a total sycophant and has ruined his reputation.all these conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA and the deep state are based on absolute nothing, 25 years of phony scandals, not a single one of which has made a courtroom or a respected media. Just the Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity propaganda machines. And all the rest of it. Confuse and deceive the Nazi way.... Thank you Rodger ailes and Rupert Murdoch....
Well FrancoSTEIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE A SUPER RED DOPER DIAPER BABY, we enjoy your asinine post tremendously!
Perfect hater dupe and chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich....... Go Bills!
ROTFLMFAO......YOUDUPER, CHUMP. BULLSHIT...still makes me laugh at you stupidity!
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

Does skews know that you're horning in on his spamming from Daily Kooks racket?

BS - if
But the Democrats didn't follow that process until recently. They held secret meetings and then went to the MSM making claim that Trump was dead meat. On the other hand, Republicans who attended said the Democrats are FOS.

Remember, the impeachment process is for high crimes and misdemeanors, not for political retribution. The Democrats are using it for the latter, as they promised they would since Trump took office.

BS - if you don't want to have an honest discussion then just say so but don't try and pass partisan talking points off to me. I'm not that gullible and I'm not going to go back and forth with you on spin. Facts are facts as was reinforced by a judge's decision.

Regarding what the republicans claim - I guess we'll learn soon enough when the hearings are held open to the public.

You keep making these claims based on whatever spin either party is making. Let's hear what the witnesses have to say for ourselves rather than taking a politician's word on the issue.

That's if Schiff Face allows us to hear those witnesses. Even in the open, he still gets to make the rules. He can deny any or all witnesses that testified in the closed door meetings. He will likely subvert the Constitution as it calls for Congress--not one or two special members of Congress, to conduct an impeachment hearing.

True - but we'll see first hand if he's manipulating the proceedings.

It's a win:win in my mind. This is what the American people are entitled to.

I want to know what the evidence is without it being framed for me.

It's far from a a win-win. I've been following politics for a very long time. It consumes most of my day to be honest. The Muller investigation is what Page/ Stroke-off referred to as their insurance policy. Well.....the insurance policy fell through, in spite of Mueller hiring mostly all anti-Trump or pro-Hillary people on this staff. There was no there-there after two years and 45 million dollars.

Trump is breathing down their necks. Barr and Durham are two of the best in the business. Durham recently announced his investigation is now a criminal investigation, which usually doesn't happen for many, many months. Durham has something, and the people in the cabal know it. That's why there are proceeding with this idiotic impeachment with such weak and flaccid evidence.
I think there’s people in the cabal that are secretly defecting and it could be what Q is. It might not be a specific person at all but instead a group of people in the cabal. This all couldn’t happen with just one man, there needs to be a lot more people involved that we just don’t know about because these people didn’t spend the last couple hundred years building this cabal just for one random billionaire to come along and wreck it. There’s help on the inside and when the time is right we’ll find out.

Without a doubt. What Trump should have done right from the beginning was get rid of anybody that even hinted at being an Obama loyalist or even worked in his administration. Had he done that, we wouldn't be where we are at today. But I think Trump not only trusted people, especially from the military, but is a fair man that wanted to give everybody a chance.

He didn't realize how deep this was, nor how dedicated these people were to the Democrat party. He assumed that they were Americans first and party second. Little did he know........
I had to stop reading most of these comments on this thread. It's depressing me that facts and reality don't seem to matter any more and conspiracy theories have taken root as truth.

It used to be that patriotism was one thing that would bring the country together but the seeds of hate have been sown and carefully cultivated by this Administration and it's disciples.

The country has moved into a dark age where racism is cheered, truth is no longer revered, and the law of the land doesn’t matter. We've started attacking those who have pledged an oath to the Constitution and therefor the country rather than a man. We have allowed power to be taken from two branches of our government and transferred to the executive branch. These actions will set a terrible precedence for generations to come.

America will need to fail to survive and we're watching that play out in real time.
See, I think the executive branch has been attacked-specifically one man. That's where your hatred lies and the attempt to kill the constitution-CIA style. Leave Trump alone and watch the US of A prosper as a family.

Are you feeble minded? Where the hell did you get that from my comments. Don't you question where my loyalty lies just because I demand we follow the Constitution and the law of the land. If you want to drop to your knees and kiss the ass of one man that's on you. You have only exposed yourself as a fool.
I DO question your loyalty-you say follow the constitution and yet say WE allowed power to be taken??? Schiff took it! Trump has been weakened by the dems power coup-if you support that, you are a TRAITOR! Go back and think about that!

Even though I think your comment is kinda funny......I'm also embarrassed for you.
Well catnip, you have your opinion and I have mine-Schiff is garbage in my opinion, period.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:

There is no Russiai "hoax". There was a massive Russian disinformationo campaign run on several scores, through Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media platforms, including this one.

Mueller was very clear in his evidence, and the Russian hacking has been confirmed by British Intelligence and Dutch Intelligence, as well as the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. The American accomplice to the Russians has already plead guilty to charges that he aided and abetted the Russians in setting up fake identities. But you have to ask yourself why Trump is so determined to prove Russia didn't hack the DNC?

The most logical reason is that Barrack Obama imposed a number of sanctions on Russia for election interference and hacking the DNC. That's in addition to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU and NATO for the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of the Ukraine, and the Magnitsky Act sanctions imposed for corruption in Russia. The Republican Congress and the Senate almost unanimously passed a law that Donald Trump couldn't lift sanctions against Russia without the Consent of Congress. Since the Democrats joined in whole heartedly, the law was veto proof which, much to the chagrin of both Trump and Putin.

Bill Browder, the American businessman whose lawyer, Sergei Maginitsky was murdered for exposing corruption in Russia, testified for an entire week before Congress. His bombshell testimony would normally have been the headline of the week, except that was the week that Donald Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci and fired Sean Spice and Lance Priebus. Nobody noticed they guy testifying how the Russian government stole $230 million dollars from his company, and murdered his lawyer when he complained. Browder finished his testimony on Friday, and the Mooch was fired on Monday.

Don Jr.'s meeting in Trump Tower about "Russian orphans" is really the Magnitsky Act. Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian orphans in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act sanctions. General Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador about lifting sanctions after the Inauguration. Russian oligarchs cannot travel freely or access their stolen millions because of these sanctions.

Trump is also encouraging Zelensky to "make a deal" with Russia. If the Ukrainians and Russia make peace and Trump can prove the Ukrainians hacked the DNC or interfere in the election, then Trump can make the case to Congress to let him lift the sanctions against Russia.

The sanctions are the quid pro quo for Russia helping Trump with the election.

There was a massive Russian disinformationo campaign run on several scores, through Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media platforms, including this one.

Thousands in Russian spending tricked literally dozens of Dems to vote for Trump. Just awful!!
And millions of Independents.... Must be something to all those email charges against Hillary, right? Nope.

Millions of independents were tricked by Facebook memes?

That's awful!

The Dems should run ads calling independents morons......
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

A story from the red commie Daily Kos....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
And also true, super duper. Attorney general Barr is a total sycophant and has ruined his reputation.all these conspiracy theories about the FBI and CIA and the deep state are based on absolute nothing, 25 years of phony scandals, not a single one of which has made a courtroom or a respected media. Just the Rush Limbaugh Sean hannity propaganda machines. And all the rest of it. Confuse and deceive the Nazi way.... Thank you Rodger ailes and Rupert Murdoch....
Well FrancoSTEIN, WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE A SUPER RED DOPER DIAPER BABY, we enjoy your asinine post tremendously!
and no I am not a communist you BRAINWASHED functional moron Cold War dinosaur dingbat dupe. Communists believe in dictatorship that owns all business and industry. It's basically a dead ideology unless you have a gun to your head. And you cannot find one in the United States. So you sound just like an idiot. I am a Bernie Sanders socialist though. Or a French one LOL. The real world defines socialist as Fair capitalist with a good safety net. Like in every other modern country. And always democratic. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Try reality sometime.

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