Barr is traveling to other countries trying to disprove Russia hacked the 2016 election!

Yes yes, super duper, I'm sure the Russian hack of the DNC and podesta emails and all the talk about Hillary's emails had no effect on the election LOL LOL LOL. Media coverage of the election was 60% about emails for crying out loud. Every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed Russians did the hacking. You live on another planet of ignorance and phony scandals that have never got anywhere in the real world because there is nothing to them but endlessly repeated garbage propaganda. You are the swamp, brainwashed functional moron. Everything about her emails has been investigated multiple times and she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.... She lost because of total b*******. 25 years of it....
If you think people didn't vote with their wisdom based upon the track records of these candidates when they voted for the person of their choice, then you are one conspirital thinking character. In fact everything used to justify why one looses and why one wins is just wild speculation or political fall out after the fact. The problem is that the Democrats had hedged their bets wrongfully on their hopes and dreams based upon an agenda the nation had rebuked, and they are the sorest losers this nation has ever seen. Looking back at the crying and knashing of teeth is just amazing really. It actually borders on insanity of the worst kind. How so many people got that brainwashed over time is just an eye opener really.

this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.
Bologna, super duper. 75% of those on the exchanges get insurance for less than $100 a month. All guaranteed for a change. The stimulus only spent 200 billion on infrastructure. Wrong again. yes Trump has not screwed up the Obama recovery yet, but he is certainly working on it.
Last edited:
Yes yes, super duper, I'm sure the Russian hack of the DNC and podesta emails and all the talk about Hillary's emails had no effect on the election LOL LOL LOL. Media coverage of the election was 60% about emails for crying out loud. Every Republican on the intelligence committees agreed Russians did the hacking. You live on another planet of ignorance and phony scandals that have never got anywhere in the real world because there is nothing to them but endlessly repeated garbage propaganda. You are the swamp, brainwashed functional moron. Everything about her emails has been investigated multiple times and she did nothing that general Powell and condoleezza didn't do.... She lost because of total b*******. 25 years of it....
If you think people didn't vote with their wisdom based upon the track records of these candidates when they voted for the person of their choice, then you are one conspirital thinking character. In fact everything used to justify why one looses and why one wins is just wild speculation or political fall out after the fact. The problem is that the Democrats had hedged their bets wrongfully on their hopes and dreams based upon an agenda the nation had rebuked, and they are the sorest losers this nation has ever seen. Looking back at the crying and knashing of teeth is just amazing really. It actually borders on insanity of the worst kind. How so many people got that brainwashed over time is just an eye opener really.

this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.
Last edited:
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Pfft...Some Obama admin folks are going to jail. This is like a slow motion train wreck.
More threats that the real big news is right around the corner. You guys have like 3 tricks.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Pfft...Some Obama admin folks are going to jail. This is like a slow motion train wreck.
More threats that the real big news is right around the corner. You guys have like 3 tricks.
You mean the Mueller Report will soon be released? Praise be to Allah
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Pfft...Some Obama admin folks are going to jail. This is like a slow motion train wreck.
More threats that the real big news is right around the corner. You guys have like 3 tricks.
You mean the Mueller Report will soon be released? Praise be to Allah
Monkey on a keyboard. Makes no sense.
If you think people didn't vote with their wisdom based upon the track records of these candidates when they voted for the person of their choice, then you are one conspirital thinking character. In fact everything used to justify why one looses and why one wins is just wild speculation or political fall out after the fact. The problem is that the Democrats had hedged their bets wrongfully on their hopes and dreams based upon an agenda the nation had rebuked, and they are the sorest losers this nation has ever seen. Looking back at the crying and knashing of teeth is just amazing really. It actually borders on insanity of the worst kind. How so many people got that brainwashed over time is just an eye opener really.

this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.
this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote

This has got to be nominated as one of the best posts of the day.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg

If you think people didn't vote with their wisdom based upon the track records of these candidates when they voted for the person of their choice, then you are one conspirital thinking character. In fact everything used to justify why one looses and why one wins is just wild speculation or political fall out after the fact. The problem is that the Democrats had hedged their bets wrongfully on their hopes and dreams based upon an agenda the nation had rebuked, and they are the sorest losers this nation has ever seen. Looking back at the crying and knashing of teeth is just amazing really. It actually borders on insanity of the worst kind. How so many people got that brainwashed over time is just an eye opener really.

this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

Bill Clinton lied when he said, in 1992, this was the worst economy since the Great Depression.
Real GDP grew 3.5% in 1992.

View attachment 288086

Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Bill Clinton was the king of lies.

It's so amusing when these Democrats come out and accuse our people of what they've been doing all along. DumBama said in his campaign that nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind. Within his first month in office, he placed a huge sin tax on tobacco products, and later closed down businesses that provided customers with the ability to roll their own cigarettes.

And what's this impeachment about? It's about Democrats accusing Trump of something he never did, but Biden did do.
We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

View attachment 288160

Ray....Ray....Ray...... (Katniss shakes her head). Even though we disagree on some issues (quite a number apparently) I'm still dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course I can't save you from yourself's a lollipop. It can suck if you don't take a bite out of it at the right time. (I just made that up!....grin)

Democrats are too wishy washy to be dangerous so I totally disagree with you on your assertion that the Dems are the problem. Republicans are devious and strategic. Both parties have good and bad qualities. That's why it's so important that there be a balance.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


You are right.... The FBI, DOJ, CIA and the NSA were all Obama clones until Trump beat Hillary....
You know what's funny.....China does ten times the hacking that Russia does and hundreds of times the tampering....but somehow they have never been discovered?????

The DNC hacked its own computers....
That's what will eventually be shown...
The CIA complied by placing Russian fingerprints on the job

Oh and BTW....he's not trying...he's doing.

William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


You are right.... The FBI, DOJ, CIA and the NSA were all Obama clones until Trump beat Hillary....
You know what's funny.....China does ten times the hacking that Russia does and hundreds of times the tampering....but somehow they have never been discovered?????

The DNC hacked its own computers....
That's what will eventually be shown...
The CIA complied by placing Russian fingerprints on the job

Oh and BTW....he's not trying...he's doing.


So does Vlad pay you overtime?
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

That article is a disjointed screed full of speculative bullshit that appears to be written by a very anxious mentally disturbed individual suffering from TDS.

Right now, all we can safely assume is that Barr is investigating international crimes.

And it has Democrats terrified.
Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

View attachment 288160

Ray....Ray....Ray...... (Katniss shakes her head). Even though we disagree on some issues (quite a number apparently) I'm still dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course I can't save you from yourself's a lollipop. It can suck if you don't take a bite out of it at the right time. (I just made that up!....grin)

Democrats are too wishy washy to be dangerous so I totally disagree with you on your assertion that the Dems are the problem. Republicans are devious and strategic. Both parties have good and bad qualities. That's why it's so important that there be a balance.

So can you name a good quality of Democrats? How are you dedicated to keeping me safe? I keep myself safe. I don't need government for much of anything. In fact, the less government in my life, the better my life can be.

We just left the last administration who used our federal agencies to try and defeat a political opponent. We have the House now trying to impeach a President on fictitious charges. We had a contender who purchased and used her own server so she had the ability to totally wipeout incriminating information at will, and did exactly that after the server was subpoenaed by the US Congress. She had classified information on it, and even forwarded some of that information to her aid, who's husband used that very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world, and you say the Republicans are devious and strategic?????

You can't have any balance between the two parties because there is no middle-ground. On the right, the Tea Party types are slowly gaining more control. Tea Party people are constitutionalists. On the left, one of their front contenders is an admitted Socialist, and the US Communist Party supported their last three presidential candidates.

So where is this balance you speak of? Where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism?
That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

View attachment 288160

Ray....Ray....Ray...... (Katniss shakes her head). Even though we disagree on some issues (quite a number apparently) I'm still dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course I can't save you from yourself's a lollipop. It can suck if you don't take a bite out of it at the right time. (I just made that up!....grin)

Democrats are too wishy washy to be dangerous so I totally disagree with you on your assertion that the Dems are the problem. Republicans are devious and strategic. Both parties have good and bad qualities. That's why it's so important that there be a balance.

So can you name a good quality of Democrats? How are you dedicated to keeping me safe? I keep myself safe. I don't need government for much of anything. In fact, the less government in my life, the better my life can be.

We just left the last administration who used our federal agencies to try and defeat a political opponent. We have the House now trying to impeach a President on fictitious charges. We had a contender who purchased and used her own server so she had the ability to totally wipeout incriminating information at will, and did exactly that after the server was subpoenaed by the US Congress. She had classified information on it, and even forwarded some of that information to her aid, who's husband used that very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world, and you say the Republicans are devious and strategic?????

You can't have any balance between the two parties because there is no middle-ground. On the right, the Tea Party types are slowly gaining more control. Tea Party people are constitutionalists. On the left, one of their front contenders is an admitted Socialist, and the US Communist Party supported their last three presidential candidates.

So where is this balance you speak of? Where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism?

I'm not revealing where I work or what I do......but nice try.

The democrats bring compassion to the table while the republicans used to bring focus and common sense. You're right that there is currently no balance but that's where you and I come into play. We're the middle although you are making me a little nervous with all the dems are the devil talk.
Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.

I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

View attachment 288160

Ray....Ray....Ray...... (Katniss shakes her head). Even though we disagree on some issues (quite a number apparently) I'm still dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course I can't save you from yourself's a lollipop. It can suck if you don't take a bite out of it at the right time. (I just made that up!....grin)

Democrats are too wishy washy to be dangerous so I totally disagree with you on your assertion that the Dems are the problem. Republicans are devious and strategic. Both parties have good and bad qualities. That's why it's so important that there be a balance.

So can you name a good quality of Democrats? How are you dedicated to keeping me safe? I keep myself safe. I don't need government for much of anything. In fact, the less government in my life, the better my life can be.

We just left the last administration who used our federal agencies to try and defeat a political opponent. We have the House now trying to impeach a President on fictitious charges. We had a contender who purchased and used her own server so she had the ability to totally wipeout incriminating information at will, and did exactly that after the server was subpoenaed by the US Congress. She had classified information on it, and even forwarded some of that information to her aid, who's husband used that very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world, and you say the Republicans are devious and strategic?????

You can't have any balance between the two parties because there is no middle-ground. On the right, the Tea Party types are slowly gaining more control. Tea Party people are constitutionalists. On the left, one of their front contenders is an admitted Socialist, and the US Communist Party supported their last three presidential candidates.

So where is this balance you speak of? Where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism?

I'm not revealing where I work or what I do......but nice try.

The democrats bring compassion to the table while the republicans used to bring focus and common sense. You're right that there is currently no balance but that's where you and I come into play. We're the middle although you are making me a little nervous with all the dems are the devil talk.

I don't want anything in the middle. In fact, if you read my other posts, you'll see I'm all for dividing this country in half; a dividing line from north to south. Instead of one country, I would like to see two; liberals on one side, conservatives on the other, and anybody in between will have to pick which country they want to live in.

The Democrats never make any policy or law that doesn't benefit them either personally or politically. Compassion? Do they care anything about foreigners coming here, taking our jobs, and lowering wages for Americans? Do they care about those Angel moms who suffered the loss of a family member at the hands of an illegal; in some cases, an illegal that was released by local Democrat authorities? They don't care. Why? Because working on eliminating the white race is the only focus they have. They don't care about them bringing in diseases, sending them to our schools and stopping the education of American students because they don't understand the language, or even raping and killing our people. It's irrelevant to them, and the last thing it could be considered is compassionate.
I work for you doofus. So be glad I hold a high ethical standard and consider honor and truth important.

Make no mistake, you are exactly a reflection of Donald Trump no matter how many times you look in the mirror and say differently. You and the rest of his supporters have embraced his actions that have torn this country apart. Had you shown a little courage and demanded that he "be best" maybe we wouldn't be where we are today. But you gave him carte blanche and he took it and then took more.

I am not for sale

So how do you work for me?

The only people tearing this country apart are the Democrats. They teach their sheep to hate anybody that has more money than them, to disrupt Republican events, their disdain for firearm owners, and promote violence.

View attachment 288160

Ray....Ray....Ray...... (Katniss shakes her head). Even though we disagree on some issues (quite a number apparently) I'm still dedicated to keeping you safe. Of course I can't save you from yourself's a lollipop. It can suck if you don't take a bite out of it at the right time. (I just made that up!....grin)

Democrats are too wishy washy to be dangerous so I totally disagree with you on your assertion that the Dems are the problem. Republicans are devious and strategic. Both parties have good and bad qualities. That's why it's so important that there be a balance.

So can you name a good quality of Democrats? How are you dedicated to keeping me safe? I keep myself safe. I don't need government for much of anything. In fact, the less government in my life, the better my life can be.

We just left the last administration who used our federal agencies to try and defeat a political opponent. We have the House now trying to impeach a President on fictitious charges. We had a contender who purchased and used her own server so she had the ability to totally wipeout incriminating information at will, and did exactly that after the server was subpoenaed by the US Congress. She had classified information on it, and even forwarded some of that information to her aid, who's husband used that very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world, and you say the Republicans are devious and strategic?????

You can't have any balance between the two parties because there is no middle-ground. On the right, the Tea Party types are slowly gaining more control. Tea Party people are constitutionalists. On the left, one of their front contenders is an admitted Socialist, and the US Communist Party supported their last three presidential candidates.

So where is this balance you speak of? Where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism?

I'm not revealing where I work or what I do......but nice try.

The democrats bring compassion to the table while the republicans used to bring focus and common sense. You're right that there is currently no balance but that's where you and I come into play. We're the middle although you are making me a little nervous with all the dems are the devil talk.

I don't want anything in the middle. In fact, if you read my other posts, you'll see I'm all for dividing this country in half; a dividing line from north to south. Instead of one country, I would like to see two; liberals on one side, conservatives on the other, and anybody in between will have to pick which country they want to live in.

The Democrats never make any policy or law that doesn't benefit them either personally or politically. Compassion? Do they care anything about foreigners coming here, taking our jobs, and lowering wages for Americans? Do they care about those Angel moms who suffered the loss of a family member at the hands of an illegal; in some cases, an illegal that was released by local Democrat authorities? They don't care. Why? Because working on eliminating the white race is the only focus they have. They don't care about them bringing in diseases, sending them to our schools and stopping the education of American students because they don't understand the language, or even raping and killing our people. It's irrelevant to them, and the last thing it could be considered is compassionate.

Okay Ray - You're getting grumpy so let's wrap it up for today. You're too negative for me and you're messing up my positivity.
this isn't about who won or lost in the election. This is about right and wrong. It's about our country's soul. It's about what type of americans we want to be now and going forward. This is about whether we want to be true to the constitution or if presidents going forward no longer have to follow the law.
Right or wrong eh ? What types of American's we want to be NOW ? What's wrong with all the American's that created and fought for this nation over the history of it all ? What's wrong with our traditions we valued over the years, and everything else that made this nation great over time ?? Who are these new American's, and what do they want ?? Why do they seek to destroy, and then rebuild for their own reasoning ??

We have a different view of who is trying to destroy this country. A leader who lies and deceives every single day does not share my values. If this is someone who shares your values than I'm embarrassed for you.

Who do you consider a "new" American? That's a weird term to use.

Can you show me one President of recent times who never lied? They all lie to some degree. But what's more important is what they lie about.

If Trump tells you this is the best economy we had in 100 years, he's hurting nobody. When a President tells you to support government healthcare, and it will save you a ton of money, be affordable, and plans that exceed the ones many people have, that's a trillion dollar lie that cost millions of Americans their employer sponsored insurance. Or another near trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, that weren't (as Obama put it) shovel ready at all.

That's your acceptable standard not mine. If this President is a reflection of who you are and what your moral and ethical standards are then you have some serious shortcomings as a human being in my opinion. I'm sure others think very similarly to you and thus even more reason to pray for a split in the country. I wouldn't count on you to cover my back or do the right thing in difficult times. You don't think those things are important obviously.

intent is extremely important. Was the intent to do good or was it to cover up and protect oneself.

Honor and trying to do the right thing for the right reasons is extremely important to me. I could never support Donald trump not because of his policies, there are some I would get behind, but because of his lack of morality and decency.

I deserve better and so I'll demand better.

Well then I guess you keep voting on politicians for their morality and decency, and I'll vote for them based on how good of a job they're doing, or plan to do. I just hope you are no business owner, because if that's your criteria for hiring employees (which is basically what voting is) then your company won't last a very long time.

I don't vote for a President for the purpose of reflecting anything about me. That's not why you vote on leaders of your country. I think what you need to do is separate your standards between voting for representatives, and voting in your favorite American Idol contestant.
Intelligent people vote for policies they want and with history in mind. Not a mountain of phony scandals misinformation and gigantic conspiracy theories that no one in the real world including journalists and law enforcement believe for a second....

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