Barr: There Are ‘Multiple Criminal Leak Investigations Underway’

Glad to hear it and his report should be a dandy.

Hope we all get to read it.
Hillary, Comey, Brennan and so many other lost their Get Out of Jail Free card when they went after Trump AND made it personal

The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
You know that it was the Trump Administration that did the Mueller investigation, right?
The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
You know that it was the Trump Administration that did the Mueller investigation, right?

You expect us to believe the Trump initiation of the Mueller investigation was anything more than procedural? It was the Democrats’ lifeline.
The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
You know that it was the Trump Administration that did the Mueller investigation, right?

You expect us to believe the Trump initiation of the Mueller investigation was anything more than procedural? It was the Democrats’ lifeline.

Trump's firing of Comey precipitated the appointment of Mueller by Trump's own apointee. Not a Dem in sight.
Mueller referred 14 cases to various courts Not sure how many open now But the scum in our WH will need to be on his toes
The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
You know that it was the Trump Administration that did the Mueller investigation, right?

You expect us to believe the Trump initiation of the Mueller investigation was anything more than procedural? It was the Democrats’ lifeline.
OK, Republican White House, Republican AG, Republican run DOJ, Republican House., Republican Senate,

And you have the gall to blame Democrats. Just how stupid are you?
Barr: “Government Power Was Used To Spy On American Citizens”

Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a spying operation. Barr insists that’s exactly what it was in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Barr wants to develop more specific rules for the circumstances which gave rise to it in order to ensure any future probes are properly predicated:

Attorney General William Barr said his review of the origins of the Russia investigation is focused on U.S. intelligence gathering before the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened its formal inquiry in July 2016 and could lead to rule changes for counterintelligence investigations of political campaigns.

“Government power was used to spy on American citizens,” Mr. Barr told The Wall Street Journal, in his first interview since taking office in February. “I can’t imagine any world where we wouldn’t take a look and make sure that was done properly.”

He added: “Just like we need to ensure that foreign actors don’t influence the outcome of our elections, we need to ensure that the government doesn’t use its powers to put a thumb on the scale.”​

The FBI's FISA warrant’s reliance on the Steele dossier suggests that they might have cut corners to get it. It doesn’t require a genius to see that, at the very least, the FBI and Department of Justice need to rethink their compliance procedures after this embarrassing failure.

A good reason to investigate every aspect of the decisions that led to Operation Crossfire Hurricane and all of the actions within it are so those mistakes never get made again.

John Durham will find those answers, and resolve this credibly and with finality:

Even Chris Murphy, Mr. Durham’s home state Democratic senator, praised him this week as “apolitical,” “serious,” and “fair.” In a 37-year tenure at the Justice Department, Mr. Durham has served six presidents. Federal records show he has never donated to a political candidate. He’s the antithesis of a showboater; he doesn’t do news conferences and he doesn’t do leaks.

Mr. Durham has also specialized in investigations into government actors—from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Central Intelligence Agency to political figures. The record shows that he doesn’t bring prosecutions lightly, but also isn’t afraid to hold the powerful to account. I’ve confirmed he’ll be joined by the highly respected Nora Dannehy. Ms. Dannehy was herself once the U.S. attorney in Connecticut and in 2008 led the probe into the George W. Bush administration’s controversial firing of U.S. attorneys. She only recently returned to Justice from private practice and is working as counsel in Mr. Durham’s office.

The esteemed duo can give the public confidence that Justice and FBI actions are getting a fair and thorough look.​
Barr: “Government Power Was Used To Spy On American Citizens”

When Amwricans contact questionable Russian assets

Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a spying operation. Barr insists that’s exactly what it was in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Barr wants to develop more specific rules for the circumstances which gave rise to it in order to ensure any future probes are properly predicated:

Attorney General William Barr said his review of the origins of the Russia investigation is focused on U.S. intelligence gathering before the Federal Bureau of Investigation opened its formal inquiry in July 2016 and could lead to rule changes for counterintelligence investigations of political campaigns.

“Government power was used to spy on American citizens,” Mr. Barr told The Wall Street Journal, in his first interview since taking office in February. “I can’t imagine any world where we wouldn’t take a look and make sure that was done properly.”

He added: “Just like we need to ensure that foreign actors don’t influence the outcome of our elections, we need to ensure that the government doesn’t use its powers to put a thumb on the scale.”​

The FBI's FISA warrant’s reliance on the Steele dossier suggests that they might have cut corners to get it. It doesn’t require a genius to see that, at the very least, the FBI and Department of Justice need to rethink their compliance procedures after this embarrassing failure.

A good reason to investigate every aspect of the decisions that led to Operation Crossfire Hurricane and all of the actions within it are so those mistakes never get made again.

John Durham will find those answers, and resolve this credibly and with finality:

Even Chris Murphy, Mr. Durham’s home state Democratic senator, praised him this week as “apolitical,” “serious,” and “fair.” In a 37-year tenure at the Justice Department, Mr. Durham has served six presidents. Federal records show he has never donated to a political candidate. He’s the antithesis of a showboater; he doesn’t do news conferences and he doesn’t do leaks.

Mr. Durham has also specialized in investigations into government actors—from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Central Intelligence Agency to political figures. The record shows that he doesn’t bring prosecutions lightly, but also isn’t afraid to hold the powerful to account. I’ve confirmed he’ll be joined by the highly respected Nora Dannehy. Ms. Dannehy was herself once the U.S. attorney in Connecticut and in 2008 led the probe into the George W. Bush administration’s controversial firing of U.S. attorneys. She only recently returned to Justice from private practice and is working as counsel in Mr. Durham’s office.

The esteemed duo can give the public confidence that Justice and FBI actions are getting a fair and thorough look.​
When Americans contact known Russians already under CIA wire taps, When lies are told to hide Russian contacts, when lies are told about business interests in Russia I hope to Hell that the FBI would investigate including wire taps where called for & approved by the courts.

Trumpettes are having a fit that some one connected to the Trump campaign might have been wire tapped while totally ignoring they should be upset that the Trump campaign members did something so outrageous that it triggered a FBI investigation.
The Anti-Trump state had many opportunities and much resources to investigate Trump on Collusion with Russia in the 2016 Elections. Now it’s Trump’s turn. The worst thing you people got on Trump is that he did not disclose his taxes which is within his legal rights.
You know that it was the Trump Administration that did the Mueller investigation, right?

You expect us to believe the Trump initiation of the Mueller investigation was anything more than procedural? It was the Democrats’ lifeline.

Trump's firing of Comey precipitated the appointment of Mueller by Trump's own apointee. Not a Dem in sight.

Comey is an admitted Communist, it would have been treasonous for Trump NOT to fire the doofus.
Trumpettes are having a fit that some one connected to the Trump campaign might have been wire tapped while totally ignoring they should be upset that the Trump campaign members did something so outrageous that it triggered a FBI investigation.

If it was righteous to wiretap the Trump Tower, why didn't Obama and the Deep State Swamp Creatures just admit to it when Donald J. Trump first called them out on it?

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