Barrack Obama And David Letterman Agree That Mitt Sucks

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Experience customized


It's not that hard when someone is being annoying instead of carrying a conversation. Do sniperfire and mudwhistle think I can read their posts? I wonder. :eusa_eh:

I can see why you would do that.

Getting your ass handed to you tends to piss a body off.

At any rate everybody else can read my post and can see you're an idiot, so that's all that matters.


I do think it's funny when folks put other members on ignore and then brag about it.

I more or less feel like it's a confession of weakness when I reveal that I have that assclown Mr. Sheman on ignore. I only do that because his posts suck moose dick in hell, all multicolored fonts, different font sizes, center justified, smileycon-overloaded, babbling bullshit. No point in not having his shit hidden. He has never offered an intelligent comment, anyway.

Anybody else on my ignore list is temporary anyway. Sometimes it's easier to allow the features to do the ignoring of idiots, automatically.


I use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.
i can see why you would do that.

Getting your ass handed to you tends to piss a body off.

At any rate everybody else can read my post and can see you're an idiot, so that's all that matters.


I do think it's funny when folks put other members on ignore and then brag about it.

I more or less feel like it's a confession of weakness when i reveal that i have that assclown mr. Sheman on ignore. I only do that because his posts suck moose dick in hell, all multicolored fonts, different font sizes, center justified, smileycon-overloaded, babbling bullshit. No point in not having his shit hidden. He has never offered an intelligent comment, anyway.

Anybody else on my ignore list is temporary anyway. Sometimes it's easier to allow the features to do the ignoring of idiots, automatically.


i use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.

real man don't use ignore.

I do think it's funny when folks put other members on ignore and then brag about it.

I more or less feel like it's a confession of weakness when i reveal that i have that assclown mr. Sheman on ignore. I only do that because his posts suck moose dick in hell, all multicolored fonts, different font sizes, center justified, smileycon-overloaded, babbling bullshit. No point in not having his shit hidden. He has never offered an intelligent comment, anyway.

Anybody else on my ignore list is temporary anyway. Sometimes it's easier to allow the features to do the ignoring of idiots, automatically.


i use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.

real man don't use ignore.

I dont have time not to use it.

Instead of remembering all of the people that behave like douche and skipping them over, I decided to customize my experience. They can argue amongst themselves how big of a tough guy or little pussy I am afterward, but fortunately, I won't be wasting my time reading their nonsense.
i use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.

real man don't use ignore.

I dont have time not to use it.

Instead of remembering all of the people that behave like douche and skipping them over, I decided to customize my experience. They can argue amongst themselves how big of a tough guy or little pussy I am afterward, but fortunately, I won't be wasting my time reading their nonsense.

It's just a G.T. excuse. He doesn't like to admit the obvious.

He's a pussy.

Plain and simple.

This message is hidden because Liability is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because Liability is on your ignore list.


Funny either way.

Either GT is a pussy. I'd laugh at him for that. :lol::lol:

OR he is just pretending to be a pussy. And I'd laugh at that literary type conceit, too. :lol:
i use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.

real man don't use ignore.

I dont have time not to use it.

Instead of remembering all of the people that behave like douche and skipping them over, I decided to customize my experience. They can argue amongst themselves how big of a tough guy or little pussy I am afterward, but fortunately, I won't be wasting my time reading their nonsense.

im on your ignore.....dont ever recall "bothering" you with nonsense by acting like a douche....but whatever...keep me on ignore.
I can see why you would do that.

Getting your ass handed to you tends to piss a body off.

At any rate everybody else can read my post and can see you're an idiot, so that's all that matters.


I do think it's funny when folks put other members on ignore and then brag about it.

I more or less feel like it's a confession of weakness when I reveal that I have that assclown Mr. Sheman on ignore. I only do that because his posts suck moose dick in hell, all multicolored fonts, different font sizes, center justified, smileycon-overloaded, babbling bullshit. No point in not having his shit hidden. He has never offered an intelligent comment, anyway.

Anybody else on my ignore list is temporary anyway. Sometimes it's easier to allow the features to do the ignoring of idiots, automatically.


I use ignore very rarely and have never done so on this board, not even close. I also wouldn't brag about it either, it just shows you let people get to you, that and you can't debate.

Or that some people are too brain-dead to discuss politics in a reasonable manner.
This message is hidden because Liability is on your ignore list.


Funny either way.

Either GT is a pussy. I'd laugh at him for that. :lol::lol:

OR he is just pretending to be a pussy. And I'd laugh at that literary type conceit, too. :lol:

G.T. Is a Meterosexual.

He's worse than a pussy because he's always on the rag.
lol this bodied me

Remove user from ignore listLiability
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View Post Today, 01:15 PM
Remove user from ignore listJarhead
This message is hidden because Jarhead is on your ignore list.

View Post Today, 01:26 PM
Remove user from ignore listmudwhistle
This message is hidden because mudwhistle is on your ignore list.

View Post Today, 01:29 PM
Remove user from ignore listmudwhistle
This message is hidden because mudwhistle is on your ignore list.
real man don't use ignore.

I dont have time not to use it.

Instead of remembering all of the people that behave like douche and skipping them over, I decided to customize my experience. They can argue amongst themselves how big of a tough guy or little pussy I am afterward, but fortunately, I won't be wasting my time reading their nonsense.

im on your ignore.....dont ever recall "bothering" you with nonsense by acting like a douche....but whatever...keep me on ignore.

Maybe he has a yeast infection.
New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public.

Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base.

The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.

Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Embassy Protests

[FONT="Arial Black"]Obama was on David Letterman last night.[/FONT] He was reclined in a comfortable chair given the opportunity by Letterman to answer great questions like

[COLOR="Blue"][B]"Just how cool are you Mr President?"[/B][/COLOR]:thanks:

Obama answered a question about what Mitt said in a video that was revealed earlier.

He said that [B]as president he has to work for everybody,[/B] not just his base.........

[FONT="Arial Black"]Problem is his record doesn't show that is the case[/FONT], so David Letterman served him up a softball and taking into account this 3 month old video's release by Jimmy Carter the IV, Obama simply knocked it out of the park.

[FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]Problem is he's lying.[/SIZE][/FONT]

He does care about you, but you have to be [B]Black[/B], a 30 year old [B]college student[/B], [B]Homosexual[/B], or a woman that only thinks about sex 24/7 and doesn't ever worry about making ends meet.

[FONT="Arial Black"]The rest of us can go pound sand in Obama's opinion[/FONT].......especially the folks that cling to their guns and their religion. Oh, and white middle-aged males. You're shit out of luck.

My biggest question is this:

[COLOR="Blue"][B]WTF is Obama doing on David Lettermen while our overseas embassies and schools are under siege?[/B][/COLOR]:eusa_eh:

Shouldn't this prick be doing his job in Washington and not kicking back in front of cameras in New York?

In my opinion Obama doesn't have to run a campaign. His friends in the media are doing it for him for free.:thewave: :udaman:[/quote]

Wow, guy, that came off as pretty whiny for a "Green Beret"....
You can tell how desperate Muddy is getting by how large the fonts he uses are...
You can tell how desperate Muddy is getting by how large the fonts he uses are...

We can tell how much my posts bothered Joe by how many times he responds to them without offering one single valid point to refute them.
You can tell how desperate Muddy is getting by how large the fonts he uses are...

We can tell how much my posts bothered Joe by how many times he responds to them without offering one single valid point to refute them.

Naw, man, I'm beyond the point of even treating your posts like you are making a point. They are worthy of mockery.

And even though I see this election as a choice between the lesser of two evils, there will be a bit of satisfaction in watching Romney lose because of the mean-spiritedness of the people who support him.
New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public.

Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base.

The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.

Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Embassy Protests

And he says his plan is "working"?

I hope those that love him understand that he believes he is doing a good job, and does not intend to change course (the bridge is out!). He has proven himself to be dishonest, a fraud, and incapable of leadership. He pays people to stay poor (welfare). He is decreasing the number of people in the middle class and increasing the number of people living in poverty. The economy is going down the tubes. But he does have some accomplishments:

He was the first to...........

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he
was a foreigner.

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never
lived in.

First President to preside over a downgrade of the credit-rating of the United

First President to violate the War Powers Act. .

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing
oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third

First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when
there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies
to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through
executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the
deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with
criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his
political appointees.

First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

First President to terminate America 's ability to put a man in space.

First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America
is no longer a Christian nation.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and
refuse to enforce it. (Violating his oath for office)

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out
on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is
allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to
protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly
issued years ago.

First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one
of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his

First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years
in office, 102 to date.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to go on multiple global "apology tours" and concurrent
"insult our friends" tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and
Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at
taxpayer expense.

First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of
the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth. (Still waiting for him to issue a statement on muslims 'clinging to their qurans and guns/suicide bombs/etc)

First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for
their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew
the consequences".

Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that
THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50
states (Mexico vs Arizona).

How is this hope and change working out for you? THERE'S AN ELECTION COMING
New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public.

Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base.

The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.

Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Embassy Protests
Remember when Bush was in the elementory school on 9-11, and how the left tried to grill him for apearing not panicked in front of the children, and this when those planes hit the buildings ? Remember how they wanted Bush to look so busy the very moment the planes hit the buildings, instead of dealing with the situation in front of those children in a calm and strong, cool, collective and well manored way?

Now where was Obama when the embassy was burning, and the ambassodor was being killed along with his staff ? What was he doing and/or kept right on doing afterwards ? The comparisons in contrast of are really very telling now aren't they ? Will the left demand an explanation from Obama on his where abouts during the killings at that embassy, and then grill him on it, as well as they did Bush as based upon his actions at the school afterwards ?
New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public.

Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base.

The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.

Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Embassy Protests

And he says his plan is "working"?

I hope those that love him understand that he believes he is doing a good job, and does not intend to change course (the bridge is out!). He has proven himself to be dishonest, a fraud, and incapable of leadership. He pays people to stay poor (welfare). He is decreasing the number of people in the middle class and increasing the number of people living in poverty. The economy is going down the tubes. But he does have some accomplishments:

He was the first to...........

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he
was a foreigner.

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never
lived in.

First President to preside over a downgrade of the credit-rating of the United

First President to violate the War Powers Act. .

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing
oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third

First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when
there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies
to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through
executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the
deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with
criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his
political appointees.

First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

First President to terminate America 's ability to put a man in space.

First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America
is no longer a Christian nation.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and
refuse to enforce it. (Violating his oath for office)

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out
on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is
allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to
protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly
issued years ago.

First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one
of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his

First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years
in office, 102 to date.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to go on multiple global "apology tours" and concurrent
"insult our friends" tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and
Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at
taxpayer expense.

First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of
the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth. (Still waiting for him to issue a statement on muslims 'clinging to their qurans and guns/suicide bombs/etc)

First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for
their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew
the consequences".

Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that
THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50
states (Mexico vs Arizona).

How is this hope and change working out for you? THERE'S AN ELECTION COMING

Is it is "post chain spam emails on message boards" day again?

95% of that list is complete bullshit.
New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests.

Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en Español and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz.

This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public.

Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base.

The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.

Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Embassy Protests

And he says his plan is "working"?

I hope those that love him understand that he believes he is doing a good job, and does not intend to change course (the bridge is out!). He has proven himself to be dishonest, a fraud, and incapable of leadership. He pays people to stay poor (welfare). He is decreasing the number of people in the middle class and increasing the number of people living in poverty. The economy is going down the tubes. But he does have some accomplishments:

He was the first to...........

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he
was a foreigner.

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never
lived in.

First President to preside over a downgrade of the credit-rating of the United

First President to violate the War Powers Act. .

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing
oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third

First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when
there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies
to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through
executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the
deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with
criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his
political appointees.

First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

First President to terminate America 's ability to put a man in space.

First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America
is no longer a Christian nation.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and
refuse to enforce it. (Violating his oath for office)

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out
on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is
allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to
protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly
issued years ago.

First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one
of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his

First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years
in office, 102 to date.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to go on multiple global "apology tours" and concurrent
"insult our friends" tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and
Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at
taxpayer expense.

First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of
the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth. (Still waiting for him to issue a statement on muslims 'clinging to their qurans and guns/suicide bombs/etc)

First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for
their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew
the consequences".

Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that
THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50
states (Mexico vs Arizona).

How is this hope and change working out for you? THERE'S AN ELECTION COMING

Is it is "post chain spam emails on message boards" day again?

95% of that list is complete bullshit.

I've got another one for you.

Why is gas more expensive on post now than off?

Why is Obama fucking our service members?

Currently the price of gas on Ft Campbell is $3.65, but outside the gate the price is $3.45.

I remember even during the Clinton years the price of gas averaged 5 cents less on post than off. Why the change now? WTF???:confused:

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