Barry Does Harry A Solid...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Typhoid-Barry at it again as his disastrous presidency thankfully comes to an end. After pissing on Israel and lying through his black ass to the American people about it, this week he's nationalizing more land out here in the west. To you in the east and midwest, this land looks rugged and beautiful, surely worth saving from unsightly drilling rigs and strip-mining, right? At least that's how it's being portrayed:


But look past the cliff wall that some drunk Paiutes scrawled their primitive drawings on back in the day. This land is scrub full of rattlesnakes....little water, no shade, and desolate. The only people out in it are airhead greenies who's hiking adventures usually end up in helicopter rescues. There is no drilling or mining planned in Gold Butte and Barry ain't saving it for "future generations". He's locked it up so the Bundy ranch will have to close down, despite their legacy rights to graze cattle on it. AND so Harry Reid can move ahead in his sleazy schemes to develop it.


So why should this matter to anybody outside of Nevada? Here's why....the Federal government already owns most of Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, and Utah..that's why.


We have almost NO SAY in how our land is used, developed, ignored, and left to burn in the dry summer months. We rarely vote democrat, are independent sorts, and don't like being dictated to by airhead swindlers like Obama and Reid. So Harry got what he wanted by tabling every GOP bill that made sense in the last 8 years, and Barry kept his recession going, putting tens of millions on the government dole, and under control. We could cut the $10T the asshole has added to the national debt by selling our land back to us, ridding ourselves once and for all of the eastern tinhorns who have no business sticking their noses in our business.
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With luck, Reid will get in another argument with his treadmill, and his plans for development will be buried with him
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With luck, Reid will get in another argument with his treadmill, and his plans for development will be buried with him

The timid little recount they did in Nevada never went near what happened in Clark Country (Las Vegas). Harry's thugs own the voting machines there and as usual, it went democrat. I don't know anybody up there who'd piss on Reid if he was on fire, or Obama either. So where do all these dem votes come from? Harry Reid.
I think the drawings are amazing. Of course, I might be a bit biased. I love history.
The Bundy Ranch is on this property? No shit?
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I think the drawings are amazing. Of course, I might be a bit biased. I love history.
The Bundy Ranch is on this property? No shit?

Paiute graffiti.....that crap is all over the West and nothing is going to happen to it. Now you won't be able to hike in to see all the national monuments and forests out here, the rangers act like they own it...rude pencil-neck shitheads who most of us would drag-hang if we could get away with it. :lol:

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