Barry Hussein Obama opines about the repeal of Unaffordable Care Act


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
Don't hold your breathe, Paul Ryan has no gonads and is afraid of Nancy Pelosi!
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
what the asshole needs to understand is that he wont be in a position to continue destroying this country, His party lost because he was such a traitor to the nation.
As far as his I want to see it first comment? all he needs to do is STFU and never put his over inflated lips in front of a camera again.
Unfortunately BHO only has a couple of weeks left to veto a repeal.

After that it will be up to Donald Trump.

Schumer can filibuster it if he wants. But then all that the GOP Senate needs to do is change the rules on "invoking cloture".
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...

How many people will be uninsured under unified GOP rule?
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
Don't hold your breathe, Paul Ryan has no gonads and is afraid of Nancy Pelosi!
I hope you are right.

What I wonder is if the GOP knew that repealing ACA would lose for them the House AND Senate in 2018 then would they still do it ???

Repeal of ACA has been a fantasy of the GOP for the past 6 years. Now that they actually have the power, will they however ??

They can also repeal Social Security and Medicare now if they want to.

I am positive that if the GOP repeals all 3 of these FDR, LBJ, and BHO programs then the GOP will be completely swept out of Congress in 2018 and Trump will lose the re-election in 2020 as well.

So the big question for the GOP is can they walk the walk after having talked the talk for the past 6 years ??
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...

How many people will be uninsured under unified GOP rule?
I suppose that depends on how many people are not willing to pay their own way through life.
I will still be more than adequately insured with the reapeal of commicare.
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
what the asshole needs to understand is that he wont be in a position to continue destroying this country, His party lost because he was such a traitor to the nation.
As far as his I want to see it first comment? all he needs to do is STFU and never put his over inflated lips in front of a camera again.

The one good thing about the coming of the 20th of January is that seditious and hate driven people like Maryland Patriot will disappear (hopefully).
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
Don't hold your breathe, Paul Ryan has no gonads and is afraid of Nancy Pelosi!
I hope you are right.

What I wonder is if the GOP knew that repealing ACA would lose for them the House AND Senate in 2018 then would they still do it ???

Repeal of ACA has been a fantasy of the GOP for the past 6 years. Now that they actually have the power, will they however ??

They can also repeal Social Security and Medicare now if they want to.

I am positive that if the GOP repeals all 3 of these FDR, LBJ, and BHO programs then the GOP will be completely swept out of Congress in 2018 and Trump will lose the re-election in 2020 as well.

So the big question for the GOP is can they walk the walk after having talked the talk for the past 6 years ??
repeal of social security would kill them. thats something that people pay into a fund for, it was never intended to be a tax and the money from it was never intended to pay for anything but social security. With that being the largest deduction in my check, almost 200 a week, I would be pretty pissed to find out that money had been stolen from me.
Medicare is the same, its an insurance fund that people paid into during their working years to insure that they would have some level of health coverage in their retirement years. That money was never intended to be wasted in programs like medicaid, or anything else.
the ACA is a theft of money, we pay with nothing ever suggested in return, a total loss for those that work.
Seems as if working is something that needs to be punished in this country. apparently the less you contribute to society, the more rewards you receive from the government.
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...
what the asshole needs to understand is that he wont be in a position to continue destroying this country, His party lost because he was such a traitor to the nation.
As far as his I want to see it first comment? all he needs to do is STFU and never put his over inflated lips in front of a camera again.

The one good thing about the coming of the 20th of January is that seditious and hate driven people like Maryland Patriot will disappear (hopefully).
Hate driven?
I doubt I can even start to compete with the hate that the left has shown. Pretty certain you wont find people that think like me out starting riots like you people do.
You want to see hate? look at those associated with your failed and dying party.,
What I wonder is if the GOP knew that repealing ACA would lose for them the House AND Senate in 2018 then would they still do it ???

I don't think it will

we have a better shot to get 60 Republican Senators than we do of losing a majority in either of the legislative branches AS THINGS STAND TODAY

so, IF we (cons & reps) are correct that lower business taxes and less regulations will make the economy better and create more jobs, it won't matter what happens with health care (except to a group of people that will vote democrat anyway)

more jobs and a stronger economy = Republican gains in 2018 - no matter what happens with health care

if the economy does not get better and if we don't see tangible job growth, democrats will gain

it really is that simple - everything else is just noise
So Obama says regarding the impending death of his signature legislation, quote:
I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan. But I want to see it first,” he said.

Wonder if Paul Ryan will have the gonads to channel Nancy Pelosi and reply to the outgoing POTUS quote:
"but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it"

I mean - goose, meet gander - right?

the obvious hypocrisy of these people AND the support they get from our friends in the media is nothing short of hilarious...

How many people will be uninsured under unified GOP rule?
However many don't make the choice to pay for HC...why?

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