Barry Quoted Saul Alensky - Biden Quotes Mao


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden promotes women’s empowerment with quote from infamous dictator
Biden promotes women’s empowerment with quote from infamous dictator

Former President Barak Obama quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, specifically from his book 'Rules For Radicals', during his Inauguration speech....a seriously questionable act for a newly elected President whose father publicly expressed the desire to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence.

Now, as the liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party has fully embrace George Soros', Russia's, China's, and Iranian (through Venezuela) interference in the 2020 election and as the Democrats have thrown their support behind the foreign enemy-financed domestic terrorists, supporting the attack on this country by enemies 'foreign and domestic', Joe Biden is on the miniscule, extremely limited campaign path QUOTING THE INFAMOUS DICTATOR OF THE COUNTRY THAT UNLEASHED THE PANDEMIC THAT HAS CRIPPLED THE ECONOMY, KILLED THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS, ENABLED THE LIBERAL ASSULT ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND CIVIL RIGHTS ... WHILE PUBLICLYDECLARING THEY WOULD KILL MORE AMERICANS BY WITHHOLDING VITAL MEDICINES MADE IN THEIR COUNTRY.

"Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden raised eyebrows on Monday when he echoed rhetoric that was famously used by Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong"

How much more evidence is required to prove the LPSD Party is a party of traitors who have sold out to the enemies of the United States, are facilitating the assault on our Constitution, Rule of law, and very foundation, such as undermining authority by taking a page from the Socialist manifesto (or a chapter from Saul Alensky's book) to call for the elimination of the Police?!

Most Americans quote the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, famous American leaders, etc.... Barry and Biden were / are out quoting Socialist and Chicoms int the bid for the office of the president f the United states.....

Crazy Joe quotes are a hoot.

I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Joe, the pro China ho, is still beholden to Red China from his last shakedown where his son's company got around a billion dollars. Biden is on the take. He will always bow to the highest bidder even if it hurts our country. Please think before you make the enormous mistake of pulling the lever for this guy.
I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Republicans are no Angels, they just look like Angels when they stand next to Democrats.

Don't let a Democrat stand behind you... they all give this stuff a total pass. A Biden sticker is a warning not to leave your kids alone with that person.
I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Mao Zedong thought of it first and instead of just saying women are vital to our society it's instructive and interesting that old Chinese ally and suck up Joe Biden quotes Mao directly.

And you can't kiss Joe's ass hard enough.

Speaking of dog whistles why does Biden use Marxist rhetoric to reach out for votes?
He can't jump ship fast enough and don't think people haven't noticed.
I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Mao Zedong thought of it first and instead of just saying women are vital to our society it's instructive and interesting that old Chinese ally and suck up Joe Biden quotes Mao directly.

Speaking of dog whistles why does Biden use Marxist rhetoric to reach out for votes?
He can't jump ship fast enough and don't think people haven't noticed.

Biden knows that the Democrat Party has been assimilated by the radical left. He's not that far out of touch. We saw they took over when Pelosi lost control over the House. He also knows that were he somehow elected, he would be forced to carry out the whims of the radical left, because he couldn't control them. Therefore he is pandering to them and trying to stay in their favor.
Joe, the pro China ho, is still beholden to Red China from his last shakedown where his son's company got around a billion dollars. Biden is on the take. He will always bow to the highest bidder even if it hurts our country. Please think before you make the enormous mistake of pulling the lever for this guy.
The liberal media will make sure the average US citizen not paying attention will never hear / see this again to protect 'China Jo'.
I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Republicans are no Angels, they just look like Angels when they stand next to Democrats.

Don't let a Democrat stand behind you... they all give this stuff a total pass. A Biden sticker is a warning not to leave your kids alone with that person.

You can almost hear that ladies thoughts as Joe the ho sniffs and paws her. She's obviously disgusted and grossed out. But Joe knows he has the upper hand so he continues to act like a creep around females. This dude is a textbook asshole.
I am sure there are zero Republicans that still have their halos and wings from Heaven that are still in office. Oh and the part about females holding up half the sky is true no matter who thought of it first.
Mao Zedong thought of it first and instead of just saying women are vital to our society it's instructive and interesting that old Chinese ally and suck up Joe Biden quotes Mao directly.

And you can't kiss Joe's ass hard enough.

Speaking of dog whistles why does Biden use Marxist rhetoric to reach out for votes?
He can't jump ship fast enough and don't think people haven't noticed.
I have no plans to vote fer Joe but you may be a dick all yous like. In a form of art you have evidently no idea exists is a form of literature people appreciate the use of metaphor is not to your liking.
There may even be a public record of Mao Zedong, in Chinese: Saying "Me Too!" Anyone gains the sense of female baby genital mutilation the RNC intends! For them it's clearly not just a guy thing--per the comments of their Imperial leader, Trump--shown in 2016. Likely the political advertisers can find some clips of Mao--maybe even in several dialects(?). There can be a compare and contrast of the two Imperial leaders!

Democrats will even use IT--China knows about IT--at Milwaukee Convention-Virtual Meetings and other IT. RNC is looking for an outdoor venue in which to congregate en masse, in Florida, comparing. It is, after all, now the SuperSpreader Capital of the Pandemic World. RNC may go to the Florida beaches, spreading out themselves--not usually thought a pretty sight--in unison on the beach blankets: Coughing and spitting on one another(?)! They may know of a Lake somewhere--they can boat out to assemble--and yell a lot at one another! There may be some resort swimming pools with TV hook-ups--so the loyal can do their rebel yells at one another--spread apart into little super-spreader groups.

Anyone knows that RNC doesn't really trust what they see, hear, or read in the media: At All!

Leadership is like that, to some people!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh did not seem too interested in blotting out Deut 23: 19-20, himself!)
Biden promotes women’s empowerment with quote from infamous dictator
Biden promotes women’s empowerment with quote from infamous dictator

Former President Barak Obama quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, specifically from his book 'Rules For Radicals', during his Inauguration speech....a seriously questionable act for a newly elected President whose father publicly expressed the desire to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence.

Now, as the liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party has fully embrace George Soros', Russia's, China's, and Iranian (through Venezuela) interference in the 2020 election and as the Democrats have thrown their support behind the foreign enemy-financed domestic terrorists, supporting the attack on this country by enemies 'foreign and domestic', Joe Biden is on the miniscule, extremely limited campaign path QUOTING THE INFAMOUS DICTATOR OF THE COUNTRY THAT UNLEASHED THE PANDEMIC THAT HAS CRIPPLED THE ECONOMY, KILLED THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS, ENABLED THE LIBERAL ASSULT ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL AND CIVIL RIGHTS ... WHILE PUBLICLYDECLARING THEY WOULD KILL MORE AMERICANS BY WITHHOLDING VITAL MEDICINES MADE IN THEIR COUNTRY.

"Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden raised eyebrows on Monday when he echoed rhetoric that was famously used by Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong"

How much more evidence is required to prove the LPSD Party is a party of traitors who have sold out to the enemies of the United States, are facilitating the assault on our Constitution, Rule of law, and very foundation, such as undermining authority by taking a page from the Socialist manifesto (or a chapter from Saul Alensky's book) to call for the elimination of the Police?!

Most Americans quote the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, famous American leaders, etc.... Barry and Biden were / are out quoting Socialist and Chicoms int the bid for the office of the president f the United states.....

My most mild mannered niece and her husband just told me they took their first visit to a shooting range and each bought their first every rifle.

My Progressive friends, pray that Trump is reelected, it's the best possible outcome for you
I have no plans to vote fer Joe but you may be a dick all yous like. In a form of art you have evidently no idea exists is a form of literature people appreciate the use of metaphor is not to your liking.
I have no interest in who you vote for (not that I believe you won't vote for Gropin' Joe).

As far as Biden specifically and purposely quoting Mao Zedong, to express a rather common sentiment
he could have made in dozens of different ways, someone is feeding Joe "woke" pro Marxist talking points
to pander to the mob that burns down cities and has threatened to burn down America if they don't get what they want.

This isn't just a choice between left and right wing policy anymore. It's a choice between traditional Western liberal values and sinking into the abyss of authoritarian darkness and rule.

Sounds like Joe has made his choice.

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