Barry Soetoro on the U.S. Economy

It is the same now as with President Clinton. The economy improved while he was in office and Dems still try to take credit for that, but when asked to name ONE THING WJC did to help the economy, they are tongue-tied...because the only things they can point to are NAFTA and "welfare reform," both of which had to be shoved down the Democrats' throats.

As for Barry, he had the benefit of taking office immediately after the "emergency" measures were taken in 2008 to try to offset the disaster of the bursting of the housing bubble. Thus, the extraordinary deficit in Bush's last year, driven by an emergency largely created by progressive Democrats pushing preposterous housing objectives, is the "baseline" against which Democrats now want to measure Barry's (and the Democrat Congress') profligate spending. So Barry's deficits in the years after 2008 appear (to the ignorant) to have moderated the excess of Bush's last year...but of course this is a false picture.

This "recovery" is in fact the worst in U.S. economic history. Our economy has always been cyclical with recessions followed by a surging growth, but in this case the recession has been followed by slow, organic, almost non-existent "growth," fueled merely by government deficits and immigration. As a general proposition, the number of new jobs created is barely enough to cover the new adults entering the job market.
It is the same now as with President Clinton. The economy improved while he was in office and Dems still try to take credit for that, but when asked to name ONE THING WJC did to help the economy, they are tongue-tied...because the only things they can point to are NAFTA and "welfare reform," both of which had to be shoved down the Democrats' throats.

Same old thing. Republicans can not imagine why there was a surplus from the Clinton term, they have to attack it with unsubstantiated statements. Because they so badly want a republican term to end as well. But they never do.

As for Barry, he had the benefit of taking office immediately after the "emergency" measures were taken in 2008 to try to offset the disaster of the bursting of the housing bubble. Well, me boy, interesting lie. The housing bubble had burst. It was a republican bubble, and was obviously a problem, except to republicans. You see, every single republican voted against the measures set forward to stop the bleeding. That it passed was testimony to the fact that all knew it had to pass. Thus, the extraordinary deficit in Bush's last year, driven by an emergency largely created by progressive Democrats pushing preposterous housing objectives, is the "baseline" against which Democrats now want to measure Barry's (and the Democrat Congress') profligate spending. That would be a complete set of lies. What increased the deficit, dipshit, was a huge amount of stimulus going to control the Great Republican Recession of 2008, and the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars no longer coming into gov coffers due to the rampant unemployment. So Barry's deficits in the years after 2008 appear (to the ignorant) to have moderated the excess of Bush's last year...but of course this is a false picture. Not at all false. What is true is that we were hemorrhaging over 500,000 jobs per month as Obama took office. Dipshit.

This "recovery" is in fact the worst in U.S. economic history. Hardly. But it was the second worst recession in our history. The recovery was stalled by the fact that republicans blocked every single bill that was brought up for a vote. Our economy has always been cyclical with recessions followed by a surging growth, but in this case the recession has been followed by slow, organic, almost non-existent "growth," fueled merely by government deficits and immigration. And that, me ignorant con tool, is what is tecnically called BULLSHIT. This, is far from a business cycle. We have never had, in this century, a business cycle anything like the great republican recession of 2008. To say it was simply shows how stupid you are. As a general proposition, the number of new jobs created is barely enough to cover the new adults entering the job market.
And, again, republicans propose no, as in (0), bills to help in the recovery from the very recession they created. None at all. Because they could care less about any people except the very wealthy who pay them to legislate in their favor.
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Yeah, the "republicans blocked every single bill." Like ObamaCare? Did I miss something? Was that blocked, or was this Obamanation passed without a single Republican vote?

And of course, they passed the ABSOLUTELY VITAL increase in the Federal Minimum Wage. No, wait. They didn't, did they? Actually they started raising the MW issue after the R's took control and they knew there was no way in hell it would pass.

Yesssss, Republicans are evil and don't care about anybody but The Rich. Keep saying it. I'm sure it makes you feel quite smug. Too bad you won't be able to vote for Bernie, as you would like.

Yeah, the "republicans blocked every single bill." Like ObamaCare? Did I miss something? Was that blocked, or was this Obamanation passed without a single Republican vote?
Uh. Not sure how to respond. Cause that was one of the stupidest posts ever. For a couple of reasons. Yes, that is blocking a bill. By definition. The republicans, though they helped form the Obamacare bill, voted against it. Every single republican. Voted against the bill that saved their bacon, so they could make comments like yours.
Second, the ObamaCare bill had absolutely nothing to do with trying to curb the damage of the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
But nice try. Probably the best you can do with no brain.

And of course, they passed the ABSOLUTELY VITAL increase in the Federal Minimum Wage. No, wait. They didn't, did they? Actually they started raising the MW issue after the R's took control and they knew there was no way in hell it would pass.
Now, again, we have a stupid, stupid statement by a con tool. The dems brought forward the very popular, among US voters, higher minimum wage bill Republicans voted against it each time, and blocked it completely. So, you are either incredibly stupid, or you are lying. Not sure which.
Yesssss, Republicans are evil and don't care about anybody but The Rich. Keep saying it. I'm sure it makes you feel quite smug. Too bad you won't be able to vote for Bernie, as you would like.
Please bring us a bill number that shows cons wanted to mitigate the damage caused by their very own Great Republican Recession of 2008. I do see that they blocked every bill brought forward to address the problem, all bills by Dems. Because, me boy, logic tells thinking people that if cons cared about the middle class, if they cared about the millions they put out of work, if they cared about the pitiful pay that workers get, they would be bringing bills forward. But, since you can only show cons blocking bills, you have admitted that they do not care.
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