Barry Still In Hiding, Quiet As A Mouse


This pic raises more questions than it answers.....:eusa_think:
The FURY of the Trump victories and exposure of the depth of Barry's deceptions and delusions appears to have frightened the Kenyan. You'd think he'd have been man enough to say something in defense of Susan Rice and her treachery but nope....not a peep. You'd think he'd admit his claim about Assad's chemical weapons being confiscated was a lie. You'd think he'd try some feeble defense of his bogus attempt at socialized medicine. You'd think he'd have an opinion about Trump dismantling his weaponized EPA and withdrawal from the TPP. You'd think that some network would have hunted him down for a comment but no......they are still peddling the narrative that he's "writing his memoirs"...about what we can't imagine.

I will give Barry credit for worrying about his legacy and being subdued in joining the anti-Trump hysteria. After all, we all know that hookers, ugly buildings and politicians can get respect if they last long enough. Look at Nixon and Carter.

W and Obama still have a chance.
he dumped moowcow and the girls and is butt fucking Richard Branson in tahiti
I will give Barry credit for worrying about his legacy and being subdued in joining the anti-Trump hysteria. After all, we all know that hookers, ugly buildings and politicians can get respect if they last long enough. Look at Nixon and Carter.

W and Obama still have a chance.

Barry may well know what Comey is up to...and not about Trump. If he's smart (which we all know he isn't) he'll have a stash of diamonds and Euros and a plastic surgeon nearby for his escape into the heart of darkness.
The FURY of the Trump victories and exposure of the depth of Barry's deceptions and delusions appears to have frightened the Kenyan. You'd think he'd have been man enough to say something in defense of Susan Rice and her treachery but nope....not a peep. You'd think he'd admit his claim about Assad's chemical weapons being confiscated was a lie. You'd think he'd try some feeble defense of his bogus attempt at socialized medicine. You'd think he'd have an opinion about Trump dismantling his weaponized EPA and withdrawal from the TPP. You'd think that some network would have hunted him down for a comment but no......they are still peddling the narrative that he's "writing his memoirs"...about what we can't imagine.


"The FURY of the Trump victories and exposure of the depth of Barry's deceptions and delusions appears to have frightened the Kenyan. "

I'll tell ya, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Oh, and Mr. Douchebag, Trump gave up on the birther thing and confessed last September that it was a lie. Better catch up, you're waaaaay behind.
I will give Barry credit for worrying about his legacy and being subdued in joining the anti-Trump hysteria. After all, we all know that hookers, ugly buildings and politicians can get respect if they last long enough. Look at Nixon and Carter.

W and Obama still have a chance.

Barry may well know what Comey is up to...and not about Trump. If he's smart (which we all know he isn't) he'll have a stash of diamonds and Euros and a plastic surgeon nearby for his escape into the heart of darkness.
Stop! Please! Leave that shit to the low life.
He took off his floaties for the photo op......
View attachment 121596

I would certainly rather see President Obama in trunks then the orange menace.

I personally dont like looking at half naked men.

I can see why this photo would offend you


So we're in agreement...barry is offensive.

Why exactly do you find a photo of President Obama swimming with his daughter offensive?

Because he is being shown as a good dad?
A good swimmer?
Better looking than you?

If Republicans had the mindset of Democrats, that picture would make them come to the conclusion as a similar picture that shows President Trump with Ivanka did mind-in-the-sewer Democrats: Incest and pedophilia, of which Trump was accused of on this board.

This pic raises more questions than it answers.....:eusa_think:

I would certainly rather see President Obama in trunks then the orange menace.

I personally dont like looking at half naked men.

I can see why this photo would offend you


So we're in agreement...barry is offensive.

Why exactly do you find a photo of President Obama swimming with his daughter offensive?

Because he is being shown as a good dad?
A good swimmer?
Better looking than you?

I just dont take to muslim fascists.

LOL- and what in that picture- exactly- made you think 'muslim fascist'?

Not as if that was this picture.


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