Baruch Dayan Emmet: Naftali Frenkel, Gil'ad Sha'er, Eyal Yifrach- UPDATES

I implied your method ie solution was Germanic. To me its obvious you are not German, you are maybe an Austrian or Polish German wannabe with a penchant like Goering for the fraudulent acquisition of medals:badgrin:
To return to your Germanic solution Goering wannabe, what do you intend to do with those who are to old, young, infirm to move out ? what do you intend to do with those who just refuse to move out ? what do you intend to do with the Jews like me who would move in with the Palestinian as a sign of solidarity and resistance to your barbaric final solution ?

Ever heard of Goodswins law ?
I.P. Freely adheres to that law with like a bulldog with a hambone.

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I must admit I do like Treif :badgrin:

ps Hess, the person in your AV looks and dresses a lot like Goering it you?
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It was implied. It would have been Germanic had someone just bombed away without warning, but that would have been a "germanic" of the past, not "germanic" of today. You do realize the difference, right?
I implied your method ie solution was Germanic. To me its obvious you are not German, you are maybe an Austrian or Polish German wannabe with a penchant like Goering for the fraudulent acquisition of medals:badgrin:
To return to your Germanic solution Goering wannabe, what do you intend to do with those who are to old, young, infirm to move out ? what do you intend to do with those who just refuse to move out ? what do you intend to do with the Jews like me who would move in with the Palestinian as a sign of solidarity and resistance to your barbaric final solution ?

Ever heard of Goodswins law ?

(Godwin's law)
didn't know if you were being puny or just misspelling
I implied your method ie solution was Germanic. To me its obvious you are not German, you are maybe an Austrian or Polish German wannabe with a penchant like Goering for the fraudulent acquisition of medals:badgrin:
To return to your Germanic solution Goering wannabe, what do you intend to do with those who are to old, young, infirm to move out ? what do you intend to do with those who just refuse to move out ? what do you intend to do with the Jews like me who would move in with the Palestinian as a sign of solidarity and resistance to your barbaric final solution ?

Ever heard of Goodswins law ?
no but I have heard of Godwins law:badgrin:

Same thing as is reductio ad hitlerum

Which means simply when the argument is being lost reduce it to the third Reich and the holocaust, or some other item that makes you look good.
I implied your method ie solution was Germanic. To me its obvious you are not German, you are maybe an Austrian or Polish German wannabe with a penchant like Goering for the fraudulent acquisition of medals:badgrin:
To return to your Germanic solution Goering wannabe, what do you intend to do with those who are to old, young, infirm to move out ? what do you intend to do with those who just refuse to move out ? what do you intend to do with the Jews like me who would move in with the Palestinian as a sign of solidarity and resistance to your barbaric final solution ?

Ever heard of Goodswins law ?

(Godwin's law)
didn't know if you were being puny or just misspelling

An error on my part due to a small problem I have with spelling words. Cant remember the proper term for it now.
Ever heard of Goodswins law ?

(Godwin's law)
didn't know if you were being puny or just misspelling

An error on my part due to a small problem I have with spelling words. Cant remember the proper term for it now.

you can place it under a general category termed DYSLEXIA ----if it involves
problems with writing which does include spelling but also in the actual forming
of written letters-----it is DYSGRAPHIA. there are many areas of the
brain which---if they misfire----can create the problem---most of them---
seem to be on the left side of the brain---part of a fairly large area----
fronto-parieto-temporal a kind of blob of the confluence of those
lobes. Your problem is obviously MINISCULE----so stop complaining---
no brain is perfect

The difference.
Folks...let's get back on topic - this thread is turning into a flame fest.
Dead or alive... the killers of the Israeli students will be caught.

Dead will be better.

No forgiveness for islamic scum.
So does this mean about 100 or so innocent Palestinians are now going to have to die?
Quo vadis?

INNOCENT when they were singing and dancing about the news of the kidnappings. The only innocent ones are those not yet born and brainwashed into believing the filth of islam.

lets make it the 1 million so they get the message loud and clear.
I like this type of dancing Dance Teacher Pairs Jewish and Palestinian Children With Award-Winning Results | The Good News Networkits a pity the bigoted drek like you on both sides dont.


I am afraid that some of that group that plastered the co-ed Arab/Jewish school Billo introduced us to with stickers saying "Don't you dare touch a Jewess" will target these folks next.

It is never the Palestinians that attack these projects so far as I know.
INNOCENT when they were singing and dancing about the news of the kidnappings. The only innocent ones are those not yet born and brainwashed into believing the filth of islam.

lets make it the 1 million so they get the message loud and clear.
I like this type of dancing Dance Teacher Pairs Jewish and Palestinian Children With Award-Winning Results | The Good News Networkits a pity the bigoted drek like you on both sides dont.


I am afraid that some of that group that plastered the co-ed Arab/Jewish school Billo introduced us to with stickers saying "Don't you dare touch a Jewess" will target these folks next.

It is never the Palestinians that attack these projects so far as I know.

Please provide something resembling 'evidence' for this amusing assertion of yours.......
Family and friends talk of the kidnapped boys | JPost | Israel News

“He smiles the whole time and is full of joy for life,” was how a friend described Gil-Ad Shaer, one of the three boys kidnapped on Thursday night.

Eli Yemini, a spokesman for the Talmon settlement and an acquaintance of the Shaer family, spoke warmly of Gil-Ad, describing him as a popular and charismatic boy.

“He has a very generous heart. He volunteers his time especially with Bnei Akiva [youth movement] and invests a lot of time with the children in the branch where he is a counselor,” he said.

“He’s very family oriented, he’s close with his grandparents and his siblings, and when he comes home from yeshiva everyone in the house comes alive,” he said.

According to Yemini, Gil-Ad, one of six siblings, is also an enthusiastic baker. His friends and family enjoy the cakes and treats he bakes for them.
I like this type of dancing Dance Teacher Pairs Jewish and Palestinian Children With Award-Winning Results | The Good News Networkits a pity the bigoted drek like you on both sides dont.


I am afraid that some of that group that plastered the co-ed Arab/Jewish school Billo introduced us to with stickers saying "Don't you dare touch a Jewess" will target these folks next.

It is never the Palestinians that attack these projects so far as I know.

Please provide something resembling 'evidence' for this amusing assertion of yours.......

My reference was to the dancing school only.

If you want to disprove my assertion, let's have it. Maybe I'm wrong. I never heard of Palestinians objecting to social mixing with Jews. "Don't even think of touching an Arabess?" No, just doesn't even parse.

LOTS of so called mixed couples are found in the Arab world, but apparently none in Israel. Do you know of any? Recently a law was passed that compels any Israeli that marries an Arab, whether Palestinian or any other nationality, to leave Israel.

I am afraid that some of that group that plastered the co-ed Arab/Jewish school Billo introduced us to with stickers saying "Don't you dare touch a Jewess" will target these folks next.

It is never the Palestinians that attack these projects so far as I know.

Please provide something resembling 'evidence' for this amusing assertion of yours.......

My reference was to the dancing school only.

If you want to disprove my assertion, let's have it. Maybe I'm wrong. I never heard of Palestinians objecting to social mixing with Jews. "Don't even think of touching an Arabess?" No, just doesn't even parse.

LOTS of so called mixed couples are found in the Arab world, but apparently none in Israel. Do you know of any? Recently a law was passed that compels any Israeli that marries an Arab, whether Palestinian or any other nationality, to leave Israel.

Well now, this is going to be fun.

Show us a link to this law.

We can wait...
Contemplate the below itemized civil disabilities identified by Ali Abunimah, who points out that in Israel civil rights are not based on citizenship, and citizenship confers no rights on Arabs. He describes Israel as the only country that does not recognize its own nationality. He points out that in Israel’s population registry, the ethnicity of all citizens (Jewish, Arab, Druze, etc.) is recorded. Some Jewish Israelis have since 1970 begun asking to have their denotation as “Jewish” replaced by a designation as “Israeli.” In September of 2013 the Israeli supreme court ruled that
"There is no such thing as an Israeli nationality separate from the Jewish people. To recognize such a thing would jeopardize the Jewish and democratic character of the state.”
In other words, if rights began to be conferred based on citizenship rather than membership in an ethnic group, either Israel’s Jewishness or its democracy would have to be abrogated.

Abunimah goes on to identify other serious restrictions on the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel. The first he mentions concerns land ownership. When Palestinians were dispossessed during and after 1948, much of the land taken went to the Jewish National Fund. The JNF charter stipulates that it can only lease or sell land to Jews. Palestinians are not allowed to buy land, much like the restrictive covenants of the pre-civil rights America that forbade whites to sell real estate to blacks. Rabbis who are state employees have publicly called on Jews not to rent to Arabs, and in the length of Israel’s history it has not built a single establishment of any kind for Palestinians inside Israel.

The second disability the Israeli legal system places on Arab citizens is that of marriage inequality in Israel. There is no civil marriage in Israel. All marriages must be contracted under Jewish establishment, or they are not recognized under Israeli law. In 2003 a law was passed making it illegal for an Israeli to marry a Palestinian (or by extension in 2012, any other Arab). This almost exactly parallels the anti-miscegenation laws of the pre-civil rights United States, and of apartheid South Africa. He quotes Israeli supreme court justice Asher Grunis:

and compares Grunis to David Millan of South Africa in 1953:

The two state solution Abunimah characterizes as an effort to conceal racism and legitimize it. Many supporters have been comfortable about ending the occupation but cannot accept Palestinian rights, including especially the right of return. Peter Beinart is an allegedly liberal Zionist and supporter of the two state solution.
I am not asking Israel to be utopian. I am not asking it to allow Palestinians who were forced or or fled in 1948 to return to their homes. I am not even asking it to allow full equal citizenship to Arab Israeli since that would require Israel to no longer be a Jewish state. I am actually pretty willing to compromise my liberalism for Israel’s security and for its status as a Jewish state.

Beinart embraces a Palestinian state not out of any concern for Palestinian rights or justice, but solely to legitimize the removal of Palestinians.

Ehud Barak, former prime minister famously said,
“us over here, them over there.”
This is apartheid. This is what South Africa tried in the 1970s and 1980s with the bantustans, which were nominally independent black puppet regimes. The idea was that when South Africa was criticized they could retort “What are you talking about? This is self-determination. This tribe has its own state, this other tribe has its own state, and the whites are just another tribe with their own state.’

Abunimah says the only way to end this grotesque state is by “de-colonialism.” The relationship between Palestinians and Jews is not two-sided. It is a colonial relationship in which Israeli Jews hold by design an almost total monopoly on power, resources, and control. In Gaza 1.7 million Palestinians are caged, all supplies must come through one crossing, and Israel controls it and can open and close it on a whim. There has been a calculated, systematic destruction of Gaza’s economy in order to reduce Gaza to total dependence on Israel and on international aid. And if they resistant in any way, bomb the heck out of them.

When the destruction of Israeli apartheid is proposed, some will respond “Israeli Jews will never accept …” Abunimah characterizes this attitude as bigotry, pointing out that whites accepted equality in South Africa, in the American South, and Protestants accepted equality in Northern Ireland. But it will require a fundamental shift in the balance of power. How will this be achieved …. Through dialogue?

While Israel builds settlements and steals land, and besieges Gaza and Passes ever more racist laws? Israel loves the peace process because in 20 years of negotiations Israel has almost tripled the numbers of settlers on Palestinian land, and the disparities in wealth and well being have only gotten wider.

The other alternative is to make Israel feel that there is a price to be paid for maintaining the status quo. This is the logic of the BDS campaign launched in 2005.

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