Basket of deplorables part deux


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2020
Slow Joe knows how to win voters over to his side.

Biden channels Hillary, publicly trashes Trump supporters

Hillary Clinton's dubbing of Donald Trump supporters as "deplorables" apparently worked so well for her that Joe Biden is following her example.

Now the mantle of the Democratic Party has fallen on the septogenarian Biden. At the fundraiser he made clear he shares Clinton's opinion Trump supporters.

"They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and ... dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race," Biden said.

Race baiting asshole, just like the last one. And the one before that. and so on.
Seriously, what else do they have other than the race card and promising the useful idiots free everything?

That is literally what they are. The only joy I have when they eventually take over is the thought of JoeB being taken out to a wall.

So, they can call us deplorable. That is what I think they are, so not to be a hypocrite.....
FAKE NEWS. It’s written to insinuate he called conservatives deplorable. It’s geared at low information voters who read headlines only. How stupid do they think Trump voters are? Oh wait.

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