Bat shit crazy Elizabeth is at it again, now she wants to take over companies.

Commie tries to control private property.
She can fuck off.
It's as simple as that.
What’s your definition of commie, genius??

Any a-hole who thinks "stakeholders" should get a say in a corporations workings.
You’re not having a very good day are you?

So to summarize. Todd here thinks the definition of a communist is “any a-hole who thinks stakeholders should get a say in a corporations workings.

Go sleep it off buddy

Mocking Warren's moronic ideas isn't a good day or a bad day, it's just a day.
Yes, that is obvious. So is dumbing down a thread for you I guess

Warren's dumb "ideas" neither require nor deserve deep study and scholarly refutation.
Trump lovers rail and rail against the so called "corporate elitists" and how the working class white voter is so forgotten-- then when its time to put up or shut up about empowering those working class folks --

they immediately say "what do those working class idiots know" -- and go back to keeping corporate penis in their mouth --- because at their core, trump lovers worship the wealthy more than God.
Ummm . How is any of that “taking over companies”?
How exactly do you expect government to enforce this policy? Honor system? NO, they’re gonna say, “see this decision you made here, wasn’t aligned with ALL of your stakeholders as we see fit. Therefore you have to do XYZ instead.” That’s only IF the bill stops there, which it won’t. It will either be used as a progressive stepping stone to something more “progressive” (the name implies clear intentions), or use very broad language so they can step in pretty much whenever they please.

This isn’t a very hard concept to figure out. First you start with the what, pass a bill that companies have to take in account all stakeholders. Next step is the how, how will this be done/enforced? Use an ounce of critical thinking. What happens when Uber decides to raise their prices and a bunch of people get pissed and say, “hey government, stop them, I don’t like this, if you stop them I’ll vote for you.” Guess what, Uber isn’t going to be allowed to raise their prices. What happens if (more like when) Uber decides to go driverless, and all the Uber drivers say, “hey government, stop them, if you do I’ll vote for you.” Uber is going to be stopped, and we’re not going to have cheaper rides. In reality, Uber doesn’t get to do what Uber wants or feels necassary to do. Uber is going to have to do what government give the thumbs up or down too.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.


She seems to have trouble with the concept of "none of your business".
Does Warren know what an employee is? Employees don't own the company, shareholders do. Warren should move to communist China and live in her dream world.

Employees are the people who make money for the shareholders. Without employees, the owners have no products, no sales, no profits, no dividends, no customers.

OMG you liberals are dumb. Tell me, if you sell your house are you going to give the guys who built it a share of the profits? Here I'll answer for you, but but but...but...(crickets)

Where do you idiots come up with your false equivalencies? A private individual selling their personal residence has no equivalency to a corporation with thousands of employees depending on their decisions for their livelihood. It’s not even apples to oranges. It’s apples to donkeys.

The decisions that you make about your house sale have no impact on the people who built your house. But the Decisions made by the executives and directors of large corporations have a tremendous impact on their workers. Those workers should have s voice and a vote.

The three largest home builders in the US had combined revenue of $28 billion and employ thousands of people. Why are you liberal home owner shareholders not sharing the wealth with those workers hmmm?

Put a fork in this liberal ^^^ she's destroyed. :auiqs.jpg:
You Lefties love that back door take over of private companies, don't you?

Like when Obama and his Marxist Murderers took over 1\6th of the economy with his pen and phone.
We had a good thread going for a few pages and then here you come trying to dumb it all down. Do everybody a favor and go play in the rubber room.
No one is dumbing down this thread but you. We aren't stupid. It's clear what this is, and it's clear you are for it, and were trying to understate the impact of legislation that essentially is a government take over of private industry.

Saul Alinsky and Joseph Stalin applaud you, but no soup for you.
Wrong. Im here talking about the substance of the bill and alternative ideas with a few others. All you seem to want to do is talk shit about Liz Warren. That’s called dumbing down the thread. Go get your emotional rants out somewhere else. They are boring.
What’s your definition of commie, genius??

Any a-hole who thinks "stakeholders" should get a say in a corporations workings.
You’re not having a very good day are you?

So to summarize. Todd here thinks the definition of a communist is “any a-hole who thinks stakeholders should get a say in a corporations workings.

Go sleep it off buddy

Mocking Warren's moronic ideas isn't a good day or a bad day, it's just a day.
Yes, that is obvious. So is dumbing down a thread for you I guess

Warren's dumb "ideas" neither require nor deserve deep study and scholarly refutation.
Then why are you here? Go somewhere else if you don’t want to talk about substance. You hate Warren and think she is a commie, We got it. Now move along unless you have something real to say.
I quite like some of these provisions. Especially the ones requiring corporations to consider the interests of employees.
Be more specific, interests like sick leave and vacations? Like 401K's?
Very vague statement you made.
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

Some excellent ideas, more intentional buyouts-bankruptcies , measures to let labor have a say in compensation....excellent
Any a-hole who thinks "stakeholders" should get a say in a corporations workings.
You’re not having a very good day are you?

So to summarize. Todd here thinks the definition of a communist is “any a-hole who thinks stakeholders should get a say in a corporations workings.

Go sleep it off buddy

Mocking Warren's moronic ideas isn't a good day or a bad day, it's just a day.
Yes, that is obvious. So is dumbing down a thread for you I guess

Warren's dumb "ideas" neither require nor deserve deep study and scholarly refutation.
Then why are you here? Go somewhere else if you don’t want to talk about substance. You hate Warren and think she is a commie, We got it. Now move along unless you have something real to say.

Then why are you here?

To point out her idiocy.

Go somewhere else if you don’t want to talk about substance.

If Liz ever finds some substance beyond, "I'm going to tell you how to run your company",
I'll be happy to point out the flaws in her "reasoning".
I have owned businesses and I have worked for others, there is a hell of a lot more risk in owning a business. If your company doesn’t succeed you are thousands to millions in debt. I work for someone else because at the end of the day, I don’t have the worry or stress and if I get another venture going, I won’t hire anyone, the headaches and laws that burden you are not worth the risk, for me. Employees don’t even have a clue to what risk is, that is why they are employees.

I agree, 100%. I have been a Realtor for over 40 years. I did much the same thing. I started as an associate, we all are independent contractors and work on commission. After some years and getting my brokers license, I was the active broker, then owner, then partner of several successful real estate companies. It was 24/7 and I didn't really make that much more than when I was on my own. I bailed and went to work for one of the 100% offices, Re/Max. I worked on my own, I did not hire anyone. My income increased plus I could teach real estate part-time, I also became an instructor for our state association and national association and I was on their speaker's bureau. I got to travel on someone else's dime and enjoy something I loved that most people dread, speaking in public. It was great!
What a dumb bitch ... They are losing on RTW, they lost with citizens united so now they are trying to find another way in.

Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Aims to Reinvent U.S. Capitalism

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan to rewrite the rules for large U.S. businesses--and it's a provocative one.

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is introducing a new bill on Wednesday that would require corporate executives "to consider the interests of all major stakeholders in company decisions--not only shareholders," Warren wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal. The Accountable Capitalism Act would require companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue--including Facebook, Google, and Amazon--to comply with a federal charter that looks out for workers' interests. Currently, U.S. businesses secure corporation charters from states, not on the federal level.

One of the biggest changes that the bill proposes is for employees to elect at least 40 percent of board directors. The bill also seeks to impose limits on when executives can sell company shares. Directors and officers would have to hold shares for five years before
selling them, or in the case of a company stock buyback, three years. Warren's bill also takes aim at political contributions by requiring approval for all political expenditures from at least 75 percent of shareholders.

I think what is really happening here is that she wants people to believe she is smart enough to think of something new, this is nothing more than exactly the way europe runs its business, I did not read the link so if that is already established then I apologize...warren is not an intelligent person, at best she is of average intelligence.
Corporations are legal entities which protect their owners from financial ruin in the event of business failure, by limiting their losses to their investment in the business. In this way, the owners assets and capital held outside the business cannot be seized by business creditors in the event of a default of its obligations by the corporation.

I'm not sure why you continue to insist on displaying your ignorance.

As you know, corporations are governed as a person. What Socialist Elizabeth Warren wants to do is no different than the government determining how much a doctor or a mechanic can earn.

The vast majority of corporations are small businesses. As such, if the corporation borrows money or whatever, the owner is held personally liable. It does help give the small corporation some legal protections.

Yes, large corporations do protect their owners for losses exceeding their investment. If that were not the case, there would be no large investments in businesses.
The grotesquely powerful oil companies should be taken over by society. They have entirely too much economic and political power for the good of republican government.

Along with Walmart, Microsoft, Facebook, Berkshire Hathaway and many others, right?

I bet you voted for Bernie Sanders!
You are right and as robots and automation get more integrated that is going to really mess things up. It showcases one of the major problems in corporate America. Workplaces are no longer a family of people whose value goes beyond the labor but exisits in identity and relationships and community. Workers are becoming nothing more than numbers on P&L statements. We are heading into an age of dangerous waters.

Corporations and the wealthy are only going to grow bigger and stronger. The demand for cheap labor is going to go down. The low class and poverty are going to grow. Small businesses are going to have harder times competing. It’s gonna be a mess.

Why then are manufacturing jobs increasing? Something the failed former President Barack Hussein Obama told us was impossible.

In addition, the middle-income group has indeed gotten smaller. However, those people are going into upper-income groups.

ROI isn’t greed in itself but it can be. I was speaking more to fiscal corruption and decisions made for profits that negatively impact workers.

Then the employee packs up their box and goes to work for someone else. The company begins to lose their best employees and either change their ways, get rid of the bad managers or go out of business.
Then the employee packs up their box and goes to work for someone else. The company begins to lose their best employees and either change their ways, get rid of the bad managers or go out of business.
A simple idea, but it relies on "Ceteris Parabus". But, when the market all around lowers the price of labor(by whatever means), that standard below which employees will leave gets lower.

That lowering of the price of labor can become a 'race to the bottom". And it has, for 30 years.

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