
you are so cute when you are about to pitch a fit!

I'm not cute, I'm handsome as hell. And smarter then you can imagine.

Maybe that's why the chicks dig me?

I dunno, I try to stay humble
I'm cute. Now that school is out I'm going to the park to try on different thongs in the ladies bathroom.
View attachment 73380
thanks for the selfie It'll make your sex offender registration so much easier.
I thank you for agreeing I can legally stand in women's bathrooms in my thong with an erection.
View attachment 73382
that's your dream. too bad you can't get an erection and if you did no one would notice.
you are so cute when you are about to pitch a fit!

I'm not cute, I'm handsome as hell. And smarter then you can imagine.

Maybe that's why the chicks dig me?

I dunno, I try to stay humble
I'm cute. Now that school is out I'm going to the park to try on different thongs in the ladies bathroom.
View attachment 73380
thanks for the selfie It'll make your sex offender registration so much easier.
I thank you for agreeing I can legally stand in women's bathrooms in my thong with an erection.
View attachment 73382
that's your dream. too bad you can't get an erection and if you did no one would notice.
Stop with talking about my physique, it gets me excited.
I'd give you a big wet sloppy kiss if I could for your support of me wearing a thong in the ladies bathroom. Makes me giggle like the little girls I ask to be my friends.
I'm not cute, I'm handsome as hell. And smarter then you can imagine.

Maybe that's why the chicks dig me?

I dunno, I try to stay humble
you fantasize a lot
especially about being smart.

Handsome, brilliant, chick magnet....that be me

Now are you going to keep proving your a dufus, or supply the answer to the posed question?
I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
What are you gonna support next? Incest?
you already question ...
Liberal answers a question with an insult, so I take that as a yes.
a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
Last edited by a moderator:
you already question ...
Liberal answers a question with an insult, so I take that as a yes.
a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,
Liberal answers a question with an insult, so I take that as a yes.
a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,

English as a second language?

And such righteous indignation to boot?

You must hang out in tranny bars Cuz that shore is sum drama!
Liberal answers a question with an insult, so I take that as a yes.
a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,
So your okay with a little girl feeling uncomfortable. So a man can feel better being g a perverted degenerate? I'm okay with people living their lives the way they want as long it is lawful, but don't try to make me agree with it. I
you fantasize a lot
especially about being smart.

Handsome, brilliant, chick magnet....that be me

Now are you going to keep proving your a dufus, or supply the answer to the posed question?
I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundereds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arugments against it.
Handsome, brilliant, chick magnet....that be me

Now are you going to keep proving your a dufus, or supply the answer to the posed question?
I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundereds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arugments against it.

Now you want to discuss?

1. Where did I claim anyone was a pervert? Link it or admit the lie

2. The laws you reference do not arbitrarily discriminate. As pointed out, the way you want this to be is arbitrary and discriminates illegally.

Now, why do you want to pass laws that allow a christian Baker the legal right to discriminate against same sex couples?

a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,

English as a second language?

And such righteous indignation to boot?

You must hang out in tranny bars Cuz that shore is sum drama!
words with more than two syllables to tough for you to read?
you as always are projecting you own impotent rage where there is none.
to me this whole uproar is an extremely hilarious farce.
supposedly "normal" upstanding citizen spewing massively sick fantasies about what has never happened while turning a blind eye to reality .
Handsome, brilliant, chick magnet....that be me

Now are you going to keep proving your a dufus, or supply the answer to the posed question?
I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundereds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arugments against it.
See? The morons of the left can't grasp that the issue has nothing to do with the 0.03% who have mental issues with their sex. They refuse to acknowledge they just made it legal for sexual predators to hang out for prey in women's bathrooms.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,

English as a second language?

And such righteous indignation to boot?

You must hang out in tranny bars Cuz that shore is sum drama!
words with more than two syllables to tough for you to read?
you as always are projecting you own impotent rage where there is none.
to me this whole uproar is an extremely hilarious farce.
supposedly "normal" upstanding citizen spewing massively sick fantasies about what has never happened while turning a blind eye to reality .

Engaging in an adult debate is what you fear the most, so you run like a crying little girl each and every time you are asked a simple question.
a factual insult .
and no I don't support it.
any one with more than one live brain has figured that out already .
ignorant fucks like you need to be spoon fed.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,
So your okay with a little girl feeling uncomfortable. So a man can feel better being g a perverted degenerate? I'm okay with people living their lives the way they want as long it is lawful, but don't try to make me agree with it. I
comfort is relative .
perverted degenerate is a false value judgment base on ignorance .
you are not ok with people living their lives that are different from you puritanical narrow minded pov.
don't pretend you are .
the as long as it's lawful bit is an out and out lie .
if you and other like you had their way people different than you would either be dead or locked up.
You wiil, you follow all the sick liberal bullshit.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,
So your okay with a little girl feeling uncomfortable. So a man can feel better being g a perverted degenerate? I'm okay with people living their lives the way they want as long it is lawful, but don't try to make me agree with it. I
comfort is relative .
perverted degenerate is a false value judgment base on ignorance .
you are not ok with people living their lives that are different from you puritanical narrow minded pov.
don't pretend you are .
the as long as it's lawful bit is an out and out lie .
if you and other like you had their way people different than you would either be dead or locked up.

Hold on little fella. Laws created to arbitrarily administer the law is what causes "people different then you" to get locked up unjustly.

Yet you support them.

I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundreds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arguments against it.

Now you want to discuss?

1. Where did I claim anyone was a pervert? Link it or admit the lie

2. The laws you reference do not arbitrarily discriminate. As pointed out, the way you want this to be is arbitrary and discriminates illegally.

Now, why do you want to pass laws that allow a christian Baker the legal right to discriminate against same sex couples?

as already stated your augments are not vaild .
so there is nothing to discuss .
what you want to do is rationalizing a false premise pov .
to be accurate several of them.
Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundreds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arguments against it.

Now you want to discuss?

1. Where did I claim anyone was a pervert? Link it or admit the lie

2. The laws you reference do not arbitrarily discriminate. As pointed out, the way you want this to be is arbitrary and discriminates illegally.

Now, why do you want to pass laws that allow a christian Baker the legal right to discriminate against same sex couples?

as already stated your augments are not vaild .
so there is nothing to discuss .
what you want to do is rationalizing a false premise pov .
to be accurate several of them.

Because daws says so.

You are a silly lil guy.

Simalarily situated is a false argument according to Daws.

Yet it is the rational legal basis for same sex marriage and public accomodation laws.

You understand I just made you look the retard, right?
I already have .
and you're still fantasizing

Your avoiding it again. I've made you the laughing stock of the left
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundereds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arugments against it.
See? The morons of the left can't grasp that the issue has nothing to do with the 0.03% who have mental issues with their sex. They refuse to acknowledge they just made it legal for sexual predators to hang out for prey in women's bathrooms.
what you fail to grasp among the countless things you fail to grasp is that it makes no difference legal or illegal.
in your sick fantasy you imagine that there will be a flood of perverts lining up at public restrooms to ogle kid's private parts .
in reality that won't happen.
coming fro a guy who all ready supports it that's ironic , your whole creation my is based on it . you have no right to say jackshit about it.
Actually unlike you I want a moral society where a girl can use the restroom without worrying about a man coming in and making her feel uncomfortable. In your world she doesn't have that right, but a perverted man has the right to make her feel uncomfortable by law. Thanks to the fucked up perverted people like yourself. I was for civil unions for gays, Instead of redefining marriage. So that incest could become normal. You also support the redefining of marriage. Come back and talk to me when you grow up.
fail restrooms and morality are mutually exclusive fail.
you subjective morality slip is showing ,

English as a second language?

And such righteous indignation to boot?

You must hang out in tranny bars Cuz that shore is sum drama!
words with more than two syllables to tough for you to read?
you as always are projecting you own impotent rage where there is none.
to me this whole uproar is an extremely hilarious farce.
supposedly "normal" upstanding citizen spewing massively sick fantasies about what has never happened while turning a blind eye to reality .

Engaging in an adult debate is what you fear the most, so you run like a crying little girl each and every time you are asked a simple question.
false I mistook you for someone with smarts ,
the answers to your 'simple question" are not simple and cannot be answered in a simple manner and I'm not going to dumb it down so you feel comfortable.
the whole idea here is to make you feel uncomfortable and maybe actually think ..
in reality you've done nothing of the kind .
it is fun to watch you and your boy friend flop around like landed fish.

I get it, you're working for the rwnj's. That's why you want gay rights overturned.

Your a christian right wing nut job!
you've lost the argument
for starters it's based on a false premise , that premise being, all transgenders are perverts
2. these laws that you and you boy friend have willfully misrepresented will have no more effect than all the laws (hundreds) of them that were meant to stop the practice.
you have no reasonable arguments against it.

Now you want to discuss?

1. Where did I claim anyone was a pervert? Link it or admit the lie

2. The laws you reference do not arbitrarily discriminate. As pointed out, the way you want this to be is arbitrary and discriminates illegally.

Now, why do you want to pass laws that allow a christian Baker the legal right to discriminate against same sex couples?

as already stated your augments are not vaild .
so there is nothing to discuss .
what you want to do is rationalizing a false premise pov .
to be accurate several of them.

Because daws says so.

You are a silly lil guy.

Simalarily situated is a false argument according to Daws.

Yet it is the rational legal basis for same sex marriage and public accomodation laws.

You understand I just made you look the retard, right?
no you just wish you did,

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