
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..
A POV has no bearing in the law.

You've proven you know nothing.

I'm arguing with a nitwit.
bullshit pop the law is entirely POINT OF VIEW.
you've given two fine examples of the lack of objectivity
and one straight up lie.
you are discrimination based on anger not reason. Need I go on?


So in your POV a tranny male (pre op) is more simalar to a Woman, than to a Male......

where did I say or imply pre op ?
oh that's right never ,
so again you are basing you argument on another prejudice .
the answer would be yes except for appearance .
just can't stop yourself from that kind of discrimination ...

We are discussing transgenders, that come in two flavors, pre op and post op. Both allowed in the Woman's restrooms.

So proceed with your reasoning that a transgender male is more simalar to a Woman, than a Man.

ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

I moved what goal post? Do you not friggin know what you're even talking about?

Similarily situated is the rational in the law that prohibits discrinatoon on an arbitrary basis.

Now, is a pre op male transgender more simalarily situated to a Woman or a Male?

If this is to hard for you, you can just sulk away defeated. It's OK.
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..
delusional much ?
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
falling back on a absolute false hood excellent indication of desperation and inevitable defeat.
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
falling back on a absolute false hood excellent indication of desperation and inevitable defeat.

And your argument is........

That you have none, doya skippy?
Shitforbrains thinks there is a law against acting strange.
If that were the case, he'd be spending his life in prison.
If you're doing something like, oh, looking up women's skirts (what you ironically want to legalize) then you could and absolutely should be reported.
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
Thanks to Democrats I can legally stand in front of women in bathrooms now, thanks. I can even just stand their in my thong with a woody too.
And to educate you, many public bathrooms do not have stall doors.
Good job, leftards. Every sexual predator thanks you.
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
falling back on a absolute false hood excellent indication of desperation and inevitable defeat.

And your argument is........

That you have none, doya skippy?
asked and answered
ok I'll let you move the goal posts because you're desperate .
you argument is still based on appearance and it's not valid ,next question.

You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
falling back on a absolute false hood excellent indication of desperation and inevitable defeat.

And your argument is........

That you have none, doya skippy?
asked and answered

Trolling again

I am awesome at creating trolls
If you're doing something like, oh, looking up women's skirts (what you ironically want to legalize) then you could and absolutely should be reported.
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
Thanks to Democrats I can legally stand in front of women in bathrooms now, thanks. I can even just stand their in my thong with a woody too.
And to educate you, many public bathrooms do not have stall doors.
Good job, leftards. Every sexual predator thanks you.
View attachment 73378
^ Lol this guy
If you're doing something like, oh, looking up women's skirts (what you ironically want to legalize) then you could and absolutely should be reported.
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
Thanks to Democrats I can legally stand in front of women in bathrooms now, thanks. I can even just stand their in my thong with a woody too.
And to educate you, many public bathrooms do not have stall doors.
Good job, leftards. Every sexual predator thanks you.
View attachment 73378

Oh so true
Public restrooms in parks, bus and train stations have no doors on the stalls. That's why I hang out in those ladies bathrooms.

View attachment 73326
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
Thanks to Democrats I can legally stand in front of women in bathrooms now, thanks. I can even just stand their in my thong with a woody too.
And to educate you, many public bathrooms do not have stall doors.
Good job, leftards. Every sexual predator thanks you.
View attachment 73378
^ Lol this guy
What's really funny is the look on a leftists face when you ask why they need to pass laws to let men into women's bathrooms.
You have a sick, perverted imagination. Seek help.
How come no one on the left can explain why they pass laws so sexual predators can now legally hangout in women's bathrooms?
Maybe because that's not what the laws are about.
legality has no bearing on perverts behavior.
If it did we wouldn't need the existing laws .
Another case of penis paranoia.
Thanks to Democrats I can legally stand in front of women in bathrooms now, thanks. I can even just stand their in my thong with a woody too.
And to educate you, many public bathrooms do not have stall doors.
Good job, leftards. Every sexual predator thanks you.
View attachment 73378
^ Lol this guy
What's really funny is the look on a leftists face when you ask why they need to pass laws to let men into women's bathrooms.
^ Lol potty patroller
You're going to lose this particular fight daws...and because of that, you and your cult will jeopardize all the other fights that went before it. You have with your insistence on men using women's segregated hygiene retreats, ripped the wool from people's eyes and opened up a can of worms you can never put back in.

Y'all went too far. We knew you would. After all, a cult with no moral boundaries is bound to bump up against something hard and immutable as it blindly steamrollers down the road.. *CLANG!*...*SNAP!*...your legal machine just broke..


The dumbshits don't even see it. I'm actually strengthening same sex marriage law and arguing against the baker! They are arguing to weaken SSM and in favor of the baker.

Again, you can't make this shit up no matter how you try!
falling back on a absolute false hood excellent indication of desperation and inevitable defeat.

And your argument is........

That you have none, doya skippy?
asked and answered

Trolling again

I am awesome at creating trolls
reading comp problems? vodka will do that .

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