Battleground states, 1May12

:eek:Exactly right!! Which is why the undecided will break for Romney and the fact that he is a Mormon is pretty much irrelevant except for whack jobs like yourself. Romney will win all the states McCain won and FL, OH, NV, VA, NC etc. I give Romney better than a 50% chance of winning, which is all we can ask for at this point

Okay, except about 22% of the population would be reluctant to vote for a Mormon, including 18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents. And that's before the media starts doing informative stories about just all the crazy stuff Mormons believe in.

You know like magic underwear and ruling a planet in the afterlife and baptizing dead people.

I don't think that he will even win all the states McCain won. In Missouri, they just don't like Mormons, and McCain barely won it last time. In Arizona, the Hispanics are soo cheezed off at him Obama will be competitive there, too.

The text I highlighted has to be coated in shit, considering you pulled those numbers directly out of your ass.

Care to support them or would you prefer to retract?

LOL. Yea those numbers made zero sense to me when I saw them too. I think what he was trying to pull out of his ass was the concept that parties hate Mormons across the board. Sounded good, eh Joe?
:eek:Exactly right!! Which is why the undecided will break for Romney and the fact that he is a Mormon is pretty much irrelevant except for whack jobs like yourself. Romney will win all the states McCain won and FL, OH, NV, VA, NC etc. I give Romney better than a 50% chance of winning, which is all we can ask for at this point

Okay, except about 22% of the population would be reluctant to vote for a Mormon, including 18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents. And that's before the media starts doing informative stories about just all the crazy stuff Mormons believe in.

You know like magic underwear and ruling a planet in the afterlife and baptizing dead people.

I don't think that he will even win all the states McCain won. In Missouri, they just don't like Mormons, and McCain barely won it last time. In Arizona, the Hispanics are soo cheezed off at him Obama will be competitive there, too.

I'm sure I could have gave you the same exact stats about people being reluctant to vote for a black guy or a Muslim for that matter. Obama still won in 08. I hear that Mormon talk and I just laugh at how libs are deluding themselves. And the only place where it does matter at all (the south), Romney will win anyways.

1) Obama is not a Muslim except in the fevered imaginations of racists.

2) the same poll that shows 22% wouldn't vote for a Mormon shows that only 5% would refuse to vote for a black. So, nope, not the same thing at all. The only two groups that rated higher than Mormons on the No Fucking Way Scale were Gays (32%) and Atheists (49%).

3) Actually, the distrust of Mormon Weirdness crosses religous and geographic lines.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

The polls show that the reluctance is 23% in the south, but it's 26% in the Midwest, 22% in the west and 17% on the east coast.

Amongst denominations, it's 23% of Protestants, but 16% of Catholics and 22% of non-Christians.

You know, there's a pretty good reason why Romney avoids questions about Mormonism or even talking about it.
Won’t help Obama at all… It might actually turn more people against him. Rev Wright sure didn't hurt Obama much, speaking about crazy religious beliefs...Oh that’s right Obama never heard that stuff as he was only there for 20yrs:doubt:

Major diffrence. Everyone quickly realized that his alliance with Wright was one of expediency,not a sharing of beliefs. I mean, if you want to do that, Romney has cozied up to every religious crazy in the country...

Romney, on the other hand, was a Mormon Bishop and Stake President. It isn't just going to a church with a nutty cleric, it's a whole religion that is batshite crazy...

:doubt: Sounded like a true believer to me...

[ame=]Obama Speaks Of Rev. Wright In This 1995 Interview - YouTube[/ame]

So he agreed with him on few issues BEFORE the whacky comments were made... Um... that's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
:eek:Exactly right!! Which is why the undecided will break for Romney and the fact that he is a Mormon is pretty much irrelevant except for whack jobs like yourself. Romney will win all the states McCain won and FL, OH, NV, VA, NC etc. I give Romney better than a 50% chance of winning, which is all we can ask for at this point

Okay, except about 22% of the population would be reluctant to vote for a Mormon, including 18% of Republicans and 19% of Independents. And that's before the media starts doing informative stories about just all the crazy stuff Mormons believe in.

You know like magic underwear and ruling a planet in the afterlife and baptizing dead people.

I don't think that he will even win all the states McCain won. In Missouri, they just don't like Mormons, and McCain barely won it last time. In Arizona, the Hispanics are soo cheezed off at him Obama will be competitive there, too.

The text I highlighted has to be coated in shit, considering you pulled those numbers directly out of your ass.

Care to support them or would you prefer to retract?


See Post 123, I posted a link... And I've posted these numbers a lot of times before, guy. Not wanting them to be true doesn't make them true.

Now, that said, I think a lot of people who think Mormonism is weird will hold their nose and vote for Romney because their racism is stronger than their religious objections. But just enough of them won't.
They're your Democrats. You trumpet them at every turn. They're yours. Your Mormon hating is just the syrup on your ice cream.

Uh, no. To paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.

Probalby when it became too crazy a place for people like Olympia Snow, Richard Lugar and Orrin Hatch.

Or when Allen West started screaming about how there are 80 Communists in the Democratic Caucus.

Or when Rush Limbaugh started screaming "slut" and "prostitute" about a young lady who was testifying before Congress.

Now, yeah, for years and years, I made excuses for a lot of this bad behavior. I remember getting into an argument with a couple of libs a few years ago defending Ann Coulter (which I would never do today) after she said something particularly vile.

You call the Mormon thing the "syrup on the ice cream", I call it "the straw that broke the camel's back."

It's actually liberating not having to defend stupidity and meanness anymore.
They're your Democrats. You trumpet them at every turn. They're yours. Your Mormon hating is just the syrup on your ice cream.

Uh, no. To paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.

Mmm. That doesn't really explain how Obama's shaft got all the way down your throat.

Guy, this is really no place for your sexual fantasies, really!!!!

I mean I understand that you can't answer the points I make, because you're slightly retarded, but I don't think anyone wants to read your lurid sexual fantasies....
They're your Democrats. You trumpet them at every turn. They're yours. Your Mormon hating is just the syrup on your ice cream.

It's actually liberating not having to defend stupidity and meanness anymore.

You're in the shackles of your own stupidity.

No, it means I no longer have to defend Ann Coulter when she calls 9-11 widows witches and Rush Limbaugh when he calls a fine young law student a slut.

That's the liberating freedom of being in the middle of the road, man. The whole world has to get on my right side, I don't have to get on its...
It's actually liberating not having to defend stupidity and meanness anymore.

You're in the shackles of your own stupidity.

No, it means I no longer have to defend Ann Coulter when she calls 9-11 widows witches and Rush Limbaugh when he calls a fine young law student a slut.

That's the liberating freedom of being in the middle of the road, man. The whole world has to get on my right side, I don't have to get on its...

Oh boo f'ing hoo. You have to worry about a few name callings? It's about bigger things than that shallow junk. You haven't said anything that makes me believe you're conservative or whatever. You're flaming lib dude.
You're in the shackles of your own stupidity.

No, it means I no longer have to defend Ann Coulter when she calls 9-11 widows witches and Rush Limbaugh when he calls a fine young law student a slut.

That's the liberating freedom of being in the middle of the road, man. The whole world has to get on my right side, I don't have to get on its...

Oh boo f'ing hoo. You have to worry about a few name callings? It's about bigger things than that shallow junk. You haven't said anything that makes me believe you're conservative or whatever. You're flaming lib dude.

Guy, the problem is, you nutters have taken the car so far off the road, Reagan would be a flipping lib, dude.

which is exactly what happens when you have a movement that appeals to the worst in people.

There used to be positive things in Conservatism... not so much anymore. People like you, we'd have dismissed as nutters 20 years ago. Now Romney has to bend over for you.
No, it means I no longer have to defend Ann Coulter when she calls 9-11 widows witches and Rush Limbaugh when he calls a fine young law student a slut.

That's the liberating freedom of being in the middle of the road, man. The whole world has to get on my right side, I don't have to get on its...

Oh boo f'ing hoo. You have to worry about a few name callings? It's about bigger things than that shallow junk. You haven't said anything that makes me believe you're conservative or whatever. You're flaming lib dude.

Guy, the problem is, you nutters have taken the car so far off the road, Reagan would be a flipping lib, dude.

which is exactly what happens when you have a movement that appeals to the worst in people.

There used to be positive things in Conservatism... not so much anymore. People like you, we'd have dismissed as nutters 20 years ago. Now Romney has to bend over for you.

Yea. Wanting fiscal sanity and liberty makes me a nutter. You're a Democrat. And like oh so many of them, you are a lying Democrat. And the GOP hasn't went way right. They've went way left. That's the problem. It's a bunch of RINOs like you.
Major diffrence. Everyone quickly realized that his alliance with Wright was one of expediency,not a sharing of beliefs. I mean, if you want to do that, Romney has cozied up to every religious crazy in the country...

Romney, on the other hand, was a Mormon Bishop and Stake President. It isn't just going to a church with a nutty cleric, it's a whole religion that is batshite crazy...

:doubt: Sounded like a true believer to me...

[ame=]Obama Speaks Of Rev. Wright In This 1995 Interview - YouTube[/ame]

So he agreed with him on few issues BEFORE the whacky comments were made... Um... that's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

So Rev.wright never said any of those things untill recently? please...your a joke you'd give an American hating peacher a pass before a mormon:cuckoo:
It's actually liberating not having to defend stupidity and meanness anymore.

You're in the shackles of your own stupidity.

No, it means I no longer have to defend Ann Coulter when she calls 9-11 widows witches and Rush Limbaugh when he calls a fine young law student a slut.

That's the liberating freedom of being in the middle of the road, man. The whole world has to get on my right side, I don't have to get on its...

Free from the paralyzing, incurious grip of partisan ideology.

Funny thing is, it just ain't that tough.

Last edited:
Oh boo f'ing hoo. You have to worry about a few name callings? It's about bigger things than that shallow junk. You haven't said anything that makes me believe you're conservative or whatever. You're flaming lib dude.

Guy, the problem is, you nutters have taken the car so far off the road, Reagan would be a flipping lib, dude.

which is exactly what happens when you have a movement that appeals to the worst in people.

There used to be positive things in Conservatism... not so much anymore. People like you, we'd have dismissed as nutters 20 years ago. Now Romney has to bend over for you.

Yea. Wanting fiscal sanity and liberty makes me a nutter. You're a Democrat. And like oh so many of them, you are a lying Democrat. And the GOP hasn't went way right. They've went way left. That's the problem. It's a bunch of RINOs like you.

Bush was a RINO? Wow...
Guy, the problem is, you nutters have taken the car so far off the road, Reagan would be a flipping lib, dude.

which is exactly what happens when you have a movement that appeals to the worst in people.

There used to be positive things in Conservatism... not so much anymore. People like you, we'd have dismissed as nutters 20 years ago. Now Romney has to bend over for you.

Yea. Wanting fiscal sanity and liberty makes me a nutter. You're a Democrat. And like oh so many of them, you are a lying Democrat. And the GOP hasn't went way right. They've went way left. That's the problem. It's a bunch of RINOs like you.

Bush was a RINO? Wow...

Bush was most definitely RINOish. Most Republicans are.
Guy, the problem is, you nutters have taken the car so far off the road, Reagan would be a flipping lib, dude.

which is exactly what happens when you have a movement that appeals to the worst in people.

There used to be positive things in Conservatism... not so much anymore. People like you, we'd have dismissed as nutters 20 years ago. Now Romney has to bend over for you.

Yea. Wanting fiscal sanity and liberty makes me a nutter. You're a Democrat. And like oh so many of them, you are a lying Democrat. And the GOP hasn't went way right. They've went way left. That's the problem. It's a bunch of RINOs like you.

Bush was a RINO? Wow...

And so was his congress.


Amazing that what some on the left keep posting about being duped.....just does not hold up when you see how many conservatives were pissed at Bush for his wars and his spending.

Imagine that ?
So Rev.wright never said any of those things untill recently? please...your a joke you'd give an American hating peacher a pass before a mormon:cuckoo:

Ummm, yeah, the quotes that you guys take out of context and get all frothy about were said in 2001. This tape is from 1995.

I think Wright is a jerk, but he's not a religion. I don't hold him responsible for everyone in his denomination than I hold Father Pfleger responsible for all of Catholicism.

Mormonism is a cult. No one gets a contrary opinion. That's why it's a cult.
Yea. Wanting fiscal sanity and liberty makes me a nutter. You're a Democrat. And like oh so many of them, you are a lying Democrat. And the GOP hasn't went way right. They've went way left. That's the problem. It's a bunch of RINOs like you.

Guy, you can't say you are for "Fiscal Sanity" and then say you also think we need to keep the Bush Tax Cuts in place. That's fiscal insanity that turned a 200 Billion dollar surplus into a 400 Billion dollar deficit, and we've been in deficits ever since.

Now- point to. I think we need to make some serious cuts in nearly everything. I think we need to means test social security, I think we need to get medicare out of the extreme end of life treatments (extending lives in agony for weeks for patients who are going to die, about 11% of all medical spending we do in this country.)

But you can cut the little things you guys pretend are a big deal, and cut the real things, and you are STILL going to need to raise taxes at some point.

Because the "Fiscal sanity" has really been 30 years of deficit spending.

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