BBB calls out trump on his lies

Trump Enterpreneur Initiative LLC, formally known as Trump University.

name change to deflect responsibility and upgrade BBB ratings.

an A+ business changed it's name.

uh huh, sure Trump-etts believe that .

I think they changed the name because there is no way you can claim it is a university
Wait for it...
Damn right it was coming! The question is, can Hillary tell the truth?

Who cares if we are going to nominate a bigger liar?

Clinton is the bigger liar and a criminal.

According to every fact checker in the business she is not...

As for Criminal I suggest you report the crime to authorities... I mean if you are an upstanding citizen you would have proof and the authorities would love to hear from you for solving this open crime...
the BBB has went they way for the ILLEGEAL immigrants . they are as UnAmercian as the rest of the pukes pushing for OPEN BORDERS AND Amnesty for the law breakers
We (Trump University) have an ‘A’ from the Better Business Bureau."
Donald Trump on Sunday, February 28th, 2016 in comments on "Meet the Press

Fact-checking Donald Trump's claims about Trump University

wow Avatar, you've sunk to going to Rawgarbagestory for your politics?
Wait for it...
Damn right it was coming! The question is, can Hillary tell the truth?

No but according to her, she always "tries" ..... :rolleyes:

What kind of fucking imbecile would vote for a person that says something like "I always TRY to tell the truth"? like its some kind of difficult endeavor, apparently many peoples standards for the integrity of elected officials is so low they'd vote for Lucifer if he stuck the right letter behind his name.
We see it's the trolls who runs the board and given free rein to harass other members on the board. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. it used to be Respectful to other people who join, but not anymore. a real damn shame
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We see it's the trolls who runs the board and given free rein to harass other members on the board. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. it used to be respectable to other people, but not anymore. a real damn shame

Tagging your post as 'funny' is not harassment, crybaby.
Wait for it...
Damn right it was coming! The question is, can Hillary tell the truth?

Who cares if we are going to nominate a bigger liar?

there is not bigger liar then Mrs Tuluza clinton. She is such a psychotic liar that she lies about things easily proven wrong.

If the BBB did give Trump's school an A+ rating they now say wasn't deserved what does that say about their rating system?

View the Serbia link in my signature line, then you will see lies that really do matter.
None of this will have the slightest effect on the fanatics who believe in Trump much in the way an appreciable segment of closed-minded Germans believed in Hitler -- and I'm not making an extreme comparison. While there obviously are substantial differences in the material and the social character of contemporary America and Germany of the 1930s, there are unmistakable similarities in the collective mentality of certain segments of the respective populations.

I would call it the concentration camp mentality. While there are relatively few who would openly express such an aggressively intolerant position they quietly support it and would vote to implement it. And while Trump has done all but openly call for such a solution to America's population problems there is no question that it is clearly in line with his thinking.

What are your thoughts on the prospect of implementing concentration camps to deal with illegal immigration -- and other problems?

That is exactly right, if a liar is to be selected it is not going to be Mrs Tuluza. Time to put an end to the Clinton regime. The Bushs are gone, now time to move past Mrs Tuluza.
Freewill, why are you harassing me!? This place used to be respectable. A real damn shame. :lol:
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None of this will have the slightest effect on the fanatics who believe in Trump much in the way an appreciable segment of closed-minded Germans believed in Hitler -- and I'm not making an extreme comparison. While there obviously are substantial differences in the material and the social character of contemporary America and Germany of the 1930s, there are unmistakable similarities in the collective mentality of certain segments of the respective populations.

I would call it the concentration camp mentality. While there are relatively few who would openly express such an aggressively intolerant position they quietly support it and would vote to implement it. And while Trump has done all but openly call for such a solution to America's population problems there is no question that it is clearly in line with his thinking.

What are your thoughts on the prospect of implementing concentration camps to deal with illegal immigration -- and other problems?

Actually he is on record stating he likes the camps FDR set up for Japanese and Germans during the war

could you share the source with us?
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Wait for it...
Damn right it was coming! The question is, can Hillary tell the truth?

Who cares if we are going to nominate a bigger liar?

there is not bigger liar then Mrs Tuluza clinton. She is such a psychotic liar that she lies about things easily proven wrong.

If the BBB did give Trump's school an A+ rating they now say wasn't deserved what does that say about their rating system?

View the Serbia link in my signature line, then you will see lies that really do matter.

Trump is lying. Period. He got called on it.

But apparently that doesn't matter to trumpets
Wait for it...
Damn right it was coming! The question is, can Hillary tell the truth?

Who cares if we are going to nominate a bigger liar?

there is not bigger liar then Mrs Tuluza clinton. She is such a psychotic liar that she lies about things easily proven wrong.

If the BBB did give Trump's school an A+ rating they now say wasn't deserved what does that say about their rating system?

View the Serbia link in my signature line, then you will see lies that really do matter.

Trump is lying. Period. He got called on it.

But apparently that doesn't matter to trumpets

Gotta pick one. Apparently Mrs Tuluza Clinton's lies doesn't matter to the left. So where does that leave us? It is argued in the link provided that Mrs Tuluza's political meddling in Serbia cost 250,000 lives, that doesn't seem to bother the left one little bit. So yeah, him saying they rated him an A and them agreeing, doesn't really matter.
None of this will have the slightest effect on the fanatics who believe in Trump much in the way an appreciable segment of closed-minded Germans believed in Hitler -- and I'm not making an extreme comparison. While there obviously are substantial differences in the material and the social character of contemporary America and Germany of the 1930s, there are unmistakable similarities in the collective mentality of certain segments of the respective populations.

I would call it the concentration camp mentality. While there are relatively few who would openly express such an aggressively intolerant position they quietly support it and would vote to implement it. And while Trump has done all but openly call for such a solution to America's population problems there is no question that it is clearly in line with his thinking.

What are your thoughts on the prospect of implementing concentration camps to deal with illegal immigration -- and other problems?
I never heard Trump say anything about concentration camps, and I watch every rally. Can you give a link where he said that, all I heard was that the ILLEGAL ( that means they are not here legally, breaking the law) immigrants will be going home to there loving country, and he also said they can come back legally after they do it properly.

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start a trade war with Mexico and China
build a wall that Mexico will NOT pay for
forget about the Canadian border and terrorists that come from the north
add 24 trillion $ to the debt
deport 15 million people denying them their constitutional rights
ban anyone you deem too scary
register those that might be too scary

poor Donnie

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