BBC Hands Airwaves Over To Israel’s Minister For War

Really now? How about offering some examples of this?

Here is a link you can follow to find countless examples where the subject was either Muslim attitudes or atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and you followed the terrorist modus operandi of supporting, defending and justifying such actions and attitudes through intentionally false equivalencies.

Coyote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would be most happy to supply a similarly impressive body of work where your following the proscribed procedure happens to be at a different discussion group.
It can easily be argued that IE speaks to the frustrations many Palestinians have with the erosion of a two-state solution, and the possibility of their ever achieving rights. That too is free speech. Yet you condemn one as hate and applaud the other as justifiable frustration.

Hate is hate. But apparently not when it's the likes of Pamela Geller directing it against innocent Muslims.

And what "Islamanization of America" are you referring to?

You sure never vary from the Islamist terrorist M.O., do you?

You are always right here with the official terrorist talking points that rejecting Islamist terrorism is no different than the Islamist terrorism, itself.

Even the Queen of denmark says there are reasons to stand up to Islam.

Queen of Denmark We must give Islam opposition

Speaking against Islamism is not in itself hate speech.

Speaking against extremism is not hate speech. But that is not what the likes of Geller and Wilder are about.

Is saying islam teaches violence, terrorism and murder as a way of life hate speech or fact, if it is hate speech then why is it taught every day in mosques and madrassas' around the world. If it is fact it cant be hate speech. Repeating the teachings of the Koran is not hate speech, unless you don't want the korans contents to be made public knowledge. Did you know that Koran's destined for English nations have many of the violent verses left out because so many people were shocked at how violent islam is.
It's no more hateful and dishonest than Pam Gellars site which is also a hate mongering site.

Pam Geller is not working under the auspices of a known terrorist organization nor does she share any genocidal agenda, so once again, all you are proving is your own dishonesty, underhandedness and lack of human decency.

Electronic Infantada is an on-line media source that is biased towards the Palestinians. People like you choose to excuse the hate that comes from those like Geller. It's quite clear from your unwillingness, and those of others here - to ever condemn it. Dishonesty? Lack of human decency? Look into your mirror. She's associated with neo-Nazi's and white supremacists.

And she shares a genocidal agenda.

Pamela Geller: Pamela Geller advocates banning Islam demolishing mosques deporting and killing Muslims Islamophobia Today eNewspaper

If a government wants to learn how to manage growing Islamic problems, take some advice from Ottoman army officer Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk abolished Islam by putting a complete ban on Islamic materials, demolishing mosques, and removing any traces of Islam in his country to get rid of the evil. Those who tried to revolt were put in their place, or basically killed….

It is time for the UK to stop wasting their military abroad, but bring them to patrol their own streets and begin to remove Muslims. And it is vital time to plan and arrange deportation programs – and even arrange new deportation programs for practicing Muslims born in England to be deported to their parent’s country of origin.

65% of all Brits advocate banning islam, demolishing mosques and deporting muslims. Some think that muslims found guilty of child abuse and assisting terrorism should be executed and their remains dumped in a pit. Is this wrong for the majority of Brits to feel this way after suffering Islamic violence, aggression and flouting of the law for 14 years under a neo Marxist regime. Until you have lived with islamonazi aggressives and violence you are in no position to say that it is wrong to want them out of your country. And the biggest culprits for the terrorism

Should civil rights be determined by a mob? Subject to popular appeal? Is that what you support?

At one the majority of Americans supported slavery and later legalized segregation. They claimed blacks were subhuman, inherently violent and incapable of governing themselves.

Should the mionority be allowed to rape 11 year old girls as a form of terrorism, or should the majority be allowed to voice their concerns ?
I support justice in these matters and want the vile organisation that preaches this to be banned, and its followers deported for their criminality. Like the 65% of the other Brits demanding changes in the laws. We are not resorting to mob rule but to democratic change and open discussion. It is the looney left that want to ban free speech on these matters, bring in thought crime laws and elevate islam to a protected status that stops any arrests being made for crimes of violence and sexual exploitation of minors.

Going on the evidence of South Africa they seemed to know what they were talking about didn't they. Just as the majority of non muslims are telling the world about the hate and violence inherent in islam and the likes of you are calling them Racists, Nazis and Islamophobes.
Any one with a sliver of intelligence can look back just over 100 years and count the numbers of innocents mass murdered by Islamic terrorism, and see that it runs into the upper tens of millions in Asia alone. Then there are the figures for the M.E that are also in the tens of millions. Look at the horn of Africa and count the dead there at the hands of muslims. We don't need to fabricate numbers as the death tolls are freely available on the Internet Strange then how he made the comment on camera in an interview, and now the pro islam cabal is truing to have all copies removed.

Forget the last 100 years, my focus lately has been from the year 700 throughout 1800, where there was little or no Western engagement with the mideast. The research I've been doing has been just horrifying, as the amounts of people slaughtered by muslims in africa, the mideast and asia made WW2 look like a party. It is tragic that this history is not more widely known, because if it were, and people generally understood the goal of most muslims to conquer the planet, islam would have justifiably been destroyed long ago.

It is coming don't you worry, more and more Europeans are seeing islam as the vile evil cult that it is and are turning against it.
Thats why the conservative PM was wooing them to bank there last year eh Scooter? :uhoh3:

David Cameron unveils plans to make London a Mecca for Middle East wealth - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Attracting their wealth is not the same as the people attracting them. They an put their money into our businesses as long as they don't bring their violence with them.
She editorializes on stories and issues. She does fabricate stories or incite violence. .

Here is some elaboration:

She does fabricate stories to inflame and incite: Have you seen what she has to say on the Bosnian genocide, and defends the Serbian war criminals? This event has been well documented.

How about this one on "Puppy Bombs" (designed to generate hatred and anger) - Robert Spencer Pamela Geller discover puppy bomb jihad

False or misleading Fatwah's?

Geller's claim that Muslims burned alive hundreds of Christians, complete with photographs: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims - Islam for Muslims - Nigeria The actual story? A fuel tanker explosion in the Congo: Fuel tanker explosion kills over 230 in Congo Reuters

Yet people excuse her or even support her.

Puppy Bombs Rescued from Egyptian Violence - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Puppy bombs The latest weapon in the Muslim Brotherhood arsenal - National counterterrorism

just reporting stories from other sources.

The fatwa source was

Tunisians Raise Alarm on Possible Fatwa Encouraging Sexual Jihad - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Geller does not create these stories, they come from mainstream news sources.

Yes she creates them - in the same way conspiracy theorists 's take unrelated "facts" and turn them into a false story. For example story that Muslims were burning hundreds of Christians but in reality, the story was fiction and the pictures taken from a horrific fire in the Congo.

Or claiming that the Serbian genocide was "manufactured" - how is that different than holocaust deniers?

On the puppy bomb story - the original source retracted it, it was shown to be a wrong and she still promotes on her sitees, it knowing it is false: Nuts and Fruits Department Pamela Geller s Puppy Bombs Hatewatch

What difference is there between making up a story and knowingly promoting a false story? There is none.

The puppy bomb story is a good example

Here are some examples of Christians being burnt alive from non partisan sources

Christians Burned Alive Muslim Persecution of Christians November 2014

Muslims Take 100 Christians Burn Them Alive Slit Their Throats Shoot Them And Hack Them To Death - Walid Shoebat

....there are savages everywhere and Boko Haram is an extremist terrorist group noted for excessive brutality and intolerance.

Here are some more Christians being burned alive:
Suspected Witches Burned Alive by Christians in Kenya The Tale Of Bitter Truth
BBC NEWS Africa Horror of Kenya s witch lynchings
Christians burn 100’s of Muslims alive, hack others to death with machetes

One small part of Africa is not the same as worldwide practice is it. Did you know they burnt a British boy to death not that long ago. Seems to be an Islamic trait....................
electronic intifada? one of the worse sites to use or quote from. Try a more factual site instead of one that deals in hate mongering

It's no more hateful and dishonest than Pam Gellars site which is also a hate mongering site.

Is that because it tells the truth which is very painful to you.

No. It's because I don't like bigotry or it's supporters.

Yet you defend Islamic violence and atrocities, why is that.

Where? Specifically please provide links to where I've defended that or admit you are a liar.

When you try and deflect away from Islamic worldwide violence and try putting the blame on others. Violence is taught in islam from the word go, and no other religion has violence as a command obeyed by all practioners today but islam

Actually...I think it shows you are an idiot because you can't seem to string more than a couple of words together without accusing someone of being a Jew hater or spewing "ISLAMONAZI" crap all over the board like an angry toddler spitting up.

So are you claiming that if one considers Pamela Geller's often debunked rhetoric to be hate speech and lies then one is an anti-semitic Jew hater? and that SPLC is "IslamoNazi"? Grow up.

If the cap fits wear it, but this is how the anti semitic Jew hatred of 1930's Germany started, and the people back then denied it just the same
Such a pity. I kind of expected a more in depth answer from someone who calls himself "Rhodescholar".

I see, so the mod thinks he can get a pass on personal insults, and the rest of us have to respect them - well no longer, FUCK YOU SCUMBAG. Let the whole forum see what a piece of shit you are hiding behind your mod status making personal attacks, you non-credible fucking piece dogshit. The gloves are now off.

If you toss out insults, I'll reply in kind. Your mini-tantrums mean nothing to me and don't help your position at all.

Muslim majority countries - typically Africa and Middle East have never, culturally had a country that is "free, free, respectful of civil/human rights, and highly democratic in nature". Is that religion or culture?

Since all 57 muslim countries are not free, all over the planet, what does that tell a sane, rational person who, unlike you, can think for themselves? Or do you need it spelled out for you, moron?

It tells me you are wrong. At least one Muslim majority country is green, totally free and a number are yellow, partially free.

You are talking about areas where family, tribal, ethnic and religious affiliations are far more important than state.

What the fuck does that have to do with basic human freedoms or rights? So that gives them a pass to horrifically "other" tribes badly? Is this the fucking caveman era?

Who says anything about giving them a "pass"?

Did you happen to notice the countries on your Freedom Map marked in purple? Many of them do not have Muslim majorities or even your so called "30%" marker which comes right out of the Rightwing Anti-Islamic Playbook. You aren't even very original there.

Speaking of straw man, asshole, I did NOT claim that ONLY muslim countries are not free, I claimed that ALL muslim countries are not free. Your achievement of being a mod clearly did not require an intelligence test.

And your claim was wrong.

Well this is interesting. Ok. I'll bite. Where are these "numerous regions in the US"? As to your second question - I know of no areas in the US where Musims live any differently than any other group of US citizens.

Facts, much fuckhead?

Islam Driving the Social and Legal Agenda in the West Daniel Pipes
Articles The Muslim Takeover of West Bengal
Michigan Public School Board Allows Muslims to Pray - The Last Resistance
The Danger Within Militant Islam in America Daniel Pipes
Amnesty International and Muslim Discrimination in Europe

Daniel Pipes. Not exactly a scholarly or unbiased source. "Last Resistance" - "liberalism's worst nightmare"...oh I bet that's a scholarly source.
It's no more hateful and dishonest than Pam Gellars site which is also a hate mongering site.

Is that because it tells the truth which is very painful to you.

No. It's because I don't like bigotry or it's supporters.

Yet you defend Islamic violence and atrocities, why is that.

Where? Specifically please provide links to where I've defended that or admit you are a liar.

When you try and deflect away from Islamic worldwide violence and try putting the blame on others. Violence is taught in islam from the word go, and no other religion has violence as a command obeyed by all practioners today but islam

Well...two things are evident here. One - you can not provide a single link where I've defended Islamic violence or atrocities. Therefore, I have to assume you are a liar.

Two - you don't know many Muslims do you?
Really now? How about offering some examples of this?

Here is a link you can follow to find countless examples where the subject was either Muslim attitudes or atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and you followed the terrorist modus operandi of supporting, defending and justifying such actions and attitudes through intentionally false equivalencies.

Coyote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would be most happy to supply a similarly impressive body of work where your following the proscribed procedure happens to be at a different discussion group.

How cute. So you too can not find a single example where I have supported or defended terrorists.

This seems to be your "modus operandi". You can't debate, so you lob shit. When asked to support it, you prevaricate or offer up nonsense.
It can easily be argued that IE speaks to the frustrations many Palestinians have with the erosion of a two-state solution, and the possibility of their ever achieving rights. That too is free speech. Yet you condemn one as hate and applaud the other as justifiable frustration.

Hate is hate. But apparently not when it's the likes of Pamela Geller directing it against innocent Muslims.

And what "Islamanization of America" are you referring to?

You sure never vary from the Islamist terrorist M.O., do you?

You are always right here with the official terrorist talking points that rejecting Islamist terrorism is no different than the Islamist terrorism, itself.

Even the Queen of denmark says there are reasons to stand up to Islam.

Queen of Denmark We must give Islam opposition

Speaking against Islamism is not in itself hate speech.

Speaking against extremism is not hate speech. But that is not what the likes of Geller and Wilder are about.

Is saying islam teaches violence, terrorism and murder as a way of life hate speech or fact, if it is hate speech then why is it taught every day in mosques and madrassas' around the world. If it is fact it cant be hate speech. Repeating the teachings of the Koran is not hate speech, unless you don't want the korans contents to be made public knowledge. Did you know that Koran's destined for English nations have many of the violent verses left out because so many people were shocked at how violent islam is.


Did you know the Bible contains more violence than the Koran?
Here is some elaboration:

She does fabricate stories to inflame and incite: Have you seen what she has to say on the Bosnian genocide, and defends the Serbian war criminals? This event has been well documented.

How about this one on "Puppy Bombs" (designed to generate hatred and anger) - Robert Spencer Pamela Geller discover puppy bomb jihad

False or misleading Fatwah's?

Geller's claim that Muslims burned alive hundreds of Christians, complete with photographs: Hoaxes And Fabrications On Islam And Muslims - Islam for Muslims - Nigeria The actual story? A fuel tanker explosion in the Congo: Fuel tanker explosion kills over 230 in Congo Reuters

Yet people excuse her or even support her.

Puppy Bombs Rescued from Egyptian Violence - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Puppy bombs The latest weapon in the Muslim Brotherhood arsenal - National counterterrorism

just reporting stories from other sources.

The fatwa source was

Tunisians Raise Alarm on Possible Fatwa Encouraging Sexual Jihad - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Geller does not create these stories, they come from mainstream news sources.

Yes she creates them - in the same way conspiracy theorists 's take unrelated "facts" and turn them into a false story. For example story that Muslims were burning hundreds of Christians but in reality, the story was fiction and the pictures taken from a horrific fire in the Congo.

Or claiming that the Serbian genocide was "manufactured" - how is that different than holocaust deniers?

On the puppy bomb story - the original source retracted it, it was shown to be a wrong and she still promotes on her sitees, it knowing it is false: Nuts and Fruits Department Pamela Geller s Puppy Bombs Hatewatch

What difference is there between making up a story and knowingly promoting a false story? There is none.

The puppy bomb story is a good example

Here are some examples of Christians being burnt alive from non partisan sources

Christians Burned Alive Muslim Persecution of Christians November 2014

Muslims Take 100 Christians Burn Them Alive Slit Their Throats Shoot Them And Hack Them To Death - Walid Shoebat

....there are savages everywhere and Boko Haram is an extremist terrorist group noted for excessive brutality and intolerance.

Here are some more Christians being burned alive:
Suspected Witches Burned Alive by Christians in Kenya The Tale Of Bitter Truth
BBC NEWS Africa Horror of Kenya s witch lynchings
Christians burn 100’s of Muslims alive, hack others to death with machetes

One small part of Africa is not the same as worldwide practice is it. Did you know they burnt a British boy to death not that long ago. Seems to be an Islamic trait....................

There is no "world wide practice" of burning people alive.

Actually...I think it shows you are an idiot because you can't seem to string more than a couple of words together without accusing someone of being a Jew hater or spewing "ISLAMONAZI" crap all over the board like an angry toddler spitting up.

So are you claiming that if one considers Pamela Geller's often debunked rhetoric to be hate speech and lies then one is an anti-semitic Jew hater? and that SPLC is "IslamoNazi"? Grow up.

If the cap fits wear it, but this is how the anti semitic Jew hatred of 1930's Germany started, and the people back then denied it just the same

Good point. That is EXACTLY how it started. And it's the same propaganda Geller and you are lobbing at Muslims. Interesting no?
Such a pity. I kind of expected a more in depth answer from someone who calls himself "Rhodescholar".

I see, so the mod thinks he can get a pass on personal insults, and the rest of us have to respect them - well no longer, FUCK YOU SCUMBAG. Let the whole forum see what a piece of shit you are hiding behind your mod status making personal attacks, you non-credible fucking piece dogshit. The gloves are now off.

If you toss out insults, I'll reply in kind. Your mini-tantrums mean nothing to me and don't help your position at all.

Muslim majority countries - typically Africa and Middle East have never, culturally had a country that is "free, free, respectful of civil/human rights, and highly democratic in nature". Is that religion or culture?

Since all 57 muslim countries are not free, all over the planet, what does that tell a sane, rational person who, unlike you, can think for themselves? Or do you need it spelled out for you, moron?

It tells me you are wrong. At least one Muslim majority country is green, totally free and a number are yellow, partially free.

You are talking about areas where family, tribal, ethnic and religious affiliations are far more important than state.

What the fuck does that have to do with basic human freedoms or rights? So that gives them a pass to horrifically "other" tribes badly? Is this the fucking caveman era?

Who says anything about giving them a "pass"?

Did you happen to notice the countries on your Freedom Map marked in purple? Many of them do not have Muslim majorities or even your so called "30%" marker which comes right out of the Rightwing Anti-Islamic Playbook. You aren't even very original there.

Speaking of straw man, asshole, I did NOT claim that ONLY muslim countries are not free, I claimed that ALL muslim countries are not free. Your achievement of being a mod clearly did not require an intelligence test.

And your claim was wrong.

Well this is interesting. Ok. I'll bite. Where are these "numerous regions in the US"? As to your second question - I know of no areas in the US where Musims live any differently than any other group of US citizens.

Facts, much fuckhead?

Islam Driving the Social and Legal Agenda in the West Daniel Pipes
Articles The Muslim Takeover of West Bengal
Michigan Public School Board Allows Muslims to Pray - The Last Resistance
The Danger Within Militant Islam in America Daniel Pipes
Amnesty International and Muslim Discrimination in Europe

Daniel Pipes. Not exactly a scholarly or unbiased source. "Last Resistance" - "liberalism's worst nightmare"...oh I bet that's a scholarly source.

Pipes is a geostrategic analysis at a think tank. He is also a historian. PhD from Harvard. Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Board of directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace. He is an expert on the middle east.
Such a pity. I kind of expected a more in depth answer from someone who calls himself "Rhodescholar".

I see, so the mod thinks he can get a pass on personal insults, and the rest of us have to respect them - well no longer, FUCK YOU SCUMBAG. Let the whole forum see what a piece of shit you are hiding behind your mod status making personal attacks, you non-credible fucking piece dogshit. The gloves are now off.

If you toss out insults, I'll reply in kind. Your mini-tantrums mean nothing to me and don't help your position at all.

Muslim majority countries - typically Africa and Middle East have never, culturally had a country that is "free, free, respectful of civil/human rights, and highly democratic in nature". Is that religion or culture?

Since all 57 muslim countries are not free, all over the planet, what does that tell a sane, rational person who, unlike you, can think for themselves? Or do you need it spelled out for you, moron?

It tells me you are wrong. At least one Muslim majority country is green, totally free and a number are yellow, partially free.

You are talking about areas where family, tribal, ethnic and religious affiliations are far more important than state.

What the fuck does that have to do with basic human freedoms or rights? So that gives them a pass to horrifically "other" tribes badly? Is this the fucking caveman era?

Who says anything about giving them a "pass"?

Did you happen to notice the countries on your Freedom Map marked in purple? Many of them do not have Muslim majorities or even your so called "30%" marker which comes right out of the Rightwing Anti-Islamic Playbook. You aren't even very original there.

Speaking of straw man, asshole, I did NOT claim that ONLY muslim countries are not free, I claimed that ALL muslim countries are not free. Your achievement of being a mod clearly did not require an intelligence test.

And your claim was wrong.

Well this is interesting. Ok. I'll bite. Where are these "numerous regions in the US"? As to your second question - I know of no areas in the US where Musims live any differently than any other group of US citizens.

Facts, much fuckhead?

Islam Driving the Social and Legal Agenda in the West Daniel Pipes
Articles The Muslim Takeover of West Bengal
Michigan Public School Board Allows Muslims to Pray - The Last Resistance
The Danger Within Militant Islam in America Daniel Pipes
Amnesty International and Muslim Discrimination in Europe

Daniel Pipes. Not exactly a scholarly or unbiased source. "Last Resistance" - "liberalism's worst nightmare"...oh I bet that's a scholarly source.

Pipes is a geostrategic analysis at a think tank. He is also a historian. PhD from Harvard. Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Board of directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace. He is an expert on the middle east.

Daniel Pipes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Criticism of Pipes' views

In The Nation, Brooklyn writer Kristine McNeil describes Pipes as an "anti-Arab propagandist" who has built a career out of "distortions... twist[ing] words, quot[ing] people out of context and stretch[ing] the truth to suit his purpose".[18] James Zogby argues that Pipes possesses an "obsessive hatred of all things Muslim", and that "Pipes is to Muslims what David Duke is to African-Americans".[40] Christopher Hitchens, a fellow supporter of the Iraq War and critic of political Islam, also criticized Pipes, arguing that Pipes pursued an intolerant agenda, and was one who "confuses scholarship with propaganda", and "pursues petty vendettas with scant regard for objectivity".[42]

Pipes's views gained widespread public attention when they triggered a filibuster in the United States Senate against his nomination by President George W. Bush to the board of the United States Institute of Peace.[12] Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) explained that he was "offended" by Pipes's comments on Islam, and that while "some people call [Pipes] a scholar... this is not the kind of person you want on the USIP."[43] While defending Pipes's nomination, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer distanced Bush from Pipes's views, saying that Bush "disagrees with Pipes about whether Islam is a peaceful religion".[35]

Pipes sparked a controversy when he was invited to speak at the University of Toronto in March 2005. A letter from professors and graduate students asserted that Pipes had a "long record of xenophobic, racist and sexist speech that goes back to 1990".[44] but university officials said they would not interfere with Pipes's visit.[45] Pipes later wrote an article about his experience.[46]

Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times compared and contrasted Pipes with Juan Cole. Kristof said that while both are "smart" and "well-informed", Pipes is less sensible, and consequently Kristof often disagrees with Pipes.[47]

Professor John L. Esposito of Georgetown University has called Pipes "a bright, well-trained expert with considerable experience", but accuses Pipes of "selectivity and distortion" when asserting that "10 to 15 percent of the world's Muslims are militants". In summation, Esposito complains that Pipes's equation of "mainstream and extremist Islam under the rubric of militant Islam" while identifying "moderate Islam as secular or cultural" can mislead "uninformed or uncritical readers".[48]

Allegations against Barack Obama

Pipes notes that many in the Muslim world believe Barack Obama is or was a Muslim.[49][50] Pipes alleged that Obama falsely claims that he had never been a Muslim,[51] and his "the campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that Obama never prayed in a mosque."[52][53] Pipes wrote an article for FrontPage Magazine entitled "Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam." According to Pipes, "this matters" because Democratic presidential candidate Obama "is now what Islamic law calls a murtadd (apostate), an ex-Muslim converted to another religion who must be executed", and as president this would have "large potential implications for his relationship with the Muslim world."[54] Ben Smith, in an article on Politico responded to these accusations claiming that they amounted to a "template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama's religion" and that Daniel Pipes' work "is pretty stunning in the twists of its logic".[55]
Really now? How about offering some examples of this?

Here is a link you can follow to find countless examples where the subject was either Muslim attitudes or atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and you followed the terrorist modus operandi of supporting, defending and justifying such actions and attitudes through intentionally false equivalencies.

Coyote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would be most happy to supply a similarly impressive body of work where your following the proscribed procedure happens to be at a different discussion group.

How cute. So you too can not find a single example where I have supported or defended terrorists.

This seems to be your "modus operandi". You can't debate, so you lob shit. When asked to support it, you prevaricate or offer up nonsense.

Short memory, eh? Let me refresh...

Post #9 in this thread was an intentional false equivalence that followed Islamist terrorist methodology to an absolute T.
Really now? How about offering some examples of this?

Here is a link you can follow to find countless examples where the subject was either Muslim attitudes or atrocities committed in the name of Islam, and you followed the terrorist modus operandi of supporting, defending and justifying such actions and attitudes through intentionally false equivalencies.

Coyote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I would be most happy to supply a similarly impressive body of work where your following the proscribed procedure happens to be at a different discussion group.

How cute. So you too can not find a single example where I have supported or defended terrorists.

This seems to be your "modus operandi". You can't debate, so you lob shit. When asked to support it, you prevaricate or offer up nonsense.

Short memory, eh? Let me refresh...

Post #9 in this thread was an intentional false equivalence that followed Islamist terrorist methodology to an absolute T.

This? In response to a comment on EI? :rofl::lmao::cuckoo:

It's no more hateful and dishonest than Pam Gellars site which is also a hate mongering site.

I figured yo would have to stretch...but this is stretched to the point of ridiculous :lmao:

So you can't find an actual link where I support terrorists or terrorist activities. Instead, you have to mine a comment about hate sites to dredge something up - had no idea you adored Geller so much....obviously, some hate sites are just fine in your mind :)
It can easily be argued that IE speaks to the frustrations many Palestinians have with the erosion of a two-state solution, and the possibility of their ever achieving rights. That too is free speech. Yet you condemn one as hate and applaud the other as justifiable frustration.

Hate is hate. But apparently not when it's the likes of Pamela Geller directing it against innocent Muslims.

And what "Islamanization of America" are you referring to?

You sure never vary from the Islamist terrorist M.O., do you?

You are always right here with the official terrorist talking points that rejecting Islamist terrorism is no different than the Islamist terrorism, itself.

Even the Queen of denmark says there are reasons to stand up to Islam.

Queen of Denmark We must give Islam opposition

Speaking against Islamism is not in itself hate speech.

Speaking against extremism is not hate speech. But that is not what the likes of Geller and Wilder are about.

Is saying islam teaches violence, terrorism and murder as a way of life hate speech or fact, if it is hate speech then why is it taught every day in mosques and madrassas' around the world. If it is fact it cant be hate speech. Repeating the teachings of the Koran is not hate speech, unless you don't want the korans contents to be made public knowledge. Did you know that Koran's destined for English nations have many of the violent verses left out because so many people were shocked at how violent islam is.


Did you know the Bible contains more violence than the Koran?

it was a violent time back then. The quran was written hundreds of years later and was responsible for the conquest of nearly a third of the world as well as massacres and wars between the muslims sects or tribes.
Quran was supposed to lead muslims to submission to peace but they have never know peace for any length of time. The most peaceful time was under the rule of foreign slave/soldiers, mamluks.
They conquered and controlled vast expanses of land but the could not live in peace with their own, let alone with kafir.
Christians were not better. They fought between nations, other christians, heretics, pagans, conquered other nations around the world.
Jew did not have any kind of army or force since the jewish/roman wars. They could not be violent with any one. What was in the OT did not make jews violent so you can't blame that part of the bible as the cause of violence.
You sure never vary from the Islamist terrorist M.O., do you?

You are always right here with the official terrorist talking points that rejecting Islamist terrorism is no different than the Islamist terrorism, itself.

Even the Queen of denmark says there are reasons to stand up to Islam.

Queen of Denmark We must give Islam opposition

Speaking against Islamism is not in itself hate speech.

Speaking against extremism is not hate speech. But that is not what the likes of Geller and Wilder are about.

Is saying islam teaches violence, terrorism and murder as a way of life hate speech or fact, if it is hate speech then why is it taught every day in mosques and madrassas' around the world. If it is fact it cant be hate speech. Repeating the teachings of the Koran is not hate speech, unless you don't want the korans contents to be made public knowledge. Did you know that Koran's destined for English nations have many of the violent verses left out because so many people were shocked at how violent islam is.


Did you know the Bible contains more violence than the Koran?

it was a violent time back then. The quran was written hundreds of years later and was responsible for the conquest of nearly a third of the world as well as massacres and wars between the muslims sects or tribes.
Quran was supposed to lead muslims to submission to peace but they have never know peace for any length of time. The most peaceful time was under the rule of foreign slave/soldiers, mamluks.
They conquered and controlled vast expanses of land but the could not live in peace with their own, let alone with kafir.
Christians were not better. They fought between nations, other christians, heretics, pagans, conquered other nations around the world.
Jew did not have any kind of army or force since the jewish/roman wars. They could not be violent with any one. What was in the OT did not make jews violent so you can't blame that part of the bible as the cause of violence.

They were militant at one fact, it was Daniyel I think who said so. There is that in the OT to make them as violent as Christians or Muslims. I think the reason they weren't is they've always been a very very small minority and they don't proselytize. I think when part of a religion's dogma includes conversion, it's very easy to force it via expansion.
Such a pity. I kind of expected a more in depth answer from someone who calls himself "Rhodescholar".

I see, so the mod thinks he can get a pass on personal insults, and the rest of us have to respect them - well no longer, FUCK YOU SCUMBAG. Let the whole forum see what a piece of shit you are hiding behind your mod status making personal attacks, you non-credible fucking piece dogshit. The gloves are now off.

If you toss out insults, I'll reply in kind. Your mini-tantrums mean nothing to me and don't help your position at all.

Muslim majority countries - typically Africa and Middle East have never, culturally had a country that is "free, free, respectful of civil/human rights, and highly democratic in nature". Is that religion or culture?

Since all 57 muslim countries are not free, all over the planet, what does that tell a sane, rational person who, unlike you, can think for themselves? Or do you need it spelled out for you, moron?

It tells me you are wrong. At least one Muslim majority country is green, totally free and a number are yellow, partially free.

You are talking about areas where family, tribal, ethnic and religious affiliations are far more important than state.

What the fuck does that have to do with basic human freedoms or rights? So that gives them a pass to horrifically "other" tribes badly? Is this the fucking caveman era?

Who says anything about giving them a "pass"?

Did you happen to notice the countries on your Freedom Map marked in purple? Many of them do not have Muslim majorities or even your so called "30%" marker which comes right out of the Rightwing Anti-Islamic Playbook. You aren't even very original there.

Speaking of straw man, asshole, I did NOT claim that ONLY muslim countries are not free, I claimed that ALL muslim countries are not free. Your achievement of being a mod clearly did not require an intelligence test.

And your claim was wrong.

Well this is interesting. Ok. I'll bite. Where are these "numerous regions in the US"? As to your second question - I know of no areas in the US where Musims live any differently than any other group of US citizens.

Facts, much fuckhead?

Islam Driving the Social and Legal Agenda in the West Daniel Pipes
Articles The Muslim Takeover of West Bengal
Michigan Public School Board Allows Muslims to Pray - The Last Resistance
The Danger Within Militant Islam in America Daniel Pipes
Amnesty International and Muslim Discrimination in Europe

Daniel Pipes. Not exactly a scholarly or unbiased source. "Last Resistance" - "liberalism's worst nightmare"...oh I bet that's a scholarly source.

Pipes is a geostrategic analysis at a think tank. He is also a historian. PhD from Harvard. Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Board of directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace. He is an expert on the middle east.

Daniel Pipes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Criticism of Pipes' views

In The Nation, Brooklyn writer Kristine McNeil describes Pipes as an "anti-Arab propagandist" who has built a career out of "distortions... twist[ing] words, quot[ing] people out of context and stretch[ing] the truth to suit his purpose".[18] James Zogby argues that Pipes possesses an "obsessive hatred of all things Muslim", and that "Pipes is to Muslims what David Duke is to African-Americans".[40] Christopher Hitchens, a fellow supporter of the Iraq War and critic of political Islam, also criticized Pipes, arguing that Pipes pursued an intolerant agenda, and was one who "confuses scholarship with propaganda", and "pursues petty vendettas with scant regard for objectivity".[42]

Pipes's views gained widespread public attention when they triggered a filibuster in the United States Senate against his nomination by President George W. Bush to the board of the United States Institute of Peace.[12] Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) explained that he was "offended" by Pipes's comments on Islam, and that while "some people call [Pipes] a scholar... this is not the kind of person you want on the USIP."[43] While defending Pipes's nomination, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer distanced Bush from Pipes's views, saying that Bush "disagrees with Pipes about whether Islam is a peaceful religion".[35]

Pipes sparked a controversy when he was invited to speak at the University of Toronto in March 2005. A letter from professors and graduate students asserted that Pipes had a "long record of xenophobic, racist and sexist speech that goes back to 1990".[44] but university officials said they would not interfere with Pipes's visit.[45] Pipes later wrote an article about his experience.[46]

Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times compared and contrasted Pipes with Juan Cole. Kristof said that while both are "smart" and "well-informed", Pipes is less sensible, and consequently Kristof often disagrees with Pipes.[47]

Professor John L. Esposito of Georgetown University has called Pipes "a bright, well-trained expert with considerable experience", but accuses Pipes of "selectivity and distortion" when asserting that "10 to 15 percent of the world's Muslims are militants". In summation, Esposito complains that Pipes's equation of "mainstream and extremist Islam under the rubric of militant Islam" while identifying "moderate Islam as secular or cultural" can mislead "uninformed or uncritical readers".[48]

Allegations against Barack Obama

Pipes notes that many in the Muslim world believe Barack Obama is or was a Muslim.[49][50] Pipes alleged that Obama falsely claims that he had never been a Muslim,[51] and his "the campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that Obama never prayed in a mosque."[52][53] Pipes wrote an article for FrontPage Magazine entitled "Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam." According to Pipes, "this matters" because Democratic presidential candidate Obama "is now what Islamic law calls a murtadd (apostate), an ex-Muslim converted to another religion who must be executed", and as president this would have "large potential implications for his relationship with the Muslim world."[54] Ben Smith, in an article on Politico responded to these accusations claiming that they amounted to a "template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama's religion" and that Daniel Pipes' work "is pretty stunning in the twists of its logic".[55]

You did not know Obama was raised a muslim till his mid-twenties? His family in Kenya are muslim. His father was muslim. He had to, or his mother had to, give up his US passport for him to attend school in Indonesia after his stepfather adopted him. His sister and brother are still muslim.

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