BBC: Trump says WAR WILL FOLLOW!!!!** **oops he said "more" will follow


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Professionalism, ethics and quality reporting are alien concepts to most in the media.


Rump threatening his war toys isn't new.


Of course --- where this says "They would rather go to war" that means "wouldn't". It's kind of a double negative.

fap fap fap....
I've seen for eons that the BBCrap are the most admittedly lying, American-hating filth on the planet, who are oozing muslim semen from every pore on their bodies. Back in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the BBCrap did a special listing the amounts of money each country donated to the disaster relief. But they didn't mention a word about the huge amounts of money America donated. Later on their management admitted "We didn't want to me the yanks look good."

Also, the day after 9/11 I remember the way that piece of English flotsam was jacking off for joy over the idea of thousands of dead Americans, saying we got what we deserve. I will never, ever, EVER forgive the child-molesting, cousin-inbreeding English pigs for that, that's why I cheered for their 7/7. I am really, really TIRED of these British coward-crybabies and their psychotic, hate-filled small-dick complex toward a colony on whom they're so used to looking down their noses. And blame everything for, because that nation of arrogant, cowardly, booze-pickled empire-losers can't take any responsibility for anything.
I've seen for eons that the BBCrap are the most admittedly lying, American-hating filth on the planet, who are oozing muslim semen from every pore on their bodies. Back in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the BBCrap did a special listing the amounts of money each country donated to the disaster relief. But they didn't mention a word about the huge amounts of money America donated. Later on their management admitted "We didn't want to me the yanks look good."

Also, the day after 9/11 I remember the way that piece of English flotsam was jacking off for joy over the idea of thousands of dead Americans, saying we got what we deserve. I will never, ever, EVER forgive the child-molesting, cousin-inbreeding English pigs for that, that's why I cheered for their 7/7. I am really, really TIRED of these British coward-crybabies and their psychotic, hate-filled small-dick complex toward a colony on whom they're so used to looking down their noses. And blame everything for, because that nation of arrogant, cowardly, booze-pickled empire-losers can't take any responsibility for anything.

uh, ya left out rotten teeth -
I've seen for eons that the BBCrap are the most admittedly lying, American-hating filth on the planet, who are oozing muslim semen from every pore on their bodies. Back in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the BBCrap did a special listing the amounts of money each country donated to the disaster relief. But they didn't mention a word about the huge amounts of money America donated. Later on their management admitted "We didn't want to me the yanks look good."

Also, the day after 9/11 I remember the way that piece of English flotsam was jacking off for joy over the idea of thousands of dead Americans, saying we got what we deserve. I will never, ever, EVER forgive the child-molesting, cousin-inbreeding English pigs for that, that's why I cheered for their 7/7. I am really, really TIRED of these British coward-crybabies and their psychotic, hate-filled small-dick complex toward a colony on whom they're so used to looking down their noses. And blame everything for, because that nation of arrogant, cowardly, booze-pickled empire-losers can't take any responsibility for anything.

uh, ya left out rotten teeth -

Thanks, but I can't morally throw stones about teeth. I've worn beautiful, glowing-perfect, very handsome full dentures since age 27. Why? Because in my early 20s I had a daily methamphetamine habit that turned my nose into a high-powered vacuuming elephant's trunk (staying awake for 3-4 days on end). So I learned the agonizing way that crystal meth turns teeth into liquid shit, no matter how you do it. Even after I quit speed forever over two decades ago due to the explosions of tooth agony, the permanent damage to my teeth was already done. They were coated with so many black, burn-marks that every dentist that looked in my mouth said it was classic speed damage and these teeth will have to be replaced sooner or later. They were burnt beyond repair.

With extreme enough tooth agony, you don't need any 12-step shit for that. Losing your teeth in constant, disintegrating agony is a ONE STEP program behavior-modifier, I assure you.

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