BDS Movement Not Too Bright For Palestinians

Don't be sorry that you don't understand English. They were reported for their anti semitic views voiced openly, a racist crime in all of Europe. When spoken to be the police they became violent and attacked another person once again making racist remarks. They were then arrested on a section 6 charge and bailed to appear at court.

As I keep reminding you I am a Zionist and I have been through nothing. That is just the NAZI propaganda spewed out by gullible fools like yourself to justify what is plain old down south racism. I bet you have a pointy white hood in a suit bag at home.

so essentially, they got arrested for disorderly conduct, not their views...

Wow, we are going to make you pay a fine, you racists, you!

Meanwhile, BDS is growing, and it's only those Southerners you whine about keeping Israel afloat in the UN. You see, they all want you in the Holy Land do Jesus can come back and smite your asses.

Eventualy, the US will get tired of that shit, too. Oh, wait, we already are. Obama got his Iran deal.
I expect them to make sacrifices to destroy their hated enemy. Eventually, the Palestinians will win. It will happen when young Jews finally figure out a magic sky man's say so isn't worth living next to people who want to kill you for very good reasons.
Indeed, because quran says so and there's jewish property to try and redistribute, of course.
BDS movement has devastated Palestinians financially as Palestinian unemployment continues to grow. But hey, what else can we expect from Palestinians as they try to destroy Israel?
BDS movement has devastated Palestinians financially as Palestinian unemployment continues to grow. But hey, what else can we expect from Palestinians as they try to destroy Israel?

I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage. Why make an Israel company wealthy, and work for peanuts. Yes I'm aware that many make twice as much as their kin in Gaza , but only lately and only the larger ones pay the prevailing min. wage to the Palestinians.

That is why its apartheid, being forced to work for war loads on land stolen from you as its also where you have to live and enjoy the pollution due to the place you work. Then again, Zionist had to close down the casino, where the Pals worked but didn't gamble, and now they are going to open one down south (so the Zionist can still gamble) so no money goes to the west bank. Punishment they call it, I call it greed.
I guess the Zionist loved that casino, of course it was a jew who opened it. I'm sure he made his money and the Zionist gov. paid him well to close its doors.

I hope the Brooklyn Hasidic Jews move to Israel, I bet the Zionist won't welcome them with open arms. Also the London group should do an Aliya to Israel as well. With that many Hasidic Jews then you really could almost call yourself a "jewish state".
BDS movement has devastated Palestinians financially as Palestinian unemployment continues to grow. But hey, what else can we expect from Palestinians as they try to destroy Israel?

I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage. Why make an Israel company wealthy, and work for peanuts. Yes I'm aware that many make twice as much as their kin in Gaza , but only lately and only the larger ones pay the prevailing min. wage to the Palestinians.

That is why its apartheid, being forced to work for war loads on land stolen from you as its also where you have to live and enjoy the pollution due to the place you work. Then again, Zionist had to close down the casino, where the Pals worked but didn't gamble, and now they are going to open one down south (so the Zionist can still gamble) so no money goes to the west bank. Punishment they call it, I call it greed.
I guess the Zionist loved that casino, of course it was a jew who opened it. I'm sure he made his money and the Zionist gov. paid him well to close its doors.

I hope the Brooklyn Hasidic Jews move to Israel, I bet the Zionist won't welcome them with open arms. Also the London group should do an Aliya to Israel as well. With that many Hasidic Jews then you really could almost call yourself a "jewish state".

Isn't it just awful? Don't you agree the Palestinians need & well deserve a Palestinian State without Israel to provide for them anymore? Question is where to put it as the Pali's want nothing to do with Israel, except for Palestinian Israeli citizens who love Israel & no Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands.
BDS movement has devastated Palestinians financially as Palestinian unemployment continues to grow. But hey, what else can we expect from Palestinians as they try to destroy Israel?

I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage. Why make an Israel company wealthy, and work for peanuts. Yes I'm aware that many make twice as much as their kin in Gaza , but only lately and only the larger ones pay the prevailing min. wage to the Palestinians.

That is why its apartheid, being forced to work for war loads on land stolen from you as its also where you have to live and enjoy the pollution due to the place you work. Then again, Zionist had to close down the casino, where the Pals worked but didn't gamble, and now they are going to open one down south (so the Zionist can still gamble) so no money goes to the west bank. Punishment they call it, I call it greed.
I guess the Zionist loved that casino, of course it was a jew who opened it. I'm sure he made his money and the Zionist gov. paid him well to close its doors.

I hope the Brooklyn Hasidic Jews move to Israel, I bet the Zionist won't welcome them with open arms. Also the London group should do an Aliya to Israel as well. With that many Hasidic Jews then you really could almost call yourself a "jewish state".

So when the Jewish settlers produce the land titles you will say that you were wrong and that the Palestinians are the ones that stole the land. Once again you show that you don't know the first thing about how the Palestinians are treated by the Jews in the settlements and just parrot islamonazi blood libel and propaganda. The Palestinians get much more than the minimum wage along with medical care, a pension fund and paid holidays. And now they have lost all that and their homes because of people like you who don't care if 20,000 Palestinians die as long as you can abuse the Jews racially. Lets hope that the real Palestinians never find out your address as they would pay you a visit you would never forget
I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage.
Won't happen. Palistanians want to starve in style, of course.

Most who work in the Israel factories are there for their children, to feed them.

And give them all the good things in life like Apple Macs and I phones

No more giving by Israel. Let Hamas & Fatah provide for the Palestinioans for a change.
I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage.
Won't happen. Palistanians want to starve in style, of course.

Most who work in the Israel factories are there for their children, to feed them.

And give them all the good things in life like Apple Macs and I phones

No more giving by Israel. Let Hamas & Fatah provide for the Palestinioans for a change.
Hamas has been saying this for years.
I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage.
Won't happen. Palistanians want to starve in style, of course.

Most who work in the Israel factories are there for their children, to feed them.

And give them all the good things in life like Apple Macs and I phones

No more giving by Israel. Let Hamas & Fatah provide for the Palestinioans for a change.
Hamas has been saying this for years.

No more taking from the Palestinians would even be better.
I tell ya Penelope, I just don't get those Zionists in Israel. They say they want peace & yet they still refuse to give all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect Israel.
I think I'd rather starve as well than work at a factory that is polluting the land I live on, and treats me and my family and friends like garbage.
Won't happen. Palistanians want to starve in style, of course.

Most who work in the Israel factories are there for their children, to feed them.

And give them all the good things in life like Apple Macs and I phones

No more giving by Israel. Let Hamas & Fatah provide for the Palestinioans for a change.
Hamas has been saying this for years.

So why haven't they stood up in the UN and stated that they will start negotiations with Israel, Egypt and Jordan regarding peace and mutual borders. Then stated that forthwith they are a full nation and have accepted the free determination needed to do so. That they will no longer be needing the aid provided by UNWRA and will hence forth be providing for their citizens themselves.
Won't happen. Palistanians want to starve in style, of course.

Most who work in the Israel factories are there for their children, to feed them.

And give them all the good things in life like Apple Macs and I phones

No more giving by Israel. Let Hamas & Fatah provide for the Palestinioans for a change.
Hamas has been saying this for years.

No more taking from the Palestinians would even be better.

The Palestinians being the Jews of course ?
Truly the Palestinians need leadership dedicated to accepting the fact that Israel is there to stay, work with Israel & stop trying to hurt Israel with self defeating agendas like the BDS movement.

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