Be Sure To Get Your Flu Shot?


hype and scare tactics, not a friggin day goes by.

This is one complaint about the media that I honestly do not think is justified. No one is trying to scare you, they are informing you. If you chose to be scared, that is on you.

H1N1 is highly contagious. It will kill, as will any flu. There is little point in being scared of it, but knowing the ramifications of it spreading will cause many to think twice about employing practices that will reduce their chances of infection and will reduce their chances of infecting others should they start to feel sick.
The swine flu con game of 1976, on 60 Minutes 1of2

[ame=]YouTube - The swine flu con game of 1976, on 60 Minutes 1of2[/ame]

The swine flu con game of 1976, on 60 Minutes 2of2

[ame=]YouTube - The swine flu con game of 1976, on 60 Minutes 2of2[/ame]
why are you having such a problem with them preparing for a possible worst case scenario?

you seriously buying into that?
wouldnt you rather have them be prepared for something that never actually happens(so far i dont see it happening) than to not prepare and have it happen?

ALL hospitals have internal and external emergency / disaster plans in place. As far as it not happening, it could well occur in certain areas that have limited bed capacity rather than state-wide. Here, our peds floor has maxed out and kids with medical / surgical problems are being admitted to adult med/surg floors while we are admitting those needing chemo or transfusions. We began training our chemo nurses to care for peds patients back in the summer, in preparation for a possible influx of pediatric flu patients that would fill the peds floor. In Fatality's little world, we shouldn't have even attempted to prepare for that possibility. As it was, we came in just under the wire, finishing up most nurses' orientation just prior to heme/onc kids being admitted to our unit. Additionally, doctors and patients are being asked to postpone elective surgeries and procedures. The problem is compounded by an ever increasing number of staff out with the flu, which in turn diminishes our bed capacity.

There are different levels of response to a pandemic (or any catastrophic occurrence). What is described above is a true disaster triage; where limited resources are allocated to those who would most benefit. This isn't anything new and nefarious that was developed just for this epidemic.
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If you have a healthy immune system, there really is no reason to get the seasonal flu shot. However, H1N1 is not a normal seasonal flu, and it is effecting younger people more than anyone. My kids are getting this shot. Yes, every year a few people have bad reactions to flu shots and this is always a concern. Every person needs to weigh the benefit versus the potential problems to make their own decision. There is no right choice in this, just a personal choice.
you seriously buying into that?
wouldnt you rather have them be prepared for something that never actually happens(so far i dont see it happening) than to not prepare and have it happen?

having internal plans is one thing, hyping their bs in the press is something totaly different. think about all the things theyve said;

natl guardsman for riots
not enough remedy
sever pandemic
tossing cancer patients and other terminal patients out into the street
masses rushing into hospital

i mean seriously, sounds like friggin dooms day BS to me, worse than truther nuts

It's a worse case scenario. The thing is, it wouldn't take much to get us to that point. Most hospitals bed vacancy is very low, so if there is a severe outbreak, it won't take much to push hospitals well past capacity. We could see people in the halls of hospitals with nowhere to go. And if it would ever get to that point, there is no way to reverse the situation. That is why they are pushing for people to get the flu shot to begin with.
wouldnt you rather have them be prepared for something that never actually happens(so far i dont see it happening) than to not prepare and have it happen?

having internal plans is one thing, hyping their bs in the press is something totaly different. think about all the things theyve said;

natl guardsman for riots
not enough remedy
sever pandemic
tossing cancer patients and other terminal patients out into the street
masses rushing into hospital

i mean seriously, sounds like friggin dooms day BS to me, worse than truther nuts

It's a worse case scenario. The thing is, it wouldn't take much to get us to that point. Most hospitals bed vacancy is very low, so if there is a severe outbreak, it won't take much to push hospitals well past capacity. We could see people in the halls of hospitals with nowhere to go. And if it would ever get to that point, there is no way to reverse the situation. That is why they are pushing for people to get the flu shot to begin with.

I understand its worse case, the problem is that in the media its the only thing they are talking about, how this major epidemic is coming and the "world is gonna fall apart omg omg the sky is falling!!" kinda thing.

like ive said all along, its being sold though hype and scare tactics, just like it was in 76, same shit different decade.
having internal plans is one thing, hyping their bs in the press is something totaly different. think about all the things theyve said;

natl guardsman for riots
not enough remedy
sever pandemic
tossing cancer patients and other terminal patients out into the street
masses rushing into hospital

i mean seriously, sounds like friggin dooms day BS to me, worse than truther nuts

It's a worse case scenario. The thing is, it wouldn't take much to get us to that point. Most hospitals bed vacancy is very low, so if there is a severe outbreak, it won't take much to push hospitals well past capacity. We could see people in the halls of hospitals with nowhere to go. And if it would ever get to that point, there is no way to reverse the situation. That is why they are pushing for people to get the flu shot to begin with.

I understand its worse case, the problem is that in the media its the only thing they are talking about, how this major epidemic is coming and the "world is gonna fall apart omg omg the sky is falling!!" kinda thing.

like ive said all along, its being sold though hype and scare tactics, just like it was in 76, same shit different decade.

The epidemic isn't coming, it's here.
Makers Of Vaccine Refuse To Take H1N1

[ame=]YouTube - Makers Of Vaccine Refuse To Take H1N1[/ame]
Oh for fuck sake!

I am a drunk libertarian if ever there was one but even I can figure this out.

Get your fucking Swine Flu Shot.

It will not turn you into Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster or Eliot Ness. You will not become a CIA robot or vote for Obama against your will.

Science is NOT your enemy.

Get the fucking shot before you kill yourself or others.
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Health Workers Protest Flu Vaccine Mandate

Outside New York 's capitol building, health care workers - shouting "Give me liberty!" - vowed to fight an unprecedented order from state health officials: a requirement for every health care worker to get seasonal and H1N1 flu shots or face the possibility of being fired.

Physical therapist Carole Blueweiss is weighting that risk.

"I'm healthy and I have a strong immune system and I don't want to feel like someone is telling me what to put into my body to protect me," Blueweiss said.

Judge Halts Flu Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers

Small said she would refuse to be vaccinate, worried the vaccine is untested and unproven, leaving her vulnerable. In 1976, there were some deaths associated with a swine flu vaccination.

Registered nurse Frank Mannino, 50, was also angry. He said the state regulation violates his personal freedom and civil rights.

"And now I will lose my job if I don't take the regular flu shot or the swine flu shot."

When asked if he's willing to lose his job, Mannino said, "Absolutely. I will not take it, will not be forced. This is still America."

The protest also shook Albany. Hundreds of demonstrators demanded freedom of choice.

Judge Halts Flu Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers -
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lol Unnamed "scientists" are refusing to take the vaccine.

Russian TV? Wayne Madsen (conspiracy theorist extraordinaire)? Are you fucking kidding me?

You've got to do better than that.


I just looked the guy off the wall conspiracy whackadoodle.

How guys of his ilk even gain an ounce of credibility with some people, I'll never know.

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