Be Thankful if you are a Conservative


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
From the link below:

Being a conservative means you love your country. You take pride in being an American. Love and pride are two things that contribute to happiness. If you’re ashamed of your country, as many on the left are, if you feel the need to “take a knee,” you’re at a big disadvantage, happiness-wise.
Conservatives love and appreciate police officers and all other first responders. Conservatives know that such people voluntarily and on an almost daily basis go towards ugly and dangerous situations. We do not recklessly and erroneously accuse these brave people of racism. Conservatives are the ones most likely to say, “Thank you for your service.”
If you’re a conservative you also are happy with the kind of economic system we have, i.e. free market capitalism. You’re not frustrated that we do not have socialism. The free market is the economy that allows for the massive wealth creation that we enjoy. It is the kind of economy that provides important parts of the freedom we have. Conservatives don’t begrudge businesses for making profits.

Self-loathing is an all too common attitude among progressives. I don’t think I’ve ever met a self-loathing conservative. Give thanks for not hating yourself.

Conservatives are by and large optimistic. At the very least they are not profoundly pessimistic. They do not believe they are their fellow humans are destroying the planet or causing mass extinctions.

Conservative women do not accuse their husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons of “toxic masculinity.”

Hillary Clinton is not president.

Conservatives do not waste their valuable time “checking their privilege,” whatever that means.

As a conservative you subscribe to individual responsibility, not societal or government responsibility. Personal responsibility is much more empowering than the alternative. It makes you the “master of your fate and the captain of your soul.” Conservatives spurn anything resembling an “entitlement mentality.”

Conservatives do not classify themselves as victims. It’s hard to be happy when you’re feeling victimized.

As a conservative you think it’s perfectly ok to be happy. They love to laugh and don’t feel guilty for doing so. Liberals think there’s too much suffering in the world to be happy. Their so-called comedians have ceased being funny.

Liberals absolutely despise President Trump. ... Love is far more conducive to happiness than hate.

Recently liberals have become extremely intolerant, especially of opinions different from their own. This is partly reflected in their enthusiasm for political correctness. Intolerance is another happiness killer.

Virtue signaling is a widespread preoccupation on the left. A need to virtue signal indicates that you doubt your own virtue, or at least doubt that your virtue is apparent.

Give Thanks for Being a Conservative

I am thankful that I can take a political loss and not be bitter about it. After I voted for Obama in 2008 I voted for Romney in 2012, I thought Obama sucked in his 1st term but the people spoke and that was that. I didn't take it to the extremes that the Left does today after Hillary lost in 2016. I' not sure that some of them will ever get over it; tough shit, bitches.

I am thankful that so many Americans are better off economically than they were under Obama, wages and take home pay are better than they've been for at least 10 years. Most of that is due to Trump's tax cuts and regulation cutting. Yes, I know the stock market is taking a big hit lately, but it'll bounce back. It always does, and don't you think America had to do something about the way China and others have been robbing us blind in international trade? Trump is the only president since Kennedy that has had any balls to do something about it.

I am even thankful that the Dems on the House back, cuz it's a message to Repubs to get their shit together if and when they ever get the House back.

I am thankful that the Dems did not win the Senate, and even lost a seat or two. Trump can fill more federal judge positions and even out the balance between the liberal and conservative judges.

I thought the spectacle of the Kavanaugh hearing was disgraceful. From liberal crazies screaming their lungs out in the face of Repub Senators to the outrageous bullshit the Democrats on the Judicial Committee pulled to delay and deny as long as possible the confirmation was despicable. The lengths they went to were as dirty as you can get in politics, although I cannot be certain they won't do even worse things down the road. I think the Dems might have lost the Senate just based on this one sorry episode; we'll see how things go in Mississippi next week.

So all in all, I'm pretty thankful I'm not a lib dem. They probably mean well, some of them, but their methods truly suck and so do their attitudes about those who disagree with them.

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