Be very afraid, Trumpies....Beto raises $6.1M FIRST DAY..No PAC $

The RNC needs to play this video over and over, of Beta saying he would tear down EXISTING walls, barriers fences.

Why should they do that? MSNBC is fake news, remember, hypocrite?
Can't have it both ways, motha'fucka.

I've never said MSDNC is fake news, it's extremely biased just like FOX, and just like FOX the network is made up of editorialists instead of reporters.

Besides, it doesn't matter where this came from, this is straight out of the horses ass.

It was refreshing to see one of your Dim leaders come right out and say what they would do about our border protection if they had the power. :2up:
Donald sees that out of all the Dem candidates, O'Rourke can work up a big crowd and connect with them.
He knows that Beto has the same star quality that Obama had.
And now today Donald is going to be very unhappy with this massive $$$$$$$$$ haul on Day One.
Spoken like a True Democrat, "It's all about the $$$".

Surprise! All the money in the world couldn't elect Soy Boy, he'd be better off flushing it down the toilet to see what floats back up.
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz

The Republicans nominated a 6-time bankruptcy-filing, pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking con man who had to settle a $35,000,000 lawsuit for fraud.
Then blew it off when he mocked a spastic, handicapped reporter.
You should be so fucking proud, you brainless cockroach.

Wow. All that against him and he beat Hillary.

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Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
Nobody is afraid of beta o'dork.
Jimmy Fallen made fun of him, so he's toast.


Who could make fun of Beto? His dress maybe? <g>

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
Clinton raised 2 billion and lost. :D I am not afraid of that idiot Francis the fake mexican.

$2 billion on the first day she announced?
And no PAC money?
Want to put up a link to that?
Over all....point being it doesn't matter how much you raise first day or overall...he is an alcoholic who likes to write stories about murdering kids....tsk tsk.

Wow, I see Fox Noise/Trump Channel has you trained for the sock puppet that you are.
Typical non response attack from a troll. Continue dreaming snowflake.

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""

Afraid of what?

Is your life so meaningless and shallow that if your guy is not president its a tragedy?


Where did I say he was my guy?
Can't you fuckers read even simple sentences?
I bring you simple facts and your reptilian little brain can't parse them.

Uhm read your headline and look at your aviator you retard...

once again I ask you a simple question:

Is your life so meaningless and shallow that if your guy is not president its a tragedy?

Like I said, be afraid.

Beto O'Rourke raises $6.1 million on first day, topping Sanders and all other rivals
."The Texas Democrat, who built an impressive fundraising operation last year against Ted Cruz, has sworn off all PAC donations."""""""
Nobody is afraid of beta o'dork.

Donald is.
Donald sees that out of all the Dem candidates, O'Rourke can work up a big crowd and connect with them.
He knows that Beto has the same star quality that Obama had.
And now today Donald is going to be very unhappy with this massive $$$$$$$$$ haul on Day One.
Beto! Bwhahhaaaaaaaaa!
Guys believe me 2020 is one of those old scumbag libs that wore patchouli instead of bathing that has ruined my beautiful New Orleans while he kisses Democrat’s asses. He’s a loser who hates losing so he hates all the time. New Orleans is a crime infested dirty city who can get businesses in but only people who will risk their lives for a good time.

See Trump’s a winner everything 2020 wanted to be but just didn’t have the balls and desire. So now he’s just a weak piece of shit, negative liberal that’s lower than pond scum. I know his kind.

And if you ever wanna meet and talk behind the levee just ask I’ll add another notch to your long life losing streak.
I wear my MEGA hat everyday in New Orleans and not one of you beta democrats or black Democrats for that matter ever told me a thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Was it betas and/or darkies that stole your shirt? :lol:
Yeah, the dems will nominate a spastic Irish guy who lost to Ted Cruz
He lost in Ted Cruz' district. Clearly a crazy part of Texas if they elected this slimeball. And Beto almost beat him there. That tells us a lot

Beto O’Rourke Raised Record-Breaking $6.1 Million In First 24 Hours Of Campaign
He received more money in that time period than any other Democratic presidential candidate who has disclosed fundraising figures.

Donations totaling $6,136,763 were made online by people ― not political action committees or corporations ― and poured in from every state and territor

I can't wait to find out the total number of donors and the average amount contributed by each person.

The former U.S. House representative from Texas outpaced Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who raised $5.9 million from 223,047 individuals in the first 24 hours after announcing his 2020 Democratic bid last month. Sanders went on to raise $10 million by the end of his first week.

O’Rourke, who lost his race to unseat incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in November, kicked off his presidential campaign on Thursday in Iowa. He will continue his campaign tour this week with stops in Michigan, Ohio and other states.

He's not going to ignore MI, PA or WI like Hillary did.
Guys believe me 2020 is one of those old scumbag libs that wore patchouli instead of bathing that has ruined my beautiful New Orleans while he kisses Democrat’s asses. He’s a loser who hates losing so he hates all the time. New Orleans is a crime infested dirty city who can get businesses in but only people who will risk their lives for a good time.

See Trump’s a winner everything 2020 wanted to be but just didn’t have the balls and desire. So now he’s just a weak piece of shit, negative liberal that’s lower than pond scum. I know his kind.

And if you ever wanna meet and talk behind the levee just ask I’ll add another notch to your long life losing streak. View attachment 250918 I wear my MEGA hat everyday in New Orleans and not one of you beta democrats or black Democrats for that matter ever told me a thing.

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Take a shower maybe you'll get a raise. And take off that dirty hat. Geez. Only a deplorable would wear that dirty hat.

We will see how negative you are when Trump loses.

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