Blue wave coming this November 2018

Now just wait until Nancy Pelosi starts the open public hearings and testimony on the Russian investigation., when they are sworn in as house majority leaders on January 20, 2019.
Really? Yet another prediction after your last one was so dead-wrong? :laugh:
I think you're just pissed off that I was dead right in May 2018. was one of the smallest gains in seats of the past 100 years. In what world is that a “blue wave”? :laugh:

Obama lost 69 seats in his first midterm (61 in the House and 8 in the Senate). If your record small gain was a “blue wave”, what the fuck was was the Obama beat down?

I’ll wait :popcorn:
Continue to live in your fantasy world, Hoss. Nearly 40 House seat lost, 350 state seats, 7 Governorships.

I would like to thank Trump for doing all in his power to restore the Democratic party and to simultaneously bring down the Republican party.

This was a blue wave. 2020 will be a blue tsunami. Trump has two years to continue his clusterfck presidency. By then, the American people will be ready to vote for anybody but Trump.
Now just wait until Nancy Pelosi starts the open public hearings and testimony on the Russian investigation., when they are sworn in as house majority leaders on January 20, 2019.
Really? Yet another prediction after your last one was so dead-wrong? :laugh:
I think you're just pissed off that I was dead right in May 2018. was one of the smallest gains in seats of the past 100 years. In what world is that a “blue wave”? :laugh:

Obama lost 69 seats in his first midterm (61 in the House and 8 in the Senate). If your record small gain was a “blue wave”, what the fuck was was the Obama beat down?

I’ll wait :popcorn:

If Republicans hadn't been so successful in redistricting--there would have been Republican loss's that would have exceeded 69 seats in the house. What we witnessed were Republicans bleeding seats west of the Mississippi--in Republican stronghold districts.. Democrats have now gained 40 seats in the house, well beyond what was expected a couple of months ago.

Who would have ever dreamed that Ted Cruz came within an inch of losing his seat to a liberal Democrat. If the DNC would have run a more moderate Democrat Ted Cruz would be looking for a new job today. 3 new Democrat congressional seats were won in Texas.

It was definitely a blue wave, and historic at that. Who would have guessed that Kansas of all places would have elected a Democrat woman Governor of that state.. Utah considered the most conservative state in the nation elected a democrat. My state of Colorado former deep red--just went all blue, including the State legislature. Arizona elects a Democrat Senator in Sinema, another race that was totally unexpected.

Now you've lost women voters, and I think this is permanent.
Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

2020 is going to be just as bad for Republicans, only this time it will be the Senate. It's the Donald Trump effect. You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump, you ignored it all, and now the payback has hit you right between the eyes.

If you ever get your nose out of Sean Hannity's ass crack, you'll probably realize what just happened.
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This was a blue wave. 2020 will be a blue tsunami.
This was a blue wave. 2020 will be a blue tsunami.
Took a screen shot just so we can enjoy this in 2020. Progressives think they are Nostradamus. Their outrageous predictions never seem to pan out though. :laugh:
Trump has two years to continue his clusterfck presidency.
Yeah...record low unemployment. Record highs in the market. Defeated ISIS. Restored constitutional government. Solved the North Korea problem. Secured the border. What a “cluster-fuck”. :laugh:

The only people whining about President Trump are parasites who love to mooch off of big government because they are too lazy and/or too incompetent to provide for themselves.
If Republicans hadn't been so successful
Bingo! If they hadn’t been so successful. But they were. And they are. After all, if you had balls, you’d be a man. But you don’t. So you’re not.
Now just wait until Nancy Pelosi starts the open public hearings and testimony on the Russian investigation., when they are sworn in as house majority leaders on January 20, 2019.
Really? Yet another prediction after your last one was so dead-wrong? :laugh:
I think you're just pissed off that I was dead right in May 2018. was one of the smallest gains in seats of the past 100 years. In what world is that a “blue wave”? :laugh:

Obama lost 69 seats in his first midterm (61 in the House and 8 in the Senate). If your record small gain was a “blue wave”, what the fuck was was the Obama beat down?

I’ll wait :popcorn:
Continue to live in your fantasy world, Hoss. Nearly 40 House seat lost, 350 state seats, 7 Governorships.

I would like to thank Trump for doing all in his power to restore the Democratic party and to simultaneously bring down the Republican party.

This was a blue wave. 2020 will be a blue tsunami. Trump has two years to continue his clusterfck presidency. By then, the American people will be ready to vote for anybody but Trump.

Totally agree but I doubt he's going to make it another 2 years. Click this link to read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper, (national intelligence director) over a year ago. This includes 1 FOX NEWS video and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Click here.
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

It makes it look like Richard Nixon committed a misdemeanor in comparison--:auiqs.jpg:

Who would have ever dreamed that Ted Cruz came within an inch of losing his seat to a liberal Democrat.
That’s what it has come to for the left. Celebrating coming close to winning. Because they couldn’t win. Indisputable proof that the “blue wave” was just the American people waving “uh buh-bye” to the Dumbocrats!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
You were warned a 1000 times over about Trump, you ignored it all, and now the payback has hit you right between the eyes.
Bwahahaha! That’s what you just said about 2018. How did that work out for you snowflake? President Trump lead a historic victory - actually increasing seats in the House.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
If the DNC would have run a more moderate Democrat...
Bingo! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The DNC has become radicalized. You ran a devout marxist (MaObama). He cost you nitwits over 1,000 seats nation-wide. Then you gave the American people a choice between Hitlery Clinton and a devout socialist.
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November.
Hahahahahahaha! Dumbocrats lose 2 seats in left-wing Connecticut in special elections.
Voters in two suburban legislative districts in Connecticut elected Republicans in special elections Monday, handing the GOP seats that Democrats won in November.
Dumbocrats couldn't even hold their seats in their own states for two months! Your "blue wave" went from a wave to a trickle to a drip in the blink of an eye! :laugh:

Republicans score upsets in Connecticut special legislative elections
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November.
Hahahahahahaha! Dumbocrats lose 2 seats in left-wing Connecticut in special elections.
Voters in two suburban legislative districts in Connecticut elected Republicans in special elections Monday, handing the GOP seats that Democrats won in November.
Dumbocrats couldn't even hold their seats in their own states for two months! Your "blue wave" went from a wave to a trickle to a drip in the blink of an eye! :laugh:

Republicans score upsets in Connecticut special legislative elections
Democrats won 3 or the 5 sears in the election for state legislative seats. Has nothing to do with Washington DC Congress
Trumpicans are uneducated morons.
Democrats won 3 or the 5 sears in the election for state legislative seats. Has nothing to do with Washington DC Congress
Trumpicans are uneducated morons.
Who said it had anything to do with Washington DC Congress ?
Democrats won 3 or the 5 sears in the election for state legislative seats. Has nothing to do with Washington DC Congress. Trumpicans are uneducated morons.
Look at the fragile 'lil snowflake attempt to move the goalposts. Suddenly, the only seats that matter are in Congress. They suddenly don't care that even left-wing states are losing seats to Republicans during the Trump Administration.

Watching you fragile 'lil snowflakes attempt to self-soothe is so precious. You try so hard to convince yourself that the American people don't hate you. Psst....they do. They really do. They are tired of you uneducated parasites with your radical views.

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