Be very afraid, Trumpies....Beto raises $6.1M FIRST DAY..No PAC $

LOL, so democrats are the part of privilege white guys...Beto and Bernie are the top 2 fundraisers.
2020 is going to be soooo easy for TRUMP.
Guys believe me 2020 is one of those old scumbag libs that wore patchouli instead of bathing that has ruined my beautiful New Orleans while he kisses Democrat’s asses. He’s a loser who hates losing so he hates all the time. New Orleans is a crime infested dirty city who can get businesses in but only people who will risk their lives for a good time.

See Trump’s a winner everything 2020 wanted to be but just didn’t have the balls and desire. So now he’s just a weak piece of shit, negative liberal that’s lower than pond scum. I know his kind.

And if you ever wanna meet and talk behind the levee just ask I’ll add another notch to your long life losing streak. View attachment 250918 I wear my MEGA hat everyday in New Orleans and not one of you beta democrats or black Democrats for that matter ever told me a thing.

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Take a shower maybe you'll get a raise. And take off that dirty hat. Geez. Only a deplorable would wear that dirty hat.

We will see how negative you are when Trump loses.

Lol I’m a mortgage broker who’s not afraid to get dirty so I do pretty well financially and as you see I wear my hat a lot it’s not even that bright red anymore. Why don’t you come take it off beta boy.

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Last edited:
Guys believe me 2020 is one of those old scumbag libs that wore patchouli instead of bathing that has ruined my beautiful New Orleans while he kisses Democrat’s asses. He’s a loser who hates losing so he hates all the time. New Orleans is a crime infested dirty city who can get businesses in but only people who will risk their lives for a good time.

See Trump’s a winner everything 2020 wanted to be but just didn’t have the balls and desire. So now he’s just a weak piece of shit, negative liberal that’s lower than pond scum. I know his kind.

And if you ever wanna meet and talk behind the levee just ask I’ll add another notch to your long life losing streak. View attachment 250918 I wear my MEGA hat everyday in New Orleans and not one of you beta democrats or black Democrats for that matter ever told me a thing.

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Take a shower maybe you'll get a raise. And take off that dirty hat. Geez. Only a deplorable would wear that dirty hat.

We will see how negative you are when Trump loses.

Trump’s a real man a real leader. He’ll destroy anyone you put in front of him and we’ll just watch them fold. Lol

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This is the New Democratic Party.
It's more racist and more radical.
There is a racial fratricide war going on inside of the Democratic Party.
The Democrats Voter base will no longer nominate straight white males to run for president.
Beta or Biden will be casualties.
The Impeached Rapist was the last straight white male Democrat president.
It's on. The lunatic Biden versus Comrade Bernie versus Beto the criminal. Kamala Klown and Spartacus Booker recede into the background. Pocahontas is lost and forgotten.
It's on. The lunatic Biden versus Comrade Bernie versus Beto the criminal. Kamala Klown and Spartacus Booker recede into the background. Pocahontas is lost and forgotten.

Poll: Trump trails generic Democrat by 8 points
Poll: Trump trails generic Democrat by 8 points

I know you don't like politico so lets look at this Fox poll

Trump probably can’t win the 2020 presidential election, but the Democrats can lose it.
Trump’s boosters are often quick to dismiss the polls, claiming they were wrong in 2016, when everyone said he had no chance of winning. The problem with this defense is that the national polls were actually pretty accurate in 2016. If you average out the 13 final national polls of 2016, they showed Hillary Clinton ahead by 3.1 percentage points. She won the popular vote — the only thing national polls measure — by 2.1 percentage points.

Trump carried the Electoral College because he won Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by 0.7 points each and Michigan by 0.2 points. A mere 78,000 votes carried the day.

Republicans and independents, which is why the GOP got shellacked in the midterms.

So if Trump runs — which is probably a bigger “if” than many people think — the cards are stacked against him. Fortunately for him, the Democrats will not nominate someone named Generic Democrat.

Instead, the Democrats are poised to re-create the same dynamic that got Trump the GOP nomination in the first place. While it’s technically true that Trump beat 16 opponents, as he likes to say, the truth is a bit more complicated. Trump never won a majority of votes in the primaries. He benefited from a collective-action problem in which various candidates defeated each other while a sticky plurality of voters stuck with Trump.

If the field had been narrower, with only two or three contenders other than Trump, his base of support might not have been enough. But with each additional player, the number of votes he needed to win shrank.

No sane person will be afraid of him no matter how many fools donate to his run.

All he has to do is tell everyone he's for tearing down the border wall and he's also for AOC's green shit and I doubt anyone would vote for his stupid ass.

Go Dems.
I watch this at least once a month. Remember when the “polls” had Hillary at 98%? Have a good laugh

Don’t believe any polls WE THE PEOPLE make it happen. [emoji631]

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I loved it when Beta got a shitload of out of state money and refused to share it with dems in other states that had an actual chance of winning.

Was he supposed to?
Obligated to?
Is that as bad as Trump not paying his contractors on his resorts and hotels?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
Of course Trump could lose the GOP nomination and shake up everything (It only happened once to an elected president.)
That was Franklin Pierce, the 14th president, who was elected as a Democrat in 1852. His pro-Southern sentiments and his policy of failing to lead on the divisive issue of slavery badly hurt his standing with the voters. Especially damaging was his support for the pro-slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which backfired on him as Kansas was overrun by pro-slavery forces, mostly from the slave state of Missouri. The events angered Northerners everywhere and helped lead to the creation of the Republican Party. When Democratic delegates gathered in Cincinnati for their convention in 1856, it was clear that they had had enough of Pierce. James Buchanan, who had been defeated by Pierce for the nomination four years earlier, won the nomination on the 17th ballot.
I loved it when Beta got a shitload of out of state money and refused to share it with dems in other states that had an actual chance of winning.

Was he supposed to?
Obligated to?
Is that as bad as Trump not paying his contractors on his resorts and hotels?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

WTF does that have to do with Beta hoarding campaign cash?
I loved it when Beta got a shitload of out of state money and refused to share it with dems in other states that had an actual chance of winning.

Was he supposed to?
Obligated to?
Is that as bad as Trump not paying his contractors on his resorts and hotels?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

WTF does that have to do with Beta hoarding campaign cash?

The inference that Beto was doing something unethical.
You want to see someone who cheats, his fat ass is sitting in the OO.
I loved it when Beta got a shitload of out of state money and refused to share it with dems in other states that had an actual chance of winning.

Was he supposed to?
Obligated to?
Is that as bad as Trump not paying his contractors on his resorts and hotels?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

WTF does that have to do with Beta hoarding campaign cash?

The inference that Beto was doing something unethical.
You want to see someone who cheats, his fat ass is sitting in the OO.

WTF said it was unethical?
Dems wanted him to share the wealth with other dems who had a chance of winning and he told em to fuck off.
Guys believe me 2020 is one of those old scumbag libs that wore patchouli instead of bathing that has ruined my beautiful New Orleans while he kisses Democrat’s asses. He’s a loser who hates losing so he hates all the time. New Orleans is a crime infested dirty city who can get businesses in but only people who will risk their lives for a good time.

See Trump’s a winner everything 2020 wanted to be but just didn’t have the balls and desire. So now he’s just a weak piece of shit, negative liberal that’s lower than pond scum. I know his kind.

And if you ever wanna meet and talk behind the levee just ask I’ll add another notch to your long life losing streak. View attachment 250918 I wear my MEGA hat everyday in New Orleans and not one of you beta democrats or black Democrats for that matter ever told me a thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Take a shower maybe you'll get a raise. And take off that dirty hat. Geez. Only a deplorable would wear that dirty hat.

We will see how negative you are when Trump loses.

Lol I’m a mortgage broker who’s not afraid to get dirty so I do pretty well financially and as you see I wear my hat a lot it’s not even that bright red anymore. Why don’t you come take it off beta boy.

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You're just another cheap ass Keyboard Kowboy, late to the party, who loves dictators who love other dictators.
Trump has you so far up his colon you could probably tell us what he had for breakfast.

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