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Be Wary The New Opinions Of The Entrenched Political Troll

Welcome aboard.....don't expect much in meaningful dialogue because the pickings here are very slim. The leftists that try and guard their position here don't know much. I blame it on the fact that they suffer from arrested development.

Thanks Dale. People like you make the site worthwhile. It's been pretty easy to figure out who are the better people. As Albert Osborn famously said in the early 1920's:


Of course, he was speaking of court evidence, but the same applies everywhere. I've noticed some people make outrageous statements with no factual basis, nor can you change their minds with persuasive facts. So be it. It's not my job or wish to agree with everyone nor do I care if others agree with me. I've found tons of good information here, lots of good people, and many good topics. You may be right about some not knowing much or having arrested development. When time allows, I'll make my points and post a few threads, and if people copy them, they will always have lots of information. I always try to rebuttal a person under the assumption that if I know they're wrong, then they are at least interested to know the facts. As soon as they prove to me they are a broken record and a waste of time, I'm done with them. I'm not here to burn wood for the GOP and certainly not the Dems. As long as Trump shows me his head is in the right place, I've got his back. If he's out there busting his hump to address the nation's problems, then I'm all for the guy. Good for him. Do you know he is not even taking any pay? He donates his income! One of our biggest problems now in the country is the indoctrination of the youth in universities.

But if Trump shows me he's been talking out of his ass and is just in it for himself like all the rest, then he is history to me. All hope is lost for this country. But I don't think so. I know a lot of people here already believe that, but they already believed that before he even won the nomination! We shall see. As to the Lefties protecting their position, I am all open to any position at all, if you can back it up with facts. I listen to all of the arguments against Trump---- problem for them is that I am also a professional analyst and litigator, so if their arguments DON'T HOLD WATER, better be prepared for a rebuttal. Things may have just taken a turn for the worst for a lot of Leftie Trolls. I'm all for slamming anyone in politics for hypocrisy or not doing their job in Washington, but the test for anyone here is whether they ever see any failings in their OWN PARTY. Plenty to bitch about in both parties. It is one thing to see fault in Trump; I will listen to the case. But if someone is NEVER willing to listen to or concede anything good about Trump, pretty good sign you've just got an asshole Troll put out there to talk shit 24/7 out their ass. No sense reading a book if you already know the ending.
To stay on the OP, Trump notes "he loves the poorly educated". Troll, meet bridge.

Well, Isaac, Trump sure does say a lot of things which can be read more than one way. Intellectually honest people who keep in mind the guy is used to talking to other businessmen at board-meetings can usually tell what he meant. The media tries to translate that into meaning that Trump is an idiot or something, but if you can be that dumb and still make 10 billion dollars, more power to this world! I want some of that action! Trump relates to the common blue collar worker better than he does of others of his own ilk---- ie, the super wealthy. He really is a very down to earth guy. If you want to try to spin that into some sort of other way, that's your choice. And let me guess---- you're from the Boston area.
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Old School, that is a very old picture. I guess people are using it and putting any ol' text to it now as fits their needs, but the funny thing is that the original lady in the photo was actually a liberal crying on her Facebook account because her party lost, not a Trump supporter. Have a Good Day.

Old School, that is a very old picture. I guess people are using it and putting any ol' text to it now as fits their needs, but the funny thing is that the original lady in the photo was actually a liberal crying on her Facebook account because her party lost, not a Trump supporter. Have a Good Day.
That girl's "party" is worth $200 million according to CelebrityNetWorth.com :eek:
Welcome aboard.....don't expect much in meaningful dialogue because the pickings here are very slim. The leftists that try and guard their position here don't know much. I blame it on the fact that they suffer from arrested development.

Thanks Dale. People like you make the site worthwhile. It's been pretty easy to figure out who are the better people. As Albert Osborn famously said in the early 1920's:

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Of course, he was speaking of court evidence, but the same applies everywhere. I've noticed some people make outrageous statements with no factual basis, nor can you change their minds with persuasive facts. So be it. It's not my job or wish to agree with everyone nor do I care if others agree with me. I've found tons of good information here, lots of good people, and many good topics. You may be right about some not knowing much or having arrested development. When time allows, I'll make my points and post a few threads, and if people copy them, they will always have lots of information. I always try to rebuttal a person under the assumption that if I know they're wrong, then they are at least interested to know the facts. As soon as they prove to me they are a broken record and a waste of time, I'm done with them. I'm not here to burn wood for the GOP and certainly not the Dems. As long as Trump shows me his head is in the right place, I've got his back. If he's out there busting his hump to address the nation's problems, then I'm all for the guy. Good for him. Do you know he is not even taking any pay? He donates his income! One of our biggest problems now in the country is the indoctrination of the youth in universities.

But if Trump shows me he's been talking out of his ass and is just in it for himself like all the rest, then he is history to me. All hope is lost for this country. But I don't think so. I know a lot of people here already believe that, but they already believed that before he even won the nomination! We shall see. As to the Lefties protecting their position, I am all open to any position at all, if you can back it up with facts. I listen to all of the arguments against Trump---- problem for them is that I am also a professional analyst and litigator, so if their arguments DON'T HOLD WATER, better be prepared for a rebuttal. Things may have just taken a turn for the worst for a lot of Leftie Trolls. I'm all for slamming anyone in politics for hypocrisy or not doing their job in Washington, but the test for anyone here is whether they ever see any failings in their OWN PARTY. Plenty to bitch about in both parties. It is one thing to see fault in Trump; I will listen to the case. But if someone is NEVER willing to listen to or concede anything good about Trump, pretty good sign you've just got an asshole Troll put out there to talk shit 24/7 out their ass. No sense reading a book if you already know the ending.

Right there with you on that one. I got out of the left versus right paradigm over five years ago and I haven't looked back. I have invested a lot of time and energy finding out how things really work and to be honest? I was happier when I believed that there was no such thing as a "shadow government". I was happier before I found out that our country is nothing but a huge corporate conglomerate ran by international banking elites..... but what I also found out is that their hold is tenuous at best and the only reason that they have been able to keep this level of control over the the "chattel" is by compromising just enough politicians to keep this fiat currency/debt slavery system in place and doing the bidding of their corporate owners.

My hope is that Trump has enough "white hats" working on the inside to bring this house of cards down. The last president that made any drastic changes was JFK. Reagan was nearly killed barely two months after he took office because of the changes he wanted to make but he got the message. Jimmy Carter also realized that he had been manipulated and he wanted to make some changes and he got the message when an assassination attempt plot was foiled. Carter said "I have lost control of the government" to Reverend Billy Graham at Camp David after he cancelled his TV appearance to announce some sweeping changes. There was a final coup d'etat that happened when JFK was publicly murdered and the "deep state" operatives have only furthered embedded themselves into every department of this corporate entity we call "government".

Trump has no chance unless he has a decent army of "white hats" keeping the wolves at bay. I am afraid that it's too big a job for one man and these elites that have set this system up would rather burn the place down than ever surrender the control that they have had in this country for over 100 years. Interesting times but perilous times. I look forward to what you have to say.....
I was happier when I believed that there was no such thing as a "shadow government".

Dale, I am so sad to read that you actually have a clear handle on how the world really is! Do you remember a wrestler by the name of Jesse Ventura? He actually became governor of Minnesota I believe. Somewhere on the web (Youtube), he has several videos you ought to watch. In one of them he details how one day some guys in black suits came in and took him to a room and told him things. Things he couldn't do and things he couldn't know. And he said: Wait a minute! I'm the governor! That makes no sense!
I think I still have it saved in my computer but if you can find it on YouTube, if it is still there, he goes into quite a lot of detail on the shadow government. He saw it firsthand.

As to Trump, regardless of how dumb and incompetent people here try to say he is, he is actually a brilliant guy who has dealt with all levels around the world. I'm sure he won't be too surprised by what he encounters and I think he is just about as incorruptible a man as you will find. With his money, he could have anyone on the planet rubbed out if he really wanted. But he is no Bilderberger or TLC, If there is a way to get it done, this is the guy to do it. A lot depends on how many real patriots are left. One thing recent events have shown is how many in this country are either totally bought and owned selling out their country, totally indifferent and clueless, or outright useless idiots. But I've long worried about an assassination. If something funny happens and all of a sudden Trump starts towing the party line and drops all of his swamp draining agendas and reforms, I'm betting someone threatened his family or else. If this guy cannot restore the Republic as a standing constitutionality, then we can kiss our asses goodbye to the corporate globalist socialist hegemony. America is lost forever, given up (sold out?) without even a fight by the greedy, corrupt and stupid, and exists in name only, like RCA.
I was happier when I believed that there was no such thing as a "shadow government".

Dale, I am so sad to read that you actually have a clear handle on how the world really is! Do you remember a wrestler by the name of Jesse Ventura? He actually became governor of Minnesota I believe. Somewhere on the web (Youtube), he has several videos you ought to watch. In one of them he details how one day some guys in black suits came in and took him to a room and told him things. Things he couldn't do and things he couldn't know. And he said: Wait a minute! I'm the governor! That makes no sense!
I think I still have it saved in my computer but if you can find it on YouTube, if it is still there, he goes into quite a lot of detail on the shadow government. He saw it firsthand.

As to Trump, regardless of how dumb and incompetent people here try to say he is, he is actually a brilliant guy who has dealt with all levels around the world. I'm sure he won't be too surprised by what he encounters and I think he is just about as incorruptible a man as you will find. With his money, he could have anyone on the planet rubbed out if he really wanted. But he is no Bilderberger or TLC, If there is a way to get it done, this is the guy to do it. A lot depends on how many real patriots are left. One thing recent events have shown is how many in this country are either totally bought and owned selling out their country, totally indifferent and clueless, or outright useless idiots. But I've long worried about an assassination. If something funny happens and all of a sudden Trump starts towing the party line and drops all of his swamp draining agendas and reforms, I'm betting someone threatened his family or else. If this guy cannot restore the Republic as a standing constitutionality, then we can kiss our asses goodbye to the corporate globalist socialist hegemony. America is lost forever, given up (sold out?) without even a fight by the greedy, corrupt and stupid, and exists in name only, like RCA.

Oh yeah, have thought about Jesse Ventura's interview about how he was "interviewed" by the CIA his first day in office. As I became a more prolific blogger especially on FB and my following grew, I posted on his site using my FB I.D on his "Off The Grid" page and we had a decent dialogue going over certain issues and would address my postings because they were well thought out and had information that built on the points he was making. We got cross ways a couple of years ago when he was touting open borders and I was making good arguments as to why we shouldn't and how an open border comes with a cost.....cited the white paper quotes from the CFR and all of the sudden I was blocked....no big deal. I know that he has a big ego and he believes what he believes and it is his page and can choose who can and cannot post. I still like the guy but he is wrong IMHO about that issue.

As far as Trump goes, this corporate entity has TRILLIONS at it's disposal and a jesuit ran CIA intelligence ring whose tactics goes back five hundred years. I fear for his life if he is really legit and they do have techtronic weapons that can kill anyone and leave no trace of what caused it...."heart attack" guns, darts with fast acting cancers and we know this from the Church Committee hearings in the mid 1970's. Now, you may not believe this but here is MY personal take on what we are facing and what has been done to us.....and I will sum it up like this.

When Americans were made surety against the debt and pledged as collateral against the debt by USA.INC, they feared the day that the people might figure this system out. They had the research of the Tavistock Institute and Frankfort School that studied the art of propaganda to brainwash the sheeple and keep them in compliance and their nose to the grindstone....but there was always the chance that enough people would wake up and see things for what they actually are so they used technology, they used Nikola Tesla technology whose patents they stole after he died and they are at least 50 to 100 years ahead in the technology game that we are not privy to. They have deep underground military bunkers the size of small cities that are self-sustaining and connected by magnetic powered, high speed trains....if the serfs get too "uppity"? I believe that they will unleash weapons upon us while they scurry to their bunkers and watch the "die off" by satellites. DARPA is one scary defense department that has developed microscopic surveillance technology and "Terminator" style robots...though I doubt that they could regenerate but nonetheless, they would be hard to disable with a hand gun.......just my thoughts and regardless of how bad the odds are? It's not gonna stop me from speaking out nor is it going to keep me out of the fight. I have done some radio interviews on some smaller stations but the biggest one was on "Caravan To Midnight"...I was on Episode 698 and I got top billing in front of Wayne Madsen.....how cool was that? People had to be saying "I have heard of Wayne Madsen...but who the fuck is this Dale Smith guy"??? LOL! Let me know if you want to see the interview...it was done on Skype. John B. Wells puts his news segment on youtube and sometimes some of his interviews but it's a subscriber only site. Here is the link from youtube where he introduces me....I will give you my username and password so you can watch it if you want.

Anyone that's been here a while knows that's a two-way street.

I feel sorry for the American voter. It either dawns on them that they have no one to turn to and vote for or they think their party is still the answer.

Either way they are screwed.

Gosh, that's so depressing. I still have hope, though.

I have hope as well, it just does not reside in the Federal government.

Ultimately, God is in control and not the rats in DC.

I even have some hope that states will rise up and reel back some power from the Feds through the Article V movement.
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I wonder if you apply the same standards to all the professional Obama trolls.

Let me know when I get there! I don't imagine much will be said anymore about him, but at least with Obama, there was a history to criticize. With Trump, he has just started out! Trump didn't spend his youth in a choom gang having gay sex (source: his own classmates at Columbia), Trump was in military academy. Trump wasn't hanging out with a member of the terrorist Weather Underground or a church where the minister condemned the USA, that was Obama. I could tell you things about the Obama Administration that probably few or no one else here knows, seldom if ever mentioned in the press. As to Trump, sure, he is a lightning rod for attention, controversy and criticism, but I have a lot of faith in the guy and I'm neither gullible or easily fooled. My uncle had business dealings with him in the 70's and 80's. Real solid guy. You could always take him at his word and he always did what he said. His word and a handshake were as good as a contract. This country needs serious help and change and we are not going to get it from another insider politician working within the system. WE SHALL SEE. In 4 or 8 years, looking back, there will be a lot more reason to dispute whether the criticism of Trump was really justified or not.

Obama was blasted from day one - birthers and madrassas.

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