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Be Wary The New Opinions Of The Entrenched Political Troll

OP = :crybaby: stop being mean to Donald :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Talking about "politics" on a forum like this is really just a waste of time. People are not reasonable and they are not going to be swayed from their opinions. Why should they? We all have our illusions, and god damn anyone who dares to shatter them! :rofl:

I come here for one reason- to irritate LWNJ's.

I am drinking a big frothy cup of schadenfreude. It's delicious!!
You've described yourself to a "t", thanks.
What you've described is more or less why I stopped bothering. I mostly lurk now because that sort of person is what you most commonly encounter.
EDIT: Oh, and I'm a bit late, but welcome to the forum. Not everyone is an awful person or a troll, so just keep that in mind.

Well, pumpkin, don't stop posting---- you are the kind of clear-thinking, forthright and sensible person these forums need to hear from. When you lurk, you just hand a victory to the trolls and partisans who want to drive away opposing views. Why would you do that? They can't stand it that anyone doesn't agree with them! Pretty obvious I lean conservative but I'm always prepared to explain, defend or justify my well-reasoned position, and I don't expect everyone to agree nor think them idiots if they don't. I actually started life a democrat so I know both sides and my family was involved in politics so I know something of how things work. It was my being part of both sides that has allowed me to see the flaws in both. It actually is pretty funny the crap some people try to post here; as a trained litigator and expert logician, they are all pretty easy to dismiss, but in some cases, I don't think they are even CAPABLE of knowing when embarrassed! So they are either that dense or they are just a planted troll. I have to hold back on what I might say to some of them as this is not my forum! And thanks for the welcome. Much appreciated. And do please post. The vermicular trolls are not so bold when they have the bright light shining on them and I've shone some pretty big light their way.
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Rather new to this social media, I came on here to exchange ideas, opinions and information. Lots of great people! I don't always agree with everything they say but I respect their differences in views. But I've noticed that there is a certain cadre of people that no matter what they talk about, what you tell them, they always come back to the very same narrow conclusions! They have all their facts wrong, they call allegation fact while dismissing any facts you provide as allegation, even if it has years of solid documentation coming from unimpeachable sources behind it easily checked on the web! No matter what the argument, as soon as you prove them wrong, they just change the story to something else and start all over.

In some cases, IMO, this may be a sign of itinerant stupidity or mental illness, but worse, in other cases, it is a sign of professional trolls. They know they are wrong and put stuff out there just to goad people on. Amazingly, many of them do it flagrantly! Some people just need that to justify their relevancy in this world because they need the attention to supplant the lack of it in their real life. And the more you argue with them and respond to their goading, the happier they are.

What are some possible signs to look out for:

* Anyone whose avatar is a smarmy picture of Trump. Red Flag! Intellectually honest people tend to use an avatar that relates to their own life. They are already saying right up front that they are heavily biased against the guy and you probably cannot expect to get an honest, reasonable opinion from them on anything related to the guy. I mean, the guy just got into office! Meantime they have nothing to say about Hillary or Obama just out of office and still in the news with about 10,000 egregious things of known baggage they carry!

* Anyone whose account handle is some derogatory slur of Trump's name. Or they always refer to Trump with some derogatory slur of his name. Again, really a waste of time to read, let alone debate anything with them. They've made it clear in advance everything they are going to ever have to say on anything. As again, where is their similar outrage over all of the countless inequities of Obama, Hillary and their many associates? How is it that a guy just in office for days has so much consumed their lives? Especially when he has done so much good? Even if you think he is an ass in other ways, the guy is working hard to do many great things. At least he wears his asshat out in the open instead of hiding it and pretending to be something he is not.

* People who reply to anyone they disagree with only to call them rude names or even foul language as their ONLY REBUTTAL to your comment! These are people with absolutely nothing left to say and they think that if you don't see it their way, you must be dumber than a rock. They never address the topic at hand, but only to say that you the messenger are an idiot. Now, I've tried to resist this stuff and stay free and clear, but sometimes it is hard to do with the entrenched ignorance and intransigence of some of these people! But if you lose your cool, at least I try to do it with some facts to back it up.

Obviously, some of these people are utterly brainwashed from the likes of media outlets like MSNBC and CNN. They grew up in the city where everyone around them was trained in group-think, and they don't even want to know the other side or that they could be wrong! There is an obvious angry tone in their voice and they take it very PERSONAL that you disagree with them! Like politics was actually their life. These are very, very angry people and their posts always carry disdain and hate for whomever they speak. They literally cannot stand that you even take up air on planet Earth!

But in some cases, I think it is even more. I think that in about maybe a dozen cases, some of these people are on here with a deliberate agenda, paid by the democrats. They work off the edicts of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and it is a known fact that democrats hire paid spies to not only go out to hear what people think, but to try to persuade opinion. Pay particular attention to Saul's Rule #13 and it explains a great deal of what a lot of these people say about Trump! They work off the precept that if you keep repeating a lie long enough, eventually it will be believed as fact.

So far, I have blocked two people as utterly not worth even reading, much less responding to anything they say. I won't name names as it is pretty obvious to any reasonable person who some of these people are. If they are not outright trolls working paid or voluntarily from some media outlet, part of the "Resistance," (some actually plainly advertise that they are!), then they are just dumber than a box of shoes (or both), and the less you even dignify their baloney with a response the better. For now on, I won't even bother replying to a person unless I feel there is at least some hope of getting through to them with my point being heard even if not agreed with, some sense of actual balanced give and take, or if they are so wrong, they occasionally need called out on the rug for their blatant lies. Life is too short to bother with hired trolls.

^ Snowflake whine of the year. Jesus Christ.
Yet another ad hominem.
Yet another nonresponse.
Yet another ad hominem
Anyone that's been here a while knows that's a two-way street.

I feel sorry for the American voter. It either dawns on them that they have no one to turn to and vote for or they think their party is still the answer.
Either way they are screwed.

My own personal feeling is that Trump is a new emerging party. He is an outgrowth of the Tea Party Movement if you think about it, even though that is hardly mentioned anymore. That is why the GOP has resisted him in many ways, remember all the claims of him not being a "real conservative?" And why the Dems absolutely LOATHE him. His success is their doom. When they say he is fatal for the country and worse than ISIS, they really mean it! They can LIVE with ISIS but Trump is the kryptonite to their Superman.

If this country is to survive, it will have to end the divisiveness of the Left and the inertia and hesitation of the Right. People need to unify under one banner as Americans or we are doomed. Neither party has worked out well for us, and we cannot take much more business as usual. We need bold change, not more establishment politics. If Trump cannot do it, is stopped or failed, I think we become Spain. As soon as the GDP reaches about 24 trillion, it will take all of our domestic output just to pay the interest! Ain't nobody out there to bail out the USA, so that is when the dollar collapses, and then all these people here will REALLY have something to bitch about! Folks better wake up and hope that Trump succeeds. Washington must END as it is and government start working for us again instead of party politics or America won't be around in a hundred years.
Anyone that's been here a while knows that's a two-way street.

You're probably right, but the one side definitely has its bitter attack trolls ill-concerned with facts.

Yes, and you've proven yourself to be one of them. You've swallowed right wing lies whole and refuse to believe the truth about Trump.

A paid troll? I don't think so. Party hack? I think not. Right wing lies? Hasn't the GOP largely railed against Trump almost as much as the Left? Or maybe you forgot the things that Romney said. Nope, nope, nope, all wrong, Dragonlady, as to Trump, see my post below (or above?). He might not be an ideal candidate, but you likely won't see another person like him in your lifetime, and if he doesn't succeed in what he wants to do, make America run efficiently like a business, then I think we have a much bigger problem than who will be the next Democrat or GOP candidate. We are running out of time. Our problem isn't the "truth we refuse to believe about Trump," it is the lies that have been told us for years. The GOP as it has been has been a disaster (read: Dole? Bush? McCain? Romney? Jeb?), and if you think the democrats have the "fix" for us instead with Hillary, Warren, Maxine, or Schumer, it is you who refuses to see the truth.
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What you've described is more or less why I stopped bothering. I mostly lurk now because that sort of person is what you most commonly encounter.
EDIT: Oh, and I'm a bit late, but welcome to the forum. Not everyone is an awful person or a troll, so just keep that in mind.

Well, pumpkin, don't stop posting---- you are the kind of clear-thing, forthright and sensible person these forums need to hear from. When you lurk, you just hand a victory to the troll and partisans who want to drive away opposing views. Why would you do that? They can't stand it that anyone doesn't agree with them! Pretty obvious I lean conservative but I'm always prepared to explain, defend or justify my well-reasoned position, and I don't expect everyone to agree nor think them idiots if they don't. I actually started life a democrat so I know both sides and my family was involved in politics so I know something of how things work. It was my being part of both sides that has allowed me to see the flaws in both. It actually is pretty funny the crap some people try to post here; as a trained litigator and expert logician, they are all pretty easy to dismiss, but in some cases, I don't think they are even CAPABLE of knowing when embarrassed! So they are either that dense or they are just a planted troll. I have to hold back on what I might say to some of them as this is not my forum! And thanks for the welcome. Much appreciated. And do please post. The vermicular trolls are not so bold when they have the bright light shining on them and I've shone some pretty big light their way.
It's just really difficult to justify to myself continuing to argue with people who don't actually care if they're wrong, and will continue saying all of the same things in the exact same way, regardless of how soundly they're defeated. Really good examples are Billy, Timmy, and Matthew. I've argued with each of them and proven them wrong, yet they just go to another thread and repeat the same exact things to other people, as if it never happened. Do you think it would be far fetched to say that most of the "Democrats" here are paid posters?
My own personal feeling is that Trump is a new emerging party. He is an outgrowth of the Tea Party Movement if you think about it, even though that is hardly mentioned anymore. That is why the GOP has resisted him in many ways, remember all the claims of him not being a "real conservative?" And why the Dems absolutely LOATHE him. His success is their doom. When they say he is fatal for the country and worse than ISIS, they really mean it! They can LIVE with ISIS but Trump is the kryptonite to their Superman.

His success is big gov't loving politicians, BOTH SIDES, doom. Ryan, McCain, McConnell, et all need to go.
Ryan, McCain, McConnell, et all need to go.

I'll give the Dems one thing, they are well-organized and effective in getting their message out. I have little use for Ryan, I don't trust him, McCain should have gone 20 years ago, and McConnell---- he looks like a cross between a man who has lost his dentures and someone with a 2-inch dick who just shit himself! I'm pretty sure Trump will beat all of the charges, so, the GOP better not screw up and for once, PRODUCE---- get a good, finalized health-bill through the Senate to sign, and get tax reform completed before the end of the year. Not to mention a good budget in the fall that pays for the border wall. Maybe from the money we just made in Saudi Arabia.
Great O. P.

My Rule: If they have over 100,000 posts, all about the same nonsense...never a relevant response....straight Marxist line...off they go to Ignore.
Other than your crying about Trump not being coddled enough for your liking, most of your post perfectly describes the typical ignorant, inbred, braindead Trump supporter.

If we needed proof that the OP had it nailed then right above it lies. In both senses of that word.
Great O. P.

My Rule: If they have over 100,000 posts, all about the same nonsense...never a relevant response....straight Marxist line...off they go to Ignore.

Typical coward faggot.


100,000 is an ample sample to decide it the particular poster is ever going to say anything worth a shit.

But, please throw out some more vulgarity consisting of your complete response....you are validating the point of the original excellent post.
Great O. P.

My Rule: If they have over 100,000 posts, all about the same nonsense...never a relevant response....straight Marxist line...off they go to Ignore.

Typical coward faggot.

"Typical coward faggot"

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Hazelbutt posted mere minutes later that homophobes are not "Americans" but here he is using queerness as an insult!!!!!

Eventually, the leftard clown posse always exposes what they really are!!!
Rather new to this social media, I came on here to exchange ideas, opinions and information. Lots of great people! I don't always agree with everything they say but I respect their differences in views. But I've noticed that there is a certain cadre of people that no matter what they talk about, what you tell them, they always come back to the very same narrow conclusions! They have all their facts wrong, they call allegation fact while dismissing any facts you provide as allegation, even if it has years of solid documentation coming from unimpeachable sources behind it easily checked on the web! No matter what the argument, as soon as you prove them wrong, they just change the story to something else and start all over.

In some cases, IMO, this may be a sign of itinerant stupidity or mental illness, but worse, in other cases, it is a sign of professional trolls. They know they are wrong and put stuff out there just to goad people on. Amazingly, many of them do it flagrantly! Some people just need that to justify their relevancy in this world because they need the attention to supplant the lack of it in their real life. And the more you argue with them and respond to their goading, the happier they are.

What are some possible signs to look out for:

* Anyone whose avatar is a smarmy picture of Trump. Red Flag! Intellectually honest people tend to use an avatar that relates to their own life. They are already saying right up front that they are heavily biased against the guy and you probably cannot expect to get an honest, reasonable opinion from them on anything related to the guy. I mean, the guy just got into office! Meantime they have nothing to say about Hillary or Obama just out of office and still in the news with about 10,000 egregious things of known baggage they carry!

* Anyone whose account handle is some derogatory slur of Trump's name. Or they always refer to Trump with some derogatory slur of his name. Again, really a waste of time to read, let alone debate anything with them. They've made it clear in advance everything they are going to ever have to say on anything. As again, where is their similar outrage over all of the countless inequities of Obama, Hillary and their many associates? How is it that a guy just in office for days has so much consumed their lives? Especially when he has done so much good? Even if you think he is an ass in other ways, the guy is working hard to do many great things. At least he wears his asshat out in the open instead of hiding it and pretending to be something he is not.

* People who reply to anyone they disagree with only to call them rude names or even foul language as their ONLY REBUTTAL to your comment! These are people with absolutely nothing left to say and they think that if you don't see it their way, you must be dumber than a rock. They never address the topic at hand, but only to say that you the messenger are an idiot. Now, I've tried to resist this stuff and stay free and clear, but sometimes it is hard to do with the entrenched ignorance and intransigence of some of these people! But if you lose your cool, at least I try to do it with some facts to back it up.

Obviously, some of these people are utterly brainwashed from the likes of media outlets like MSNBC and CNN. They grew up in the city where everyone around them was trained in group-think, and they don't even want to know the other side or that they could be wrong! There is an obvious angry tone in their voice and they take it very PERSONAL that you disagree with them! Like politics was actually their life. These are very, very angry people and their posts always carry disdain and hate for whomever they speak. They literally cannot stand that you even take up air on planet Earth!

But in some cases, I think it is even more. I think that in about maybe a dozen cases, some of these people are on here with a deliberate agenda, paid by the democrats. They work off the edicts of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and it is a known fact that democrats hire paid spies to not only go out to hear what people think, but to try to persuade opinion. Pay particular attention to Saul's Rule #13 and it explains a great deal of what a lot of these people say about Trump! They work off the precept that if you keep repeating a lie long enough, eventually it will be believed as fact.

So far, I have blocked two people as utterly not worth even reading, much less responding to anything they say. I won't name names as it is pretty obvious to any reasonable person who some of these people are. If they are not outright trolls working paid or voluntarily from some media outlet, part of the "Resistance," (some actually plainly advertise that they are!), then they are just dumber than a box of shoes (or both), and the less you even dignify their baloney with a response the better. For now on, I won't even bother replying to a person unless I feel there is at least some hope of getting through to them with my point being heard even if not agreed with, some sense of actual balanced give and take, or if they are so wrong, they occasionally need called out on the rug for their blatant lies. Life is too short to bother with hired trolls.

I wonder if you apply the same standards to all the professional Obama trolls.
It's just really difficult to justify to myself continuing to argue with people who don't actually care if they're wrong, and will continue saying all of the same things in the exact same way, regardless of how soundly they're defeated. Really good examples are Billy, Timmy, and Matthew. I've argued with each of them and proven them wrong, yet they just go to another thread and repeat the same exact things to other people, as if it never happened. Do you think it would be far fetched to say that most of the "Democrats" here are paid posters?

Yep. I'm new here but I know what you mean. I know what you say about the people you list. But if all the better, more reasonable people go away and don't post, what will be left? That is the problem in Washington. The old saying about people rising to their level of incompetency holds true--- most better people wouldn't be caught dead wasting their time running for office so what we mostly get in Washington politics is TRASH. People who have never held a real job and so get into public office and live off the public dole. In my book, people who don't care if they're wrong, don't KNOW when they are wrong, can't TELL when they are wrong, and go right on saying the same thing are IDIOTS and TROLLS. They just want to provoke, irritate and get a rise, so, just make your point or ignore them. Lots of other good people to talk to and agree with. The worst thing you can do to a troll is just ignore them. They never have any real points on the topic other than to attack the person making the post. Eventually, all the trolls will just talk to the other trolls in their own threads exchanging their bitter bile, or go away. Don't feed the trolls. I think some of them are here by design with an agenda. No one can be as dumb as some of them appear! It is all based on Rule 13 of Rules for Radicals. Radicals suck.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
It's just really difficult to justify to myself continuing to argue with people who don't actually care if they're wrong, and will continue saying all of the same things in the exact same way, regardless of how soundly they're defeated. Really good examples are Billy, Timmy, and Matthew. I've argued with each of them and proven them wrong, yet they just go to another thread and repeat the same exact things to other people, as if it never happened. Do you think it would be far fetched to say that most of the "Democrats" here are paid posters?

Yep. I'm new here but I know what you mean. I know what you say about the people you list. But if all the better, more reasonable people go away and don't post, what will be left? That is the problem in Washington. The old saying about people rising to their level of incompetency holds true--- most better people wouldn't be caught dead wasting their time running for office so what we mostly get in Washington politics is TRASH. People who have never held a real job and so get into public office and live off the public dole. In my book, people who don't care if they're wrong, don't KNOW when they are wrong, can't TELL when they are wrong, and go right on saying the same thing are IDIOTS and TROLLS. They just want to provoke, irritate and get a rise, so, just make your point or ignore them. Lots of other good people to talk to and agree with. The worst thing you can do to a troll is just ignore them. They never have any real points on the topic other than to attack the person making the post. Eventually, all the trolls will just talk to the other trolls in their own threads exchanging their bitter bile, or go away. Don't feed the trolls. I think some of them are here by design with an agenda. No one can be as dumb as some of them appear! It is all based on Rule 13 of Rules for Radicals. Radicals suck.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

Welcome aboard.....don't expect much in meaningful dialogue because the pickings here are very slim. The leftists that try and guard their position here don't know much. I blame it on the fact that they suffer from arrested development.
I wonder if you apply the same standards to all the professional Obama trolls.

Let me know when I get there! I don't imagine much will be said anymore about him, but at least with Obama, there was a history to criticize. With Trump, he has just started out! Trump didn't spend his youth in a choom gang having gay sex (source: his own classmates at Columbia), Trump was in military academy. Trump wasn't hanging out with a member of the terrorist Weather Underground or a church where the minister condemned the USA, that was Obama. I could tell you things about the Obama Administration that probably few or no one else here knows, seldom if ever mentioned in the press. As to Trump, sure, he is a lightning rod for attention, controversy and criticism, but I have a lot of faith in the guy and I'm neither gullible or easily fooled. My uncle had business dealings with him in the 70's and 80's. Real solid guy. You could always take him at his word and he always did what he said. His word and a handshake were as good as a contract. This country needs serious help and change and we are not going to get it from another insider politician working within the system. WE SHALL SEE. In 4 or 8 years, looking back, there will be a lot more reason to dispute whether the criticism of Trump was really justified or not.

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