Beau Biden Has Died

Some of you are being nasty over Beau Biden's death because of . . . politics? wtf is wrong with some of you? Who the hell cares that Uncle Joe's politics are as far removed from your thinking as can be? What difference does that make? He's suffered tremendous loss in his life, already losing his wife and child and is now burying another child. How anyone doesn't have compassion and empathy for the Biden family is beyond me. Grow up.
Is it too late for the Nobel Prize committee to give him one of those 'BOBO The Clown" awards?
Pity you can't shed another of your copious crocodile for the souls of THE ABORTED.

Pity that you have so much love for a fetus and so much hate for actual living people. You are thoroughly devoid of reasoning and most assuredly soulless.
What, babies just suddenly spring to live at birth in liberal world...?

20 weeks, still eligible for a Democrat death..

View attachment 41966 View attachment 41967

What, people that have been born are not as important as a fertilized egg?

You've redefined fetus as a fertilized egg...I'm guessing you place no value on either.

Takes a special kind of asswipe to not only insinuate some stranger places no value on human life, but to troll a funeral thread to do so.

Stay classy, dickbreath.

EXACTLY like Westboro does.
Pity that you have so much love for a fetus and so much hate for actual living people. You are thoroughly devoid of reasoning and most assuredly soulless.
What, babies just suddenly spring to live at birth in liberal world...?

20 weeks, still eligible for a Democrat death..

View attachment 41966 View attachment 41967

What, people that have been born are not as important as a fertilized egg?

You've redefined fetus as a fertilized egg...I'm guessing you place no value on either.

You don't know that.....I just don't place more value on a fertilized egg, fetus, or embryo than I do on a person that has already been born.
Equal value, egg to death, sounds good to me...but unlikely...:dunno:

Well, then read the posts and quit assuming what isn't there.
I like JOE , think that he is a lovable but stupid enemy democrat / progressive but he is funny and not suited to be VP , lots of laughs though .

You actually believe that your fellow American citizen is your enemy?

That's what's wrong with you conservatives. Anyone who doesn't agree with your views is your enemy.

Here's a clue for you. Your fellow Americans aren't your enemy. Especially when they just have a difference of opinion from yours.
So fucking what? My wife's cousin died yesterday.

And I'm sure your wife would not appreciate someone demeaning him. See, it's not that hard to figure it out.
Coming from a fucking murderer like you who doesn't believe a fetus is a living person.
Go **** yourself.

Take your hate and venom back to your hate infested hole, it has no place in this thread. One can readily see how loving and caring you are :rolleyes:, now if you could only extend that to people you might appear human.
Joe Biden's son is the OP yet the thread has dissolved into a piss and moan about abortion?

The USMB never fails to disappoint!
Some of you are being nasty over Beau Biden's death because of . . . politics? wtf is wrong with some of you? Who the hell cares that Uncle Joe's politics are as far removed from your thinking as can be? What difference does that make? He's suffered tremendous loss in his life, already losing his wife and child and is now burying another child. How anyone doesn't have compassion and empathy for the Biden family is beyond me. Grow up.
They are sociopath's. Really. We make fun of posters here calling them deranged and mental, but in this case it is factual. Some of the folks posting here show signs and traits of sociopathic behavior with their postings. It is an illness and genuine derangement. They are to stupid to realize they are exposing themselves in public and on the net as mentally defective.
Some of you are being nasty over Beau Biden's death because of . . . politics? wtf is wrong with some of you? Who the hell cares that Uncle Joe's politics are as far removed from your thinking as can be? What difference does that make? He's suffered tremendous loss in his life, already losing his wife and child and is now burying another child. How anyone doesn't have compassion and empathy for the Biden family is beyond me. Grow up.
They are sociopath's. Really. We make fun of posters here calling them deranged and mental, but in this case it is factual. Some of the folks posting here show signs and traits of sociopathic behavior with their postings. It is an illness and genuine derangement. They are to stupid to realize they are exposing themselves in public and on the net as mentally defective.

It's low, it's uncalled for, and it's just plain wrong.
I like JOE , think that he is a lovable but stupid enemy democrat / progressive but he is funny and not suited to be VP , lots of laughs though .

You actually believe that your fellow American citizen is your enemy?

That's what's wrong with you conservatives. Anyone who doesn't agree with your views is your enemy.

Here's a clue for you. Your fellow Americans aren't your enemy. Especially when they just have a difference of opinion from yours.
sure Dana , when they want to remove or regulate RIGHTS [guns as example] into nonexistence , he11 , they sure aren't my friends !! More people should see dems , progs , liberals as ENEMIES because the things they advocate and do are life altering and destructive to Freedom and Liberty Dana .
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What, babies just suddenly spring to live at birth in liberal world...?

20 weeks, still eligible for a Democrat death..

View attachment 41966 View attachment 41967

What, people that have been born are not as important as a fertilized egg?

You've redefined fetus as a fertilized egg...I'm guessing you place no value on either.

Takes a special kind of asswipe to not only insinuate some stranger places no value on human life, but to troll a funeral thread to do so.

Stay classy, dickbreath.

Yup, "Stay classy, dickbreath"...nice Pogo-ism...:laugh:

Gee, I hate to break it to you, Lumpy1, but this thread is about the death of the son of our Vice-President. It is not about abortion or how some people label babies before they are born.

I used to think that you would not troll just for trolling's sake, but I see I was wrong about that.

Are there so very few Righties out there with a soul and some compassion these days?

Damn, this is just plain old sad.

tinydancer gets it. She understands the meaning of this thread.

I hate blanket labels, for any reason. But as the old saying goes, the world can be divided into to types of people -- those who divide people into two types, and those who do not... :eusa_shifty:

Those who identify as conservatives here are clearly divided into two types -- one type being sincere, human, thinking and considerate, the other a soulless opportunist cult that stops at nothing, not even an innocent victim of cancer, to score its self-centered political scoreboard points. These latter are the eliminationists, those who believe not in dialogue and diversity but in exterminating all dissent to their positions until they have paved the world over into their own exclusive image and likeness.

That is of course unAmerican. But they have done us the service of self-identifying in this thread and thus, labeled themselves for future encounters as irrelevant drones.

But props to those of the former group, Tinydancer in particular, for your humanity and for sharing your similar stories. That's what makes us human in the good ways.
so what do you think Dana , how can a guy like mrobama , a democrat , liberal , progressive gun controller be an AMERICANS friend . All his gun control attempts are un-American yet he just continues with his plans as he ignores congress , Just heard last night that mrobama is coming out with some new 'executive orders' soon to be released . Why should dems, libs , progressives be viewed as friends when they work as enemies Dana ??
Pity that you have so much love for a fetus and so much hate for actual living people. You are thoroughly devoid of reasoning and most assuredly soulless.
What, babies just suddenly spring to live at birth in liberal world...?

20 weeks, still eligible for a Democrat death..

View attachment 41966 View attachment 41967

What, people that have been born are not as important as a fertilized egg?

You've redefined fetus as a fertilized egg...I'm guessing you place no value on either.

You don't know that.....I just don't place more value on a fertilized egg, fetus, or embryo than I do on a person that has already been born.

Hey Mertex maybe as a lib you can answer this for me.

Chelsea Clinton was having a baby.

Why did mostly everyone on the left call what was inside her a baby?

For all her months of pregnancy, Chelsea was having a baby.

Quite simple when you think about it.

Was she having an abortion?


Was she having a miscarriage?


Was she having twins/triplets/etc?


Therefore she was having a baby.

How hard was that?
I like JOE , think that he is a lovable but stupid enemy democrat / progressive but he is funny and not suited to be VP , lots of laughs though .

You actually believe that your fellow American citizen is your enemy?

That's what's wrong with you conservatives. Anyone who doesn't agree with your views is your enemy.

Here's a clue for you. Your fellow Americans aren't your enemy. Especially when they just have a difference of opinion from yours.

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don't know Henry but I suppose that he is looking , hoping , praying for a bump , maybe just little bump but a bump none the less !!
Will democrats use the tragedy for political purposes?

Crass and inappropriate...
Are you describing Joe?

Good grief! I am about as right wing conservative as you can get. This was a hysterical moment because his wife was so freaking tense she was ready to pass out.

There was nothing sexual about this moment. He was trying to get her to loosen up.

Albeit Biden is not your average PC correct dude, but he's real. Like when he was having fun with the baby with the pacifier.

Joe is like the uncle or grandfather "pull my finger" you can only dream of.

I put up the other day that I'd have a beer with Joe.

Then I realized how wrong that comment was.

I'd sit with Biden and do tequila baby!

The man just lost his son. Keep it classy conservatives. Don't go after him when his son isn't even six feet under yet or you are pieces of shit.
Well without using a worn out cliché to describe the passing of Beau, it is in God's hands not mine. And when I googled "inappropriate + Biden" I got several pics like the one I posted. Hey the guy is kinda touchy feely you got to admit.

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