Beautiful photo/story, 2 dads w/newborn son

I'm not saying all would be. I think a lot will be. Sucks that we will have to just wait until it happens instead of using common sense and not creating the scenario in the first place.
Kind of like with straight people.

Seems you're sexual orientation is harder on children. Having them out of wedlock, having more than you can take care of, allowing them to be raised in day care so that you can keep your career (selfishly) murdering 54 million in the womb, taking drugs while pregnant, being a drug addicted patent and having your children taken away from you, locking them in a car by themselves to die of heat exposure while you text 6 other women, beating them, abandoning them, and the list goes on.
It's an insult to humanity & nature itself, to give a kid to two males or two women over a real married couple. It isn't just because it's "icky", it's that it's social experimentation on children in order to give people something they cannot naturally have themselves. It's not in the best interest of the children, and you know this.

Children have been raised by loving and responsible adults for as long as there have been children. Its not a social experiment. Its part of being a human being.

Its people like you, Sunni "man" and other phobes who have the problem. Its people like you who hate children so much that you would deny them a home. Thankfully, most human beings disagree with you.
I didn't call you a name Jake. Nor did I say what they were doing was sexual. I said it looked disgusting(which it does)& that I had never heard of this "rub the baby on your naked flesh" as a technique to calm the baby.

The picture has it's funny points too. The dude holding the baby like he can breast feed it, crying like he pushed the baby out of his butthole is hilarious!

This stuff is so wrong, when the child molestation rates start going up because left wing reality-deniers like yourself wanted to normalize a vile perversion(so you could pretend you were some civil rights struggle supporter, lol), if you have a soul(we know most of you don't), you will be sorry for being so stupid as to support this crap.

Are you accusing gay parents of being child molesters, Locke? (asks the gay parent)

[MENTION=36177]LockeJaw[/MENTION] This gay parent would like a response too.
I already gave an answer, Howey. Your baiting tactic won't work.
You admitted to making ridiculous assumptions based on, four cases you presented. So 3-7 million people should be forbidden from having children because of your four cases and your assumptions that they molested children because they were homosexual?

Heterosexuals killed 54 million in the womb so you should be much more against heterosexuals having children.
Explain how it is not justification for my ethics, dude? You don't get to just claim something like that without justifying it, if you don't you're nothing but a hypocrite. Isolated cases, it's a proven fact that homosexuals are more likely to molest boys...and putting all that psuedo-academic gobbleydeegook aside, if you are a male that is sexually attracted to another male, boy or are a homosexual. To say other wise is PC bullcrap & everyone knows this.
Explain how it is not justification for my ethics, dude?
It's for isolated incidents that you assumed only occurred because the parents were homosexual.

You don't get to just claim something like that without justifying it, if you don't you're nothing but a hypocrite.
I justified my statement see above.
Isolated cases, it's a proven fact that homosexuals are more likely to molest boys.
No it's actually more common for heterosexual men to molest boys.
..and putting all that psuedo-academic gobbleydeegook aside, if you are a male that is sexually attracted to another male, boy or are a homosexual.
I agree, but most men that molest boys. aresexually attracted to females
To say other wise is PC bullcrap & everyone knows this.
You still haven't justified your ethics.

Heterosexuals murdered 54 million babies in the womb over the past 40 years. Saying that children are better off in the hands of the sexual orientation that commited such a genocide is poor ethics by anybody's standards
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I already gave an answer, Howey. Your baiting tactic won't work.
You admitted to making ridiculous assumptions based on, four cases you presented. So 3-7 million people should be forbidden from having children because of your four cases and your assumptions that they molested children because they were homosexual?

Heterosexuals killed 54 million in the womb so you should be much more against heterosexuals having children.

I didn't admit anything of the sort, you self righteous bore. You sure type out a lot of words without saying anything of substance.
I already gave an answer, Howey. Your baiting tactic won't work.
You admitted to making ridiculous assumptions based on, four cases you presented. So 3-7 million people should be forbidden from having children because of your four cases and your assumptions that they molested children because they were homosexual?

Heterosexuals killed 54 million in the womb so you should be much more against heterosexuals having children.

I didn't admit anything of the sort, you self righteous bore. You sure type out a lot of words without saying anything of substance.
you presented four cases of child molestation by homosexual parents. I presented 54 million cases of filicide that heterosexuals are guilty of.

Your ethics aren't just unjustifiable, they are completely backward.
I already gave an answer, Howey. Your baiting tactic won't work.
You admitted to making ridiculous assumptions based on, four cases you presented. So 3-7 million people should be forbidden from having children because of your four cases and your assumptions that they molested children because they were homosexual?

Heterosexuals killed 54 million in the womb so you should be much more against heterosexuals having children.

I didn't admit anything of the sort, you self righteous bore. You sure type out a lot of words without saying anything of substance.

Yes you most certainly did admit to that.

Calling me self righteous and a bore is simply the manifestation of your frustration. You are frustrated because you have no logical argument to make. You resort to a rather blatant logical fallacy called ad hominem, because you have no argument.

Just because you fail to see substance doesn't mean there is lack of substance. Perhaps lack of understanding is your problem.
I already gave an answer, Howey. Your baiting tactic won't work.
You admitted to making ridiculous assumptions based on, four cases you presented. So 3-7 million people should be forbidden from having children because of your four cases and your assumptions that they molested children because they were homosexual?

Heterosexuals killed 54 million in the womb so you should be much more against heterosexuals having children.

I didn't admit anything of the sort, you self righteous bore. You sure type out a lot of words without saying anything of substance.
What is the matter lockey baby, can't defend54 million murders of unborn children perpetrated by heterosexuals?
We aren't talking about abortion at the moment, Jake. We are talking about gay adoption & what might result from normalizing it.

You've got to be a complete dupe to claim it's unjustified to have a concern that children will be molested by homos who adopt them, especially when groups like NAMBLA are around. Are you really that stupid?
We aren't talking about abortion at the moment, Jake. We are talking about gay adoption & what might result from normalizing it.
My name is inevitable, not Jake. Well it can't be as bad as heterosexuals wiping out a sixth of the nation

You've got to be a complete dupe to claim it's unjustified to have a concern that children will be molested by homos who adopt them, especially when groups like NAMBLA are around. Are you really that stupid?
You have got to be way dumber than a dupe to think that you are justified in thinking people in no way associated with nambla are in nambla just because they are homosexual.

That's exactly like saying all heterosexuals are baby killers because there are abortions.
I didn't call you a name Jake. Nor did I say what they were doing was sexual. I said it looked disgusting(which it does)& that I had never heard of this "rub the baby on your naked flesh" as a technique to calm the baby.

The picture has it's funny points too. The dude holding the baby like he can breast feed it, crying like he pushed the baby out of his butthole is hilarious!

This stuff is so wrong, when the child molestation rates start going up because left wing reality-deniers like yourself wanted to normalize a vile perversion(so you could pretend you were some civil rights struggle supporter, lol), if you have a soul(we know most of you don't), you will be sorry for being so stupid as to support this crap.

Are you accusing gay parents of being child molesters, Locke? (asks the gay parent)

Let me add my inquiry to yours....Locke, I am a gay parent. Are you accusing me of being a child molester?
Because the 2 homo dad's are overcome with emotion in welcoming a new molestation victim into their home. .. :doubt:
were you a homophobic bigot when you worshiped christ?

One can be neither, Christians worship God, often in the name of Christ. Atheism is a relgion, in and of itself.

Please provide a list of atheist places of worship, the religious texts that contain atheist dogma, name the head of the atheist religion, provide hymnals and lyrics of atheist songs of worship, icons, sacred relics, holy places, etc, etc.

Thank you.

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