Beauty and Race/Ethnicity


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
Is it a coincidence that black, Asian and Indian women that are generally considered "beautiful" are the ones that look the most caucasian?

Or is that only true here in America?

Is it a coincidence that black, Asian and Indian women that are generally considered "beautiful" are the ones that look the most caucasian?

Or is that only true here in America?


Depends on who is doing the considering.

I know it's popular to push Black wimmen as good looking but that woman only has a nice complexion. And with that hairstyle, she looks more like a man than a woman.
The concept of beauty is largely a matter of culture. Until relatively recently, 99% of the "beautiful" women portrayed in art (mainly televison, film) and advertising have been not only caucasian, but extremely so - blonde or light brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin. This is not to say that brunettes are not seen a beautiful but generally the ideal is the lighter pigment.

For better or worse, this brainwashing is largely effective across the demographic spectrum. The "Black is Beautiful" movement in the 60's and 70's was created specifically to target this cultural prejudice, and fight the notion that only caucasian women and very-light-skinned "Black" women with caucasian features were "beautiful." The "Afro" craze of the 70's was a direct assault on the long-held Negro prejudice that straightened hair was "nice," and naturally kinky hair was somehow "not nice." Ironically, an "Afro" hairstyle required even more attention than straightened hair. Natural? I don't think so.

The entertainment media is working overtime right now to showcase "women of color" and portray them as "beautiful." The prominent TV producer Shonda Rimes (a fat Black woman) regularly includes story lines in which handsome white men are in love with "women of color."

But in real life - not so much. Such relationships are extremely rare and in fact, one could probably create a straight line graph that tracks the likelihood of an African American male having a "white" woman as his "significant other." The more they make, the higher the likelihood. It speaks for itself. And on the perverse other side, white-on-black rape is virtually non-existent.

But the culture is changing. Kids watching television are not even aware of the racial group of the individual characters in kids' shows. They are as likely as not to admire a performer of another race as one of their own.

It's a whole new world.

P.S. What's up with FLOTUS? Can you even imagine her with the hairstyle pictured above?
Perhaps it has to do with the mass media presenting European traits as being the most beautiful.
Nappy hair is no one's friend. I've seen some good looking black women but not too many that were very ethnic. In general, Chinese wimmen are better looking than Japs, and Koreans are better looking than Chinese. The genetics of East European and Brazilian wimmen are something of a freak of nature; shockingly hot many of them.
Is it a coincidence that black, Asian and Indian women that are generally considered "beautiful" are the ones that look the most caucasian?

Or is that only true here in America?


Asian women, as in Oriental, rarely, if ever, look caucasian at all. Physically speaking.
The average negress looks are not that appealing to white men, why do you a lot of them straighten their hair.
I doubt it.

mass media presents what sells. period.

Not true. They create what they want to sell then they push it.

Bullshit. :thup:

The only reason you brush your teeth everyday is because of marketing. Thats why the call it marketing. They influence decisions and what you think is beautiful. Black women are some of the most beautiful women on earth. Once you stop subscribing to the White standard of beauty you can see clearly. There is a reason white men were losing their minds over their slave women (without make up) and leaving their wives alone while they raped the slave women.
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The average negress looks are not that appealing to white men, why do you a lot of them straighten their hair.

For the same reason alot of white people try to get tans and white women get ass and lip implants.

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