Beauty and Race/Ethnicity

Is it a coincidence that black, Asian and Indian women that are generally considered "beautiful" are the ones that look the most caucasian?

Or is that only true here in America?


Depends on who is doing the considering.



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Picture SheJack without the triple crown weave and the bright clothes. Pretty scary.
Pale skinned people DO try all they can to get tan. Why? Because fishbelly white is not that attractive. At least, to the majority that are sun lovers. Myself included.
Aclepsis and reconmark only listen to Justin Beiber, One Direction and Katy Perry, because that is what mass media tells them they're supposed to like.

Does that sound about right to you two dummies? :lol:

I don't know Katy Perry but the Bieb and OD they do what media tells them. They tell the Bieb what songs to sing and when to do it. The same with OD. This is why it is very difficult for bands like Children o f Bodom and Anna Eriksson to have presence in USA or Canadien media

There are tons of beautiful Black women. The media is not interested in portraying them as the standard of beauty. You can have your pick of any look you want in the Black race. The choices are almost limitless.
A really beautifull Black dark skinned woman needs no makeup. Something that whites realize, and have been trying to brainwash the entire society since the day one in America.
Black skin does not wrinkle as does white skin with age. The Black does not crack was the old saying.!!
Case closed.!
A really beautifull Black dark skinned woman needs no makeup. Something that whites realize, and have been trying to brainwash the entire society since the day one in America.
Black skin does not wrinkle as does white skin with age. The Black does not crack was the old saying.!!
Case closed.!

Yes, very beautiful and age so gracefully. They retain their beauty and vitality so long. Look at tina turner in her 70's. Not a line on her and can still dance like that. She's 10 years older than my mom, who's into the falling phase. While tina may not universally be considered beautiful, I am jealous and hope I look half as good as her when I hit 70.

As far as the most beautiful, IMO? Mixed. A Mexican/Japanese that lived down the street when I was growing up still holds #1 on my list. The mullatto's of New Orleans, stunning. I can't wait till it is all just one race anyway and we can get on about things that matter.
The only reason you brush your teeth everyday is because of marketing. Thats why the call it marketing.

Well, maybe you are a Pavlovian Automaton, but not everyone slavishly follows marketing programming.

One can easily make the opposite argument that marketers kowtow to popular tastes in order to associate their products with such.

Standards of beauty are most often linked with idealized images of wealth and, voluptuous women with pale skin and soft hands in eras of manual farming. For a woman to be a bit chubby required wealth...and pale skin and soft hands meant she didn't do hard work out of doors. Idleness was the height of being wealthy.

Fast forward to present day. We've reversed the Fat-Thin wealth-poverty relationship (thanks to the FDA Carbo-loaded food Pyramid, the Fed-Agribusiness Cronyism that pushes cheap carbs and fat on The Poor, and the Film/TV industry.) When poor people are fat, the rich go to great lengths to look thin...and like glamorous movie stars who starve themselves because film adds 10 pounds.

Marketing reinforces some of this, but it is not The Source.
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A really beautifull Black dark skinned woman needs no makeup. Something that whites realize, and have been trying to brainwash the entire society since the day one in America.
Black skin does not wrinkle as does white skin with age. The Black does not crack was the old saying.!!
Case closed.!

Yes, very beautiful and age so gracefully. They retain their beauty and vitality so long. Look at tina turner in her 70's. Not a line on her and can still dance like that. She's 10 years older than my mom, who's into the falling phase. While tina may not universally be considered beautiful, I am jealous and hope I look half as good as her when I hit 70.

As far as the most beautiful, IMO? Mixed. A Mexican/Japanese that lived down the street when I was growing up still holds #1 on my list. The mullatto's of New Orleans, stunning. I can't wait till it is all just one race anyway and we can get on about things that matter.

Speaking of gorgeous and 70: Sophia Lauren, Raquel Welch, Ann Margret.


Simona Halep
As far as the most beautiful, IMO? Mixed. A Mexican/Japanese that lived down the street when I was growing up still holds #1 on my list. The mullatto's of New Orleans, stunning.

Be careful, that sort of thing frightens 52nd street.
Maybe we can all be reasonable and accept that there are beautiful women of all 'races' and ethnicities, from every corner of the globe?

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