Because of no right to own firearms...

Those who trade in death will justify the profits by any means they can think of.
We all gotta die, right? I'm only helping promote the inevitable.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Your number is a BLATANT LIE there were not 37000 murders in the whole US much less by firearms.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Your number is a BLATANT LIE there were not 37000 murders in the whole US much less by firearms.
Progressives always pad the numbers in their favor

The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.
Open the borders? They have been open for decades. A million + legal immigrants a year plus all the future Democrats who hate and ignore laws, but are happy about a legalized system that authorizes the seizure of funds from citizens to pay for more illegals.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.
I hate to tell you this but the democrats don't do what you say they do.

70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas which are historically both high crime and high poverty and this hasn't changed no matter which party was in control.

The fact is that since these murders are isolated to very small areas and are young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities no one cares not even the leaders of the minority communities where this plague of violence and poverty is rampant.

None of you gun control freaks care about the murder rate as much as you do your gun control agenda.

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.
The point is, super strict frivolous gun control laws do nothing except make violent criminals emboldened.

Or you could allocate more money to law enforcement and clean out the criminals. But you wont' because that would be a Democrats solution. Criminals avoid areas that are well patrolled. If an area has a large criminal activity, put in more cops and patrol it. Or use Private Highly Trained Security Personnel. It it requires guns, arm the Cops and Security with whatever weapons they need. And work WITH the community. Meanwhile, work to get employment back to the poor neighborhoods. Working People don't need crime to live if they are working in legit jobs. This drives criminals nuts.
Rural America is awash with legally owned firearms, And violent crime is basically nonexistent.
So it’s not the firearms.
Urban America is awash with criminals, and no criminal control.
The breakdown of the traditional American family Is the norm in urban America...
Rural America is also short on population as well. But don't let that get you the way of a good rant.

When murder rates are expressed in a ratio the relative size differences in populations is negated
The guns are needed to protect ourselves against the government. This is why the leftists want to so badly to ban them.

Especially if they decide to open the borders like in Europe. Patriots will line up and declare an open season on the savages, and shortly after the idiots in power will be safely removed and deported to their utopias.

And we need the Government to protect us from the likes of YOU. Sure am glad that what you get wet dreams of doing is highly illegal and whole communities and law enforcement would take up arms against your kind. Sure is good to sleep good at night knowing this.

Seig Heil indeed.

Fucking democrats.

That's hilarious. I was offered the backing for a City Council slot to run as a Republican. Imagine if they had known I was really a Democrat in drag :290968001256257790-final:

Yep, you’re a rino
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Can you predict when a so called sane mother will go insane and drown her children in a bathtub?
This is non debatable. We have a huge gun problem just like we do with Illegal aliens. Liberals create these phony sanctuary cities and we need to look the other way mentality, Just the same way gun excusers can't face reality and want us to look the other way about mass shootings and gun abuse, too. I put them both in the same camp. Poor deluded fools that mean well...
No we don't have a gun problem we have a crime and violence problem neither of which is caused by guns
This is non debatable. We have a huge gun problem just like we do with Illegal aliens. Liberals create these phony sanctuary cities and we need to look the other way mentality, Just the same way gun excusers can't face reality and want us to look the other way about mass shootings and gun abuse, too. I put them both in the same camp. Poor deluded fools that mean well...
No we don't have a gun problem we have a crime and violence problem neither of which is caused by guns

And for those who want to know the exact cause, FBI has the statistics. The minorities that these people are very keen on importing commit 10x more crime than certain other Americans.
Oh yeah the mockery clause, "comrade". I am so NOT offended. That doesn't fly anymore. Guns never helped little old ladies cross the street . I rarely see a gun kneeling at mass at church, either. And that whole flighty "blacks lives matter"' stuff is just a veiled gun control matter. I like guns, but within reason.
Any other Individuals firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, none of my business and certainly none of the federal government business...
Ok. Why not? Because …? I have all day.
Because firearm ownership is personal, just like any other part of a person’s personal life.
Well brotherman, we have to agree to disagree on that. You realize how many cookies and tracking data you created on this issue alone? What is personal? You are passionate about firearms. Notice all those adds that magically appear hence that appeal to your sentiments.... So, let's back up here. I have actually been negatively affected by guns, it's scared me deeply on many levels.

So you think it's my responsibility to make sure you aren't scared anymore?

What else scares you that we should ban?
Because firearm ownership is personal, just like any other part of a person’s personal life.
Well brotherman, we have to agree to disagree on that. You realize how many cookies and tracking data you created on this issue alone? What is personal? You are passionate about firearms. Notice all those adds that magically appear hence that appeal to your sentiments.... So, let's back up here. I have actually been negatively affected by guns, it's scared me deeply on many levels.
Well, I sell firearms and ammo for a living.
And I have not been negatively affected by firearms in fact opposite is true in every way
I wish you well. I have to reset and not be a sarcastic b*tch. But you must understand the rest of us are being hurt by your current trade? I cringe saying this, perhaps there is another better way to make money? I totally respect any business person, without saying.
I have been self-employed for over 20 years, and I sleep good at night.
Firearms are the least of this country’s worries...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Almost 116,000 deaths have been caused by medical errors so far this year, that is murder... absolutely. Why don’t you say/do something about that, if you don’t you’re a hypocrite and one
I like you, you feisty person . But, we still all see mass shootings, people that never should have gotten firearms ….SCREEECH. I put on brakes. So, UMM, you just sell guns to...just anybody? How do you know, hypothetically, they wont become paranoid schizophrenics potentially? What skill set did you develop as a small business owner allows you that right over life and death? That is something you are going to have to live with. If you sold anything else, it mightn't be an issue.
How do you know your son (if you have one) won't become a serial rapist and murderer?
Selling guns to anyone, for any reason at any time. Sh*t happens? Blithely ignoring the consequences? That's the best you can do? Ever thought about selling used cars to the blind on the side? Just to supplement your income? What difference would it make? Sorry, hate to be such a judgmental jerk and all...
Blind people have the right to own a car.

Armed criminals are the least of their problems now. They are being invaded and the leftist governments have taken away their way of defending themselves in order to gain absolute control.

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