Because of no right to own firearms...

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Dumb ass....that is just one of the British news sources reporting the out of control crime and violence in Britain.... murder is up 44% in London, gun crime up 42%......

Armed criminals are the least of their problems now. They are being invaded and the leftist governments have taken away their way of defending themselves in order to gain absolute control.

That, and they are cutting police manpower and resources and handicapping the police with political correctness that keeps them from even arresting gangs of muslims raping British girls......

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Dumb ass....that is just one of the British news sources reporting the out of control crime and violence in Britain.... murder is up 44% in London, gun crime up 42%......

How is this relevant? Surely it's just some young kids thinking crime is cool. Just a short term trend... nothing to see here.
Those who trade in death will justify the profits by any means they can think of.
We all gotta die, right? I'm only helping promote the inevitable.

You don't even know the truth or the facts about guns in the United States....the actual truth shows your meme is a lie....britain banned guns, and now has increasing gun crime and violence....the U.S. has more people owning and carrying guns and our crime rates went down....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

chartoftheday_3848_the_us_murder_rate_compared_to_other_countries_n.jpg 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders.

in 2016 there were 489 accidental gun deaths.

How do you get to 37,000? And even then you can't because if you throw in suicides it still doesn't get you there.....

And at the same time Americans used their legal guns 2.4 million times each year to stop violent criminals, according to the CDC, and as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Seig Heil indeed.

Fucking democrats.

That's hilarious. I was offered the backing for a City Council slot to run as a Republican. Imagine if they had known I was really a Democrat in drag :290968001256257790-final:

Yep, you’re a rino
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Rural America is awash with firearms... And violent crime is pretty much nonexistent.
Because of the firearm ownership... legally

Yes, every cow, pig, and chicken has a gun. The only thing Rural America lacks in is people.

Comrade, I've never seen a chicken fire a gun.

You wouldn't lie in you quest to end civil rights, would you?

I just love your Sun reference. Wow, a British Tabloid. What's next, you going to start using the Examiner? The Story is Fake or based on some small part of facts with a ton of BS piled on to make it seem real. Now, if they can figure out a way to keep their Editors and WRiters out of Prison long enough to actually keep publishing. Every year, they have a number of them go to jail about their writing. And in such a liberal country as England, you really have to go off the deep end to have that happen.

Then there is your second cite. The Daily Mirror. Another British Tabloid. This one is so bad that Wiki has banned it as a reliable source. Now, that is bad. Even the Examiner hasn't reached that low yet.

One thing both of these tabloids have in common is that they are extremely right wing publications along with being very low on the fact check scale. Not all of what they put out is wrong. But only when it involves the extreme right wing is it reported as correct. But there is a lot of made up crap about all others to make the ultra right wing look better. You really need better sources than these two. Try the Examiner.

Dumb ass....that is just one of the British news sources reporting the out of control crime and violence in Britain.... murder is up 44% in London, gun crime up 42%......

Then let's see the decent cites from decent sites. Not from tabloids. Otherwise, you are just gumming yer jaws.
That's hilarious. I was offered the backing for a City Council slot to run as a Republican. Imagine if they had known I was really a Democrat in drag :290968001256257790-final:

Yep, you’re a rino
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Rural America is awash with firearms... And violent crime is pretty much nonexistent.
Because of the firearm ownership... legally

Yes, every cow, pig, and chicken has a gun. The only thing Rural America lacks in is people.

Comrade, I've never seen a chicken fire a gun.

You wouldn't lie in you quest to end civil rights, would you?

Hey, I am not the one that said that guns were everywhere in rural America. If there were that many guns in rural America then Chickens would be armed heavily and hunting the ducks.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

chartoftheday_3848_the_us_murder_rate_compared_to_other_countries_n.jpg 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders.

in 2016 there were 489 accidental gun deaths.

How do you get to 37,000? And even then you can't because if you throw in suicides it still doesn't get you there.....

And at the same time Americans used their legal guns 2.4 million times each year to stop violent criminals, according to the CDC, and as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And what City has caused those figures to drop? NYC. And how have they done that? They increased funding and public involvement in their Police Forces. It was done not by getting more civilian guns on the streets. It was done by getting more Criminal Guns off the streets by law enforcement. More Guns have never been the answer. The Answer has always been better Police and more public involvement. You gun nutters don't want to spend taxes for that since it would be a Democratic method and solution since it would require increasing taxes. And that would be, as you call it, a Socialist move. It's not socialist, it's just a fact of life that we need to spend money for a better police presence along with better training. But that would get in the way of your "More Guns" routine.
Nice try, but magic eight ball says try again. And you in the back of your mind, you already know that.

The magic eight ball isn't what governs this country. The Constitution says "shall not be infringed."

Nice one. And what does it mean? And exactly what does Shall Not be Infringed Mean? Exactly what shall not be infringed? Does that mean I can have Nuclear Weapons if I want them? Or how about some nice friendly Pipe Bombs. Or maybe a case of Bazooka rockets along with a Bazooka. No telling when I might be attacked by a squirrel that is armed with a Mini Gun.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

chartoftheday_3848_the_us_murder_rate_compared_to_other_countries_n.jpg 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders.

in 2016 there were 489 accidental gun deaths.

How do you get to 37,000? And even then you can't because if you throw in suicides it still doesn't get you there.....

And at the same time Americans used their legal guns 2.4 million times each year to stop violent criminals, according to the CDC, and as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And what City has caused those figures to drop? NYC. And how have they done that? They increased funding and public involvement in their Police Forces. It was done not by getting more civilian guns on the streets. It was done by getting more Criminal Guns off the streets by law enforcement. More Guns have never been the answer. The Answer has always been better Police and more public involvement. You gun nutters don't want to spend taxes for that since it would be a Democratic method and solution since it would require increasing taxes. And that would be, as you call it, a Socialist move. It's not socialist, it's just a fact of life that we need to spend money for a better police presence along with better training. But that would get in the way of your "More Guns" routine.

Wrong..... again.

It was done by Guilliani and they are living off of the techniques he used.....and since our gun murder rate in this country dropped 49%, and our gun crime rate dropped 75% as more Americans bought, and carried guns, law abiding citizens carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate....

The democrats are the ones releasing violent criminals back onto the streets you doofus....and de blasio is setting up the city to go back to the bad old days before Guilliani....

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop

New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety.

The degree of demographic change is startling.

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, for example, the number of white residents rose 1,235 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the black population decreased by 17 percent, reports City Lab.

In Bushwick, Brooklyn, the number of whites rose 610 percent over that same decade and a half; the black population was down 22 percent. Central Harlem’s white population rose 846 percent; the black share dropped 10 percent. In 2000, whites were about three-quarters of the black population in Brownsville-Ocean Hill; by 2015, there were twice as many whites as blacks.

In 2000, whites were one-third of the black population in Crown Heights North and Prospect Heights; now they exceed the black population by 20,000. The Brooklyn Navy Yards has now been declared the next cool place to be by the tech industry. Business owners are moving their residences as well as their enterprises to the area.

This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime.

A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings.

Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves.

When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well. (This racial crime disparity reflects the breakdown of the black family and the high percentage of black males — upwards of 80 percent in some neighborhoods — being raised by single mothers.)


The high-crime areas of Baltimore and Chicago have not been gentrified. Baltimore is experiencing its highest per capita murder rate for the third year in a row. While Chicago’s homicide numbers are down somewhat this year, thanks to the aggressive use of shot-spotter technology, they remain at a level far higher than in the past decade.
Nice try, but magic eight ball says try again. And you in the back of your mind, you already know that.

The magic eight ball isn't what governs this country. The Constitution says "shall not be infringed."

Nice one. And what does it mean? And exactly what does Shall Not be Infringed Mean? Exactly what shall not be infringed? Does that mean I can have Nuclear Weapons if I want them? Or how about some nice friendly Pipe Bombs. Or maybe a case of Bazooka rockets along with a Bazooka. No telling when I might be attacked by a squirrel that is armed with a Mini Gun.

It was explained in D.C. v Heller.....all bearable arms are protected, including the AR-15 civilian rifle.....

pipe bombs, and any other rocket are unusual and dangerous in that they are area effect weapons....and are not protected....rifles, pistols and shotguns are protected... Heller....more than once, so you can understand it...
Yep, you’re a rino
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Rural America is awash with firearms... And violent crime is pretty much nonexistent.
Because of the firearm ownership... legally

Yes, every cow, pig, and chicken has a gun. The only thing Rural America lacks in is people.

Comrade, I've never seen a chicken fire a gun.

You wouldn't lie in you quest to end civil rights, would you?

Hey, I am not the one that said that guns were everywhere in rural America. If there were that many guns in rural America then Chickens would be armed heavily and hunting the ducks.
You obviously have not been in rural America, Most everybody has a gun cabinet full of guns
Yep, you’re a rino
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Rural America is awash with firearms... And violent crime is pretty much nonexistent.
Because of the firearm ownership... legally

Yes, every cow, pig, and chicken has a gun. The only thing Rural America lacks in is people.

Comrade, I've never seen a chicken fire a gun.

You wouldn't lie in you quest to end civil rights, would you?

Hey, I am not the one that said that guns were everywhere in rural America. If there were that many guns in rural America then Chickens would be armed heavily and hunting the ducks.

One thing about you Communists, you're not much for logic or thinking.
Nice try, but magic eight ball says try again. And you in the back of your mind, you already know that.

The magic eight ball isn't what governs this country. The Constitution says "shall not be infringed."

Nice one. And what does it mean? And exactly what does Shall Not be Infringed Mean? Exactly what shall not be infringed? Does that mean I can have Nuclear Weapons if I want them? Or how about some nice friendly Pipe Bombs. Or maybe a case of Bazooka rockets along with a Bazooka. No telling when I might be attacked by a squirrel that is armed with a Mini Gun.

You commies are some dumb motherfuckers.

Can you "bear" a nuclear weapon?

If you can't easily carry it on your person, it isn't covered Comrade.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

chartoftheday_3848_the_us_murder_rate_compared_to_other_countries_n.jpg 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders.

in 2016 there were 489 accidental gun deaths.

How do you get to 37,000? And even then you can't because if you throw in suicides it still doesn't get you there.....

And at the same time Americans used their legal guns 2.4 million times each year to stop violent criminals, according to the CDC, and as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And what City has caused those figures to drop? NYC. And how have they done that? They increased funding and public involvement in their Police Forces. It was done not by getting more civilian guns on the streets. It was done by getting more Criminal Guns off the streets by law enforcement. More Guns have never been the answer. The Answer has always been better Police and more public involvement. You gun nutters don't want to spend taxes for that since it would be a Democratic method and solution since it would require increasing taxes. And that would be, as you call it, a Socialist move. It's not socialist, it's just a fact of life that we need to spend money for a better police presence along with better training. But that would get in the way of your "More Guns" routine.

Wrong..... again.

It was done by Guilliani and they are living off of the techniques he used.....and since our gun murder rate in this country dropped 49%, and our gun crime rate dropped 75% as more Americans bought, and carried guns, law abiding citizens carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate....

The democrats are the ones releasing violent criminals back onto the streets you doofus....and de blasio is setting up the city to go back to the bad old days before Guilliani....

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop

New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety.

The degree of demographic change is startling.

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, for example, the number of white residents rose 1,235 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the black population decreased by 17 percent, reports City Lab.

In Bushwick, Brooklyn, the number of whites rose 610 percent over that same decade and a half; the black population was down 22 percent. Central Harlem’s white population rose 846 percent; the black share dropped 10 percent. In 2000, whites were about three-quarters of the black population in Brownsville-Ocean Hill; by 2015, there were twice as many whites as blacks.

In 2000, whites were one-third of the black population in Crown Heights North and Prospect Heights; now they exceed the black population by 20,000. The Brooklyn Navy Yards has now been declared the next cool place to be by the tech industry. Business owners are moving their residences as well as their enterprises to the area.

This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime.

A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings.

Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves.

When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well. (This racial crime disparity reflects the breakdown of the black family and the high percentage of black males — upwards of 80 percent in some neighborhoods — being raised by single mothers.)


The high-crime areas of Baltimore and Chicago have not been gentrified. Baltimore is experiencing its highest per capita murder rate for the third year in a row. While Chicago’s homicide numbers are down somewhat this year, thanks to the aggressive use of shot-spotter technology, they remain at a level far higher than in the past decade.

I didn't state that any one Mayor over another. Your statement of "Wrong" is just plain wrong. If you wish to give Guliani the credit, that's fine by me. But it's been a long haul that took one of the murder capitals of the world and dropped it from that list. They did it through raised taxes, more cops on the street and beats, better training and working closer with the communities. You stated that high tech is moving into a once high crime area. Why is that? The City got rid of most of the crime and that left a large pool of workers that could be used. And that is how you defeat crime. Not by putting "More Guns" on the street.

The Other Cities need to follow suit. But first, they need to find the funding to do it. NYC is a special case. There is a lot of money there and places where they could raise taxes to gain those funds and that is exactly what they did. All the meanwhile, your bunch screamed, "You lousy Socialists" at them. They are getting results no matter who originated it.

More guns on the streets don't work in high crime areas. More cops on the corner does.
Nice try, but magic eight ball says try again. And you in the back of your mind, you already know that.

The magic eight ball isn't what governs this country. The Constitution says "shall not be infringed."

Nice one. And what does it mean? And exactly what does Shall Not be Infringed Mean? Exactly what shall not be infringed? Does that mean I can have Nuclear Weapons if I want them? Or how about some nice friendly Pipe Bombs. Or maybe a case of Bazooka rockets along with a Bazooka. No telling when I might be attacked by a squirrel that is armed with a Mini Gun.

You commies are some dumb motherfuckers.

Can you "bear" a nuclear weapon?

If you can't easily carry it on your person, it isn't covered Comrade.

Sure I could. Ever hear of a Suitcase Nuke? They Feds lay awake at night in fear of missing one of those little nasty things. It's gotten so it's impossible to sneak one of those into the US. While the yield would be low, it would still be good enough to vaporize about a 4 blocks square area and radiate a couple of miles. These little jewels are the reason we have military sniffer planes over all the major cities today. Every once in awhile one of those birds make the news and are quickly forgotten about. And those weapons are very portable, the size of a medium sized samsonite suitcase. How many people in a major city are walking around with a suitcase near a Hotel, Bus Station, Air Port and other places? Would a person carrying that nuke be suitcase nuke even be questioned unless one of the sniffers detected them? But if we use the phrase the way you keep using it "shall not be infringed" it is the right of every citizen of the United States to possess and carry a suitcase nuke under the 2nd amendment.

OMG. Ignorance abounds. It's fairly safe to say you've never fucking been there, too.
You're five times more likely to be a victim of homicide in the U.S. than Europe.
And guns are the weapon of choice according to the FBI.
37,000 gun murders versus 1600 knives. Not a typo:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

chartoftheday_3848_the_us_murder_rate_compared_to_other_countries_n.jpg 2016 there were 11,004 gun murders.

in 2016 there were 489 accidental gun deaths.

How do you get to 37,000? And even then you can't because if you throw in suicides it still doesn't get you there.....

And at the same time Americans used their legal guns 2.4 million times each year to stop violent criminals, according to the CDC, and as more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate has gone down, not up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And what City has caused those figures to drop? NYC. And how have they done that? They increased funding and public involvement in their Police Forces. It was done not by getting more civilian guns on the streets. It was done by getting more Criminal Guns off the streets by law enforcement. More Guns have never been the answer. The Answer has always been better Police and more public involvement. You gun nutters don't want to spend taxes for that since it would be a Democratic method and solution since it would require increasing taxes. And that would be, as you call it, a Socialist move. It's not socialist, it's just a fact of life that we need to spend money for a better police presence along with better training. But that would get in the way of your "More Guns" routine.

Wrong..... again.

It was done by Guilliani and they are living off of the techniques he used.....and since our gun murder rate in this country dropped 49%, and our gun crime rate dropped 75% as more Americans bought, and carried guns, law abiding citizens carrying guns does not increase the gun crime rate....

The democrats are the ones releasing violent criminals back onto the streets you doofus....and de blasio is setting up the city to go back to the bad old days before Guilliani....

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop

New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety.

The degree of demographic change is startling.

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, for example, the number of white residents rose 1,235 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the black population decreased by 17 percent, reports City Lab.

In Bushwick, Brooklyn, the number of whites rose 610 percent over that same decade and a half; the black population was down 22 percent. Central Harlem’s white population rose 846 percent; the black share dropped 10 percent. In 2000, whites were about three-quarters of the black population in Brownsville-Ocean Hill; by 2015, there were twice as many whites as blacks.

In 2000, whites were one-third of the black population in Crown Heights North and Prospect Heights; now they exceed the black population by 20,000. The Brooklyn Navy Yards has now been declared the next cool place to be by the tech industry. Business owners are moving their residences as well as their enterprises to the area.

This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime.

A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings.

Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves.

When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well. (This racial crime disparity reflects the breakdown of the black family and the high percentage of black males — upwards of 80 percent in some neighborhoods — being raised by single mothers.)


The high-crime areas of Baltimore and Chicago have not been gentrified. Baltimore is experiencing its highest per capita murder rate for the third year in a row. While Chicago’s homicide numbers are down somewhat this year, thanks to the aggressive use of shot-spotter technology, they remain at a level far higher than in the past decade.

I didn't state that any one Mayor over another. Your statement of "Wrong" is just plain wrong. If you wish to give Guliani the credit, that's fine by me. But it's been a long haul that took one of the murder capitals of the world and dropped it from that list. They did it through raised taxes, more cops on the street and beats, better training and working closer with the communities. You stated that high tech is moving into a once high crime area. Why is that? The City got rid of most of the crime and that left a large pool of workers that could be used. And that is how you defeat crime. Not by putting "More Guns" on the street.

The Other Cities need to follow suit. But first, they need to find the funding to do it. NYC is a special case. There is a lot of money there and places where they could raise taxes to gain those funds and that is exactly what they did. All the meanwhile, your bunch screamed, "You lousy Socialists" at them. They are getting results no matter who originated it.

More guns on the streets don't work in high crime areas. More cops on the corner does.

Comrade; you who seek to end civil rights demand that only police should be allowed to have guns. Does that mean that the police are safer with guns? I mean, are there LESS incidents of accidental shootings and gun violence with police than there are among the peasants?

I await your response.... :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:
Oooookay. meanwhile, back at the ranch, we don't either want or need to give guns out like candy Just to anyone . Can we predict when so called SANE people with guns will go insane?
Rural America is awash with firearms... And violent crime is pretty much nonexistent.
Because of the firearm ownership... legally

Yes, every cow, pig, and chicken has a gun. The only thing Rural America lacks in is people.

Comrade, I've never seen a chicken fire a gun.

You wouldn't lie in you quest to end civil rights, would you?

Hey, I am not the one that said that guns were everywhere in rural America. If there were that many guns in rural America then Chickens would be armed heavily and hunting the ducks.
You obviously have not been in rural America, Most everybody has a gun cabinet full of guns

I spent the first 19 years of my life on Ranches. I worked as a Ranch Hand, Irrigator, Ditch Rider, Fence Rider and more. My first firearm that was my own was a 12 gauge when I was 12. Dad told me when I could shoot it I could have others. The next one was a 22. Then the next one was a Military Surplus 1946 British Enfield Smelly 303 that I used for hunting for the next 20 years or so. We didn't have walk in closets full of guns. We had gun racks in the living room with only a few guns that belonged to each family member. Each of us usually only owned one rifle, one shot gun and maybe a handgun. When we left the home our handful of guns left with us. Sorry, but each firearm had a purpose and that purpose usually was to put meat on the table or to bag unwanted Coyotes. The 22 rifle was usually handed down to the next generation but the shotguns and rifles stayed with the person. We were too busy working to worry about taking over the Government by force.

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