Beck @ 3/5ths


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
Think Progress Beck: The Census Is The Government’s Attempt To ‘Increase Slavery’

BECK: Why were they asking the race question, you said when, in 1790? … Right, they want to know, do you count as three-fifths? Do you count at all? So, you have to know how many slaves did you have? People find that offensive today because the idea was, if we’re going to count, we want to know how many are here for services etc. etc. and slaves would get less. Well that’s not right. One. One. ‘I’m not three-fifths, I’m one. Whites are not worth than me.’ Now reverse it, why are they asking this question today?

CO-HOST: Because minorities are worth more than whites.

BECK: Exactly right. So you will get more dollars if you are a minority. So you are worth more as a monitory. Well there is no difference. The reason you don’t answer the race question is because one, everyone counts as one. All men are created equal. If you were offended back in 1790 about slavery and that everyone should count the same, do not answer the race question. How dare you. How dare you. At least in 1790, they were doing it to slow the South down on slavery. To try to stop it as much as they can. Today they are asking the race question to try to increase slavery. Your dependence on the master in Washington. No way, don’t answer that question.

nothing better to do since the movie bombed......
Well, for starters 3/5ths had nothing to do with Blacks. It had to do with slaves. Freed black men were counted just like free white men.
And they have asked this question on every census. I am told between 1890 and 1900 something like 300,000 people changed their race (I may be off on the actual number).
Beck gets a little carried away sometimes.

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