Beck Blames Evils of Slavery On Government Regulation

Let's take a look at societies without 'government regulations'


Mumbai, India


SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China is studying whether to impose an environmental tax on polluters to cut their emissions, the official China Daily reported on Saturday.

For a moment there I thought you were showing images of the 10/2 rally.

fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions, moron.

REALLY pea brain???

Just Google: Republicans against regulations


Republicans reject advancing financial regulations bill Growing government

Republicans Blitz Obama Over EPA's 'Anti-Industrial' Regulations More growing government. fyi, CO2 is not a polutant.

Net neutrality bill blocked by Republicans Your welcome. There will be no censorship of the Net by the Fed.

Republicans plot campaign against FCC broadband regulation Same as net neut. your welcome some more.

Republicans Want to Revisit Financial Regulation Reform Bill Do you know why or are you just adding this b/c your an idiot and assume it must be bad?

Congressional Republicans Against Consumer Protections Any specifics? fyi, GROWING government.

Senate blocks action on financial regulation bill This one says Senate, not senate GOP

Republicans Block Wall Street Regulation Bill for Second Day in a Row
You are not very good at this are you? More growing governemtn that will require the government to spend more and since they don't make money they will borrow to go deeper in debt or raise taxes too stall the recovery.

I see I'm speaking to a mind slave.
For a moment there I thought you were showing images of the 10/2 rally.

fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions, moron.
I can see

REALLY pea brain???

Just Google: Republicans against regulations


Republicans reject advancing financial regulations bill Growing government

Republicans Blitz Obama Over EPA's 'Anti-Industrial' Regulations More growing government. fyi, CO2 is not a polutant.

Net neutrality bill blocked by Republicans Your welcome. There will be no censorship of the Net by the Fed.

Republicans plot campaign against FCC broadband regulation Same as net neut. your welcome some more.

Republicans Want to Revisit Financial Regulation Reform Bill Do you know why or are you just adding this b/c your an idiot and assume it must be bad?

Congressional Republicans Against Consumer Protections Any specifics? fyi, GROWING government.

Senate blocks action on financial regulation bill This one says Senate, not senate GOP

Republicans Block Wall Street Regulation Bill for Second Day in a Row
You are not very good at this are you? More growing governemtn that will require the government to spend more and since they don't make money they will borrow to go deeper in debt or raise taxes too stall the recovery.

I see I'm speaking to a mind slave.

I see I am talking to a right wing pea brain...

YOU said: 'fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions'

Since Ronbo Reagan, the Republicans have been for DEregulation.

Do you live on THIS planet asshole?
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the ghestapo wasn't into education and Beck isn't either, he's playing on the dumbest of the dumb cons not knowing thier History he's rewriting.
I can see

REALLY pea brain???

Just Google: Republicans against regulations


Republicans reject advancing financial regulations bill Growing government

Republicans Blitz Obama Over EPA's 'Anti-Industrial' Regulations More growing government. fyi, CO2 is not a polutant.

Net neutrality bill blocked by Republicans Your welcome. There will be no censorship of the Net by the Fed.

Republicans plot campaign against FCC broadband regulation Same as net neut. your welcome some more.

Republicans Want to Revisit Financial Regulation Reform Bill Do you know why or are you just adding this b/c your an idiot and assume it must be bad?

Congressional Republicans Against Consumer Protections Any specifics? fyi, GROWING government.

Senate blocks action on financial regulation bill This one says Senate, not senate GOP

Republicans Block Wall Street Regulation Bill for Second Day in a Row
You are not very good at this are you? More growing governemtn that will require the government to spend more and since they don't make money they will borrow to go deeper in debt or raise taxes too stall the recovery.

I see I'm speaking to a mind slave.

I see I am talking to a right wing pea brain...

YOU said: 'fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions'

Since Ronbo Reagan, the Republicans have been for DEregulation.

Do you live on THIS planet asshole?

Yes I do slave. I live on the same planet but in the area that knows the governement is not to be trusted.

Did you hear what we did in Guatamala and in Tuskegee?

But of course slaves always want their masters to have more, b/c then they will need more slaves, and as we all know,

Misery loves company.
Ultimately he's correct here. The early colonial courts did play a big role in making indentured servitude into chattel slavery. It became an ingrained social superstructure because the government bodies allowed, promoted, and enforced it--same with Jim Crow. The founding fathers could've killed slavery in Philly, and I think it was Jefferson who called the country eventually dividing over it.

But Becky made this point in his patented herp-a-derp way. Slave trade never needs evil as a qualifier, for one. It's amazing to me how such an inarticulate clown could have such an audience... and that applies to other talking heads.
Simple. People need to blame their own faults on someone else. And in the case of Beck and his ilk, blaming the government is the most convenient way for them to feel good about themselves.
You are not very good at this are you? More growing governemtn that will require the government to spend more and since they don't make money they will borrow to go deeper in debt or raise taxes too stall the recovery.

I see I'm speaking to a mind slave.

I see I am talking to a right wing pea brain...

YOU said: 'fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions'

Since Ronbo Reagan, the Republicans have been for DEregulation.

Do you live on THIS planet asshole?

Yes I do slave. I live on the same planet but in the area that knows the governement is not to be trusted.

Did you hear what we did in Guatamala and in Tuskegee?

But of course slaves always want their masters to have more, b/c then they will need more slaves, and as we all know,

Misery loves company.

Hey pea brain, you SAY 'no one said get rid of all regualtions'...So tell me Einstein; WHO implements regulations, Martians?

SO what you are REALLY saying is that YOU are FOR getting rid of regulations.

You are an idiot, but you are too stupid to know it...:lol::lol::lol:
I see I am talking to a right wing pea brain...

YOU said: 'fyi, no one said get rid of all regualtions'

Since Ronbo Reagan, the Republicans have been for DEregulation.

Do you live on THIS planet asshole?

Yes I do slave. I live on the same planet but in the area that knows the governement is not to be trusted.

Did you hear what we did in Guatamala and in Tuskegee?

But of course slaves always want their masters to have more, b/c then they will need more slaves, and as we all know,

Misery loves company.

Hey pea brain, you SAY 'no one said get rid of all regualtions'...So tell me Einstein; WHO implements regulations, Martians?

SO what you are REALLY saying is that YOU are FOR getting rid of regulations.

You are an idiot, but you are too stupid to know it...:lol::lol::lol:

So what you are saying that you demand your nanny state take care of everything for you b/c you lack the manhood to do so for yourself.

I knew that slave.

fyi, we have so many regs now it's very very hard for new biz to get started. But like I said, miserable slaves want company.

8/28 and 10/2. There are regs against littering, laws actually. The conservatives didn't leave any trash behind, the libes, like you, left piles of garbage.

So who cares about the land more? And who just talks the talk?
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.
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Yes I do slave. I live on the same planet but in the area that knows the governement is not to be trusted.

Did you hear what we did in Guatamala and in Tuskegee?

But of course slaves always want their masters to have more, b/c then they will need more slaves, and as we all know,

Misery loves company.

Hey pea brain, you SAY 'no one said get rid of all regualtions'...So tell me Einstein; WHO implements regulations, Martians?

SO what you are REALLY saying is that YOU are FOR getting rid of regulations.

You are an idiot, but you are too stupid to know it...:lol::lol::lol:

So what you are saying that you demand your nanny state take care of everything for you b/c you lack the manhood to do so for yourself.

I knew that slave.

fyi, we have so many regs now it's very very hard for new biz to get started. But like I said, miserable slaves want company.

8/28 and 10/2. There are regs against littering, laws actually. The conservatives didn't leave any trash behind, the libes, like you, left piles of garbage.

So who cares about the land more? And who just talks the talk?

Actually the conservatives and Republicans left a HUGE pile of trash... they trashed America and everything that was accomplished from the turn of the 20th century through the late 1960's.

The melt down of our economy was because Republicans repealed or relaxed regulations that had worked for decades to create wealth for EVERYBODY, not just the top 1%.

America tried 'no government regulations' from the Civil War until the early 1900's didn't work...but Ronbo Reagan, the pied piper on the road to serfdom, and the union busting Republicans dismantled the New Deal regulations and created 1900 America all over again!

America at the Turn of the Century

At the turn of the century America was in the midst of a great industrialization that had begun in the civil war. Great concentration of wealth had fallen to a few Americans who turned them into industrial development. These included Rockefeller in oil, Gould, Vanderbilt, Huntington and Stanford in railroads, Carnegie in steel, and so on.

Conditions of the Industrial System

The industrial system was marked by several characteristics that offered challenges to political leaders:

* Great disparities of wealth marked the economic life of the industrial cities. The most squalid of slums contained the urban poor mere blocks from opulent mansions in which the wealthy lived like royalty.

* Cheap Labor. Immigration and the migration from farms provided a seemingly inexhaustible supply of labor. This made labor a cheap part of industrial production as a result of the laws of supply and demand. To the industrialist, expenditures for safety made no economic sense: an injured or deceased worker was easily replaced by another. Wages could be kept low because there was always another worker willing to work for the lower wage. Attempts by workers to organize to confront the organized wealth of the barons for whom they worked were unsuccessful. Replacement workers were readily available. Hiring these "scabs" as labor called them inevitably led to disasters such as the Homestead Strike and the Pullman Strike in which quasi-military forces were brought in my the barons and workers died.

* Exploitation of Customers. In the climate of the times, the industrialists had the power to set prices. Railroads serviced the farmers along their lines, but the farmers needed the railroads to survive. There seemed no limit to the profit that the railroads could extract from the farmer. Furthermore with entire industries controlled by one source, there was no compulsion for quality. Books like The Jungle portrayed the meat packing industry in Chicago and the lack of concern with the safety of food.

* Corruption of Government. The concentrated wealth had an outlet in the corrupting of governmental officials. In the late 19th century the United States Senate was owned by the railroads. The wealthy poured money into the campaigns and pockets of key governmental officials who in turn protected their interests. In the large cities, the political machines organized politics not to address community concerns but as a provider of private largesse to those who supported the machine, rich and poor.

WHAT DEregulation in America looked like...


Pittsburgh, PA


In New York, officials investigate a squalid tenement, 1900.



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Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.

I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.

I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain
We have slavery now. In China. No one really wants to work 10 hours a day for 7 days a week for a hundred bucks a month. That's slavery.
TFF...not a single loony lefty has actually disputed beck's claims...

silkysalad even explained it to you guys in simple english, but all you morons could do is insult him while ignoring the facts

as soon as you get off Beck's nuts, you find it easy to see that slavery comes way before US gov regulation.
Ultimately he's correct here. The early colonial courts did play a big role in making indentured servitude into chattel slavery. It became an ingrained social superstructure because the government bodies allowed, promoted, and enforced it--same with Jim Crow.

really? wow! you truly do live in a world of your own.

Okay... :eusa_eh:

Even the wikipedia article you linked to says the same thing.

I look at it this way. The slave buyers were the criminals; the government was an accessory to the crime. European demand was an accessory. Spanish slave ships were an accessory. This was a wide-spread failure of humanity, and there's plenty of blame to go around.

Still, even though Becky was vague, his point is correct in and of itself. The government played a large role in institutionalizing slavery. But to my understanding he didn't point out that there were other factors too. He focused on government as a way to drive his 'tardlicious analogy to health-insurance reform.

That analogy is stupid, imo. When people say we're becoming slaves to the government, it reminds me of when commie hippies say capitalism has made us slaves of the 9-to-5. Hyperbolic rhetoric used to monger fear and paranoia.
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.

I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain

somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things
Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.

I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain

somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things

What an incredibly stoopid thing to say.

Welfare has chained people into that way of life for generations. It's incredibly hard to get off of it, especially if you were born and grew up on it. How do you know how to put in a days work when you have never seen anyone do it?

And the SS check you whine about. That's her money being given back to her.
I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain

somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things

What an incredibly stoopid thing to say.

Welfare has chained people into that way of life for generations. It's incredibly hard to get off of it, especially if you were born and grew up on it. How do you know how to put in a days work when you have never seen anyone do it?

And the SS check you whine about. That's her money being given back to her.

Eat shit you loser. Government money is government money. Many people on welfare also paid taxes. Not everyone on welfare is born on it -- d'oh!
He actually gave a small lesson on the origins of slavery in this country. It had a lot to do with court cases that sent precidents and alowed it to continue for so long, but the original poster would never talk about that. Its much to easy just to dismiss Beck instead of prove him wrong......:clap2:

It's an absurd argument. It's the argument that the lack of law against slavery somehow translates into big government being the cause of slavery.

What if the government simply says, we have no opinion on slavery? You think that solves the problem?

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