Beck Blames Evils of Slavery On Government Regulation

Goes back to Blackstone. Slavery can only exist by positive law.
Take it easy on the demagogic room-temperature-IQ little twirps.

It's much easier for them to screech about Beck being a loon than consider the more esoteric points of the matter. ;)

Then why don't you do so, and quit pretending you know something you don't.

didn't you know? the Oddball Dude knows more about economics too ... more than Nobel Prize Winners in Economics. Yep, that's what he knows or thinks he knows. :cuckoo:
Take it easy on the demagogic room-temperature-IQ little twirps.

It's much easier for them to screech about Beck being a loon than consider the more esoteric points of the matter. ;)

Then why don't you do so, and quit pretending you know something you don't.

didn't you know? the Oddball Dude knows more about economics too ... more than Nobel Prize Winners in Economics. Yep, that's what he knows or thinks he knows. :cuckoo:

He's the perfect answer to the question of why is the Liberation party a single digit midget.
Not true. If you really stop and think about it, today's slavery is of those who use total government pay-outs and they ARE slaves to the government - government rules and regulations to obtain these freebies keep them down where they are - government is the Master and owns their souls. It did start small with FDR (a Democrat/progressive) and has been growing and growing ever since.

I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain

somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things

Dante ... you are one disrespectful person and I won't go beyond that comment. Granny does not have a fat butt, does not live in a double wide or any other trailer (never have), is eligible for some welfare benefits (income, age) but chooses not to collect on those benefits, does get a Social Security check from a system I paid into for 40+ years.
How many of them volunteered to be slaves?

"Slavery in Africa, the institution of slavery as it existed in Africa, and the effects of world slave-trade systems on African people and societies. As in most of the world, slavery, or involuntary human servitude, was practiced across Africa from prehistoric times to the modern era. When people today think of slavery, many envision the form in which it existed in the United States before the American Civil War (1861-1865): one racially identifiable group owning and exploiting another.

However, in other parts of the world, slavery has taken many different forms. In Africa, many societies recognized slaves merely as property, but others saw them as dependents who eventually might be integrated into the families of slave owners. Still other societies allowed slaves to attain positions of military or administrative power. Most often, both slave owners and slaves were black Africans, although they were frequently of different ethnic groups. Traditionally, African slaves were bought to perform menial or domestic labor, to serve as wives or concubines, or to enhance the status of the slave owner."

More: Slavery in Africa
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Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Which implies that the enslavement of other human beings was okay before the government got involved.

Oooh, boy, I better sit down after hearing that one.
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

Which implies that the enslavement of other human beings was okay before the government got involved.

Oooh, boy, I better sit down after hearing that one.

He is not commenting on Slavery Everywhere. He is talking about how it got established in America.
somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things

What an incredibly stoopid thing to say.

Welfare has chained people into that way of life for generations. It's incredibly hard to get off of it, especially if you were born and grew up on it. How do you know how to put in a days work when you have never seen anyone do it?

And the SS check you whine about. That's her money being given back to her.

Eat shit you loser. Government money is government money. Many people on welfare also paid taxes. Not everyone on welfare is born on it -- d'oh!

Damn you slaves can be dim. Not everyone was born on welfare. Where of where did I say that?

Oh, I never ever did. You can't counter the truth of what I say so your slave mentallity forces you to force crap out the wrong end and make up phony lies.

But then, you are a slave, and free thinking is not expected or wanted.
What exactly is stark raving mad about it?


Care to explain or are emoticons the extend of your input on this one.

Slavery was an economic System propped up and supported by Government in the south. How is what he said not true again?

In the South. thank you :clap2:

States rights were about big government supporting the right to own other people. Southern Confederate Values.

What is startk raving mad is to say slavery was an innocent little thing in America and the big bad government made it what it ended up ass. Which is what racist sympathizers like Avatar are always supporting
I'm sure legitimate slaves feel their pain

somebody needs to tell granny to get off her fat butt, go outside her double wide and rip up that government check she has delivered in her mailbox. and she may as well tell that government paid mailman to stop delivering things

Dante ... you are one disrespectful person and I won't go beyond that comment. Granny does not have a fat butt, does not live in a double wide or any other trailer (never have), is eligible for some welfare benefits (income, age) but chooses not to collect on those benefits, does get a Social Security check from a system I paid into for 40+ years.

oh boo hoo hoo.

drop dead!
Then why don't you do so, and quit pretending you know something you don't.

didn't you know? the Oddball Dude knows more about economics too ... more than Nobel Prize Winners in Economics. Yep, that's what he knows or thinks he knows. :cuckoo:

He's the perfect answer to the question of why is the Liberation party a single digit midget.

To be fair, the Oddball Dude is hardly representative of the Libertarian movement. Most of the hangers on like Oddball, are lightweight pseudo-intellectuals. :eusa_shhh:
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

What he's really saying is that Obama wants to enslave white people. Just so we're clear.
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

What he's really saying is that Obama wants to enslave white people. Just so we're clear.

If that's true, Obama is having a nervous breakdown considering he is part white himself. :eusa_shhh:
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

What he's really saying is that Obama wants to enslave white people. Just so we're clear.

If that's true, Obama is having a nervous breakdown considering he is part white himself. :eusa_shhh:

Unless you're all white, you're not white (unless you just can't stomach the idea of a black president, in which case "He's not really black, he's half white.")
What he's really saying is that Obama wants to enslave white people. Just so we're clear.

If that's true, Obama is having a nervous breakdown considering he is part white himself. :eusa_shhh:

Unless you're all white, you're not white (unless you just can't stomach the idea of a black president, in which case "He's not really black, he's half white.")

I have had friends for decades whose parents were of mixed racial heritage. Most blacks say they are black and most whites will say they are black when they find out (one friend looks very white). In reality to deny they are white and black is to dismiss the heritage of one parent.

Obama is half and half. :lol: And I think that is so awesome. Even though I didn't vote for the man. :eusa_shhh:
Why do people get so worked up over Beck? He doesn't mean any of it. It;s all an act that makes him money. He told Forbes as much.
Why do people get so worked up over Beck? He doesn't mean any of it. It;s all an act that makes him money. He told Forbes as much.

Then he should recite a disclaimer before he spews his garbage, something along the lines of "for entertainment purposes only.":cuckoo:
Why do people get so worked up over Beck? He doesn't mean any of it. It;s all an act that makes him money. He told Forbes as much.

Then he should recite a disclaimer before he spews his garbage, something along the lines of "for entertainment purposes only.":cuckoo:

Forbes isn't exactly obscure. Besides, if you can't tell the guy who ripped his show off of an SNL sketch might not be entirely ingenuous, you might be an idiot.

If you think he's serious and don't realize he knows jack shit about history, you're an idiot.
Beck is stark raving mad.

Glenn Beck Slavery | Glenn Beck on ObamaCare | Audio | Mediaite

"And it started small, and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here, and a court order there and a little regulation here and a little more regulation there. And before we knew it, America had slavery.

It didn’t come over in a ship to begin with, as an evil slave trade. The government began to regulate things because the people needed answers and needed solutions. It started in a court room then it went to the legislatures. That’s how slavery began. And it took a long time to enslave an entire race of people, and convince another race of people that they were somehow or another, less than them. But it can be done."

He is right on this one.

Yes, slavery totally started out with seemingly innocent ideas.

Y'all are fuckin' retarded.

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