Becky Bond (Take Down the Tea Party) is Afraid of Allen West


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
because he is going to come to represent the new Republican party.

"The danger, as Bond sees it, is that if West’s brand of politics catches on nationwide, American politics may shift rightward.
“And he’s a freshman,” Bond said. “If we don’t take him down now, he’s raising millions of dollars, and he’s going to set what the new normal is for the Republican Party.”
Bond bragged that her group is harassing West (“bird dogging him at every attempt,” in her words) in order to waste his campaign’s resources. “We’re getting to [West and Tea Party-backed congressmen] at every level.”
It is not hyperbole to say that liberals loathe the solidly conservative first-term congressman with the fire of a thousand suns. Credo SuperPAC calls West “racist, sexist, anti-science, hypocritical and downright crazy.”

Racist? How'd that happen?

In case you don't know who Becky is, she's prez of Credo SuperPAC, a progressive money laundering machine that generates huge sums of money for their candidate. "Credo SuperPAC is an outgrowth of Credo Mobile, the wireless reseller that donates part of its profits to leftist groups such as the George Soros-funded Media Matters for America, ACORN-affiliated Project Vote, Color of Change, and the Sierra Club Foundation"

"Unlike most on the Left, West is unapologetically pro-Israel and pro-life, positions that probably helped get him maligned as “racist” and “sexist.”

"He (West) has said that Fort Hood shooter Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who reportedly said Muslims should “rise up” and attack Americans as payback for the U.S. war in Iraq, is a Muslim extremist. This embarrassingly trite assertion is somehow controversial on the Left. West also refuses to appease terrorism apologists who prefer to treat Hasan as a mere sufferer of what they call “pre-virtual vicarious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

"West is being targeted as part of Credo SuperPAC’s “Take Down the Tea Party Ten” campaign. Eight enemies have been selected so far. The other Tea Party-friendly Republican congressmen with bullseyes painted on them are Steve King (Iowa), Dan Lungren (Calif.), Mike Fitzpatrick (Penn.), Joe Walsh (Ill.), Frank Guinta (N.H.), Sean Duffy (Wisc.), and Chip Cravaack (Minn.)."
PJ Media » Left-Wing Activists Admit Allen West Terrifies Them
Political opportunists like West always end up stepping over the line, just a matter of time before his diarrhea mouth destroys him.
The left is driven solely by emotion.

And they're getting shriller and shriller the closer the election gets.

Political opportunists like West always end up stepping over the line, just a matter of time before his diarrhea mouth destroys him.

Let me guess: You think Joe Biden is shrewd and intelligent.

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