Been asking this same question myself


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

but between the sewage that makes up the demrat party and a large part of the so called GOP we should not be surprised.

but between the sewage that makes up the demrat party and a large part of the so called GOP we should not be surprised.
Where is our outrage? Leftist politicians championing radical/progressive agendas have reduced once glorious American cities to squalid arenas in which tax-paying Americans are pitted against legions of drug addicts, lunatics, and indigent drifters. Murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, carjackings, and home invasions have sky-rocketed in these progressive Meccas as liberal city councils decriminalize drugs, theft, and vagrancy. Emboldened by district attorneys that refuse to prosecute and police departments contemporaneously gutted by defunding and castrated by liberal policies, society’s worst drive away the businesses and law-abiding citizens upon whose industry and tax dollars civilization is built. We are witnessing the deaths of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and New York—yet their killers remain free, in power, unapologetic, and comfortably insulated from their own idiocies.

Where is our outrage? An illegitimate presidential administration has needlessly and recklessly ceded Afghanistan to savage, Islamic fundamentalists whose 11th Century ideology will see innocents mutilated and murdered in the name of religious absolutism. For twenty years, American servicemen and -women fought, bled, and died in defense of Iraqi and Afghan freedom, only to have their sacrifices trivialized by a corrupt, hapless, Commander in Chief neither deserving of, nor lawfully elected to his station.


America’s Founding Fathers went to war with England—the world’s (then) greatest military power—because the British Parliament imposed an unjust tax on tea. Two-hundred-forty-eight years later, an illegitimate American president and Democrat Congress have wantonly and illegally terrorized, imprisoned, and attempted to poison the American people—all while ending American energy independence, allowing innumerable illegal aliens to pour across our southern border, and ushering in the highest inflation Americans have seen in thirty years. Are we so far removed in temperament from our forebears that we will re-shoulder the yoke of tyranny they so gloriously threw off? America is a nation born in the fire of revolution. Now, as in the 18th Century, we must find our outrage. We must kindle it in our hearts until it flashes into a conflagration that consumes the tyrannical, burns away the leftist sickness, and lights the way to an era of Constitutionality and renewed American greatness.

but between the sewage that makes up the demrat party and a large part of the so called GOP we should not be surprised.

It's all justified - he posted offensive mean tweets.
It's the media of course. The question is how long are they going to be able to protect a president who is clearly unable to stand up to what should be routine questioning by the press.
Where is our outrage? A Presidential election has been stolen. Incontrovertible proof of massive, organized, election fraud has been uncovered and put before legislative bodies, most of which have responded by vilifying the investigators and threatening them with prosecution.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

but between the sewage that makes up the demrat party and a large part of the so called GOP we should not be surprised.
Where is the outrage? The trump party has had it's hair on fire for a long time. You been in a cave somewhere?

but between the sewage that makes up the demrat party and a large part of the so called GOP we should not be surprised.
LOL, the author of the OP was previously a staff nurse and before that a corporate pilot. Jesus Christ, a flippin homeless flippin retard write an article that confirms your bias and you will be posting his shit relentlessly.
Where is our outrage? Leftist politicians championing radical/progressive agendas have reduced once glorious American cities to squalid arenas in which tax-paying Americans are pitted against legions of drug addicts, lunatics, and indigent drifters. Murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, carjackings, and home invasions have sky-rocketed in these progressive Meccas as liberal city councils decriminalize drugs, theft, and vagrancy. Emboldened by district attorneys that refuse to prosecute and police departments contemporaneously gutted by defunding and castrated by liberal policies, society’s worst drive away the businesses and law-abiding citizens upon whose industry and tax dollars civilization is built. We are witnessing the deaths of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and New York—yet their killers remain free, in power, unapologetic, and comfortably insulated from their own idiocies.

Where is our outrage? An illegitimate presidential administration has needlessly and recklessly ceded Afghanistan to savage, Islamic fundamentalists whose 11th Century ideology will see innocents mutilated and murdered in the name of religious absolutism. For twenty years, American servicemen and -women fought, bled, and died in defense of Iraqi and Afghan freedom, only to have their sacrifices trivialized by a corrupt, hapless, Commander in Chief neither deserving of, nor lawfully elected to his station.


America’s Founding Fathers went to war with England—the world’s (then) greatest military power—because the British Parliament imposed an unjust tax on tea. Two-hundred-forty-eight years later, an illegitimate American president and Democrat Congress have wantonly and illegally terrorized, imprisoned, and attempted to poison the American people—all while ending American energy independence, allowing innumerable illegal aliens to pour across our southern border, and ushering in the highest inflation Americans have seen in thirty years. Are we so far removed in temperament from our forebears that we will re-shoulder the yoke of tyranny they so gloriously threw off? America is a nation born in the fire of revolution. Now, as in the 18th Century, we must find our outrage. We must kindle it in our hearts until it flashes into a conflagration that consumes the tyrannical, burns away the leftist sickness, and lights the way to an era of Constitutionality and renewed American greatness.
What a spew! Feel better?

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