Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

Actually, the laws were set up to protect the rights of sovereign citizens. That's what all men are created equal is about, the rejection of the idea of royalty and tyrannical governments.

Everyone who is forced to pay income tax on earned income is suffering involuntary servitude. There is no other sane way to look at it.

Taxation is theft.

Slavery is evil.

Did anyone in this forum say it was good?

Actually, yes some did. The boot-licking Lincoln worshipers said might makes right, so they believe the slaves deserved what they got.
I guess we could say the United Confederate states was the first evil empire that threaten the United States


Givei it a look on Netfilx if you get the chance. The last 2-4 minutes are really eye opening.
After it seceded South Carolina wasn't in the union. It wasn't Federal territory.

Your argument, as usual, is just a pile of totalitarian horseshit.

It could not legally secede. A state possesses no authority to void the citizenship of Americans in residence in that state.

That is not arguable.

Horseshit. That's a claim lacking any visible means of support. There is no language in the Constitution stating anyone has a fundamental right to be a citizen of the federal government. In those days people considered themselves to be citizens of their respective states. No one ever said "I am an American." They said "I'm a Virginian" or "I'm from North Carolina."

You have no facts or logic on your side. You simply repeat the same pathetic arguments over and over.

Let's remind everyone that you are the guy in this thread who believes that he can secede from his township and in the process legally exempt himself from having to obey local laws, regulations, ordinances,

and exempt himself from paying town taxes, effectively turn his property into a sovereign nation,

and all of that is perfectly legal and constitutiionally protected.

...speaking of pathetic arguments...
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Because we are a nation of laws, not a nation of three hundred million kings and queens.

Actually, the laws were set up to protect the rights of sovereign citizens. That's what all men are created equal is about, the rejection of the idea of royalty and tyrannical governments.

Everyone who is forced to pay income tax on earned income is suffering involuntary servitude. There is no other sane way to look at it.

Taxation is theft.

What would your government look like if there was no power to tax? Be specific.
Why shouldn't you be able to secede from your township?

Because we are a nation of laws, not a nation of three hundred million kings and queens.

Actually, the laws were set up to protect the rights of sovereign citizens. That's what all men are created equal is about, the rejection of the idea of royalty and tyrannical governments.

Everyone who is forced to pay income tax on earned income is suffering involuntary servitude. There is no other sane way to look at it.

Well you could say that about any tax, therefore by your 'reasoning' one cannot have a functioning government with some amount of so-called 'involuntary servitude'

therefore only 2 conclusions can be reached

1. no government that needs taxation in order to function can be democratic, or,

2. some degree of involuntary servitude is simply a necessary component of even the most democratic of governments.
That's an outright lie. The Founding generation just got done seceding from the English Empire. The Declaration of Independence is a justification for secession. Many of the Founding Fathers can be quoted endorsing the idea of secession.

You're just plain full of shit. Your nothing more than a shill for the totalitarian state.

You're exactly right. I'm not sure where Clayton is getting this from. The 10th Amendment was designed to address the absence of a law. Just reading it is enough to understand it. If a power is not granted to the federal government, and there's no law prohibiting that power to the states, then the state (OR THE PEOPLE) have the right to use that power. Seeing as how secession was not a power granted to the federal government, and wasn't a power prohibited to the states Circa 1860, the states had perfect legitimacy in using it. Hell, the seceeded from the Articles of Confederation before ratifying the Constitution. Anyone who knows the history of how this nation began and ratified its first founding documents would understand that the founders intended for states to be able to seceed from the Union until the Union got it's act together. It was meant as a punishment mechanism in the event that the federal government became to powerful, or enacted laws that disenfranchised states, or violated it's own set of laws. Knowing where the founding fathers came from, and what they were fighting against, it's obvious what their intentions were.

They seceded from the Articles of Confederation?

lol, are you mentally disabled?

Look up the definition of secede and then figure out a way to explain to me how the colonies did not withdrawal from the AOC and ratify the new Constitution.
Actually, the laws were set up to protect the rights of sovereign citizens. That's what all men are created equal is about, the rejection of the idea of royalty and tyrannical governments.

Everyone who is forced to pay income tax on earned income is suffering involuntary servitude. There is no other sane way to look at it.

Taxation is theft.

What would your government look like if there was no power to tax? Be specific.

Having the power to tax and abusing the power to tax are two different things.
So another "patriotic" right wing kook wants to disolve the union because someone he didnt like won an election. Give it a rest already chump. You lost, get over it.

They will lose bigger in 2016 when Hillary runs.
Everyone who is forced to pay income tax on earned income is suffering involuntary servitude. There is no other sane way to look at it.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
There was nothing and there is nothing in the United States Constitution that forbids the right to secede from the Union. The Declaration of Independence asserts the right to secede.

Abraham Lincoln was a genius. When the Southern states seceded many in the North were willing to let them go. Many in the North who hated Southern whites were willing to let them go. Lincoln manuvered the Confederacy to bomb Fort Sumter. That angered Northerners enough to make them willing to fight the South.

Lincoln could have gone down in history as America's worst president: a man so hated that his election divided the country. Instead he is considered to be one of America's two or three greatest presidents.

Until the Civil War became a war against slavery the South had the better side of the argument. After the Emancipation Proclamation the North did.
It could not legally secede. A state possesses no authority to void the citizenship of Americans in residence in that state.

That is not arguable.

Horseshit. That's a claim lacking any visible means of support. There is no language in the Constitution stating anyone has a fundamental right to be a citizen of the federal government. In those days people considered themselves to be citizens of their respective states. No one ever said "I am an American." They said "I'm a Virginian" or "I'm from North Carolina."

You have no facts or logic on your side. You simply repeat the same pathetic arguments over and over.

Let's remind everyone that you are the guy in this thread who believes that he can secede from his township and in the process legally exempt himself from having to obey local laws, regulations, ordinances,

and exempt himself from paying town taxes, effectively turn his property into a sovereign nation,

and all of that is perfectly legal and constitutiionally protected.

...speaking of pathetic arguments...

I have never said it was legal or Constitutionally protected. However, it certainly isn't prohibited by the Constitution.
There was nothing and there is nothing in the United States Constitution that forbids the right to secede from the Union. The Declaration of Independence asserts the right to secede.

Abraham Lincoln was a genius. When the Southern states seceded many in the North were willing to let them go. Many in the North who hated Southern whites were willing to let them go. Lincoln manuvered the Confederacy to bomb Fort Sumter. That angered Northerners enough to make them willing to fight the South.

Lincoln could have gone down in history as America's worst president: a man so hated that his election divided the country. Instead he is considered to be one of America's two or three greatest presidents.

Until the Civil War became a war against slavery the South had the better side of the argument. After the Emancipation Proclamation the North did.

In order to JOIN the Union requires an act of Congress, Care to point out where that is in the Constitution? One can safely assume that since joining requires Congress leaving does also and LEGALLY that is a fact due to a Supreme Court decision.
There was nothing and there is nothing in the United States Constitution that forbids the right to secede from the Union. The Declaration of Independence asserts the right to secede.

Abraham Lincoln was a genius. When the Southern states seceded many in the North were willing to let them go. Many in the North who hated Southern whites were willing to let them go. Lincoln manuvered the Confederacy to bomb Fort Sumter. That angered Northerners enough to make them willing to fight the South.

Lincoln could have gone down in history as America's worst president: a man so hated that his election divided the country. Instead he is considered to be one of America's two or three greatest presidents.

Until the Civil War became a war against slavery the South had the better side of the argument. After the Emancipation Proclamation the North did.

In order to JOIN the Union requires an act of Congress, Care to point out where that is in the Constitution? One can safely assume that since joining requires Congress leaving does also and LEGALLY that is a fact due to a Supreme Court decision.

That Supreme Court decision was a complete and utter fraud.

Joining a club requires the permission of the members. Does that mean leaving the club requires their permission?

Your legal theories are obvious horseshit.
bripat disdains authority and will tell you so. Basically, he does not want to pay taxes and behave appropriately in modern society.

His legal theories are obviously nonsense.
bripat disdains authority and will tell you so. Basically, he does not want to pay taxes and behave appropriately in modern society.

His legal theories are obviously nonsense.

Of course, you are utterly incapable of proving it, Fakey. That's why all your posts are little more than personal attacks.
bripat disdains authority and will tell you so. Basically, he does not want to pay taxes and behave appropriately in modern society.

His legal theories are obviously nonsense.

Of course, you are utterly incapable of proving it, Fakey. That's why all your posts are little more than personal attacks.

You are merely describing the anarcho-weirdoes like yourself.

You have never been able to explain your theories in such a way that normal people can understand them.

The Constitution and our state and national governments are a very good way to live today.
Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage.

When have I ever said anything remotely like that? Have you been reduced to flat-out lying now? Have you decided to throw any honor or character you might have imagined you possessed right out the window? I hope you find a nice, comfortable rock to crawl under you lying scum.

Hey, Bripolar, you never addressed this. Afraid of something?
I guess the government overreach when they were trying to make it so that the new territories wouldn't have slavery in them. I mean what dirty bastards to make it harder for others to own other people.

Bullshit. Slavery was on its way out. Every country on the face of mother earth abolished slavery without wiping out 620,000 citizens.

Lincoln bent over reach the south did and started a war. . South certainly did rise up and cause the death of far too many Americans

More bullshit.

South Carolina asked politely and respectfully for Lincoln to remove federal troops from Fort Sumter. The scumbag refused.

The war of northern aggression wasn't about slavery it was about excise taxes and real state.

Apologists came up with the slavery subterfuge because they needed a pretext after causing 620,000 Americans to die.


I guess you can explain to us why the seceding states specifically mentioned slavery in their secession proclamations?

Just as soon as you explain:

1- The reason Lincoln admitted to the New York Tribune Newspaper that abolishing slavery was NOT the purpose of the Northern aggression

2- The reason he chose Johnson as his Vice president when he was a slave owner in Tennessee;


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