Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

See Maubury V Madison where they granted themselves such power...


READ the friggin Constitution

They're empowered in deciding what the Constitution means, still; despite your opinion otherwise.

I see. So you're one of those who's perfectly good with the idea of whoever has the power, regardless of how they acquired it, making you into a slave.

I guess freedom is just too damned scary for some people. I do wish they'd get over the idea that the REST of us should be content in slavery with them, though.

Candy is a good drone....that doesn't know her ass from a hole...and is complicit to be a good sheep to the Big Gubmint shepard...
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All THREE BRANCHES have equal power...EACH checking the other...ULTIMATE power is retained by...WAIT FOR IT...


Actually, the 41st Senator of the minority party pretty much has more power than any one else in Washington.


Really, the 41st Senator in the minority party in the Senate can bring all legislation to a grinding halt. That is why it is important to try to get as many center-left Senators in the Senate as possible.

Not going to happen in 2014 but 2016 and 2018 are looking good for the Dems with more GOP seats up for grabs. By that time we should have a lot more minority voters on the rolls who tend to vote for Democrats so it should really turn the tide.

That is the situation we have in Washington; again in your bizarro world; who knows?
Argue WHAT before 9 Black-Robed tyrants that are NO BETTER THAN YOU OR I? Really? THEY are NOT the final are they?

They're empowered in deciding what the Constitution means. Lemme guess; you don't recognize their authority to do so...right?

They're "empowered" to decide what the Constitution means only by THEMSELVES. I realize you're deeply impressed by people usurping and allocating to themselves powers not rightfully their own, but not all of us are sheep.

Wrong as usual, read the article for the Court. The Supreme Court is final authority on all matters involving the US Government. It is in the Constitution. I once believed they did not to, then I actually read the article. You might want to try it.
They're empowered in deciding what the Constitution means, still; despite your opinion otherwise.

I see. So you're one of those who's perfectly good with the idea of whoever has the power, regardless of how they acquired it, making you into a slave.

I guess freedom is just too damned scary for some people. I do wish they'd get over the idea that the REST of us should be content in slavery with them, though.

Candy is a good drone....that doesn't know her ass from a hole...and is complicit to be a good sheep to the Big Gubmint shepard...

We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.
Actually, the 41st Senator of the minority party pretty much has more power than any one else in Washington.


Really, the 41st Senator in the minority party in the Senate can bring all legislation to a grinding halt. That is why it is important to try to get as many center-left Senators in the Senate as possible.

Not going to happen in 2014 but 2016 and 2018 are looking good for the Dems with more GOP seats up for grabs. By that time we should have a lot more minority voters on the rolls who tend to vote for Democrats so it should really turn the tide.

That is the situation we have in Washington; again in your bizarro world; who knows?

Party...Parties...READ President Washington's WARNING about PARTIES and their detriment in his farewell speech...Giggle it...EDUCATE YOURSELF
See Maubury V Madison where they granted themselves such power...


READ the friggin Constitution

They're empowered in deciding what the Constitution means, still; despite your opinion otherwise.

What SECTION of the Constitution? Chapter and verse please?

The one on the Judiciary where it STATES the Supreme Court has the power to hear and decide all cases involving the US Government.
I see. So you're one of those who's perfectly good with the idea of whoever has the power, regardless of how they acquired it, making you into a slave.

I guess freedom is just too damned scary for some people. I do wish they'd get over the idea that the REST of us should be content in slavery with them, though.

Candy is a good drone....that doesn't know her ass from a hole...and is complicit to be a good sheep to the Big Gubmint shepard...

We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.

So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...
Candy is a good drone....that doesn't know her ass from a hole...and is complicit to be a good sheep to the Big Gubmint shepard...

We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.

So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...
That is as LONG as they RULE in FAVOUR of the PARTY in POWER, Right Candy?
Candy is a good drone....that doesn't know her ass from a hole...and is complicit to be a good sheep to the Big Gubmint shepard...

We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.

So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...

Far from it,

They were wrong in the past and they'll be wrong going forward. Any human endeavor will have the same result; right some times, wrong others. Don't be so damnned naive.

But if they say you have to drive with your lights on tomorrow, you have to turn your lights on or you're violating the law.
We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.

So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...

Far from it,

They were wrong in the past and they'll be wrong going forward. Any human endeavor will have the same result; right some times, wrong others. Don't be so damnned naive.

But if they say you have to drive with your lights on tomorrow, you have to turn your lights on or you're violating the law.

The COURT DOES NOT Have the final say on ANYTHING...the people DO. Get used to it.
Article III section 2.

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.

ALL cases involving the US are the responsibility of the Supreme Court. They are primary on all matters involving States. They are secondary on any case that is not a primary case.

Congress has never chosen to make exceptions nor regulations that take away that authority.
We've had the Supreme Court for the entire length of time of the nation and have built the greatest society the world has ever seen; there are no close seconds in fact.

So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...
That is as LONG as they RULE in FAVOUR of the PARTY in POWER, Right Candy?

You're now responding to yourself. I know you just got back from where ever they were keeping you but calm down and think about what you're doing.

For what it is worth, the President chastised the Supreme Court in the State of the Union over Citizens United. Obviously they were not on his side then. The same court overturned DOMA. Obviously they were seeing it his way on that case

Whatever the "party in power" is at any given time is irrelevent.

I personally think we should sell Texas to China, pay off our debt, get rid of 30,000,000 rednecks. I doubt the Supreme Court would allow Obama to sell it anymore than it would have allowed a GOP president to sell California.

Hopefully, Mr. Obama will be able to appoint 3 more justices and cement the momentum the left is gaining.
So that means their correct 100% of the time, correct? DON'T be so damned NAIVE...

Far from it,

They were wrong in the past and they'll be wrong going forward. Any human endeavor will have the same result; right some times, wrong others. Don't be so damnned naive.

But if they say you have to drive with your lights on tomorrow, you have to turn your lights on or you're violating the law.

The COURT DOES NOT Have the final say on ANYTHING...the people DO. Get used to it.

Ahh, the fiction of your world.

Yeah, people in the court do....

When you get into your truck tomorrow, don't stop at red lights and see where you end up. Go with your defense that "you" decided the red lights were infringing on your rights.
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Far from it,

They were wrong in the past and they'll be wrong going forward. Any human endeavor will have the same result; right some times, wrong others. Don't be so damnned naive.

But if they say you have to drive with your lights on tomorrow, you have to turn your lights on or you're violating the law.

The COURT DOES NOT Have the final say on ANYTHING...the people DO. Get used to it.

Ahh, the fiction of your world.

The people have the last word via the election of members of Congress. Congress can pass legislation limiting the scope of the Supreme Court with exceptions and specific regulations. They have never chosen to do so.

The people in a republic are represented by elected officials. We are not a pure democracy.
They're empowered in deciding what the Constitution means. Lemme guess; you don't recognize their authority to do so...right?

They're "empowered" to decide what the Constitution means only by THEMSELVES. I realize you're deeply impressed by people usurping and allocating to themselves powers not rightfully their own, but not all of us are sheep.

Wrong as usual, read the article for the Court. The Supreme Court is final authority on all matters involving the US Government. It is in the Constitution. I once believed they did not to, then I actually read the article. You might want to try it.

How much patience have you ever seen me have with someone saying, "This is what I believe the law says, no I won't quote it, but it does, and if you don't agree with me, you haven't read it"? What makes you think YOU will fare any better?

Consider the possibility, instead, that I have read it, and I'm just brighter than you, so I comprehended it better.

Before we go any further with you and Corndog's lame "I'll just tell you over and over what I think it says, because there are no quotes to support my beliefs" bullshit, why don't I just cut to the chase?

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;--to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;--to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;--to Controversies between two or more States;-- between a State and Citizens of another State,--between Citizens of different States,--between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."

Now then. Why doesn't one of you point out the specific verbiage that contains "judicial review"?
The COURT DOES NOT Have the final say on ANYTHING...the people DO. Get used to it.

Ahh, the fiction of your world.

The people have the last word via the election of members of Congress. Congress can pass legislation limiting the scope of the Supreme Court with exceptions and specific regulations. They have never chosen to do so.

The people in a republic are represented by elected officials. We are not a pure democracy.
Precisely.WE arem NOT a HERD Mentality...A Pure Democracy is MOB RULE. WE are not that despite the wishes of Candy and those in power for it to be so.
Far from it,

They were wrong in the past and they'll be wrong going forward. Any human endeavor will have the same result; right some times, wrong others. Don't be so damnned naive.

But if they say you have to drive with your lights on tomorrow, you have to turn your lights on or you're violating the law.

The COURT DOES NOT Have the final say on ANYTHING...the people DO. Get used to it.

Ahh, the fiction of your world.

Yeah, people in the court do....

When you get into your truck tomorrow, don't stop at red lights and see where you end up. Go with your defense that "you" decided the red lights were infringing on your rights.

What fiction? WE are NOT a DEMOCRACY...try again. The PEOPLE have REPRESENTATION in CONGRESS to CHECK THE COURT and their POWER.

They're "empowered" to decide what the Constitution means only by THEMSELVES. I realize you're deeply impressed by people usurping and allocating to themselves powers not rightfully their own, but not all of us are sheep.

Wrong as usual, read the article for the Court. The Supreme Court is final authority on all matters involving the US Government. It is in the Constitution. I once believed they did not to, then I actually read the article. You might want to try it.

How much patience have you ever seen me have with someone saying, "This is what I believe the law says, no I won't quote it, but it does, and if you don't agree with me, you haven't read it"? What makes you think YOU will fare any better?

Consider the possibility, instead, that I have read it, and I'm just brighter than you, so I comprehended it better.

Before we go any further with you and Corndog's lame "I'll just tell you over and over what I think it says, because there are no quotes to support my beliefs" bullshit, why don't I just cut to the chase?

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;--to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;--to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;--to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;--to Controversies between two or more States;-- between a State and Citizens of another State,--between Citizens of different States,--between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."

Now then. Why doesn't one of you point out the specific verbiage that contains "judicial review"?

The words do not have to appear. When a citizen or a State bring a suit against the US the Supreme Court is either the primary Judicial court or the appellate one. The COURT rules on all matters involving the US. That means if I challenge a law and it gets to the Supreme Court they decide if the law is Constitutional or not IN THAT CASE. As specified by the Constitution.

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