Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

What gives my State the right to void my Constitutional Rights, which is what would happen if my State seceded.

Answer THAT.
*YOU* Have the RIGHT TO MOVE if they do...Are you really this dense?

I don't have to move state to state to chase down my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. That's what makes them CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

What you're supporting is the invented right of ONE state to unilaterally void any of my constitutional rights it might choose to.

There is no such state right in the Constitution under any scenario.


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I had a good friend of mine that I played ball with years ago. He made a lot of $$$ in the used car business and now lives in rural Tennessee on 250 acres. He is active in militia movements I went to see him a few years ago.
There are over 3000 members in loose knot militia groups in Tennessee he tells me. About 100,00 nationwide. And he says the time is ripe for secession and revolution as his #s are growing. They do not advocate violence but he says it is close to when they have to fight back against the government same as we did against the British.
After a few beers and listening to this I had a few questions for my friend:
I asked him how many air craft carrier groups do the combined militia groups have? How many squadrons of BlackHawk helicopters and fighter planes? At this point he was not taking this too well. He then switched to well, they will take over and then the military will back them.
Sure, right.
You folks better have something to fight with if you plan on fighting.
I do not see it but go for it if that is your thing. Good luck.
Amazingly, "we don't like this" by a very few whiners does not mean the issue "is not settled."

We are humoring the whiners, although it is settled. For a long, long time, whiners.

True; it's a dead issue. Again, I think it would be a cleansing process to have them try their luck with some of the bases in the South and see how much support they get from the standing military.

If it's such a dead issue, then why are all the Lincoln worshiping turds in this thread trying so hard to dispute it?

You're mistaking dispute for rubbing your nose in the fact that you're totally powerless in today's society...

The good old boy network has died off...
The "internet tough guy" routine you try to employ is a source of laughter...
The "well what about ________" falls on deaf ears even with your constituents...

As we've indicated; what are you waiting for? Roll your dice with the US Army and take your chances bitch.

You're not chicken are you?
I had a good friend of mine that I played ball with years ago. He made a lot of $$$ in the used car business and now lives in rural Tennessee on 250 acres. He is active in militia movements I went to see him a few years ago.
There are over 3000 members in loose knot militia groups in Tennessee he tells me. About 100,00 nationwide. And he says the time is ripe for secession and revolution as his #s are growing. They do not advocate violence but he says it is close to when they have to fight back against the government same as we did against the British.
After a few beers and listening to this I had a few questions for my friend:
I asked him how many air craft carrier groups do the combined militia groups have? How many squadrons of BlackHawk helicopters and fighter planes? At this point he was not taking this too well. He then switched to well, they will take over and then the military will back them.
Sure, right.
You folks better have something to fight with if you plan on fighting.
I do not see it but go for it if that is your thing. Good luck.
With ONE CAVIAT my friend...the Military is SWORN by oath to DEFEND AND PROTECT the Constitution Of The United States and *NOT* The Government, Two totally separate entities.
How many of those did the Viet Cong have? How about The French Resistance? American Patriots during the Revolutionary war?I suggest everyone read the NorthWest Trilogy by H.A. Covington. I bout his last book a few months back and just haven't had a chance to read it yet but I will soon...his books are my go to books to read when I am down and think its all in vain.
How many of those did the Viet Cong have? How about The French Resistance? American Patriots during the Revolutionary war?I suggest everyone read the NorthWest Trilogy by H.A. Covington. I bout his last book a few months back and just haven't had a chance to read it yet but I will soon...his books are my go to books to read when I am down and think its all in vain.

Truth is? ALL POWER rests with the people per the Constitution...HOW FAR do they want this to go?
I had a good friend of mine that I played ball with years ago. He made a lot of $$$ in the used car business and now lives in rural Tennessee on 250 acres. He is active in militia movements I went to see him a few years ago.
There are over 3000 members in loose knot militia groups in Tennessee he tells me. About 100,00 nationwide. And he says the time is ripe for secession and revolution as his #s are growing. They do not advocate violence but he says it is close to when they have to fight back against the government same as we did against the British.
After a few beers and listening to this I had a few questions for my friend:
I asked him how many air craft carrier groups do the combined militia groups have? How many squadrons of BlackHawk helicopters and fighter planes? At this point he was not taking this too well. He then switched to well, they will take over and then the military will back them.
Sure, right.
You folks better have something to fight with if you plan on fighting.
I do not see it but go for it if that is your thing. Good luck.
With ONE CAVIAT my friend...the Military is SWORN by oath to DEFEND AND PROTECT the Constitution Of The United States and *NOT* The Government, Two totally separate entities.

The President is commander in Chief per the Constitution.
He has more keys to jets, subs and the like than anyone.
Imagine that, a black dude with a bunch of fast toys.
How many of those did the Viet Cong have? How about The French Resistance? American Patriots during the Revolutionary war?I suggest everyone read the NorthWest Trilogy by H.A. Covington. I bout his last book a few months back and just haven't had a chance to read it yet but I will soon...his books are my go to books to read when I am down and think its all in vain.

The 350,000 draftees per year from North Viet Nam trained and sent as NVA regulars is what was the problem in Nam.
We kicked the shit out of the Cong during Tet and wiped out almost all their command and control in country.
Not taking anything away from the brave freedom fighters such as my ancestors that fought the British but that was 240 years ago with an army that had to travel thousands of miles to come here to fight.
Nothing compared to air craft carrier groups, stealth weapons and the technology of today's military.
Militia groups would be pink mist without even knowing or hearing what hit them.
Yes, this is a done deal, and we simply enjoy rubbing your noses in it.

I am done with this until the next thread in which it arises.
How many of those did the Viet Cong have? How about The French Resistance? American Patriots during the Revolutionary war?I suggest everyone read the NorthWest Trilogy by H.A. Covington. I bout his last book a few months back and just haven't had a chance to read it yet but I will soon...his books are my go to books to read when I am down and think its all in vain.

The 350,000 draftees per year from North Viet Nam trained and sent as NVA regulars is what was the problem in Nam.
We kicked the shit out of the Cong during Tet and wiped out almost all their command and control in country.
Not taking anything away from the brave freedom fighters such as my ancestors that fought the British but that was 240 years ago with an army that had to travel thousands of miles to come here to fight.
Nothing compared to air craft carrier groups, stealth weapons and the technology of today's military.
Militia groups would be pink mist without even knowing or hearing what hit them.

Sure they have the technology but its never the generals that give up in a guerilla war its the accountants. Make it to expensive for them to continue on and they will throw in the towel.Plus you cant kill what you can't see.
Sigh. Still at it, I see. Well, my Great Grandfather, who fought for Tennessee, would be pleased...if he wern't so dead.
I had a good friend of mine that I played ball with years ago. He made a lot of $$$ in the used car business and now lives in rural Tennessee on 250 acres. He is active in militia movements I went to see him a few years ago.
There are over 3000 members in loose knot militia groups in Tennessee he tells me. About 100,00 nationwide. And he says the time is ripe for secession and revolution as his #s are growing. They do not advocate violence but he says it is close to when they have to fight back against the government same as we did against the British.
After a few beers and listening to this I had a few questions for my friend:
I asked him how many air craft carrier groups do the combined militia groups have? How many squadrons of BlackHawk helicopters and fighter planes? At this point he was not taking this too well. He then switched to well, they will take over and then the military will back them.
Sure, right.
You folks better have something to fight with if you plan on fighting.
I do not see it but go for it if that is your thing. Good luck.

OK. maybe 100,000 nationwide. Of course, when it came down to really dying, I think that there would only be about 1/10 of that many that would retain interest. And there are millions of us that have worn the uniform of this nation, and would aid the authorities in doing whatever was neccessary to put down such idiots.
I had a good friend of mine that I played ball with years ago. He made a lot of $$$ in the used car business and now lives in rural Tennessee on 250 acres. He is active in militia movements I went to see him a few years ago.
There are over 3000 members in loose knot militia groups in Tennessee he tells me. About 100,00 nationwide. And he says the time is ripe for secession and revolution as his #s are growing. They do not advocate violence but he says it is close to when they have to fight back against the government same as we did against the British.
After a few beers and listening to this I had a few questions for my friend:
I asked him how many air craft carrier groups do the combined militia groups have? How many squadrons of BlackHawk helicopters and fighter planes? At this point he was not taking this too well. He then switched to well, they will take over and then the military will back them.
Sure, right.
You folks better have something to fight with if you plan on fighting.
I do not see it but go for it if that is your thing. Good luck.
With ONE CAVIAT my friend...the Military is SWORN by oath to DEFEND AND PROTECT the Constitution Of The United States and *NOT* The Government, Two totally separate entities.

The President is commander in Chief per the Constitution.
He has more keys to jets, subs and the like than anyone.
Imagine that, a black dude with a bunch of fast toys.

Race notwithstanding (and NOT MATERIAL)...doesn't matter...even *HE* is bound to his OATH to defend and PROTECT the Constitution...lately? HE has been subverting it..."If Congress doesn't act, I will"...

HE doesn't POSESS that power..., now does he?
In order to protect your parasitic rights to welfare you must move to the remaining states.


Maybe I just want my right to bear arms. Maybe I'm in Connecticut, and Connecticut is seceding so they can get out from under the 'tyranny' of the Second Amendment.

What then?

Then it is their RIGHT to CAPITULATE TO CRIMINALS AND TYRANNY...Get it yet Squimby?

This isn't exactly rocket magic, people. Get a history book and look up "the origin of West Virginia". Sheesh.
Sigh. Still at it, I see. Well, my Great Grandfather, who fought for Tennessee, would be pleased...if he wern't so dead.
Be pleased that what WE still have he ability to debate it? YES would my Great-Great Great Grand-Dad, Phillip Schulyer...whom was one of the Generals under Washington...:eusa_whistle:
True; it's a dead issue. Again, I think it would be a cleansing process to have them try their luck with some of the bases in the South and see how much support they get from the standing military.

If it's such a dead issue, then why are all the Lincoln worshiping turds in this thread trying so hard to dispute it?

You're mistaking dispute for rubbing your nose in the fact that you're totally powerless in today's society...

The good old boy network has died off...
The "internet tough guy" routine you try to employ is a source of laughter...
The "well what about ________" falls on deaf ears even with your constituents...

As we've indicated; what are you waiting for? Roll your dice with the US Army and take your chances bitch.

You're not chicken are you?

Ahh, the cheerful despotic cry of "We hold you prisoner, and we can abuse you any way we want!"

Tell us again what defenders of freedom you leftist fascists are.
Sigh. Still at it, I see. Well, my Great Grandfather, who fought for Tennessee, would be pleased...if he wern't so dead.
Be pleased that what WE still have he ability to debate it? YES would my Great-Great Great Grand-Dad, Phillip Schulyer...whom was one of the Generals under Washington...:eusa_whistle:

Pfft. I'll see your general, and raise you a President of the CSA, MY great-great-great-grandfather.
Sigh. Still at it, I see. Well, my Great Grandfather, who fought for Tennessee, would be pleased...if he wern't so dead.
Be pleased that what WE still have he ability to debate it? YES would my Great-Great Great Grand-Dad, Phillip Schulyer...whom was one of the Generals under Washington...:eusa_whistle:

Pfft. I'll see your general, and raise you a President of the CSA, MY great-great-great-grandfather.

Congrats Hon :) YOU and I have equal stake in this Republic and it's preservation under law. :)

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