Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund tied to Crown Prince MBS Had Big Doubts

Yes. The Saudis own the biggest refinery in the US and they don't need to hire anyone. TransCanada has lied their asses off about creating thousands of new jobs.
That refinery can only process less than half of the oil imported from Saudi Arabia and NONE of the oil from canada

dont you EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING?
That refinery can only process less than half of the oil imported from Saudi Arabia and NONE of the oil from canada

dont you EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING?
We import VERY little oil from Saudi Arabia. What are you talking about?
We import VERY little oil from Saudi Arabia. What are you talking about?
At the
We import VERY little oil from Saudi Arabia. What are you talking about?
the amount varies and has been declining

but at present saudi arabia imports 500,000 barrels a day and the refinery can process 600,000

so its at near capacity already and may or may not be equipped to handle heavy canadian oil
Ethics experts say that such a deal creates the appearance of potential payback for Mr. Kushner’s actions in the White House — or of a bid for future favor if Mr. Trump seeks and wins another presidential term in 2024.

Mr. Kushner played a leading role inside the Trump administration defending Crown Prince Mohammed after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that he had approved the 2018 killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi columnist for The Washington Post and resident of Virginia who had criticized the kingdom’s rulers.

What was that about Hunter Biden laptop again?
The NY Times seriously? How about a more credible news source like the National Enquirer.
And then when it gets to Houston the oil just refines itself into useful products with no workers involved

How come the keystone pipeline that already exists didn't lower the price of gas??

Keystone XL is just an extension of an already existing how come the dirty tarsands that is already going thru the Keystone pipeline isn't the Utopia conservatives claim it is??


My favorite line:

“Saudi Arabia, which famously dismembered a man via bone saw, was worried Kushner was a P.R. risk to them.” 🤣

But let’s be fair: On the Democratic side, Hunter Biden was equally corrupt and even more of “a loser” — and he is now finally facing prosecution for not reporting / paying his taxes.

While Hunter is being investigated and maybe prosecuted, he was never himself in government. “Look the other way” Biden at least knew better than that.

Here’s a report in the NY Post — to balance the Vanity Fair coverage — and also the original report from The NY Times:

Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons
Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had Big Doubts
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I give this story 24 hours before it blows up as fake misrepresented lies.....


My favorite line:

“Saudi Arabia, which famously dismembered a man via bone saw, was worried Kushner was a P.R. risk to them.” 🤣

But let’s be fair: On the Democratic side, Hunter Biden was equally corrupt and even more of “a loser” — and he is now finally facing prosecution for not reporting / paying his taxes.

While Hunter is being investigated and maybe prosecuted, he was never himself in government. “Look the other way” Biden at least knew better than that.

Here’s a report in the NY Post — to balance the Vanity Fair coverage — and also the original report from The NY Times:

Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons
Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had Big Doubts

You can just SMELL the desperation of you Nazis.

HUNTER GOT CAUGHT, quick, dig up something from 6 years ago to blame of TRUMP, that'll distract everyone..

What desperation?

You quick defense of the grifter family again?

Yeah - November is going to be REAL bad for you Nazis.

That you MASSIVELY interfered in the 2020 election by covering up major crimes by Xi's pick isn't even the biggest part.

What the FUCK made your Reich think that pedophilia was a way to win the hearts and minds of America?

Look, the democrat Reich is a totalitarian dictatorship, and you are a peasant, they sure weren't going to consult with you. But this has got to be the dumbest move in history.

I think this may be an extinction level event for you Nazis. But your rulers will ooze back into the sewer and reemerge with a different party name.
You can just SMELL the desperation of you Nazis.

HUNTER GOT CAUGHT, quick, dig up something from 6 years ago to blame of TRUMP, that'll distract everyone..
Desperation? I think it is all very amusing that all sides are now clearly revealed as corrupt. Where is everybody’s sense of humor? Where is that realistic and necessarily cynical understanding of politics that makes a capitalist democracy like ours work?

Who can be surprised that at least some members of powerful political families “cash in” on tempting opportunities to make money out of their personal, marriage or blood relations?

The amazing thing to me is that anyone expected anything different. This is, after all, “the American Way”! Only lunatic partisans like Uncensored2008 would be surprised by this shit. How “Un-American” it would be to turn down … an easy opportunity to get rich!

And what about “family values”? Who says Biden doesn’t have family values? :)

Who could possibly think that Trump and his whole grifting family would not “cash in” on his Presidency? :cool:

The naïveté and petty partisan madness of Americans these days is stunning. Especially those nutcases who describe the regular “lesser evil” supporters of the traditional Democratic or Republican parties as “Nazi this” and “Nazi that.”

Uncensored2008 wants to “de-Nazify” people like me. Such fools sound like Putin, who wants to “denazify” all Ukrainians who dislike his crude and brutal Mafia-run “Great Russian Slavic family.” Indeed, if we don’t reject these madmen our own society may collapse, as did the “Great Russian” empire of Tzarism and the Soviet Union.
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Yeah - November is going to be REAL bad for you Nazis.

That you MASSIVELY interfered in the 2020 election by covering up major crimes by Xi's pick isn't even the biggest part.

What the FUCK made your Reich think that pedophilia was a way to win the hearts and minds of America?

Look, the democrat Reich is a totalitarian dictatorship, and you are a peasant, they sure weren't going to consult with you. But this has got to be the dumbest move in history.

I think this may be an extinction level event for you Nazis. But your rulers will ooze back into the sewer and reemerge with a different party name.
Your local NAZI party would be so proud of your post if this was 1030's Germany.

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