Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund tied to Crown Prince MBS Had Big Doubts

Let's not forget that Kushner had no business being involved in government in the first place, but the nepotism and cronyism of Trump knows no boundaries.
Ethics experts say that such a deal creates the appearance of potential payback for Mr. Kushner’s actions in the White House — or of a bid for future favor if Mr. Trump seeks and wins another presidential term in 2024.

Mr. Kushner played a leading role inside the Trump administration defending Crown Prince Mohammed after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that he had approved the 2018 killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi columnist for The Washington Post and resident of Virginia who had criticized the kingdom’s rulers.

What was that about Hunter Biden laptop again?

Ethics experts say that such a deal creates the appearance of potential payback for Mr. Kushner’s actions in the White House — or of a bid for future favor if Mr. Trump seeks and wins another presidential term in 2024.

Mr. Kushner played a leading role inside the Trump administration defending Crown Prince Mohammed after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that he had approved the 2018 killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi columnist for The Washington Post and resident of Virginia who had criticized the kingdom’s rulers.

What was that about Hunter Biden laptop again?
2018? Why are you posting this now?
Jared worked for Trump in the WH. He was just developing investors for his company. He was upside down on Park Ave.

Jared had a leading role in the Abraham Accords which were the 1st peace deal brokered in the middle east in over 25 years. Jarad and Ivanka were both involved in business before TRUMP was POTUS, Hunter's only skill was smoking crack.
Jared had a leading role in the Abraham Accords which were the 1st peace deal brokered in the middle east in over 25 years. Jarad and Ivanka were both involved in business before TRUMP was POTUS, Hunter's only skill was smoking crack.
You've forgotten the Saudi peace initiative of 2003.
With workers I presume who will refine the oil
Yes. The Saudis own the biggest refinery in the US and they don't need to hire anyone. TransCanada has lied their asses off about creating thousands of new jobs.

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