Before Homes Are Even Rebuilt in the Ruins of the Gaza Strip, Another War Looms

Actually, no. It was a loud camel fart.

Just proves how cowardly the Zionists are, camel farts in the desert; IDF launches an airstrike....poor camel.

Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.
Just proves how cowardly the Zionists are, camel farts in the desert; IDF launches an airstrike....poor camel.

Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

Really , I honestly believe Israel instigates all fighting in the area, if they would live within their country and quit their covert attacks on neighboring countries and live within their boundary and quit stealing land, Arabs would not be fighting them. Israel is the terrorist organization.
Good point there Penelope.. Why WEREN'T Gazans provided with safe zones, bomb shelters, and evac plans? WHY were they told to stay in place during hostilities? Where are the civil defense priorities of Hamas for "the next war" ???
Gaza wsa given concrete and materials a few years ago, to build bomb shelters but Hamass used them for tunnels.
Prove it.
I'll take that as a, "Hossfly is making things up again" then.

care to answer this issue then rat boy

Next Gaza Disaster After War With Israel No Cement for Rebuilding - Businessweek

For years before the latest hostilities, Hamas, the Palestinian political organization, complained that Israeli restrictions on cement imports into Gaza were preventing the population from constructing homes, schools, and hospitals. As it turns out, a large share of the cement that did reach Gaza went into building underground lairs and attack tunnels for fighters from Hamas

A Bloomburg opinion piece contributed to by Calev Ben David, Communications Director of The Israel Project, described as a "right-wing media advocacy group using pro-settlement scaremongering talking points which are incendiary, dangerous, and counter-productive". Yeah OK..."a large share" is a meaningless statement like "how long is a piece of string". Of course some building materials get "syphoned off" for use by the Resistance (similar things happened all the time in occupied Europe in WW2) but in no way was all of it sequestered by the Resistance, as Hossfly tried to imply.
Just proves how cowardly the Zionists are, camel farts in the desert; IDF launches an airstrike....poor camel.

Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

An occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist that oppression and occupation by any means necessary to drive out the occupier. The Hamas Charter is only ever (mis)quoted by Hasbarists and their fellow travellers, it's been redundant for decades and not even Hamas pays any attention to it any more.
Gaza wsa given concrete and materials a few years ago, to build bomb shelters but Hamass used them for tunnels.
Prove it.
I'll take that as a, "Hossfly is making things up again" then.

care to answer this issue then rat boy

Next Gaza Disaster After War With Israel No Cement for Rebuilding - Businessweek

For years before the latest hostilities, Hamas, the Palestinian political organization, complained that Israeli restrictions on cement imports into Gaza were preventing the population from constructing homes, schools, and hospitals. As it turns out, a large share of the cement that did reach Gaza went into building underground lairs and attack tunnels for fighters from Hamas

A Bloomburg opinion piece contributed to by Calev Ben David, Communications Director of The Israel Project, described as a "right-wing media advocacy group using pro-settlement scaremongering talking points which are incendiary, dangerous, and counter-productive". Yeah OK..."a large share" is a meaningless statement like "how long is a piece of string". Of course some building materials get "syphoned off" for use by the Resistance (similar things happened all the time in occupied Europe in WW2) but in no way was all of it sequestered by the Resistance, as Hossfly tried to imply.
So, what's a reasonable percentage of material used by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas to be used in furtherance of its terrorist activities?
Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

An occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist that oppression and occupation by any means necessary to drive out the occupier. The Hamas Charter is only ever (mis)quoted by Hasbarists and their fellow travellers, it's been redundant for decades and not even Hamas pays any attention to it any more.
I wasn't aware you were tasked with being the spokes-terrorist for Hamas.

Nothing was misquoted regarding the Hamas Charter so it seems that, as usual, you're too befuddled to offer a relevant comment.
The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

An occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist that oppression and occupation by any means necessary to drive out the occupier. The Hamas Charter is only ever (mis)quoted by Hasbarists and their fellow travellers, it's been redundant for decades and not even Hamas pays any attention to it any more.
I wasn't aware you were tasked with being the spokes-terrorist for Hamas.

Nothing was misquoted regarding the Hamas Charter so it seems that, as usual, you're too befuddled to offer a relevant comment.

Not a spokes person, not a terrorist, and my comment was relevant, unlike yours above.;)
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

An occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist that oppression and occupation by any means necessary to drive out the occupier. The Hamas Charter is only ever (mis)quoted by Hasbarists and their fellow travellers, it's been redundant for decades and not even Hamas pays any attention to it any more.
I wasn't aware you were tasked with being the spokes-terrorist for Hamas.

Nothing was misquoted regarding the Hamas Charter so it seems that, as usual, you're too befuddled to offer a relevant comment.

Not a spokes person, not a terrorist, and my comment was relevant, unlike yours above.;)
Another of your routine backstrokes.

The fact is, the goals and attributes of the Hamas Charter are entirely consistent with the stated goals of Hamas and the other Islamic terrorist syndicates occupying Gaza'istan.
Actually, no. It was a loud camel fart.

Just proves how cowardly the Zionists are, camel farts in the desert; IDF launches an airstrike....poor camel.

Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.

It does right up until the Palestinians start murdering Israeli children, then they turn and bite back
Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
Gazans need to pack up and leave.

Why, Israel need to learn to live with people. The Palestinians were there first. OH its just not Gaza, everyday they are terrorizing the West Bank as well which is getting smaller and smaller. then they have the nerve to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Unbelievable.
That is how the Israelis win, and will continue to win, until it's all theirs, from the River to the Sea.

The map below shows us where this is going...


Hell, according to the Palestinians own propaganda maps, we're damned-near there already...


The so-called Palestinians have lost...

There is really no point in hanging around...

Things are not going to get any better for the Palestinians, and there is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill.

Time to go.

No arab cavalry is coming , are you sure? Sure does show how the Jews are stealing. I guess they long ago forgot their commandment , do not steal.

What have they stolen then
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

An occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist that oppression and occupation by any means necessary to drive out the occupier. The Hamas Charter is only ever (mis)quoted by Hasbarists and their fellow travellers, it's been redundant for decades and not even Hamas pays any attention to it any more.
I wasn't aware you were tasked with being the spokes-terrorist for Hamas.

Nothing was misquoted regarding the Hamas Charter so it seems that, as usual, you're too befuddled to offer a relevant comment.

Not a spokes person, not a terrorist, and my comment was relevant, unlike yours above.;)

Do show what the Palestinians have done to resist occupation of another nations land. And the any means necessary does not include mining Israeli schools or murdering Israeli children.
As for the hamas charter it was invoked only last year by hamas, so it seems that you are misquoting in your usual islamomarxist fashion.
...No arab cavalry is coming , are you sure?...

Unless you'd care to serve-up a source for this cavalry.

...Sure does show how the Jews are stealing. I guess they long ago forgot their commandment , do not steal.
Fun, ain't it?
EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, she will put an end to the slaughter.

Not if she steps out of line and finds herself out of a job.
Actually, it just proves how cowardly your Islamic terrorist heroes really are. They commit acts of war by attacking a sovereign nation. When those attacks (launched from civilian areas), are responded to by Israel, your terrorist heroes use civilians in those areas to hide behind.

One would think that your Islamic terrorist heroes could wear uniforms identifying themselves as Pal-Arab Terrorists and avoid launching attacks from civilian areas where injuries to civilians and property damage is obvious to occur.

But as we know, life is cheap in the worldview of Islamic terrorists and when your heroes do cause property destruction, they always have their dedicated, UN sponsored welfare program to bend, scrape and beg before for more kafir welfare dollars.

The way I see it Gaza has no way to even defend itself, Israel needs to pay for its war crimes. I'm sure the Palestinians care a lot about their life and homes. No one is my hero, I've seen enough of the terror the Israelies can do over the years, even during peace they are stealing land and wrecking home. Nothing but thieves.
What defense do you propose for Islamic terrorism?

As I mentioned earlier, the Hamas Charter is clear and concise in its aims and goals. Their Charter is a virulently hateful manifesto declaring Islamo-fascist goals. As their Charter is the impetus for attacks toward Israel, Gaza could end its need to defend itself by ending its association and promotion of Islamic terrorists. Are you aware that the Islamic terrorists of Hamas came to power at the hands of the Gazan population? What does that say about that populations goals and desires?

Regarding your "stealing land" comment, that suggests you're simply ignorant of the facts or intentionally lying. Are you aware of the historical practice by Israel of returning land in exchange for peace? There is a historical pattern of Israel returning land won as the result of wars of aggression by Arab-Moslems in exchange for peace.

Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and it took no time at all before that territory was transformed into an Islamic terrorist encampment. The Islamo-squatters in Gaza were given an opportunity to build a functioning society but instead chose to install your Islamic terrorist heroes as the Gazan Reichstag.

Easy, Israel behaves itself.
Israel does behave itself. You seem to believe that Islamics have an entitlement to jew killing.

If you want an instructive lesson on who is incapable of behaving, read the Hamas Charter. It's a virulently hateful manifesto of islamo-fascism.

Really , I honestly believe Israel instigates all fighting in the area, if they would live within their country and quit their covert attacks on neighboring countries and live within their boundary and quit stealing land, Arabs would not be fighting them. Israel is the terrorist organization.

So what should they do about the rockets, mortars, kidnappings and terrorism, just ignore it and hope that not too many Israeli children gen mass murdered ?
...No arab cavalry is coming , are you sure?...

Unless you'd care to serve-up a source for this cavalry.

...Sure does show how the Jews are stealing. I guess they long ago forgot their commandment , do not steal.
Fun, ain't it?
EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, she will put an end to the slaughter.
1. there is no 'slaughter'. - only collateral casualties incurred while suppressing Hamas military operations against Israel

2. the EU couldn't find its own arse with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors - but, funny stuff, that.
Gaza wsa given concrete and materials a few years ago, to build bomb shelters but Hamass used them for tunnels.
Prove it.
I'll take that as a, "Hossfly is making things up again" then.

care to answer this issue then rat boy

Next Gaza Disaster After War With Israel No Cement for Rebuilding - Businessweek

For years before the latest hostilities, Hamas, the Palestinian political organization, complained that Israeli restrictions on cement imports into Gaza were preventing the population from constructing homes, schools, and hospitals. As it turns out, a large share of the cement that did reach Gaza went into building underground lairs and attack tunnels for fighters from Hamas

A Bloomburg opinion piece contributed to by Calev Ben David, Communications Director of The Israel Project, described as a "right-wing media advocacy group using pro-settlement scaremongering talking points which are incendiary, dangerous, and counter-productive". Yeah OK..."a large share" is a meaningless statement like "how long is a piece of string". Of course some building materials get "syphoned off" for use by the Resistance (similar things happened all the time in occupied Europe in WW2) but in no way was all of it sequestered by the Resistance, as Hossfly tried to imply.

Then why has no actual rebuilding taken place in gaza for nearly a year. Why have the nations promising aid stopped sending it after watching hamas take the lot and use it for tunnels into Israel.
I'll take that as a, "Hossfly is making things up again" then.

care to answer this issue then rat boy

Next Gaza Disaster After War With Israel No Cement for Rebuilding - Businessweek

For years before the latest hostilities, Hamas, the Palestinian political organization, complained that Israeli restrictions on cement imports into Gaza were preventing the population from constructing homes, schools, and hospitals. As it turns out, a large share of the cement that did reach Gaza went into building underground lairs and attack tunnels for fighters from Hamas

A Bloomburg opinion piece contributed to by Calev Ben David, Communications Director of The Israel Project, described as a "right-wing media advocacy group using pro-settlement scaremongering talking points which are incendiary, dangerous, and counter-productive". Yeah OK..."a large share" is a meaningless statement like "how long is a piece of string". Of course some building materials get "syphoned off" for use by the Resistance (similar things happened all the time in occupied Europe in WW2) but in no way was all of it sequestered by the Resistance, as Hossfly tried to imply.

Then why has no actual rebuilding taken place in gaza for nearly a year. Why have the nations promising aid stopped sending it after watching hamas take the lot and use it for tunnels into Israel.

Maybe because the Gazans don't have a "Harry Potter & Hogwarts Construction Company" working for them. In 1947 Berlin had an equivalent population to the Gaza strip, and even with the benefit of the Marshall plan funding and supplying them it took Berliners until 1950 just to clear the rubble; and they had diggers and bulldozer that the Palestinians just don't have in Gaza.

Here's a run down of the situation as at December 2014

"I am the unluckiest housing minister in the world," said Mufeed al-Hasayna, a businessman who spent most of his career in New Jersey before joining a technocratic Palestinian government formed this year to unite Hamas-run Gaza with the West Bank.

According the Hasayna, Gaza needs 8,000 tonnes of cement a day to meet demand. A new system set up with the United Nations to comply with Israeli requirements lets through at most 2,000, he said.

At that rate, reconstruction would take more than 30 years, said Hasayna, one of four members of the unity government based in Gaza rather than the West Bank.

"We have 18,000 fully destroyed buildings and about 50,000 partially destroyed ones," he said. "Gaza before the war needed about 70,000 apartments a year to keep pace with population growth. Now after the war, Gaza needs 150,000 new apartments."

Since the war, electricity has been partially restored so that power is now cut for only eight hours a day. Sewage and water treatment plants are mostly working again, although there is still almost no drinking water.

But in terms of clearing the vast mountains of rubble and mangled steel, rebuilding homes and patching up smashed roads, bridges and other infrastructure, next to nothing has happened.

The biggest difficulty is moving reconstruction materials and other equipment into Gaza. Egypt has largely kept its border with Gaza closed, so any goods must be transferred from Israel, which has two crossings open: one for goods, one for people.

To satisfy Israeli demands for precise tracking of all cement, the United Nations came up with a strict mechanism that involves video and GPS monitoring of materials, which can only be transferred to vetted suppliers.

For ordinary Palestinians who do not have access to the official supplies, if they can find any cement at all, they can buy it only from the black market at more than $50 a bag, more than seven times the normal price.

Clearing away rubble is all but impossible, with little access to diggers and bulldozers.

Hasayna, the housing minister, signed an agreement with the U.N. Development Programme and the Swedish government last week to equip and hire local contractors to clear and recycle rubble from northern Gaza. It has yet to start on a big scale.

The men chipping away at the concrete slabs outside Sadeeqa Naseer's ruined apartment sell any steel and aggregate they can extract. But they have made little progress with hand tools."

Desperate for cement and bulldozers Gazans face winter in ruins Reuters

Oh by the way, the Germans are STILL rebuilding Berlin, 70 years after the war.

Now go away and try to stop being a complete tosser.


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