Before you vote for Biden and his socialist pals running for office, read this!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
Joe Biden says HE is the democrat party, hence these are Joe Biden's Brown Shirts

Beijing Biden's terrorist army has waged a 4 month terror war against America - but in the debates Quid Pro Joe refused to condemn the 4 month Kristalnacht and instead lied that his army is "just an idea."
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Desperation time already? :) Well, first off, no one in this country is proposing the government or the state controls the means of production. So there goes the whole socialism argument. You see, this is why no one is scared of the term anymore. You right wingers have beaten the mantra so many times that people are tuning you out. The best economies in the world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. Unfortunately, no matter how many times you bring Venezuela up or beat on the Dreamers (productive members of society by the way), you can't get around the fact that the guy at the top was corrupt. The meat and potatoes is right there in the Fox News article. You just conveniently ignore it in the hopes you can scare everybody like a ghost. "SOCIALISM!!!!".

"Four years after that, Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.
Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.
“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News. News reports from when Chavez won the Presidency in 1998 state that some Venezuelans sent their valuable property to Miami to protect it from potential confiscation".
“A series of changes started to show us the terrifying truth,” Giannina Raffo said. “Constant attacks on private property, the implementation of very harmful economic policies, criminalization of dissent, censorship, etc,”

Sound familiar Trump supporters? When you have a corrupt, narcissistic leader bent on grabbing and consolidating power, no economic system will save your country.
Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

Post Green Raw Deal it will be very similar.

The Biden-Sanders Manifesto, which Quid Pro fucking liar Joe flat out lied about in the debate - with Chris the Cocksucker failing to call him on - paints a path to a Cuba- Venezuela style socialist shit hole.

First you have to convince DemonRats that they’re socialists or running on socialism.

Good luck with that.

You can post as many videos of them praising socialism/Marxism and the average DemonRat will justsay “they don’t really mean that” or “those are only a few people”
Sound familiar Trump supporters? When you have a corrupt, narcissistic leader bent on grabbing and consolidating power, no economic system will save your country.
What power is Trump "grabbing"? Tell me how he is seizing power and then making it his own.

I mean, he isn't exactly a Marxist acolyte trying to strong arm people with daily riots, destruction and violence, is he.
Desperation time already? :) Well, first off, no one in this country is proposing the government or the state controls the means of production.

As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”:poke:

HINT: When Sanders talks about Biden being the “most progressive president since FDR” that essentially mean he would be the most socialist president since FDR judging on the particulars of the manifesto he signed. He surely does not support and defend a free market, free enterprise system, and a federal government protecting the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government by our Constitution.

Here is a link to the 110 page manifesto that Biden signed.


Joe Biden and the Democrat Leadership want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with the millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Biden is like a hostage, kept blindfolded and handcuffed in a dirty cellar by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, who will sign anything put in front of him in order to return to the surface world.

If he has any root convictions or morals I don't know what they could be. He'll say or do anything to
become president by any means necessary.
Desperation time already? :) Well, first off, no one in this country is proposing the government or the state controls the means of production.

As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”:poke:

HINT: When Sanders talks about Biden being the “most progressive president since FDR” that essentially mean he would be the most socialist president since FDR judging on the particulars of the manifesto he signed. He surely does not support and defend a free market, free enterprise system, and a federal government protecting the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government by our Constitution.

Here is a link to the 110 page manifesto that Biden signed.


Joe Biden and the Democrat Leadership want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with the millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

One small problem with your posting. At the very end of the PDF, the Signatories are listed. As in the supporters. Here they are.

Fmr. Sec. of State John Kerry, Co-chair
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Co-chair
Rep. Kathy Castor
Kerry Duggan
Catherine Flowers
Rep. Conor Lamb
Gina McCarthy
Rep. Donald McEachin

Varshini Prakash

Notice the one name missing? The very one you claim has endorsed it. Had he endorsed it it would have his name on it. Stop making shit up.

And I don't disagree with it. I only disagree with the timelines to accomplish it. If we were still using the Energy and Manufacturing production we were in the 1920s, the world would already be dead. We have made marked improvements already. I've seen that in my lifetime. Maybe your lifetime isn't long enough to see it.
One small problem with your posting. At the very end of the PDF, the Signatories are listed. As in the supporters. Here they are.
:rolleyes: Speaking of small problems, did you check who whose name is on this manifesto as a creator and co-sponsor?
Bernie Sanders and .......Joe Biden! Ta da.....!

"Notice the one name missing? The very one you claim has endorsed it. Had he endorsed it it would have his name on it. Stop making shit up. " His name IS on the paper as the person responsible for it's existence, not that I think he had a thing to do with this paper's creation except to put his name on it as a way of
the democrat old guard entering into an alliance with Bernie and the Marxists.

Political expediency is like that. Anyway, I hope you don't feel too stupid. Go to the heading on page one
to see where you went wrong.
First, no one wants us to emulate Venezuela. Think Canada, Germany, Australia. This paranoia is unfounded and tedious. There are people who have a vested professional interest in misleading you.

Second, while Biden is a lousy candidate and the Democratic party is a true shit show, Donald Trump is a national embarrassment and represents a clear and present danger to this country. There are even many Republicans, military leaders and intelligence officers who agree.

There. I made that as clear and simple as I could.
One small problem with your posting. At the very end of the PDF, the Signatories are listed. As in the supporters. Here they are.
:rolleyes: Speaking of small problems, did you check who whose name is on this manifesto as a creator and co-sponsor?
Bernie Sanders and .......Joe Biden! Ta da.....!

"Notice the one name missing? The very one you claim has endorsed it. Had he endorsed it it would have his name on it. Stop making shit up. " His name IS on the paper as the person responsible for it's existence, not that I think he had a thing to do with this paper's creation except to put his name on it as a way of
the democrat old guard entering into an alliance with Bernie and the Marxists.

Political expediency is like that. Anyway, I hope you don't feel too stupid. Go to the heading on page one
to see where you went wrong.

And exactly what part of that do you object to? Is it that it's against Rump walking back the environmental protections that have been in place for decades? Since he is doing that, is it that they are saying that he needs to be replaced as soon as possible?

Considering we are on the cusp of Fission Power (give it 5 years or less and Lockheed Martin has a small one in operation right now and just needs to scale it up) does it sound like the year 2035 to get rid of all carbon based public power generation is too far wrong?

Are you against giving builders incentives to use energy savings construction? We are already doing that. Are you against large factories and large homes (rich bitches) homes using Geothermal for heating and cooling (already being done). Are you against new vehicles being zero emission? Norway is already doing that in cars and light trucks and the new changes in the batteries are already going to the factories to tool up and more are on the way.

Are you against School buses running Electricity for power? That's actually quite easy to do. Some Cities have already changed their public buses over already and saves a ton of money each year in not only power but maintenance.

Are you against pushing Buy American programs and tax programs? That should have been done about 3 decades ago.

Are you against making Farmers and Ranchers and others more energy efficient and more profitable?

Are you against removing the Racial bonds on energy efficiency? Right now, only the rich or well off gets to have any meaningful benefit from zero energy programs.

Are you against honoring the Treaties and agreements we have with the Native American Tribes?

Are you against giving the local governments more say in the energy programs including licensing and safety?

Are you against increasing the funds for the BLM and the Forest Service to help them manage the Forest better? Trust me, we REALLY need that one.

Are you against working with World Leaders and putting pressure on China and India to clean their act up?

Exactly what part of this are you opposed to? And don't go off on something stupid like "They want to do away with Airplanes" because crap like that just isn't in there.
Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

Okay... So you left out the part where the US has been waging a 20 year economic war against the country for picking an economic system we don't like.

Shit, we turned into Venezuela when Covid Broke out... empty shelves in the stores and everything.
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Ok. I read it. Still not voting for trump.
Sound familiar Trump supporters? When you have a corrupt, narcissistic leader bent on grabbing and consolidating power, no economic system will save your country.
What power is Trump "grabbing"? Tell me how he is seizing power and then making it his own.

I mean, he isn't exactly a Marxist acolyte trying to strong arm people with daily riots, destruction and violence, is he.

Well, why don't we start with the low hanging fruit shall we?
Making the DOJ his personal law firm with the AG his personal attorney. His dismantling of basic protections and regulations designed to help the weakest among us. He's already got McConnell out there stacking courts with conservative judges so he didn't have to lift a finger there. His constant undermining and instilling distrust in norms and organizations that have been part of our existence since the beginning of this country (free and fair elections). His demeaning and demonizing a free press that is there as a check on his power.

Quite the beginnings of a dictator wanting to seize and consolidate power. Why do you think he lionizes people like Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, or Erdogan. He'd say the same thing about Chavez, but the whole socialism angle suits his narrative better. No, what Trump does is more insidious. Or have we already forgotten, "Stand Up, and Stand By"?
One small problem with your posting. At the very end of the PDF, the Signatories are listed. As in the supporters. Here they are.
:rolleyes: Speaking of small problems, did you check who whose name is on this manifesto as a creator and co-sponsor?
Bernie Sanders and .......Joe Biden! Ta da.....!

"Notice the one name missing? The very one you claim has endorsed it. Had he endorsed it it would have his name on it. Stop making shit up. " His name IS on the paper as the person responsible for it's existence, not that I think he had a thing to do with this paper's creation except to put his name on it as a way of
the democrat old guard entering into an alliance with Bernie and the Marxists.

Political expediency is like that. Anyway, I hope you don't feel too stupid. Go to the heading on page one
to see where you went wrong.

And exactly what part of that do you object to? Is it that it's against Rump walking back the environmental protections that have been in place for decades? Since he is doing that, is it that they are saying that he needs to be replaced as soon as possible?

Considering we are on the cusp of Fission Power (give it 5 years or less and Lockheed Martin has a small one in operation right now and just needs to scale it up) does it sound like the year 2035 to get rid of all carbon based public power generation is too far wrong?

Are you against giving builders incentives to use energy savings construction? We are already doing that. Are you against large factories and large homes (rich bitches) homes using Geothermal for heating and cooling (already being done). Are you against new vehicles being zero emission? Norway is already doing that in cars and light trucks and the new changes in the batteries are already going to the factories to tool up and more are on the way.

Are you against School buses running Electricity for power? That's actually quite easy to do. Some Cities have already changed their public buses over already and saves a ton of money each year in not only power but maintenance.

Are you against pushing Buy American programs and tax programs? That should have been done about 3 decades ago.

Are you against making Farmers and Ranchers and others more energy efficient and more profitable?

Are you against removing the Racial bonds on energy efficiency? Right now, only the rich or well off gets to have any meaningful benefit from zero energy programs.

Are you against honoring the Treaties and agreements we have with the Native American Tribes?

Are you against giving the local governments more say in the energy programs including licensing and safety?

Are you against increasing the funds for the BLM and the Forest Service to help them manage the Forest better? Trust me, we REALLY need that one.

Are you against working with World Leaders and putting pressure on China and India to clean their act up?

Exactly what part of this are you opposed to? And don't go off on something stupid like "They want to do away with Airplanes" because crap like that just isn't in there.
No mention at all of your Joe Biden as signatory gaffe? Okay. We'll just pretend none of
that ever happened. Wink! It's our little secret.

For your information I have no problems with any of the technological advances you mentioned
and in a free market driven economy all of that will happen as natural consequence of market demand.
For instance considering some countries, like France, get most of their energy needs met by clean endless nuclear power I wonder when the left will acknowledge it's existence and stop living in a 1979 China Syndrome bubble?
France gets 70% of their power from nuclear. The US gets only 19.7%. Nuclear power by country - Wikipedia

But if nuclear power isn't your thing fission sounds great too.

What I object to are these dictatorial time mandates from politicians (like Gavin I'm not havin' any of that
Newsom). You can't mandate technology into being before it's feasible or ready.

Joe and Benie can put their names on all the policy position papers in the world. It won't deliver
clean practical innovation before it's time has come.

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