Begging For A Pardon? D-NY Gov Cuomo Heads To DC / WH To See Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

I suspect (I know) they are undercounted in TX and Fl as well.
The tendency is to overcount COVID deaths because of the higher level of reimbursement. And you know Cuomo would do whatever he could to get his shithooks on some extra coin. This means that Cuomo knew he was responsible for those 9000 deaths, otherwise he would have never passed up on the extra cash. But Cuomo is one of those cacadones who think that if he says everything twice, people will believe him. Biden does the same thing but they both only repeat 2-7 word phrases because their memory limits them. Our federal government will fail when our President starts bailing out irresponsible liberal cities and states.
Cuomo's aide confessed tha tthey made the intentional, conscious decision to hide the numbers because President Trump instructed his US AG to investigate the deaths of elderly Americans in nursing homes and hold those criminally responsible accountable. She said they withheld / hid the numbers because they did not know if the US AG would use whatthey reported against them.

Gov Cuomo signed the Death Sentences for over 15,000 elderly Americans by ordering / mandating Nursing Homes to take in COVID-19-Infected patients AFTER publicly admitting the elderlywere the most likely to die from the virus. Gov Cuomo signed the mandate - it was HIS order. As his policy resulted in more and more needless deaths his team covered for him by illegally under-reporting the death numbers because, as his aide just confessed, they KNEW they could face judicial punishment.


'The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.'

By the very definition of the crime, D-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is guilty of over 15,000 counts of MANSLAUGHTER, and members of his staff that participated in the cover-up by consciously making the decion to under-report the number of deaths are accessories at the most. At the least they are guilty of falsifying official government reports, under-reporting the count.

It is time to apply the #1 thing Democrats believe does not apply to them and the thing they attempt to avoid at all cost:

After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

Why isn't Cuomo's publisher removing his books from retailers and denouncing him?
Why is no one revoking his Emmy and requesting he return it?
Why hasn't his Twitter account been canceled?
If a Republican Governor did what Cuomo did every Democrat politician in the country would be attacking them and calling for immediate investigations. The Fake News Liberal media would be clamoring for them to be indicted and prosecuted.

Cuomo, however, is a DEMOCRAT. Being a Democrat means you benefit from the existence of a 'DOUBLE-STANDARD', meaning the rules and laws that apply to everyone else - especially Repbulicans / Conservatives - do not apply to Democrats. Another thing Democrats benefit from is a complicit media that does exactoy what Cuomo's team did for him - they cover up for Democrats. Cuomo appeared on numerous Left Wing surrogate media, to include CNN, and the media would not even ask 1 question about the doble-digit deaths of elderly Americans caused by the criminally failed Cuomo policy, let alone suggest the need for an investigation.

The proverbial cat is out of the bag now. The truth is unavoidable now due to a Cuomo aide confessing to the fact that his team knowingly, intentionally covered up the scandal by intentionally, criminally under-reporting the numbers. Just as disgusting as doing this, Cuomo's aide apologized for putting this Democrat group she brought all this up to for putting therm in an inconvenient position by doing this, NOT for engaging in this criminal cover-up, withholding the fact from family members and the federal government the real death count resulting from Cuomo's policy!
Why isn't Cuomo's publisher removing his books from retailers and denouncing him? Why is no one revoking his Emmy and requesting he return it?Why hasn't his Twitter account been canceled?
Because he is a DEMOCRAT.
After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

I suspect (I know) they are undercounted in TX and Fl as well.
You guys have no morals, but I give you one thing. You guys stick together no matter what.
Remember, Cuomo didn't use the US Navy medical ship that he provided to him, and then he blamed Trump for NY's covid deaths.
Liberals are incapable of shame.

Cuomo was told by the CDC years ago thatNY needed to purchase more ventilator beds to be ready for a possible future pandemic. Cuomo ignored them and invested in a failed Green Energy project instead. When the pandemic hit, Cuomo pleaded with President Trump for help, and Trump delivered. Governor Cuomo, along withseveral other Democrat Governors President Trump aided, PRAISED the President for his quick action and help.

Later, as you brought up, Governor Cuomo was extremelyafraid of a PREDICTED massive wave of hospitization-required COVID-19 infections, Cuom pleaded with President Trump for assistance, claiming NY did not have enough hospital beds for what was predicted to be coming.

1. Fearing a non-existent hospital bed shortage, based on what they THOUGHT was going to happen, Gov Cuomo made the conscious decision - after publicly acknowledging the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus - to issue a mandate to force nursing homes to accept virus-infected patients into nursing homes in order to keep hospital beds open for non-existent COVID-19 cases they thought would happen in the FUTURE. The result, of course, was the needless deaths of over 15,000 elderly Americans.

Cuomo made the conscious decion to SACRIFICE the elderly to be in a position to save lives later IF the virus-infected cases they thought were coming did happen.

2. At the same time, President Trump responded to Cuomo's 2nd pleas for help byhaving the Army Corp of Engineers BUILD cuomo a hospital and ordered a USN Hospital Ship to NY Harbor to provide additional bed space to ensure NY's hospitals were not overwhelmed.

In the end, the hospital was DE-constructed (torn down), and the USN Hospital Ship sailed away DUE TO LACK OF USE. The massive wave of hospitalization-required virus cases did not come, NY hospitals were NOT overwhelmed, hospital beds were left UN-filled, and Cuomo's Nursing Home Mandate sent THOUSANDS of elderly Americans to their deaths for NOTHING.....and Cuomo was given an AWARD for his 'LEADERSHIP' skills for how masterfulkly he managed the pandemic in NY. (Perhaps it was a naward for Unfulfilled Potential', like Barry's Nobel Peace Prize. :p )

As the bodies piled up and went un-reported, Biden attempted to blame everyone else but himself for his failures, to especially include President Trump, who more than once came to his aid to bail his ass out for massive mismanagement and incompetence. SNL, Democrats, and the leftist MSM fauned over him, praised him, and stroked his undeserved ego.

NOW the truth comes out - Cuomo DID deserve the EMMY he receved...for his incredibly good job ACTING. His performance in front of the cameras and microphones was incredible, as he and his team criminally hid the criminal consequences of his deadly Nursing Home mandate.
How about an impeaching of Benito Cuomo? yep, that will never happen also

Due to Cuomo's aide's confession, exposing Cuomo and his team's CRIMES, this scandal in now officially blowing up. You don't murder over 15,000 Americans and cover it up, withholding the truth from the families and body count from the GFederal Govt and just simply get to walk away.

Fox just reported that Cuomo's office released a statement saying the death of over 15,000 elderly Americans and the criminal under-reporting to cover up these deaths IDS THE FAULT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION due to their intentional partisan campaign of going after Democrat politicians / Governors for failed policy.

Bwuhahahaha..... It is Trump's fault Cuomo made the decision to sentence over 15,000 elderly Americans to death, AND it is Trump's fault that Cuomo and his team made the conscious decision to criminally under-report / attempt to cover up these deaths because of Trump's decision to task his US AG to investigate these deaths and seek justice, if required, for the families.

Cuomo has been BUSTED, exposed by his own aides, and he is still proving he is not sorry for what he did, that he does not give a damn about the elderly who died or their families who he lied to, and does not accept any responsibility for criminally under-reporting the numbers!

This SOB SO needs to be indicted and spend the rest of his life in prison for over 15,000 criminal cases of 'Manslaughter' and committing criminal fraud / falsifying officil givt reports / documents!
After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

I suspect (I know) they are undercounted in TX and Fl as well.
No...they did the opposite in FLORIDA---they over reported Coronavirus deaths inflating Floridas numbers and purposely leaving out facts about Cuomos infected new yorkers fleeing to florida trying to escape New york. While the dems hid Cuomos deaths, the CDC was over reporting Floridas.
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After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

I suspect (I know) they are undercounted in TX and Fl as well.
No...they did the opposite in FLORIDA---they over reported Coronavirus deaths inflating Floridas numbers and purposely leaving out facts about Cuomos fleeing infected new yorkers fleeing to florida trying to escape New york. While the dems hid Cuomos deaths, the CDC was over reporting Floridas.
And you can prove this how?
After one of his aides confesses how Cuomo and staff covered up / under-reported nursing home deaths and as families call for Cuomo and others to go to jail, Cuomo reportedly heads to DC to see Biden...

I suspect (I know) they are undercounted in TX and Fl as well.
Based on what evidence?

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